When will the West stop pandering the Israeli government?

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Scrooge McDuck

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Message 2129750 - Posted: 12 Dec 2023, 18:23:16 UTC - in response to Message 2129673.  

So... How do we turn the politics around to friendly mutually beneficial cooperation?...
Such cooperation arises from incentives to mutual wealth. So first, we should stop transfering billions of dollars to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to assuage our guilty conscience towards the poor, oppressed, starving, suffering, [did I miss something?] Palestinians. We have to face reality: before Oct 7th, the average income there was on par with the average of the Arab states (not UAE, but Egypt, Jordan) in this region. Not from labor, production or industry, but from payments from the West, the UN. The abundance of money leads to an unfree, dependent, completely degenerate society, pampered by a zoo of international nannies. A habitat for Hamas.

Gaza needs to be rebuilt with our money? On our terms! De-Jihad-ification. New houses? We decide who will live there. New schools? We determine curriculum, train teachers, print books. New hospitals, police stations? We supervise, we select employees. Palestinians need jobs and income? Fruit and vegetable plantations for export was the business of Jewish settlers in Gaza until 2005. Generally: strenuous work or starving? It's no different in Egypt or Jordan. Exact conditions have to be set to aid money. Violations will stop transfers immediately. But that's occupation, oppression? Nope. We pay for the party, so we choose the music.

Strength and political assertiveness are required. Of course also towards Israel's settlement and occupation policy.

Also, somehow, we need to defend against, or remove, the desperately deadly malevolence that are Khamenei and Putin who both poison the politics in that area...
How? Nobody knows. It's easy to inflame a major war there with unpredictable outcome. But how to stop them without risking the world economy (Suez canal, Persian Gulf transport routes). We urgently need a liberal PM in Israel, an end to the settlement policy, peace in Gaza and the West Bank. This is the only way to contain worldwide Islamist uproar and the Mullah's influence. Their Huthi terrorist force in Yemen with anti-ship missiles... pure dynamite for world peace. Putin hopefully can be stopped in/by Ukraine.
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Message 2129757 - Posted: 12 Dec 2023, 21:02:25 UTC

Benji has taken another page from PooTin's play book.

What is the US-supplied white phosphorus Israel is accused of using in Lebanon attacks?

Just more indiscriminate killing of innocents which is getting the Israeli government more opposition from around the world by the day.

Israel-Gaza war updates: Albanese joins NZ and Canadian leaders in calling for 'sustainable ceasefire' in Gaza.

Just watching the news here from around world is insightful in itself. German news sites still seems to be on a guilt trip supporting Israel's line of propaganda, British and U.S. news sites are finally seeing the light as they can't keep ignoring all the other stories being published by other news sites from all around the rest of the world on Israel's war crimes and total lack of solid evidence to back up their claims, in fact a lot of those claims have been verified as being totally false and staged. While in Israel they only get to see what Benji wants them to see.

There were 20-30,000 insurgents about (according to several sources) yet Benji is willing to kill all (even Israeli hostages) to get them and if you're male then you're automatically a terrorist. Then add over 80 murdered journalists as well as over 150 U.N. workers to Benji's list of kills.

And Benji is really wearing out the "antisemitic" line these days with those who don't agree with his actions, it's his and his government's actions that most don't agree with, not there silly religion.
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Message 2129761 - Posted: 13 Dec 2023, 2:00:09 UTC - in response to Message 2129750.  

MONEY MONEY MONEY Appeasement doesn't work.
The abundance of money leads to an unfree, dependent, completely degenerate society, pampered by a zoo of international nannies. A habitat for Hamas.

https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/11/middleeast/qatar-hamas-funds-israel-backing-intl/index.html wrote:
Qatar sent millions to Gaza for years – with Israel’s backing.
In 2018, Qatar began making monthly payments to the Gaza Strip. Some $15 million were sent into Gaza in cash-filled suitcases – delivered by the Qataris through Israeli territory after months of negotiation with Israel.

The payments started after the Palestinian Authority (PA), the Palestinian government in the Israeli occupied West Bank that is a rival of Hamas, decided to cut salaries of government employees in Gaza in 2017, an Israeli government source with knowledge of the matter told CNN at the time.

Israel approved the deal in a security cabinet meeting in August 2018, when Netanyahu was serving his previous tenure as premier.

The prime minister defended the initiative at the time, saying the deal was made “in coordination with security experts to return calm to (Israeli) villages of the south, but also to prevent a humanitarian disaster (in Gaza).”

Israeli and international media have reported that Netanyahu’s plan to continue allowing aid to reach Gaza through Qatar was in the hope that it might make Hamas an effective counterweight to the PA and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Don't tell me for one second Benji didn't know he was building up Hamas' army. It bit him in the rear as he couldn't control who got attacked.
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Message 2129768 - Posted: 13 Dec 2023, 11:55:26 UTC - in response to Message 2129761.  

+1, yep
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Message 2129770 - Posted: 13 Dec 2023, 12:20:05 UTC - in response to Message 2129761.  

Don't tell me for one second Benji didn't know he was building up Hamas' army. It bit him in the rear as he couldn't control who got attacked.
I think Benji explained it once publicly: supporting groups in Gaza to divide Palestinians: separate the fundamentalist from the moderate Palestinians. There will be no Palestinian state as long as they are politically divided between Gaza and West Bank... as long as Hamas fights PLO and vice-versa. This is what Benji's Likud party founding documents state: No Palestinian state but one powerful Israel which should expand to all of its historical lands. Benji follows his party's principles. He was democratically elected to do this.(but now should be ousted ASAP).
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Message 2129772 - Posted: 13 Dec 2023, 12:59:56 UTC - in response to Message 2129757.  

Benji has taken another page from PooTin's play book.

What is the US-supplied white phosphorus Israel is accused of using in Lebanon attacks?
I'd like to add (from above linked article):
In a defensive context, white phosphorus munitions are not considered illegal, Professor Bachmann said.

But any direct targeting of civilians is prohibited and would constitute a war crime.
There's also the UN Security council resolution 1701 from the year 2006 which bans all military forces other than Lebanese army in Southern Lebanon south of the Litani river. According to the resolution Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 2006. Hezbollah did not, instead continues to arm its troops to destroy Israel. There's no point in negotiating treaties with such terrorists. UNIFIL peace keepers there are monitoring, that is: do nothing (no authority). Since Oct 7th Hezbollah repeatedly attacked IDF troops and military installations with artillery, anti-tank missiles, rockets. Hezbollah is testing Israels red lines. They are eager to fight. The repeated accusations, Israel is "attacking" Lebanon are wrong. They repel. What IDF is doing there is simply loudly exclaiming: "Don't dare to move one step further!". The Lebanese side seems to suffer from poor hearing. If Israel were to actually attack there we will witness a major war. So far, President Biden's "Don't" (by means of an aircraft carrier and an amphibious transport dock off the coastline) and Benji's repeated "Don'ts" have been enough. Let's hope Hezbollah leaders are smarter than Hamas.
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Message 2129775 - Posted: 13 Dec 2023, 14:04:49 UTC - in response to Message 2129772.  

Hezbollah is a nation state? Since you insist. I guess that would be ISIL, Hamas, PLO too. So give them a seat at the UN!
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Message 2129777 - Posted: 13 Dec 2023, 15:20:41 UTC - in response to Message 2129775.  

Hezbollah is a nation state? Since you insist. I guess that would be ISIL, Hamas, PLO too. So give them a seat at the UN!
No, I didn't say that. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and a major political party in Lebanon. Lebanon is the formal UN member state and obliged to adhere to UN resolution 1701. But you can ask who rules this state: its president? Uuuh a vacant position ... since 2022. It's government? Hezbollah's military power far exceeds that of the state's Army. How should Lebanese government disarm and remove Hezbollah? The outcome is obvious.... total political corruption, on the brink to a failed state, controlled by political players abroad... Iran, ... Syria, ..., others... But we shouldn't call Hezbollah fighters at Hezbollah fortifications along the Lebanese-Israeli border "innocent civilians". That's as ridiculous as calling the surrendering Hamas fighters in Gaza that way.

The EU parliament summarized Lebanon: "man-made disaster caused by a handful of men across the political class."

More UN seats? ...is the last thing we need. The original idea for the UN was to form a forum of responsible, rational state governments to prevent further world wars. In 1949 the UN had 51 founding member states (before de-colonization). Today there are 192. The majority of them are autocratic regimes. We should stop seeing the UN General Assembly as anything other than a big theater, a cabinet of curiosities of the world's nations, where Russia's Sergey Lavrov explains world peace. Iran reports about its leadership in the UN's Human Rights Commission. A total freak show.

But all off-topic.
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Message 2129790 - Posted: 13 Dec 2023, 22:31:40 UTC
Last modified: 13 Dec 2023, 22:32:24 UTC

Both Hamas and Benji are in complete agreement, a one state solution is the answer. The problem is which state. That can not be resolved with out genocide.
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Message 2129793 - Posted: 14 Dec 2023, 0:48:23 UTC
Last modified: 14 Dec 2023, 0:48:42 UTC

Benji is going openly rogue while still calling opposition to his plans as still being "antisemitic" and the number of countries calling for a ceasefire grows substantially.

Israel vows to pursue Gaza war despite international pressure.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2129800 - Posted: 14 Dec 2023, 1:54:35 UTC - in response to Message 2129777.  

Hezbollah is a nation state? Since you insist. I guess that would be ISIL, Hamas, PLO too. So give them a seat at the UN!
No, I didn't say that. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and a major political party in Lebanon. Lebanon is the formal UN member state and obliged to adhere to UN resolution 1701. But you can ask who rules this state: its president? Uuuh a vacant position ... since 2022. It's government? Hezbollah's military power far exceeds that of the state's Army. How should Lebanese government disarm and remove Hezbollah?
Ah, but you did. Armies are fielded by nation states. Criminals are not armies no matter how much they train and act as one. That the UN didn't disarm them before they left is the admission that the resolution is better used as toilet paper.

In 1949 the UN had 51 founding member states (before de-colonization). Today there are 192.
Divide and chaos. Perhaps when the little green man begins the bombardment unity can happen.
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Scrooge McDuck

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Message 2129820 - Posted: 14 Dec 2023, 15:44:11 UTC - in response to Message 2129800.  
Last modified: 14 Dec 2023, 15:44:37 UTC

Ah, but you did. Armies are fielded by nation states. Criminals are not armies no matter how much they train and act as one. That the UN didn't disarm them before they left is the admission that the resolution is better used as toilet paper.
I agree. Criminals better shouldn't have more weapons or more troops than the army. UN never left. UNIFIL is an ongoing peacekeeping mission. It just never was capable to keep the peace, lacking the authority to enforce anything. A typical UN compromise. 'Toilet paper'... is an apt description for this.

There's the old saying: Each country has an army---it's either the own or a foreign one. Seems most things are messed up in Lebanon.
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Message 2129821 - Posted: 14 Dec 2023, 16:04:44 UTC - in response to Message 2129790.  

Both Hamas and Benji are in complete agreement, a one state solution is the answer. The problem is which state. That can not be resolved with out genocide.
I would replace 'genocide' with 'Apartheid'. I think, that's the appropriate notion for today's situation and, if nothing fundamentally changes, the likely future.

Uuuh no... I'm wrong. The appropriate term depends on which state will prevail. Isn't it?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2129857 - Posted: 15 Dec 2023, 14:21:05 UTC

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Message 2129870 - Posted: 15 Dec 2023, 20:28:06 UTC

Wish goodbye to Christmas presents, and many other supplies, worldwide, for people worldwide:

Shipping firms pause Red Sea journeys over attacks
... shipping company Maersk has said it is pausing all journeys through the Red Sea.

The decision comes after a spate of attacks on vessels launched from a part of Yemen controlled by the Houthis - an Iran-backed rebel movement.

The group has declared its support for Hamas and say it is targeting ships...

... transport company Hapag-Lloyd later said it was making a similar move.

The firm owns a ship that recently came under attack, and confirmed to the BBC later on Friday it was also suspending [sailings through the area]...

... 10% of global trade pass[es] through it...

... "This impacts every link in the supply chain... and will only increase the chances of critical products not making their destinations in time for Christmas,"...

Note that "10%" will touch a much greater proportion of goods due to that "10%" being critical to put together all the other goods that we trade...

All in our very deadly political world...
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Message 2129872 - Posted: 15 Dec 2023, 20:39:07 UTC

A change in tactics. Instead of bombing hostages they're now shooting them. :-O

Israeli military says it mistakenly killed 3 Israeli hostages in Gaza.

While IDF/"settler" incursions into the West Bank increase by the day and if they're not killing innocent Palestinians they're putting them into "administrative detention". :-(

How Israel jails hundreds of Palestinians without charge.

This slaughter has got to stop and stop now.
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Message 2129913 - Posted: 16 Dec 2023, 17:55:14 UTC

Meanwhile, Hamas and Hezbollah are putting up a very deadly protracted fight against the IDF...

Where did their surprising array of weapons come from?...

How many "Expendables" get in the way??

Be excellent to one another?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2129914 - Posted: 16 Dec 2023, 18:04:51 UTC - in response to Message 2129913.  
Last modified: 16 Dec 2023, 18:09:40 UTC

Where did their surprising array of weapons come from?...
Ask Benji, he paid for them.
<ed>Just looked up prices of AK-47 on the black market and they are available at about $150 in the Mideast.
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Message 2129918 - Posted: 16 Dec 2023, 18:47:47 UTC - in response to Message 2129914.  

Where did their surprising array of weapons come from?...
Ask Benji, he paid for them.
<ed>Just looked up prices of AK-47 on the black market and they are available at about $150 in the Mideast.

What? No mention of the 'clever' deadly stuff from Iran, Russia, North Korea, and elsewhere?

Note also:

A look at the billions of dollars in foreign aid to Gaza
... The international community has sent billions of dollars in aid to the Gaza Strip in recent years to provide relief to the more than 2 million Palestinians living in the isolated, Hamas-ruled territory...

... the Islamic militant group seized power from rival Palestinian forces in 2007...

... Israel closely supervises aid to try to ensure it bypasses Hamas. But the Hamas-run government benefits from foreign countries footing the bill ... allowing it to conserve its own resources, including the taxes and customs it collects...

... The Palestinian Authority says it will spend $1.7 billion on Gaza this year, mainly on salaries for tens of thousands of civil servants who stopped working when Hamas took over in 2007...

That's a LOT of money going into such a small area...

Stay safe folks?
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Message 2129925 - Posted: 16 Dec 2023, 20:20:39 UTC
Last modified: 16 Dec 2023, 20:38:12 UTC

More protests against Benji are coming after 3 shirtless male hostages waving white flags were shot by Benji's war criminals.

Netanyahu Faces Protests After Israel Mistakenly Kills Hostages.

Also remember that all males (not in IDF uniforms or the settlers being guarded by them) are regarded by Benji's mob as terrorists in Gaza and the West Bank. but at least our government is waking up to what is really going on.

Australia denounces settler attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank, demands Israel take 'immediate and concrete steps' to tackle it.

And Joe's going to have to make a very big decision soon about his continued support for crooked Benji (The Donny of Israel).

‘Significant change’: Israel and US left increasingly isolated.

Also lets also not forget that the IDF is targeting journalists so that the real truth doesn't get out.

This blatant slaughter and unhoming of innocents must be stopped.
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