Posts by Philosopher8659

1) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104771)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
... what is the difference between a Class and the members of a class? i.e. a binary expression?

That is not my description or understanding of "binary"...

Which denotes One, and which the Many? Hint, a binary expression.

The description "Class" is usually used to describe collections of items/object that have some categorization/similarity/grouping.

For example, the many pupils being taught by a teacher in a classroom as a class in a school.

Ask your computer, tell me that it cannot process all information using a relative, 1 and a correlative, 0.

In binary computing, we do indeed use the representation of "0" (logical false) and "1" (logical true).

We also use multiple binary digits as a singular group to represent a lot more than only true/false.

Such is the richness of the imaginative use of representations...

That contrasts with that our minds that operate as a sum of overlaying patterns...

Keep searchin'!

Back in the day, Microsoft recruited beta testers, I still have original disks from those days. But it became clear, at least to some of us, that Microsoft had changed to becoming more interested in profit, than in the importance of a clients system and their data. I was one of the original beta testers for dos 6.0, Which wiped my computer clean. Microsoft did not even wait for the results of beta testers, and released it. It took me 3 days to completely reprogram my computer. Look it up, the history of dos 6.
Imagine my surprise, when I did a simple check disk to get the message, no errors found, file not found. There were no files left at all on the hard drive.
2) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104767)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
verb, now a verb has another name, behavior

Not only a behaviour (which implies action or movement), but also static properties like size (large/small/light/heavy); also conceptual properties (colour, sound).
So, if instead of inventing non-standard uses for existing words and then using those pseudo definitions to extend your pseudo linguistic abilities you were to use standard definitions you may well save yourself a considerable amount of work. Then you may have more luck in convincing people that you have a more valid theory.

You might want to study the founder of formal Grammar, Plato.
How many parts of speech are possible?
Hint, what is the difference between a Class and the members of a class? i.e. a binary expression?
Which denotes One, and which the Many? Hint, a binary expression.
Ask your computer, tell me that it cannot process all information using a relative, 1 and a correlative, 0.

So, dictionaries, spanning over history, are available on the Internet Archive.
Wordweb even has a free version,
I use, on my working computers, which is not this one, Wordweb Pro, consisting of 8,
Look up binary. read it from a dictionary, and not display that you cannot even read a dictionary.
3) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104763)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
A thing is NOT a binary expression. You need to learn a lot about mathematics and logic before uttering such falsehoods.
A thing is a physical or conceptual object and as such may or may not have a phemeral or ephemeral existence.

Maybe you should read some grammar books, you know you can get them on the Internet Archive, or even through the Pirate Bay.
4) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104761)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
Since all that a mind can do, is read, process, and write information back as behavior,
The notions expressed by objectors here, that aliens are illiterate and do not know how to reveal the intelligence of a species by using a species own words to test the intelligence of a species, is very charming, and very naive.
5) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104759)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
... Linguistic Data used to test intelligence?...

Do you rate ELIZA, or the more recent LaMDA as "Intelligent"?

Keep searchin'!

ELIZA: an early natural language processing computer program

LaMDA: Language Model for Dialogue Applications

Really? the Intelligence is in the data! Maybe you should have someone teach you what an anthropomorphism is.

So, let us see if you can follow a simple line of reasoning. A thing, is a binary expression, a noun and a verb, now a verb has another name, behavior, i.e. a thing is a standard of behavior.
As binary recursion can only produce a binary result, tell the world, how it is that the recursion of a standard of behavior can possibly result in non standard behavior? like yourself?
6) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104750)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
So tell me, which Platonic Dialog, was an exercise in the Principles of Predication?

This has little to do with what you are talking about, and is a test of someone's knowledge of Plato and his writings, which of course any alien visiting this planet would have ZERO knowledge and understanding.

LMAO, so you are the standard for First Contact Protocol, not Linguistic Data used to test intelligence? Got it. Thanks for the advice.
I was under the impression that the superior species uses First Contact Protocol in order to measure the wit of a species, and not among those species which kill each other and destroy their own environment because stumbling around in the dark, with your eyes closed, is the standard set by man, the brightest of the bunch claims it is.
7) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104748)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
Not to you...

Ergo, your First Contact Protocol fails.


Keep searchin',

That is why, First Contact Protocol is an IQ test, to see if a species is even capable of literacy.
So tell me, which Platonic Dialog, was an exercise in the Principles of Predication?
And, what did Aristotle say if you could not master it?
Hint, search Aristotle for the word vegetable?
8) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104745)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
I'm very familiar with Plato.

And throwing insults goes against what Plato teaches and what he demonstrates...

Can you formulate your ideas into some understandable grammar that is brief enough to explain on this thread?

Keep searchin'!

Not to you, you prove your level of comprehension with every word you write.
9) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104739)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
Thank you for the admission that you are ignorant of comparative linguistics.

Please enlighten me or give a pointer to Wikipedia or some academic summary?

Always interested in learning!

Keep searchin',

Well, there are plenty of people who can help you not only use the principles of provable grammar for proofing instead of a product of it like theories, so I imagine there are plenty of people who can help you master the art of using a web browser.
Oh, is you really want to learn, study factual grammar. Common Grammar, Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry.

Perhaps you are simply uniformed. Plato is known by Linguists, and Grammarians alike as being the founder of Formal Grammar,. And, if you cannot follow the links I provided, your own computer proves the work of Plato, there are two, and only two, parts of speech, and all grammar is afforded by the management of the relative difference, i.e. the verb. And all systems of grammar function by being metaphorical, i.e. applicable for all information processing, just like your computer. Now, if you want someone to show you how to find the keys on a keyboard, well, try a typing class.
10) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104735)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
... I have actually edited, by hand a compendium of translations of Plato's work, some 19,000 pages put into a format Plato suggested, and I constructed a reader program that cues off the formatting which to switch character voices for listening until one actually understands what is being said.
So, you actually believe that proofing is by theory in grammar? Really?

That method sounds like a game of a chant of sentences that are all part of the same subject area but otherwise unconnected.

Note that sort of thing is done by the LaMDA chatbot.

See recently in the news:

Claims of AI sentience branded 'pure clickbait'
Stanford academics peeved over LaMDA chatbot brouhaha...

Keep searchin',

Thank you for the admission that you are ignorant of comparative linguistics.
11) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Education For Survival, The Evolution of Man (Message 2104733)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
... I am a very unusual grammar teacher.

Sorry... But to my mind...

Far better is to enjoy having your mind blown by the reality described by Professor Steven Pinker:

Wikipedia - Steven Pinker
Steven Arthur Pinker ... is a Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, psycholinguist, popular science author and public intellectual. He is an advocate of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind.

Pinker is the Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, and his academic specializations are visual cognition and developmental linguistics. His experimental subjects include mental imagery, shape recognition, visual attention, children's language development, regular and irregular phenomena in language, the neural bases of words and grammar, as well as the psychology of cooperation and communication, including euphemism, innuendo, emotional expression, and common knowledge...


Despite the depth and thoughtfulness of the subjects that he covers, his books are very readable and absorbing and... thoughtful!

Enjoy some real philosophy and Science.

Beautiful. Enjoy!

Keep searchin',

You must think people are too afraid to do the research and read for themselves. Everyone can validate my word, and work, and they do, so, so deflect away. There are some people whose I.Q. testing has been done by the state.
12) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104730)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
Well, yes and no....
The exchange of linguistic data is actually not the first contact action. Rather the first contact action is to study and observe in as low a profile manner as possible. Such that when attempts at linguistic interactions take place they do so in a manner that does not influence or affect in any way the culture under observation.

Next we come to your (almost) accurate statement about there not being a "binary recursion" that defines the four(?) categories of grammar. Much current grammar theory focuses on three categories of grammar (prescriptive, descriptive, transformational-generative) . But then proceed to demonstrate that each of these has at least two major sub-sets. So, what are your four categories? I would assume that "inquiring" would be a possible, as would "decision".
Now on to why no robust binary theory exists. The immediate answer is that most people haven't thought about it and don't care. But in reality it is that most human languages do not follow a rigid rule-set, rather have a set of flexible guidelines that are regularly bent and or broken "at the whim" of the user. This is extremely well demonstrated by English - which version of English (England vs Scotland vs Wales vs .....) they all have their own sets of guidance which they call rules, then proceed to bend/break them. The same applies to French, German, Japanese, all of which are taught in a more rigorous manner against a set of rules, but they all break those rules.

And you struggle with explaining what you mean by literacy? Well, try a simple definition such as "The ability to transfer meaning between written and verbal forms of a language" in a manner that is understood by the intended recipient/audience".

As to your final line - In philosophy there is no truth, only theories and propositions, neither of which is provable nor dis-probeable, as they just just philosophical positions.

Yes, I struggle very hard. So maybe you can argue against the factual and provable work I have done?
See if you can glibly pass it off. I have actually edited, by hand a compendium of translations of Plato's work, some 19,000 pages put into a format Plato suggested, and I constructed a reader program that cues off the formatting which to switch character voices for listening until one actually understands what is being said.
So, you actually believe that proofing is by theory in grammar? Really?
13) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Education For Survival, The Evolution of Man (Message 2104728)
Posted 9 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
Ever ask yourself what is mind?
A mind, when functional, is the most powerful life support system possible. As such it has a well-defined, biologically determined job to perform and a well-defined physically determined means of doing that job.
Being the most powerful life support system possible for a form of life, then has the longest period of evolution than any other life support system of a living organism. During the gestation period, that system cannot actually function. A life support system cannot actually do the job it is being evolved to do. Some evolutionist already realize that during evolution, sometimes, the evolutionary process actually causes a disadvantage. The advantage is only realized when the process is completed.
A mind is actually a symbolic information processor, i.e. Language which is Universal and Intelligible must, by the intelligence of a life form, convert Language into functional systems of grammar. It allows a mind to virtualize, model solutions, and choose the most promising behavior before that behavior is invested in.
Perception, afforded by the bodies senses, is an analog data stream. This data stream is parsed, i.e. divided into usable segments.
Plato called the process Dialectic, Noun for the correlative, i.e. parsing, Verb for the analog content, i.e. data. Today it is called Binary Information Processing. i.e. the computer shows you that there are two and only two parts of speech, noun and verb, 0 and 1, point and line. All information is processed by binary recursion.
Language affords a species the ability to take advantage of the relative differences, i.e. verbs, of the Universe, i.e. relatives and correlatives, though intelligence. In short, a mind is responsible for Behavioral Science over the entire biosphere.
Our survival, by biological fact, depends upon literacy. However, today there are no correct grammar books. The perfect Language of Binary, produces four, and only four, perfect grammar systems, a Grammar Matrix: Common Grammar, Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry.
So, you want to see what functional literacy can do? Proof of its power?
All through history, people like Plato, have tried to turn geometry, an analog system of grammar, into a provable and powerful system of grammar. Einstein even claimed that he did not understand geometry. I did not fail. In my work, The Art of Prophecy, I have presented geometry, proven by Geometer's Sketchpad and MathCad, and consists of around 20,000 pages of proof. The Geometry there proves, that the speed of light is not a limiting factor, as in geometry, output is concurrent with input, i.e. it is independent of time. Geometry can be performed with any relative difference.
So, if you are a true seeker of Intelligent Life, then start here, on this Planet, help mankind to survive this cusp point in human evolution
I am a very unusual grammar teacher.
14) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2104555)
Posted 6 Aug 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
As Plato noted, there are two types of identity, one is used for the simple minded, the other for those capable of intelligence.
I.e. arithmetic and geometric, also known as literal and metaphorical. i.e. based on the noun or the verb. The verb has another name, behavior, the relative difference of a thing.
Thus, every grammar, which is still not taught today, is aimed at the study and application of behavior. You can actually test a person's level of comprehension, their actual I.Q, by their ability to read.
Thus, First Contact Protocol, the exchange of linguistic data, is not the literal examples of grammar and mathematics, it is how they are applied and understood.
Today, as written, there is not on this planet today, one correct grammar book teaching the only four categories of grammar, afforded by binary recursion, your own computer is trying to teach you grammar, but instead, like everything else, man is perverting it.
The outcome of evolution, is for the recursion of sapient life, that form of life which is the gardener of life in the galaxy. Men call it guided evolution, but guided to what? A functional and literate mind which can manage the entire biosphere of a planet.
Man is provably under management, however, the psychology by which it is done, is beyond man's ability to recognize at present.
phil8659, Internet Archive, sort by date.
I was asked to help teach what literacy is, and quite frankly, you cannot disprove my words, because they are already proven, but not applied by man's own admissions.
But, if you think you can stop evolution, well, you need therapy.
15) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Why won't ET introduce himself? (Message 2103446)
Posted 19 Jul 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
First Contact Protocol.

They follow it, they know what it is and practice it. Mankind has not and it probably be some time before mankind can.
16) Message boards : SETI@home Science : Oumuamua (Message 2103444)
Posted 19 Jul 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
Actually, they have guided me probably since I was born to show you exactly why you cannot find them, even though the evidence has been examined for a long, long time.
Man has not been able to read it. So, I was asked to show mankind how.
Now, you might want to examine my work in geometry first, to see if you can "get it." You will find that work in the pdf vol set, Universal Language.
17) Message boards : SETI@home Science : First Contact Protocol (Message 2103442)
Posted 19 Jul 2022 by Profile Philosopher8659
Now, what I am going to say, NASA finds so offensive, the first time I suggested it, some years ago, got me permanently banned from the Forum, never having even made 1 post. Mods choice.
Today, the remove any mention of it as fast as they can and pretend no such post ever existed.
It seems to me, that if one is serious to have First Contact, which is the exchange of Linguistic Data, then they would realize a biological fact.
A mind reads as perception from the body, the mind virtualizes that information, processes it, and writes it back to the body as behavior. Simple biological fact. This biological fact is the foundation of First Contact Protocol.
So, a long time ago, I was ask to learn something, and when I was ready, to share why there appears to be no contact with mankind, even though, it is they who are following First Contact Protocol for any species considered sapient.
I have put the results of my work on the Internet Archive, the bulk of which shows geometry mankind was unable to develop, I did.
The concise message to man is summed up in my most recent posts there, as I was asked to inform all mankind.
So, this will probably be my last post, I have not been here since 2015, been too busy preparing to do what I was asked. What they can do, and have done, just might surprise you.
18) Message boards : Politics : Another Mass Shooting in the U.S.A. (Message 1737203)
Posted 26 Oct 2015 by Profile Philosopher8659
Most Women, Men, Blacks, Whites, etc. are (fill-in the negative).

Most Women, Men, Blacks, Whites, etc. are (fill-in the positive).
Is that not racist statements as well?

What is the difference if you confine your remark to the singular term of racist, when in fact, you can comprehend the whole by the fact that people always refer to themselves or others by names which do not denote what they are.

Mankind, because he does not know what he is, is always claiming to be something else, a democrat, a republican, a horde of things to fit any particular moment,
yet when some claim that we are factually a mind with a biological defined job to perform, what do you do and say?

I call that hypocritical. People love a tag, as long as it is not true, and it don't matter if you call someone a woman, it refers to gender, if you call them a catholic, you refer to a dogma, but not once do you refer to them for what they are, and that is independent of any of these other terms.

Correct reference is only to guide the topic, not the person.

When I say I am an electrician, I am guiding the topic to what I am not, but what I do. However, when you formulate social laws using, women, men, gay, black, lesbian rights, that is an abomination for none of them refer to the topic of law which is identical for any mind.

In logic, grammar, we often name a thing in order to change the coordinate system of measure, when the measure does not equate to the topic, it is faulty reasoning. It is not racism, sexism, religion, or anything else, it is stupidity.

When one does not know how and why names are used to change the measure in a system of logic, after even acquiring a PH.d, then I have to say, better take another look at your educational systems, not to mention, your own ability to reason.
19) Message boards : Politics : Religion in government (Message 1737182)
Posted 26 Oct 2015 by Profile Philosopher8659
As far as Religion in Government goes, I will state a fact of why good dialecticians create what you consider religious mythology.

The mind is responsible for the behavior of the body within which it resides. Good and bad behavior is biologically defined.

The ability to think itself depends on what many call Set Theory, factually set theory is based on the definition of a thing itself. There are two methods, by definition of a thing, to create anything, including human psycholoy.

Most people can only think primarily by enumeration. Others can think by definition. Those who can think only by enumeration cannot reason to a first principle, however, there is still a biologically defined good and bad behavior. In order to help these people who cannot think, a good dialectician realizes that their behavior can only stem from a raw emotional response. Plato, for example, was not religious, he created mythologies for the modification of human behavior for the good of that person because that person really cannot distinguish good and evil, right and wrong. Most people cannot reason to a first principle.

However, when these mythologies themselves get into the hands of the functionally illiterate like organized religions, they are not what was intended by the author, they become something else.

Religions are necessary, by fact, those who govern them are no different than stupid politicians.

So again, I point out, it is not the material being wielded that is the fault, it is the form imposed upon it by those who cannot actually do so.

Human behavior, of all types, is determined by the principles of language functionally resident in a mind. Therefore, if one cares the least for the good of one's neighbors, they must come to realize that religion is the only way that person can function not only for his own good, but for the good of the whole. This does not, and I repeat not, justify the atrocities of those who claim the ability to govern religion.

Factually, a good government is composed of both Church and State, each aimed at those who can think by definition and those who cannot. And, by the principles of language, logic and analogic, both must say exactly the same thing, be it in plain logic, or metaphor.

I am not here to promote the division of church and state, I am here to correct both and unite them into a functional whole. That can only be done when the leaders of each has a functional ability to comprehend Law.

When you correct a child, you have to find that emotion, that pain, which they respond to, or you are neglecting their behavior. One's eye must always be on what is required in order to achieve the good. Good, by definition, are those behaviors which maintain and promote life; or in a metaphor hidden to mankind;

To regulate behavior so as to turn the past into a future and to bring a future to pass.

It does not matter if you say,

The testimony of Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy; or a fact is verified by its repeatability.

Logics are indexing system for analog content, that analog content is the realization that we are simply a part of a life form which has a functional goal towards that life.
20) Message boards : Politics : Religion in government (Message 1737177)
Posted 26 Oct 2015 by Profile Philosopher8659
I disagree.
This country was FOUNDED to allow people to exercise their free exercise of any and all religions. I don't see that the government endorsing one without any moneys being used or time expended on it's behalf is a problem.

And, the money
God we trust. It does not endorse any specific God or religion.
Just...God. Kinda like the Pope, LOL.

Putting "in God we trust" on currency endorses the idea of the existence of God, which is the root of a most religious concepts. That alone means it should not be put on currency created by a Government whose mandate is that they shall not endorse religion.

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