Posts by SandJ

21) Questions and Answers : Web site : Cannot set forum preferences nor attach (Message 237342)
Posted 25 Jan 2006 by Profile SandJ
I wish it was consistent. I managed one post from home yesterday to the forum and I've spent about two hours since then to do another one.
22) Questions and Answers : Web site : Cannot set forum preferences nor attach (Message 237085)
Posted 24 Jan 2006 by Profile SandJ
Ok, open Firefox, Edit, Preferences.
Privacy & Security.
What are your settings here for the Cookie setting and Cookie retention setting?

It's Firefox v1.5 so it's Tools, Options, Privacy, Cookies ... however...

Allow sites to set cookies: Yes
For the originating site only: Yes
Unless I have removed cookies set by the site: No
Keep cookies: ask me every time

and under Exceptions: Allow Allow

23) Questions and Answers : Windows : Unable to attach for 4 weeks (Message 236903)
Posted 24 Jan 2006 by Profile SandJ
As the other projects are working fine, this would rule out firewall interference... The most common cause of these problems. The other, is that the server is physically out of action, Berkeley have had problems with campus outages recently, though I think that this has been resolved. The other thing I would try is to check that URL that you entered into the BOINC manager for stray spaces before and after the string. BOINC will baulk at these and therefore will try to connect to an invalid URL (Non-existant). This also applies to the account key field.

Hope this helps...

Stray spaces, <EOL>, <TAB>, etc. problems I am aware of and - thanks to the differing advice - I have tried:

All give the same result. In the last three days I must have tried at least 20 times, possibly up to 50 times. Every time same effect.

"Communicating with project Please wait..."
"Failed to attach to project Click Finish to close. Messages from server:"
and a log finishing with:
"22/01/2006 09:36:07||Detaching from project"

It would not be so bad if it did not automatically detach from the project. I think it was LHC@Home that sat there quite happily for days retrying every so often until it got some data to process, so I know it is not something I am doing.

Given that each failure takes a few minutes my frustration is getting very high (I have spent about 10 hours faffing about with this over the weekend.)
24) Questions and Answers : Windows : Unable to attach for 4 weeks (Message 236898)
Posted 24 Jan 2006 by Profile SandJ
22/01/2006 09:29:48||Scheduler request to failed with a return value of 500
22/01/2006 09:29:48||No schedulers responded
22/01/2006 09:29:48||Couldn't connect to URL check URL.

this is telling you Berkeley is down.

And that is the error I got on 22/12/05, 24/12/05, 25/12/05, 18/01/06, 19/01/06, 21/01/06, 22/01/06, 23/01/06 and 24/01/06. For the last couple of those the servers were all showing green.

22/01/2006 09:36:07||Scheduler request to failed with a return value of 500
22/01/2006 09:36:07||No schedulers responded
22/01/2006 09:36:07||Couldn't connect to URL check URL.
project is still down.

Seems you are not letting the machine do its own thing, stop turning it off and let it try to reconnect by itself. It should be telling you that it will retry in XXX time. Let it!

I am not turning it off (turning *what* off?). I just sit and wait and it detaches from the project all of its own accord.
25) Questions and Answers : Windows : Unable to attach for 4 weeks (Message 236887)
Posted 24 Jan 2006 by Profile SandJ
I installed BOINC about 22/12/2005 and have been trying to connect to SETI@Home ever since and have not succeeded yet. I have had about six goes at trying to solve the problem and spent a couple of hours or so struggling each time. I am now very disillusioned and this is my last attempt before giving up and deleting the lot.

I was a classic SETI@Home particpant and have converted my account. I am running BOINC Manager 5.2.13 on Windows ME. Trying to attach to the project gives me:

22/01/2006 09:26:54||Fetching config info from
22/01/2006 09:27:12||Master file download succeeded
22/01/2006 09:27:12||Sending scheduler request to
22/01/2006 09:27:12||Reason: Requested by user
22/01/2006 09:27:12||Requesting 8640 seconds of new work
22/01/2006 09:29:48||Scheduler request to failed with a return value of 500
22/01/2006 09:29:48||No schedulers responded
22/01/2006 09:29:48||Couldn't connect to URL check URL.
22/01/2006 09:29:48||Resetting project
22/01/2006 09:29:48||request_reschedule_cpus: exit_tasks
22/01/2006 09:29:48||Detaching from project

When I try to attch to project, I enter the URL and it prompts me for my account details. I enter those and after a couple of minutes of "Communicating with project Please wait..." get:

"Failed to attach to project
Click Finish to close.
Messages from server:"

with an empty box beneath "Messages from server:". That adds these lines to the message log:

22/01/2006 09:32:40||Fetching config info from
22/01/2006 09:33:33||Master file download succeeded
22/01/2006 09:33:33||Sending scheduler request to
22/01/2006 09:33:33||Reason: Requested by user
22/01/2006 09:33:33||Requesting 8640 seconds of new work

and after a minute or so these are added:

22/01/2006 09:36:07||Scheduler request to failed with a return value of 500
22/01/2006 09:36:07||No schedulers responded
22/01/2006 09:36:07||Couldn't connect to URL check URL.
22/01/2006 09:36:07||Resetting project
22/01/2006 09:36:07||request_reschedule_cpus: exit_tasks
22/01/2006 09:36:07||Detaching from project

I have joined Einstein@Home to test BOINC and that has been working happily for 26 days. SO I tried some others, for example LHC@Home - running for 8 days. It is just SETI@Home that is failing.

I have tried the project URL from the email:
the one on the web site:
and in the format on the example on the "attach to project" dialog box:

I have tried 'Create new account' and 'Use existing account'.

I have tried using my password and using the account key.

I can log in to my account's page on the SETI web site so I do know the account password.

I have tried finding the solution in the BOINC Wiki without success.

I have also tried:

I have tried before and after doing "File, connect to computer, localhost".

I have tried on at least these dates: 22/12/05, 24/12/05, 25/12/05, 18/01/06, 19/01/06, 21/01/06, 22/01/06, 23/01/06 and 24/01/06.

This is my main computer and I don't have any other internet access problems that I am aware of.
26) Questions and Answers : Web site : Cannot set forum preferences nor attach (Message 236882)
Posted 24 Jan 2006 by Profile SandJ
Ok, open Firefox, Edit, Preferences.
Privacy & Security.
What are your settings here for the Cookie setting and Cookie retention setting?

I'll try to answer those in a few hours. I am using a PC at work which is running Windows XP and is locked down tight. Here I can change the account's forum preferences (I've added a .sig to prove it) as well as post to the forum.

The 2 PCs I used at home are slightly different from one another, one has FireFox, one does not. Both exhibit the same behaviour which includes the temporary account I created not being able to post.

So, it's not the account at fault, and it is not just FireFox. This suggests it is something about my network at home, which is weird since Einstein@Home & LHC do work. Mind you, the SETI beta does not attach to project either.

I am some way from the PC, I shall check the Cookie settings at home. By default, my reaction is always to block cookies unless absolutely necessary to make something work that I trust and want to work. Presumably I should just try allowing them for * ?

Incidentally, on this PC here (the locked-down Windows XP one at work), if I do NOT select 'stay logged in', it just prompts me for my login id and password again. Also cookie related, I assume.

All in all, I used to hate cookies, I hate cookies and I think I shall come to despise cookies with a passion.
27) Questions and Answers : Web site : Cannot set forum preferences nor attach (Message 236446)
Posted 23 Jan 2006 by Profile SandJ
Now that's interesting!

The original post is from 'Simon'. That's me using a temporary account just so I can raise the fault on the forum.

Just now I went into the forum as 'Simon'. I switched to another tab (I'm using FireFox, of course), and logged in to my account 'SandJ' which is the account I have had since 1999. I proved to myself I still could not update forum preferences (everything else can be changed). I then switched back to the forum tab and wrote the reply. That was marked as from 'SandJ' - presumably because the cookie changed when I logged in again, or some such.

Go figure!

However, I still cannot change the forum preferences (nor attach to the project) using the SandJ account.
28) Questions and Answers : Web site : Cannot set forum preferences nor attach (Message 236443)
Posted 23 Jan 2006 by Profile SandJ
Attaching: What errors are you seeing when you try to attach?

Both: Take a look at this page in the Wiki on Troubleshooting Network Problems. Try the ping and tracert tests, and let us know what results you get.


I will go on to the problems attaaching to the project separately. For now, I am having account problems. The page giving me trouble is the one where you edit your forum preferences:

If I try to change anything, when I click on 'Update Info' I'm waiting for a few minutes until the browser fails. I can update any other account details.

Also, if I try to use the account to post to the forum, same effect. Click on Post and it does not come back.

The account is

It was a SETI Classic account and I have converted it to a BOINC account.

Once I have fixed the account problem relating to the forum, then I can use that account to post a message asking how to fix the 'attach to project' problem!

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