Posts by Mark Artuso

1) Message boards : Number crunching : What's the bottom line on using opt clients? (Message 335627)
Posted 13 Jun 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
I've read a bunch of items on this, but what is the bottom line?...

I'm using Crunch3R's thingamcbobber, and Trux as well... does it matter? Do I need to remove them? (and what exactly is it safe for me to remove?) Do they help at all?

Thanks in advance,

Bottom line is, it is perfectly legal to use optimized science apps and/or modified BOINC Clients on SAH. There is no need to remove either at this point.

The only caveat is you should take all measures neccessary to ensure you are not tilting the credit playing field unfairly, either high or low.

In your case, since you are using Trux' CC with Crunc3r's 5.12 science app (I'm assuming) you should probably disable calibration for SAH to prevent the correction of the CPU time used, not that this should effect the claimed credit since it is based on FPOPS with 5.12. The minor error with the Credit multiplier in 5.12 is insignificant (compared to the 5.11 version) and can be ignored for now.

As for the future, rule changes and/or upgraded apps, this would require you to either modify the app_info file to accomdate newer optimized apps or delete it to return to running the SAH supplied stock apps, or revert to a stock CC.



PS: I see Geek checked your account and you're running 5.4.9 so you should be golden for now.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : What's the bottom line on using opt clients? (Message 335613)
Posted 13 Jun 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
I've read a bunch of items on this, but what is the bottom line?...

I'm using Crunch3R's thingamcbobber, and Trux as well... does it matter? Do I need to remove them? (and what exactly is it safe for me to remove?) Do they help at all?

Thanks in advance,

I checked and you are using the current 5.4.9 Boinc and Crunch3r's optimized app. It is NOT necessary to remove anything that you are currently using. Crunch3r "requested" that users remove his optimized app but it is NOT mandatory to do so. Using his app allows your computers to process more work in a given time and thus are more efficient.

See also this thread.

Thanks for the quick reply!
3) Message boards : Number crunching : What's the bottom line on using opt clients? (Message 335606)
Posted 13 Jun 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
I've read a bunch of items on this, but what is the bottom line?...

I'm using Crunch3R's thingamcbobber, and Trux as well... does it matter? Do I need to remove them? (and what exactly is it safe for me to remove?) Do they help at all?

Thanks in advance,
4) Message boards : Number crunching : FOR CRUNCH3R- WE ARE ON STRIKE!!! (Message 328768)
Posted 6 Jun 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
All this silly bickering... And with ManBearPig out there roaming around unchecked.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Error 403 (Message 307072)
Posted 16 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Ah! Here's the upload problem thread.

Has anyone else been able to "report" WUs as completed, but the application failed on data upload? ;-) That's kind of a silly bug. If upload does not work by midnight, I'm just going to delete all the data that "failed" on upload and turn off the computers for the night. lol

Do that, and you delete all your results. Give it some time.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Error 403 (Message 307061)
Posted 16 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Does someoneelse get the 403 error now?

403 here as well... PANIC MODE ON!

Just kidding... They'll get it sorted out. :)
7) Message boards : Number crunching : It's for Sceince but how about it Berkeley keep the Carrot the same size !!! (Message 306026)
Posted 15 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Like it has been said by many here and I assume with other teams it's for Science but the way for Berkeley to keep the intense interest and constant upgrades to work for their advantage is to dangle at least the same size carrot out in front. They can make the stick a bit longer which they have with Seti Enhanced. But they have already set the standard for point rewards so at least keep it the same. I am hungry and the small portions do nothing for me and my Team or any of the other Teams.

Hey Berkeley Wake UP it won't hurt you to be more liberal with the points it costs you nothing but being miserly with them may cost you more.

Systems aren't cheap but still a one time investment, but power bills are heavy so how about it guys. We are willing to do more so should you as well.

The credit system is for your and my enjoyment and friendly competition.
The Berkeley folks have their hands full at the moment.
All the griping about an "unfair" credit system is pointless.

Give Enhanced some time, then we can talk about the extras.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Sorry Folks for the # of aborted Downloads, Need Help to optimise Enhanced (Message 306010)
Posted 15 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso

Unless we want widespread selective WU computing, I recommend deletion of this thread.

Just my 2 cents.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 5.4.9 (Message 303179)
Posted 12 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
BOINC 5.4.9 installed ok for me... just that on one system, my standard WU automagically got "preempted" and some enhanced units started testing (no bigee, but I just wondered how or why).

Also, on my second system, all my cached (not yet tested) WU's got wiped, although new units immediately downloaded.

In any event, BOINC 5.4.9 seems to be working fine and has a few cool new looks (like the statistics chart).

Let's go find 'em, gang!

Are you showing: "earliest-deadline-first scheduling because the computer is overcommitted"?

Mine came up with that. It's no big deal. It's just trying to make sure that you get the work done before it's due.

Yeah, that's it. Thanks n7rfa! :)
10) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 5.4.9 (Message 303173)
Posted 12 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
BOINC 5.4.9 installed ok for me... just that on one system, my standard WU automagically got "preempted" and some enhanced units started testing (no bigee, but I just wondered how or why).

Also, on my second system, all my cached (not yet tested) WU's got wiped, although new units immediately downloaded.

In any event, BOINC 5.4.9 seems to be working fine and has a few cool new looks (like the statistics chart).

Let's go find 'em, gang!
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Enhanced just downloaded & immediately uploaded? (Message 301752)
Posted 10 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Also, you have a massive number of results for that machine - quite a long cache?

The new SETI Enhanced WUs are given different deadlines, depending on the (variable) estimated crunching times. You happened to get a bunch with very short deadlines.

I expect if you look in the 'messages' tab you will find entries like "Computer is overcommitted" and "Entering Earliest Deadline First mode". This explains why these WUs were processed and uploaded before the rest of the queue.

That's the funny thing... No such messages... It's just as if they were processed like super-fast WU's... But it looks like 3 Enhanced WU's are still there without a problem.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Enhanced just downloaded & immediately uploaded? (Message 301741)
Posted 10 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Eric posted:

Regarding the over abundance of -9 overflow results, these tend to come in batches. It's usually not so much of a problem when we are running 6 splitters at once because 5/6th of the work units will be coming from other tapes.

I've upped the number of enhanced splitters to 2 so this should become less of a problem.


And as for what they are: -9 result_overflow explanation.

Thanks for the quick reply, Ageless.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Enhanced just downloaded & immediately uploaded? (Message 301738)
Posted 10 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Hey guys, anyone else have this happen?

I've updated my four systems to Crunch3R's app, and it seems to work (although I'm still working off standard WU and haven't reached the Enhanced WU's yet).

On my home system, I hadn't seen any Enhanced units download, so I did an Update...

Boinc retrieved 10 Enhanced WU, and then immediately Uploaded those same WU (with 0 claimed credit of course).

Anyone know what may have happened?


PS: I don't know if this helps, but it's from the uploaded results claimed-credit page for one of these suckers:


Windows optimized S@H Enhanced application by Crunch3r
Version info: Windows SSE3 V5.11 by Crunch3r

Work Unit Info:
WU true angle range is : 7.8155

SETI@Home Informational message -9 result_overflow
NOTE: The number of results detected exceeds the storage space allocated.


14) Message boards : Number crunching : HELP... How do I start SETI Enhanced, is there an EXE for the Enhanced/Optimized App (Message 301728)
Posted 10 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
WHere is everbody getting these newer BOINC versions from? On the BOINC site, the latest version 5.2.13


The optimised 5.12 is from Crunchr's site. The official version 5.13 just posted is to remove a known timer problem for win9x users.

Ah. Thanks!
15) Message boards : Number crunching : HELP... How do I start SETI Enhanced, is there an EXE for the Enhanced/Optimized App (Message 301706)
Posted 10 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Thanks Winter Knight, Shall give it a go or Three :-)

Will there be a Full opimized app, (to this version 5.12)

Thanks a Bunch......Regards Steve

First, the *minimum* boinc version should be 5.2.6. The latest version at the moment (I think, I've been out of commission for a couple weeks) is 5.2.13. Check the "downloads" link from the main homepage for the latest boinc versions.
And yes, the 5.12 application has generic optimizations already done however Crunch3r has optimized versions for several platforms available on his website. Just remember that if you use one of these optimized versions you must also install a customized app_info.xml file to tell it to use the optimized app instead of downloading the standard application.

Can someone post this app_info.xml?

I ask because I copied in Crunch3rs SSE2 optimized app two days ago and didn't think about an app_info.xml, so have none. But I'm running Enhanced Units with Crunch3rs app just fine.

I've double-checked this, the only SETI*.Exe files in the BOINC folders are the standard 4.11 and Crunch3rs 5.12 - It's not been overwritten, it's the same .EXE as in the ZIP I downloaded.

I have no app_info.xml file, but it works just fine.

I'm running BOINC 5.4.8 if that matters.

WHere is everbody getting these newer BOINC versions from? On the BOINC site, the latest version 5.2.13

16) Message boards : Number crunching : 1 Million Credits by tonight!!!!!! (Message 301638)
Posted 10 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Yey for me...
2 Million here I come!!!!!

Well done!
17) Message boards : Number crunching : HELP... How do I start SETI Enhanced, is there an EXE for the Enhanced/Optimized App (Message 301626)
Posted 10 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
I assunme you are running optimised 4.11/4.18 application at the moment. Then you have to delete the app_info.xml file from the project folder.

But first set to 'no new work' and complete any units on your computer.
After they are completed update then remove the file and allow new work.
5.12 units with the application should download if they are available.

The application will not automatically upgrade if the info_app file is present.

Note, BOINC has to be manually upgraded, and you should be on version 5.2.6 or later to benefit from the new credit calculation method.

Winter Knight... Where does one get the 5.2.6 release?
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Error messages (Message 299643)
Posted 8 May 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Will there be a way to tell the old w/u's from the new enhanced ones in the queqe?

Under "work" the "application" column shows if you've got 4.18 or enhanced WU's.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : boinc losing wu after reboot (Message 290166)
Posted 27 Apr 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Althought there is a backup of this file (client_state_prev.xml), by the time you find the original has been munged, the backup has already been overwritten!

Think this has or will be fixed in BOINC Ver 5.4


it has

I don't see Ver 5.4 anywhere... Is it released?

nope, still in development. I'm one of the people who test new versions.

There is a dev download page though it's here. Remember these are developmental. Some/most do contain some form of bug(otherwise they'd be released as "recommended"), so use at your own risk.

also, the new "recommended" release is expected shortly.

Thanks Tony... I'll wait for the release.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : boinc losing wu after reboot (Message 290161)
Posted 27 Apr 2006 by Profile Mark Artuso
Althought there is a backup of this file (client_state_prev.xml), by the time you find the original has been munged, the backup has already been overwritten!

Think this has or will be fixed in BOINC Ver 5.4


it has

I don't see Ver 5.4 anywhere... Is it released?

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