Posts by sterling0466

1) Message boards : Number crunching : CLOSED***SETI/BOINC Milestones [tm] XIII***CLOSED (Message 739579)
Posted 15 Apr 2008 by Profile sterling0466
New Laptop with a Dual Core Pentium T2390 is replacing the Sempron 3100+ for my work computer...Now hitting the 600,000 mark! One Home PC with an Intel Core 2 Exreme Quad Processor, and a Laptop for work with a Dual...all six processors looking for E.T.!

Good luck to everyone!!!
2) Message boards : Number crunching : CLOSED** SETI/BOINC Milestones [tm] XII ** CLOSED (Message 703985)
Posted 25 Jan 2008 by Profile sterling0466
And, yes, finally hit the big 500K I am looking forward to the big 1 Million mark. Congrtats to everyone here, and good luck finding the signal...

3) Message boards : Number crunching : I will donate, if... (Message 696761)
Posted 2 Jan 2008 by Profile sterling0466
I have donated a couple of times, once every year for the last couple of years, since I believe in this project and use this project. I understand why some people would want more information before making a donation, it is only smart to know where your money is going. My concern is this: How many of us 'users' or 'participants' actually donate to the cause? Yes, I know, I haven't donated $1,000,000.00 or anything close, but I send in an annual donation to support SETI...yet when you look at the Donation's Page, it is absolutely pitaful the percentage of people that have donated that use the software, brag about the credits they have earned, and usually are the first to complain when something goes down. Yes, we all donate computer (CPU) cycles, electric, and time, but I think it says alot about a person and what they believe in when they put thier money where their mouth is! Plus, after you donate, you get a tax receipt in the Postal you really get your money back at tax time anyways...

Just my two cents worth...

Thanks to the SETI Team, and my fellow SETI @ Home crunchers!!!

4) Message boards : Number crunching : First retail Penryns spotted in wild? (Message 684492)
Posted 26 Nov 2007 by Profile sterling0466
And to think, I thought that my new QX6800 Quad Core, Core2Extreme was a fast processor. I just replaced my Core2Duo with this back in Aug. 2007, and I have always run factory, no O'Clocking due to fear of melting something with one wrong setting...I just don't have the money to be that adventurous. So, my little C2E Quad Core will just have to keep kicking out what it can using 4 Gigs of DDR2 800 Reg. Kingston and Vista Ultimate....
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Credit for stolen laptop (Message 683074)
Posted 23 Nov 2007 by Profile sterling0466

I've sent a PM to Roy.



Seti@Home and Boinc....Lojack for Laptops!!! Who knew looking for E.T. would put criminals in jail...I love this place!!!
6) Message boards : Number crunching : New Core 2 Quad, X64 sees all 4 Vista Ultimate sees 2 Help (Message 678098)
Posted 15 Nov 2007 by Profile sterling0466
Plugged a new QX6600 into my P5K Motherboard replacing the Core 2 Duo E6600. The system is dual boot for Windows XP X64 and Vista. Also added new memory at the same time to 4GB.
Vista booted up with few complaints, but only uses 2 of the 4 cpu. It does see all 4 in the hardware config, but list 2 as core 2 6600 and 2 as Core 2 quad CPU Q6600.
I booted into windows X64 and all 4 were cranked up running SETI.
Any Ideas anyone?

I had the same issue when I went from a Core2Duo 6700 to the Core2Extreme 6800. You have to go into your Visa Device Manager, then go to Processors, and right click and DELETE the two bad listings for the Core2Duo old cores. Reboot directly after this without doing anything else. Upon restart, the O/S will find the other two cores that were deleted, and install the correct drivers for the new cores, and all four cores should read correct and function correctly. Vista is a weird animal, but I hear the Service Pack 1 is right around the corner with lots of fixes.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : CLOSED**** SETI/BOINC Milestones [tm] XI ****CLOSED (Message 673461)
Posted 7 Nov 2007 by Profile sterling0466
400,000 and crunching...where is E.T.?
8) Message boards : Number crunching : CLOSED**** SETI/BOINC Milestones [tm] XI ****CLOSED (Message 648285)
Posted 25 Sep 2007 by Profile sterling0466
200th posting, and 350,000 credits with the original 'Classic' version credits. Go Seti!!!
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Using multiple CPU cores to crunch = higher RAM requirement? (Message 642559)
Posted 16 Sep 2007 by Profile sterling0466
With my QX6800 Core2Extreme I am running on an Intel D975XBX2 Mobo and 4 Gigs. of DDR2 Dual Channel Kingston Memory. According to my Task Manager in MS Windows Vista Ultimate, here is how the memory usage is broken down:

Seti@Home (Core 1) 42,075k
Seti@Home (Core 2) 42,840k
Seti@Home (Core 3) 42,024k
Seti@Home (Core 4) 42,580k
Boinc.Exe 18,264k
BoincMgr 4.744k

Total for all Seti Apps: 192,527k

10) Message boards : Number crunching : Intel Quad Core CPU owners (Message 634514)
Posted 6 Sep 2007 by Profile sterling0466
I live in the Tampa Bay, Florida area, and my new QX6800 Quad Core probably raised the temp in my room by 5 degrees F.. The factory fan and heatsink were about 1/3 larger then the Core2Duo, and the sound from the fan is also about 1/3 noiser then the Core2Duo, but no overheat problems and performance is greatly increased since switching. Very happy with the chip, even at $1,000.00 USD.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : CLOSED**** SETI/BOINC Milestones [tm] XI ****CLOSED (Message 634512)
Posted 6 Sep 2007 by Profile sterling0466
Just hit 325,000 with about 1,000 pending credit...gotta love the new Core2Extreme Quad Core QX6800!!!
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Quick Question? (Message 632263)
Posted 2 Sep 2007 by Profile sterling0466
If done Correctly....Your Dual core could do a lot more work...Maybe some want to find ET in their lifetime....and I would bet any signals would be checked and rechecked before making an announcement...But that is only thinking with common sense....

I just replaced my Core 2 Duo with a Core 2 Extreme Quad Core about 10 days ago, but it is stock. No OverClocking, Factory Fan, Factory Chip, in a Factory Intel Board...that is how I try to increase my credits and my service to the buying the latest hardware straight off the shelf and installing it without altering it in any way. Thanks for noticing my equipment/upgrade...I just thought it would be one way to help the cause and give me an excuse to spend the money on new hardware.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Quick Question? (Message 632241)
Posted 2 Sep 2007 by Profile sterling0466
Yes, your comments were correct in part. I was confusing some issues together. OverClocking, (IF DONE RIGHT - as most of you have already stated, and how do we know if a machine/chip has been CORRECTLY OverClocked?), Enhanced Apps (again, no offense to my fellow programmers out there), and the Multi-Beam units that were 'messed up'. Let me address each seperately.

OverClocked CPU/Machine - As stated above, IF DONE CORRECTLY - how do we know which account has been done correctly and which were done incorrectly (weather by accident or deliberate for extra credit/lower completion times)? Should we take the risk of counting any of these since Seti/we will never know which machine/CPU had been done correctly? Again, possible flawed data which will destroy any hopes of the data being completly valid in a scientific view/format.

Enhanced APPS - If you change the program, alter the program, or delete/add portions to the software program that is 'crunching' the data collected by Team Seti...have you not again CHANGED the resulting data, which also makes the data collected from these machines USELESS since it is not a consistant, un-contaminated, controlled result? ALL data in ANY scientific study HAS to have a control factor that is un-disputable or ALL of the data collected is flawed and NOT VALID.

Multi-Beam Units - I think RandyC cleared that up nicely. The system will continue to send out the units until it 'sees' that there is an issue and invalidates the signals/workunits that are corrupt. So, really there is no need to panic over the Multi-Beam Units that were not 'clean' data...they will be removed from the overall data by the servers/system on Seti's end.

Again, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings here, but I am just looking at this from a pure scientific point of view. All research (medical, social, numerical, scientific) must have a set number of perameters, data, and a control to be valid. If we allow our results to be obtained in different ways that quite possibly (probably are) different then the original way the research/experiment was designed to be performed...ALL of our data is USELESS...and for what??? So that someone can say 'Ha! I have more credits then you do with the same processor/system!' I really think we need to look at keeping our data results PURE instead of WHO HAS THE MOST CREDITS, or nobody will take us seriously if/when we do find someone out there unless they land on the White House lawn in full view of the media.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Quick Question? (Message 632183)
Posted 2 Sep 2007 by Profile sterling0466
Not to be mean or anything, and maybe I am missing something but, here it is. With all the recent chatter about OverClocked chips issuing 'messed up' results and times/cycles/credit for the Seti Project...isn't that gonna mess up the scientific data? Who cares if you have a large amount of credit if you screw up the data??? Aren't we supposed to be looking for life outside of this planet. So, if this is true that OverClocking does in-validate your data, shouldn't Seti dump all of the results from OverClocked Systems???

Honestly, no insults intended...just looking at the main reason for the project...the collection of sceintific data to prove/disprove life off of this planet.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Core2Duo upgraded to Core2Extreme... (Message 626033)
Posted 24 Aug 2007 by Profile sterling0466
Well, I finally did it! Just changed my Core 2 Duo 6700+ to the QX6800, updated Windows Vista Ultimate (like that did any good...but I still did it), and flashed the Bios on my D975XBX2 Intel Board. Now I am running with 4 Gigs DDR2 Kingston Dual Channel Memory, Vista Ultimate, and this new processor. Let's see what happens. (It really looks neat to see 4 workunits processing at once instead of only two... :) )
16) Message boards : Number crunching : CLOSED**** SETI/BOINC Milestones [tm] XI ****CLOSED (Message 616235)
Posted 8 Aug 2007 by Profile sterling0466
Congrats to all...keep up the good work!!!
17) Message boards : Number crunching : CLOSED**** SETI/BOINC Milestones [tm] XI ****CLOSED (Message 615550)
Posted 6 Aug 2007 by Profile sterling0466
Just passed 300,000 plus my Classic credits...can't wait to go Core-2-Extreme soon. I am planning on replacing my Core-2-Duo with the QX6800 and see where my RAC goes.......
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Wolf 359 Club (Message 604036)
Posted 15 Jul 2007 by Profile sterling0466
Good thoughts...I can't believe I forgot about the drag factor...I swear I did know that, just slipped my mind. And yes, true, the ion drive would be only somewhat near the speed of light pushing out particles for the 'equal and oppisite force' but wouldn't the increased speed of the sling shot effect (using the gravitiy of moons, planets, and stars) along the way increase the speed even more...before the drag factor caught up with us? Even for a little bit, I think within the travels if we 'sling shoted' around enough other bodies and with the ion drive, wouldn't we get to the speed of light?
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Wolf 359 Club (Message 603327)
Posted 14 Jul 2007 by Profile sterling0466
O.k., here I go with a 'what if', see what you think. Since I am not there yet, but I am close to Wolf 359, I have an idea. Since we know that time is relative, and the fastest natural speed is that of the speed of light (186,000 Miles per second, roughly), Startrek came up with Warp-Drive. Warp-Drive alters the relative space around a vehicle (the warp field) and then moves the ship through the warped field to achieve speeds greater then that of the speed of light while staying at a constant in referance to time passing normally on the planet Earth (or any other planet in this universe). So, in theory, Startrek ships can go faster then the speed of light without any adverse side effects.

What if, I was to build a ship (or NASA) using today's best engineering and materials. We know that this ship could not possibly achieve light speed (although it could come close with an ion engine and some time I think), at our current technology level. So, we take this new ship, and run full steam at our own sun (SOL) and loop around it to gain speed (the sling shot method), and maybe a planet or two on our way to Wolf 359. As we leave our solar system behind, we use this sling shot method to increase our speed every chance we get with any moon, planet, or star on the way, plus our ion engine is still burning at 100%. Theortically, we would get close to the speed of light after a while (depending upon output of the ion drive system, number of planets, moons, and stars sling shotted around), thus, speed would be sped up for us (and time passage would be slowed for us) on the ship compared to those of us still on mother Earth. I believe some scientists have dubbed this the 'red shift of time travel' or whatever term you like to use. Basically, we in the ship would get to Wolf 359 faster then we thought since time would be slowed down for us on the ship, while time was static (the same) for everyone else back home. And, since we would be still increasing our speed, wouldn't we eventually achieve light speed and beyond after Wolf 359? Since there is no drag or friction to slow us down, and the ion drive is a continuous force (since it scoops up any matter found in space during flight), we might actually surpass the speed of light naturally, without warp-drive.

Now that you have heard my what crazy or realistic do you think this idea is??? (honest replies please...but be nice if you disagree)
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Vista Ultimate and Memory Reporting (Message 594869)
Posted 29 Jun 2007 by Profile sterling0466
Thanks for your concern. It is not just for report writing, I am in grad school for Educational Technology. I have to do website design, programming, repairs and troubleshooting (this looks good on my resume, doesn't it) and education items all tied in together. So, between my Dreamweaver, FrontPage, MS Office files, ALICE, JAVA SCRIPT, and other files/ can see my point. And yes, I do have a duplicate HDD and Casper for Vista just in case, but I wasn't sure if that was corupt too since they are in an array formation and I wasn't sure what the error was.

Turned out my SYS REG was all messed up, and there were a few .msi and .dll files that got corrupted as well, plus the DEP was corrupt and set to not allow it to be shut down. Not sure how it happened, but Microsoft and I spent the last 12 hours on the phone, IM Chat, and remote assist to fix this round of issues. I am back up and running again...

I heard from the Sr. Analysist that Service Pack 1 for Vista is comming out soon...that should solve alot of these types of issues and some of the compatability issues people have experianced. We will see what happens and how fast it comes out.

Next 20

©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.