Posts by Vince from Space

1) Questions and Answers : Getting started : HT Processors (Message 192450)
Posted 23 Nov 2005 by Profile Vince from Space
That's now Ok.

All my CPU's are working now.
I've already modify this information yesterday, but maybe it was because this computer were installed before this modification, I can't remember.
I forced an update and now this finaly works like it should.

Thank you.
2) Questions and Answers : Getting started : HT Processors (Message 192436)
Posted 23 Nov 2005 by Profile Vince from Space
I have a computer with 2 real CPU (so 4 with HT), but only 50% of the system is in use.

Before BOINC, I used the command line SETI@Home, but now with BOINC I can't find that.
That would be usefull for me to use my computers à 100% of their capabilities.
So for the moment, I use BOINC and old command-line to use my full calculation possibilities, but I prefer using the same program at the same time.

Thanks for your answers.
3) Questions and Answers : Getting started : SetiQueue & multiple computers (Message 192397)
Posted 23 Nov 2005 by Profile Vince from Space
BOINC ques your units automatically. There is no more need for setique. Each will be visible on each computer.

But to view all of each computer's progress, etc from one of your computers try one of the boinc add ons. Try 'boincview'. I believe you can find a list of these under 'Participate' at the top of this screen or from the boinc main website.

SetiQueue was easy to configure, and was the only computer to go to the internet to get datas to compute. With Boinc, each computer needs to connect, and that was as not as simple as SetiQueue.

Ok for BoincView. I'm downloading it and testing in a few minutes.

4) Questions and Answers : Getting started : SetiQueue & multiple computers (Message 192396)
Posted 23 Nov 2005 by Profile Vince from Space
If you only had one connection from your LAN to the outsideworld, you may have to install a proxy there, but if you have a router already installed, then this is not an issue.

I already have a proxy configured in my network, so that each machine can go to the internet without any problems.
5) Questions and Answers : Getting started : SetiQueue & multiple computers (Message 192070)
Posted 22 Nov 2005 by Profile Vince from Space

I used many computers on a network, so to minimise network traffic, I configure SetiQueue to keep datas.
Each computer runs SetiAtHome 3.08 (text version).

So, with the new program, I need informations about using Boinc, many computers and a software like SetiQueue. I'm a bit lost now.

Thank you for your help.

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