Posts by Jay Melton

1) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : /Applications/BOINC/slots/2/state.sah: No such file or directory (Message 82493)
Posted 26 Feb 2005 by Profile Jay Melton

I'm trying to use SETI Control to manage the BOINC program, but I'm getting:
/Applications/BOINC/slots/2/state.sah: No such file or directory

A check of my Applications/BOINC folder confirms this. : -) So, what do I need to do? Is there something else to download? Or can I create the directories and makeup a state.sah file? If so, what should be in this stat.sah file?

2) Questions and Answers : Macintosh : Deferring communication with project for 34 minutes and 0 seconds? (Message 82398)
Posted 26 Feb 2005 by Profile Jay Melton
I have BOINC running at home, but the office computer is not getting through yet. I have been getting:

"Deferring communication with project for 34 minutes and 0 seconds"-type messages for the past hour. Are there port/firewall issues to consider? Any suggestions?

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