Posts by scienide09

1) Message boards : Technical News : Down Time III (May 03 2007) (Message 559316)
Posted 4 May 2007 by Profile scienide09

As far as I know noone except a US citizen can deduct when donating to a US entity, so perhap's they could remove us from mailing system? We do fill out where we are from so it shouldn't be impossible.


That all depends on where you are.
From the Seti@home donation page:
Q: What if I'm not in the U.S.?
A: The conditions for tax deductibility described above may only be applied to taxes paid within the United States of America. For any other country or territory, the local legislation and/or International Conventions may sometimes allow you to benefit from similar local deductions, which would apply for the reasons of supporting educational projects and scientific research. You must verify these conditions yourself.

I'm in Canada, and have donated before. I've received a tax receipt, and my accountant says that it's not a problem. Since the donation itself goes through Berkeley, I assume it's covered under the "educational projects and scientific research" section.

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