Posts by PJ

1) Message boards : Politics : Are humans born evil? II (Message 1801790)
Posted 9 Jul 2016 by Profile PJ
I didn't know about witscience, but, I did study psychology for a number of years at degree level and still follow along sometimes.

There are other studies that give very similar results but I can't remember where I saw them (was not mainstream news or similar)
2) Message boards : Politics : WWII and Modern Terrorism (Message 1801309)
Posted 7 Jul 2016 by Profile PJ
So, Saudi is finally going to do something instead of sitting on the fence as they have the last 16 yrs?
3) Message boards : Politics : Are humans born evil? II (Message 1801304)
Posted 7 Jul 2016 by Profile PJ
That is totally true, Stalin was an evil bastard who sacrificed around 26 million Russians, but, the main reasons for war in the last thousand years or so has been religious differences. (or imposing religious beliefs on conquered peoples)
Historically, Christianity has been one of the most evil religions
I can't remember where I saw the research on genetic component but it was only a few years ago (although my sense of time seems to have changed dramatically as I'm getting older, weeks fly by like they were days)
Just had a quick look at this but I'm not convinced it isn't a spoof site?
Scroll to last project on page, E-Condoms :)
Oop's, wrong link
4) Message boards : Politics : EgyptAir flight MS804 disappears from radar (Message 1800865)
Posted 5 Jul 2016 by Profile PJ
The plane was flying from France to Egypt?
The French 'repaired' the 'black box' (even though it's bright orange)
Hmmm, I would think they will blame the plane rather than poor security, grounding a bunch of planes during investigation of a fault won't hurt travel and tourism as much as admitting 'we can't keep you safe if you fly from France'
Now, anyone got any other good conspiracy theories?
5) Message boards : Politics : Are humans born evil? II (Message 1800862)
Posted 5 Jul 2016 by Profile PJ
I still believe it's a religion thing.
As a generalisation, forcing religion without real belief of the 'teacher' will always lead to conflict, look at the 'bible belt' of USA and the televangelists with multi million dollar mansions (hey, the 'tour bus was 'cheap' only cost about a million or so)
As far as I'm aware, to answer the original question, there may be a genetic component but majority is nurture rather than nature
6) Message boards : Politics : WWII and Modern Terrorism (Message 1800859)
Posted 5 Jul 2016 by Profile PJ
It is your long rich history to take up arms against each other over minor petty differences.

Hmmm. Please explain.
There are countries here in Europe that haven't taking up arms for more than 200 years.

I believe the Swiss haven't been at war with anyone for over 400 years?
However, they have helped fund both sides in many major struggles and kept all the 'profits' I guess as long as they make money ethics count for nothing?
The nationalistic posturing is sickening, either we all get along or we all go to hell (whatever your own personal hell is?)
Religion and hypocritical religious beliefs have caused more murder than any land or resources battles. It's widely speculated that Pearl Harbor was known about by the president but allowing it to happen made the American people 'want revenge' as they didn't give a shit about a few million Jews, dissidents and gays being murdered.
Unfortunately, way too many people pretend to be Christian but have no intention of ever following the 'teachings' of their cult leader.
Just about all 'major' religions are hypocrites with zero religious beliefs, Muslims, Christians and Jews all beleive in the exact same god but won't follow any 'new testament' 'rules' relying on old testament myths to justify their actions
Oh, and as for Afghanistan, no one has ever conquered the damn place, all the way back to Alexander the Great the people have been 'terrorists' to invaders
Years ago, Oliver North was asked who was greatest threat to world peace. At the time, he said Osama Bin Laden, because 'we' trained him (I think it was along time before he was the 'fall guy'?)
7) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Mysterious Miscellaneous Tool Time V8 (Message 1800854)
Posted 5 Jul 2016 by Profile PJ
Shark tagging pistol?
8) Message boards : Number crunching : GPU Upgrade - need advice (Message 1770109)
Posted 6 Mar 2016 by Profile PJ
You could take a look on GPU benchmarks to see how various GPU cards compare
I bought a G-Force 210 but kept using the older card as it had much better performance (plus cuda cores)[]=1169&cmp[]=101
9) Message boards : Science (non-SETI) : Debris in earth orbit questions (Message 1673744)
Posted 4 May 2015 by Profile PJ
It's probably time to make a 'space Hoover' (vacuum cleaner) LOL
10) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Cats (Message 1669157)
Posted 23 Apr 2015 by Profile PJ
My cats seem to spend a load of time sleeping then disappear. I can never find camera when they do something interesting (or I don't think about it until too late)
11) Message boards : News : Workunit shortage (Message 1663892)
Posted 10 Apr 2015 by Profile PJ
Thanks for update, I was wondering if it was just my internet connection again. I have some work to do on main computer, won't have any hesitation about stripping it down now
12) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Cats (Message 1631354)
Posted 22 Jan 2015 by Profile PJ
Thank you for sharing PJ. I got some of them slightly slepped on shirts or whatever here too.
Except for one Cat and Tubbs, all the Granimals that shared our lifes with us got a burial here.
I always make sure, I have a sheet or towel with us, so they can be wrapped in it for their last journey.

Haven't had to deal with that yet but I know it will be devastating. I already picked out 'plots' for them, their favourite stalking/sleeping spots (although Pauli won't be left on the roof) ;o)
13) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Cats (Message 1628873)
Posted 17 Jan 2015 by Profile PJ
It's been 'cold' in Florida (relatively speaking' lol)
Kat-Kat still won't stay in unless it's below zero though
Pauli has been crawling onto me to get warmer. Covered her with an old T-shirt this evening she seemed very happy to stay underneath it. Unfortunately I couldn't get a picture of her completely covered, this is her after crawling out a bit, about 15mins ago (17th Jan 2015, 3.18am
14) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Cats (Message 1623396)
Posted 5 Jan 2015 by Profile PJ
One of the Feral Feeders. Or Not. Comes everyday all day, so, either feral or a Neighbor ain't doing Their Job.

Got Bib?


We have a neighbours cat that come to eat our cats food. Wouldn't mind so much if he had been 'done' but he keeps trying to 'force himself on Pauli
(the red collar is also a dead giveaway with the one visiting us )
He's also black with white paws but short hair. that cat looks way too good condition to be feral
15) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Cats (Message 1617612)
Posted 22 Dec 2014 by Profile PJ
That picture of the kitten in Vietnam has been haunting me so finally I had to read the response. I can understand how difficult it would be to adopt every animal or child that needed help but to not even try when something is that small and helpless is just callous.
My sister posted this on Facebook


On a lighter note, here's Sadie asleep on back of sofa, so far she's only tried to roll over one time I know of

and one of Pauli after running around like a crazy thing, using my leg for a pillow
16) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Cats (Message 1614210)
Posted 15 Dec 2014 by Profile PJ
I don't have a clue how much ours eat, a LOT. At least 2 5.75 oz cans between them for 'breakfast' (they like Ocean Whitefish first) then at least another 3 2.75oz packs (one each) As weather has got colder (little above freezing overnight) Kat-Kat and Pauli often have extra because they love being outside.
Kat-Kat prefers anything with beef in it in the afternoons/eveningPauli comes in to warm her feet and nose, then goes out again. Kat-Kat has only come in once to warm his paws on me (I didn't know cats could have such cold feet ;o) ) It's the only time so far this year they all stayed inside
They are not spoiled, they just have ME trained :o)
As for the vet bills, there are 'cheaper' vets but twice they have advised putting kitties to sleep rather than treating them. Kat-Kat needed surgery on his left paw, he used to 'fight' anything, snakes, racoon's, Possum, etc. He got into a LOT of trouble before my wife 'had him done' (he 's***' on her bed and stepdaughter who took him to vet LOL. Curled up on my chest (second time ever, first was when I had surgery) Glen has a lot of experience with cats, knows my situation and does an excellent job (been going there several years, have had some good discounts)
17) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Cats (Message 1612375)
Posted 11 Dec 2014 by Profile PJ
The aggravating your allergies is hilarious but true.

designer tissues... :)

18) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Cats (Message 1612373)
Posted 11 Dec 2014 by Profile PJ
Hi Anniet, any updates on puddy tat?
Everyone should check where you are before making suggestions that only apply to USA.
I know there used to be free charity vets in Britain, but, that was 20 yrs ago and you needed a lot of time to wait for your turn. Even back then people couldn't afford vet bills.
Out little buggers have cost almost $1000.00 between them in the last 3 months
19) Message boards : Cafe SETI : Cats (Message 1607975)
Posted 2 Dec 2014 by Profile PJ
We have 2 cat's that 'just turned up' at different times (about a year apart)
Kat-Kat (aka 'Flash') found very small kitten and brought her home. Because she's a 'Hemingway'(polydactyl) we called her Pauli.
Pauli, being 'extra cute' holding onto my hand so she can 'wash' my fingers

Kat-Kat, totally crashed out

Pauli and Kat-Kat, she 'shares' his breakfast then goes and eats her's
BTW, see the 'hello kitty' in his stripes? LOL
20) Message boards : Cafe SETI : British vs. French system (Message 1607971)
Posted 2 Dec 2014 by Profile PJ
It sounds too much like a building (shed?) where you would have internal dimension and external 'footprint? 14'4" isn't a standard measurement so would be rounded up to either 14'6" or 15'. 7'10" would be rounded up to 8ft. 15x8 =120 exterior, bit less inside (needs a smiley ;o) )

Using metric system in Britain was just a con to charge more per litre than was originally charged per gallon (and still is) Same applies to weights, sell in grams and some people think they are getting a deal. A kilo of flour, apples, whatever isn't 2-1/2 or 3lbs which is what the new price becomes
Damn French can keep their system. Pretty surprised America hasn't embraced it more, they have been using it since 1864 Act Of Congress

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