Posts by NightHawke

1) Message boards : Technical News : Colo! (Mar 28 2013) (Message 1353591)
Posted 5 Apr 2013 by Profile NightHawke

With modern remote access tools they should only really need to actually have "hands on" when installing or repairing hardware. Power and cooling problems should be a thing of the past! Did anyone notice IST has it's own diesel generator!

I'm surprised they don't have a gas turbine power plant to provide emergency power.

Of course, that would be a BIT noisy even at idle.
2) Message boards : Technical News : Sound Chaser (Dec 12 2012) (Message 1317159)
Posted 19 Dec 2012 by Profile NightHawke
Since Lando has been resurrected, it should be renamed Lobot.

It's only fitting.
3) Message boards : Technical News : Welcome Carolyn and Oscar (Nov 17 2010) (Message 1049523)
Posted 19 Nov 2010 by Profile NightHawke
There was mention you guys were not able to properly rack the servers. Where was the issue that prevented that from happening?

I'm due to get a 2U from HP here soon and am intensely curious if there is going to be issues with my server cage and the new server.

My cage is currently hosting 3 2U Dell 1750 PE's. The rail hardware is rather nonstandard, but I've yet to hear of any of them failing and causing the servers to fall. I believe the racks are of the server standard since they accept just about everything else that has brackets and bolts.
4) Message boards : Technical News : Soon-to-be Up Time (May 04 2007) (Message 559920)
Posted 5 May 2007 by Profile NightHawke
The big question is what kind of specs that this new Big Boy that Sun is whipping up for S@H.
5) Message boards : Technical News : Who is --fqdn? (Feb 08 2007) (Message 516007)
Posted 11 Feb 2007 by Profile NightHawke
<Capt. Crais> "KRYTEN!!!" </Capt. Crais>


Oops, wrong channel...

6) Message boards : Technical News : Unusual suspects (Feb 06 2007) (Message 516004)
Posted 11 Feb 2007 by Profile NightHawke
Speaking of naming systems.. The early days of the 'net, I was working for a ISP and we were setting up a POP at a small town, complete with a pair of DNS servers. I got a wild hair and named DNS1 and DNS2 I remoted into the main DNS host and changed pointers there and it was seamless.. The owners were greatly amused.
7) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Computer ID says LOCALHOST (Message 463542)
Posted 22 Nov 2006 by Profile NightHawke
Hmm, Can't seem to touch the HOSTS file.. It's write-locked and the properties says that i'm not the owner so I can't unlock it..

I guess I need the SUDO command to disable the write lock.
8) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Computer ID says LOCALHOST (Message 461960)
Posted 19 Nov 2006 by Profile NightHawke
Here is what is in my HOSTS file: localhost JUNIOR JUNIOR

The rest is nomenclature for IPv6 capable hosts.
9) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Computer ID says LOCALHOST (Message 458058)
Posted 15 Nov 2006 by Profile NightHawke
Ubuntu Linux dapper with full updates.

From what I can tell the system is named JUNIOR, but according to the S@H computer listing it's LOCALHOST. Is there an option that i'm missing here that is supposed make the system naming official?
10) Questions and Answers : Windows : 403 error driving me mad - pls hlp! (Message 457719)
Posted 14 Nov 2006 by Profile NightHawke
Error 403 in websense is "Access Forbidden". The usual reason is that the database access is misconfigured, or the server glitched.
11) Questions and Answers : Windows : Zone Alarm and BOINC/Seti testing (Message 434637)
Posted 11 Oct 2006 by Profile NightHawke
I've had problems with ZA and BOINC working together, only it is not with the permissions, but with the WU's.

2006-10-09 21:29:29 [Einstein@Home] Unrecoverable error for result h1_1412.5_S5R1__2108_S5R1a_0 (The semaphore cannot be set again. (0x67) - exit code 103 (0x67))
2006-10-09 21:29:32 [Einstein@Home] Scheduler request failed: couldn't resolve host name
2006-10-10 01:30:25 [SETI@home] Unrecoverable error for result 30oc02aa.8327.15097.423578.3.165_3 ( - exit code -12 (0xfffffff4))
2006-10-10 01:30:45 [Einstein@Home] Unrecoverable error for result h1_1412.5_S5R1__2054_S5R1a_0 (The semaphore cannot be set again. (0x67) - exit code 103 (0x67))
2006-10-10 05:31:29 [Einstein@Home] Unrecoverable error for result h1_1412.5_S5R1__2053_S5R1a_0 (The semaphore cannot be set again. (0x67) - exit code 103 (0x67))
2006-10-10 09:32:26 [Einstein@Home] Unrecoverable error for result h1_1412.5_S5R1__2043_S5R1a_0 (The device is not ready. (0x15) - exit code 21 (0x15))
2006-10-10 22:24:34 [SETI@home] Unrecoverable error for result 30oc02aa.8327.18810.823572.3.8_2 ( - exit code -12 (0xfffffff4))
2006-10-10 23:03:05 [SETI@home] Unrecoverable error for result 21my03aa.28477.5521.972158.3.140_3 ( - exit code -12 (0xfffffff4))
2006-10-10 23:03:21 [Einstein@Home] Unrecoverable error for result h1_1412.5_S5R1__2040_S5R1a_0 (The semaphore cannot be set again. (0x67) - exit code 103 (0x67))
2006-10-10 23:03:48 [Einstein@Home] Unrecoverable error for result h1_1412.5_S5R1__2035_S5R1a_0 (The semaphore cannot be set again. (0x67) - exit code 103 (0x67))

ZA also fouled up my PPP RAS drivers, giving me error 23. With that I was unable to connect to the 'net.
Uninstalling ZA cleared these problems right away.

Win2K, SP4, AMD64 3500+, 1 gig RAM, plenty of HD space.
Using V92 Hayes Modems.
And yes, I did switch the modem out thinking it was the culprit, in fact it was not.

CC to E@H boards, so don't gripe about the E@H errors.
12) Questions and Answers : Windows : BOINC bombed out w/runtime (Message 310384)
Posted 19 May 2006 by Profile NightHawke
Did you upgrade the fan/heat sink too? If you purchased an OEM CPU and re-used your fan/heat sink, your old fan/heat sink may not have been rated to properly cool a faster CPU.

If not, it sounds like there's something wrong with your system's hardware. Try another CPU stress tester to see if it happens there too, such as Prime95. If you get errors there as well, then you have a configuration and/or CPU problem and need to contact a professional for more assistance.

The sink is the OEM unit used by AMD from the 1100+ to the 3200+ series CPU's. System temps are hovering around 129 @ 100% load. I uninstalled and upgraded BOINC to the current version to see what would happen.

I did have other errors occurring on my Athlon 64 system that were similiar, so I would assume that some of the math BOINC is wanting to run is driving my chips nuts.
13) Questions and Answers : Windows : BOINC bombed out w/runtime (Message 310383)
Posted 19 May 2006 by Profile NightHawke
And why post this on the Seti forums, when it is a problem with the BBC Climate Prediction model? BBC/CPDN forums.

Because I did not know which way to go on this so I made the call to post it here and face your music while getting the necessary answers.
14) Questions and Answers : Windows : BOINC bombed out w/runtime (Message 309751)
Posted 18 May 2006 by Profile NightHawke
Just upgraded CPU from a Athlon 1400+ to a 3200+ and got this error.

Application popup:

hadcm3transum_5.08_windows_intelx86.exe - Application Error : The exception Floating-point invalid operation.
(0xc0000090) occurred in the application at location 0x0050cde2.

This error locked the system solid and I had to reset.
BOINC 5.2.13
Win2K, SP4
1Ghz RAM
100 Gig HD.
15) Questions and Answers : Windows : BOINC going BOING with error 1706 on install (Message 185900)
Posted 5 Nov 2005 by Profile NightHawke
This seems to be a Windows Installe issue. Do you have the latest version installed (v3.0)? It should be available on the Windows Update site or in the Downloads section of Microsoft's site.

3.1 is current for Win2K/XP. And it didn't cut the mustard...

It might be a bad MSI, but this version installed onto another brother win2k box that is different only in hardware.

The specs on the problematic system as follows:

AMD64 3400+ on a MSI MS-3070 1 gig NForce3 ICP, 1 gig PC3200 DDR RAM, 40, 100 gig WD 7200 RPM hard drives, 75 gig 10K RPM WD Raptor.
16) Questions and Answers : Windows : BOINC going BOING with error 1706 on install (Message 185563)
Posted 4 Nov 2005 by Profile NightHawke
Version boinc_5.2.6_windows_intelx86 installer.

The installer asked for the location of BOINC.msi in which I did find the proper MSI, but it showed another error saying that "this MSI is not a valid installation package for BOINC."

error 1706 "no valid source could be found for product BOINC. Windows installer cannot continue."

Win2k, SP4, 1 gig RAM, plenty of HD space for temp files.

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