Questions and Answers :
Getting started :
Starting for the 1st time problem.
(Message 14992)
Posted 9 Aug 2004 by ![]() Post: > I use SETI@Home at work. I have tried to attach to the project daily for the > past week. I've tried everything offered in this thread, but I still can not > get attached. I'm afraid that this is due to the Proxy Server, which I have > no control over (and don't even understand in the first place). Unless > somebody can suggest settings or options I'm most likely not going to be able > to participate any more. Oh well... Thanks in advance for any help. > Your office computer system should have a firewall that will prevent you from accessing S@H and S@H from accessing your work computer. Unless you can obtain permission to run SETI@home on your office computer, you're probably out of luck. |
Questions and Answers :
Getting started :
Starting for the 1st time problem.
(Message 10912)
Posted 22 Jul 2004 by ![]() Post: > OK, what other tricks do we have to try out? I've read, and followed, the > suggestions of every msg. in this thread, none have worked yet. Been online > over an hour already. I confirmed, repeatedly, the acct. ID and URL, made sure > there are no spaces in either, checked for spelling errors, etc. and still > cannot connect to download any data. Help!!! > I believe I have solved my problem, although my first test after the fix was with Folding@home and I am now crunching a Folding unit on the problem machine. It seems that even though ZoneAlarm was turned off, it was still blocking the previously unauthorized programs of SETI@home BOINC and Folding@home. After restarting ZoneAlarm and then running F@H, ZA asked if the program could access the internet, I allowed it and bingo, it worked. I'll try S@H after this folding unit completes. Perhaps your problem is similar and, if not directly related to ZoneAlarm, may be related to another firewall program, like the one included with Windows XP. |
Questions and Answers :
Getting started :
Starting for the 1st time problem.
(Message 9347)
Posted 18 Jul 2004 by ![]() Post: > I see two possiblilties. The first and easiest to fix is a space at either > end of the URL. The second and much harder to diagnose and fix would be a > misbehaving firewall/router/proxy. Zone Alarm has been known to cause trouble > if it has been disabled, but not uninstalled. I have heard of problems with > routers and proxies as well. Thank you very much for the reply. 1. I have been very careful to avoid including blank spaces during the copy-and-paste procedure and have made sure any errant spaces were deleted, if they appeared. 2. I am not using ZoneAlarm, nor does my anti-virus software have its firewall enabled. (I even tried connecting with the AV turned off, just to make sure it was not the culprit.) 3. I am using a different router than the one that was in use while participating in the BOINC Beta test. The previous one failed and had to be repalced. However, I have moved five of my SETI@home/BOINC Beta machines over to Folding@home and they are not having any difficulty swapping out work units through the new router. I have just checked the logs and settings on the router and see that no sites or services are set to be blocked, so I don't think the router is the problem. 4. It may very well be that the occasions I have tried to connect are times when the server is either unavailable or there are too many other machines trying to connect. When I get a chance I'll try another machine in my farm and also one other machine I have access to that is at an entirely different location, to see if I have better success. This is a bit fustrating and perplexing. |
Questions and Answers :
Getting started :
Starting for the 1st time problem.
(Message 9045)
Posted 17 Jul 2004 by ![]() Post: > The correct URL is http://setiathome.berkeley.edu . The setiboinc URL will > work now but will eventually be deactivated. If you attached useing the > setiboinc URL you will have to detach and reattach useing > http://setiathome.berkeley.edu eventually. Be carefull when attaching that you > do not include leading or trailing spaces these can cause some annoying > problems. I still can't get started. I plug in the URL and account ID sent to me, but get an error 113 URL error. See following: --- - 2004-07-17 01:44:10 - Starting BOINC client version 3.19 for windows_intelx86 --- - 2004-07-17 01:44:10 - No general preferences found - using BOINC defaults http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-07-17 09:58:41 - Project prefs: using your defaults --- - 2004-07-17 09:58:42 - Fewer active results than CPUs; requesting more work --- - 2004-07-17 09:58:42 - Can't resolve hostname setiathome.berkeley.edu http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-07-17 09:58:42 - Couldn't read master page for http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/: error -113 http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-07-17 09:58:42 - Detaching from project - check for URL error http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-07-17 09:58:45 - Resetting project http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-07-17 09:58:45 - Detaching from project I've been getting this since 23 June 2004. Any suggestions? |
Questions and Answers :
Preferences :
What to do with Seti@home classic?
(Message 750)
Posted 23 Jun 2004 by ![]() Post: If SETI@home classic is not running, there is no need to uninstall it unless you want to free up the space on your hard drive. As stated avove, don't run both at the same time. You may want to keep the classic until its operation is completely dead, it's up to you. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Couldn't read master page for http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/: error -113
(Message 724)
Posted 23 Jun 2004 by ![]() Post: I see this has also been asked in the 'Getting Started' section: http://setiboinc.ssl.berkeley.edu/sah/forum_thread.php?id=139 |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Couldn't read master page for http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/: error -113
(Message 706)
Posted 23 Jun 2004 by ![]() Post: What gives? I activated my BOINC SET@home account, downloaded the 3.19 version, but when I try to run BOINC, I get the following: --- - 2004-06-23 12:38:35 - Starting BOINC client version 3.19 for windows_intelx86 --- - 2004-06-23 12:38:35 - No general preferences found - using BOINC defaults http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-06-23 12:39:30 - Project prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults --- - 2004-06-23 12:39:31 - Fewer active results than CPUs; requesting more work --- - 2004-06-23 12:39:31 - Can't resolve hostname setiathome.berkeley.edu http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-06-23 12:39:31 - Couldn't read master page for http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/: error -113 http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-06-23 12:39:31 - Detaching from project - check for URL error http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-06-23 12:39:53 - Resetting project http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ - 2004-06-23 12:39:53 - Detaching from project Any assistance would be appreciated. FYI, I've been a Beta tester since February. |
©2025 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.