Are we still looking for ET ?

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Petit Soleil

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Message 4394 - Posted: 5 Jul 2004, 12:43:43 UTC

Are we still looking for ET ?

Looking at the server’s acquisition and splitter tapes status at it looks like we are all crunching data that have been analysed many many times, I guess…

Is S@H still a project searching for ET signal or is it just for numbers cruncher’s competition ?
Isn’t it a waste of energy to “ stupidly ” crunch units for nothing else than numbers ? Should we use our processing power to some more “ useful ” humanitarians Projects like fighting AIDS ? At least until we can listen on other part of the sky, different frequencies, etc.

There are ten times more post in the number crunching section than SETI@home science. I was even planning to built myself a “ supercomputer ” dedicated to SETI, but what’s the point, really.

Or perhaps I am wrong.

Marc from France

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Message 4404 - Posted: 5 Jul 2004, 13:47:23 UTC

Ich hoffe das ich es richtig verstanden habe.
Wenn es so ist kann man ihm nur recht geben,es wäre in der Tat sinnlos immer die gleichen Arbeitseinheiten durch die Rechner zu jagen.Nur das es leider auch so ist,das bei vielen Projekten im medizinischen Bereich Kommerzielle Interessen von Firmen dahinter stecken ,die man auf den ersten Blick gar nicht ohne weiteres erkennt.Und ich es ehrlich gesagt nicht einsehe Firmen zu helfen ihre Entwicklungskosten zu senken,da diese Firmen in diesem Bereich genug Geld verdienen !
Gruss Guido
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Message 4433 - Posted: 5 Jul 2004, 14:44:54 UTC

Google Translate for --LITTLE SUN--
I hope which I it correctly understood. > if it like that is can one him only quite give to lower it would be indeed > the same working units by the computers to hunt only it > also like that senselessly always unfortunately is, who with many projects in the medical range commercial one > interests of companies behind it puts, one at first sight not at all > easily erkennt.Und I it honestly said does not see companies to help > their development costs since within this range enough money becomes earned >! > greeting guido
Bei der Eroberung des Weltraums sind zwei Probleme zu lösen:Die Schwerkraft und der Papierkrieg. Mit der Schwerkraft wären wir fertig geworden.Wernher von Braun
ID: 4433 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Cafe SETI : Are we still looking for ET ?

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