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Message 2131708 - Posted: 24 Jan 2024, 12:43:00 UTC - in response to Message 2131701.  

Those antivaxers here had better watch out.

A health alert has been issued for measles after a confirmed case of measles in the Australian Capital Territory was infectious while transiting through Sydney.

A traveller infected with measles has travelled into Australia and moved around cities, with a health alert now issued for the highly infectious disease.

The case is an adult who recently returned from Asia, where there has been ongoing outbreaks of measles in several countries including Pakistan and India.

Those who travelled on an Air India flight AI302 from Delhi to Sydney arriving on Saturday January 20 at 8.10am have been told to watch out for symptoms.

Anyone at Sydney Airport Terminal 1 International Arrivals, including baggage claims and customs, and bus and coach bay 9 that morning were also exposed.

Passengers travelling from Sydney to Canberra with on Murrays Bus company, departing the airport at 10.30am on January 20, should also be alert.....

BBC reports that there is a 45-fold increase in cases in Europe
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Message 2131827 - Posted: 26 Jan 2024, 13:05:31 UTC


Doctors like me get the blame when hospitals run out of medicines. Politicians get off scot-free
Frontline staff are having to make compromises to treat patients appropriately. It’s scandalous nothing is being done...

How do we make our politicians directly accountable?

Stay healthy?...
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Message 2132929 - Posted: 22 Feb 2024, 15:48:08 UTC

Here is the reality:

Two very rare Covid vaccine side-effects detected in global study of 99 million
Results confirm how uncommon known complications are as researchers confirm benefits from vaccines still ‘vastly outweigh the risks’...

... The study of more than 99 million people from Australia, Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand and Scotland also confirmed how rare known vaccine complications are, with researchers confirming that the benefits of Covid-19 vaccines still “vastly outweigh the risks”...

... compare[d] the rates of 13 brain, blood and heart conditions in people after they received the Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccine with the rate that would be expected of those conditions in the population before the pandemic...

... the risk of myocarditis, is even higher with natural Covid infection than it is following vaccination. Both conditions are serious but patients usually recover from them...

... a Covid infection increases the risk of some of these rare conditions “much more than a vaccine” does...

Long Covid ‘brain fog’ may be due to leaky blood-brain barrier...
From forgetfulness to difficulties concentrating, many people who have long Covid experience “brain fog”. Now researchers say the symptom could be down to the blood-brain barrier becoming leaky...

... Further work in a subgroup of participants revealed long Covid patients with brain fog also showed signs of increased levels of proteins involved in clotting. Campbell said the results were not a surprise as disruptions to proteins involved in clotting could go hand in hand with disruption to cells that lined blood vessels...

... “It shows that abnormalities in the lining of blood vessels in the brain occur in people with post-Covid brain fog, and adds to the evidence that abnormal blood clotting also contributes,”...

... “Likely, a range of processes explain brain fog and other features of post-Covid syndrome.”...

Stay healthy folks!
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Message 2132958 - Posted: 22 Feb 2024, 23:38:14 UTC

Is Florida for real?!...

Unvaccinated Florida kids exposed to measles can skip quarantine, officials say
On Tuesday, nearly 20 percent of the school's 1,067 students were reportedly absent...

Is that really sharing the Love of God?

Stay healthy folks...
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Message 2133496 - Posted: 6 Mar 2024, 16:07:22 UTC
Last modified: 6 Mar 2024, 16:09:54 UTC

Meanwhile, at the other end of extreme...

An "Anti - anti-vaxxer"?!

Wow, what a test!

‘Hypervaccinated’ man reportedly received 217 Covid jabs without side effects
German man, who said he had vaccines for ‘private reasons’, suspected of selling certificates to people who didn’t want jab

A German man who voluntarily received 217 coronavirus jabs over 29 months showed “no signs” of having been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 and had not suffered from any vaccine-related side effects...

... the man’s vaccine spree had sparked a criminal investigation against him for suspected fraud, after suspicions he had run a scam to sell the vaccine certificates to people who did not want to get the jab...

... reports confirmed the criminal investigation against the man, who was accused of getting so many doses in order to be able to collect the stamped and signed vaccination cards, which could then be forged and sold on to people who did not want to be vaccinated...

... The academics contacted the man after reading about him in a newspaper report. He accepted their request to study his body’s response to the multiple jabs...

... They vaccinated him for the 217th time for the purpose of the study, the researchers said. The research team said it had seen official confirmation for 134 of the vaccinations, which included eight different vaccines, including various mRNA vaccines...

... “The observation that no noticeable side effects were triggered in spite of this extraordinary hypervaccination indicates that the drugs have a good degree of tolerability,”...

... The researchers found that his immune system was fully functional...

I think that rates as beyond extreme!

Stay healthy folks!!

(Special note: Such abuse of vaccination is not advisable... Stay with the good medical advice.)
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Message 2133500 - Posted: 6 Mar 2024, 16:33:16 UTC - in response to Message 2133496.  

I think that rates as beyond extreme!
In a few years he will gradually transform into a monster fly. I've seen a documentary recently where ... or was it a horror movie? I don't remember anymore...
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Message 2133504 - Posted: 6 Mar 2024, 16:39:06 UTC - in response to Message 2133500.  
Last modified: 6 Mar 2024, 16:39:46 UTC

I think that rates as beyond extreme!
In a few years he will gradually transform into a monster fly. I've seen a documentary recently where ... or was it a horror movie? I don't remember anymore...

In a (hopefully) good few more years time, he'll either be combusted into pure energy, or will be gobbled up by worms to make an Army of super-vaxxed worms!!!

We're already into unknown territory...

Stay healthy folks!

(Hopefully my attempt at satire is obvious?... Just-to-be-sure!)
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Message 2133543 - Posted: 7 Mar 2024, 15:45:47 UTC

Life or Death decisions on the cheap?

How can that go wrong?...

Physician associates must stop diagnosing patients, say senior medics
BMA [British Medical Association] guidance on staff responsibility levels follows death of woman whose fatal blood clot was missed twice...

... MAPs [medical associate professions] “are working in roles that increasingly cross the line into situations more appropriately requiring the expertise of a doctor”, and the BMA’s guide set out what it “considers a safe scope of practice that will keep patients protected and allow the NHS to effectively employ MAPs to assist medical teams – which was their original purpose”.

He said he hoped the report would lay out “clear parameters for the distinction between doctors and MAPs” and put an end to the “creeping substitution of PAs for doctors on rotas”.

A BMA poll of more than 18,100 UK doctors found that more than half (55%) had faced a higher workload since PAs and AAs had been brought in. Only 21% of medics who responded to the survey reported a decreased workload...

What could go wrong with such cost cutting?...

Patients have needlessly died. (And others needlessly injured?)

Stay healthy folks!
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Message 2133552 - Posted: 7 Mar 2024, 16:15:12 UTC - in response to Message 2133543.  

What could go wrong with such cost cutting?...
Boeing and the fiduciary duty all over again.
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Message 2133863 - Posted: 13 Mar 2024, 21:12:23 UTC

It seems that we were among 32 countries that bucked the trend.

Global life expectancy fell by 1.6 years during the COVID-19 pandemic but Australia bucked the trend, study finds.

And to think if SloMo had acted 3-4 weeks earlier, like he was asked too, we could've done even better.

If you go to the linked article and download the PDF be prepared to rotate the pages back and forth at times, but I did find a curiosity with the map on page 24 (boy did the U.S. really buck the trend for a high SDI country).
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Message 2134191 - Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 14:29:07 UTC

Ongoing consequences:

Longest sustained rise in people too sick to work since 1990s...
... legacy of Covid as it warns that near-record 2.7m people are too ill to work...

... a benefits crackdown is unlikely to solve the country’s jobless crisis...

... too sick to work, with the biggest increase since the Covid pandemic concentrated among the UK’s youngest and oldest workers...

... the impact on young and old adults could have “serious effects both on individuals’ living standards and career paths, as well as wider strains on the NHS and welfare spending if we fail to improve the nation’s health and reduce economic inactivity”...

All round... Not healthy.

Good luck!?
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Message 2135534 - Posted: 5 May 2024, 21:16:35 UTC

Be careful about your nuts.

Nut Recall as Warning Issued to Customers.

Some Planters nut products are being recalled over concerns they may have been contaminated with listeria monocytogenes, its parent company Hormel Foods Sales announced on Friday.

In its announcement, the company said that two nut products are being recalled over the possible contamination, which can cause listeria that can be fatal for some people.

"The recalled product is limited to 4 oz. packages of PLANTERS® Honey Roasted Peanuts and 8.75 oz. cans of PLANTERS® Deluxe Lightly Salted Mixed Nuts. The 'Best if Used By Date' is located on the bottom of the Deluxe Lightly Salted Mixed Nuts can and the UPC code is located on the side of the can," the announcement reads.

The products were shipped to distribution warehouses in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and North Carolina, as well as to Dollar Tree distribution warehouses in South Carolina and Georgia, according to the announcement, which noted that other Planters products are not affected.

Nobody has reported becoming ill after consuming these products thus far, the company said. All retailers have been notified of the recall. The roasted peanuts have a universal product code of "2900002097," while the lightly salted mixed nuts have a code of "2900001621."

If a person has an affected product, they can either discard it or bring it back to the store for an exchange or full refund, according to the company.....
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Message 2135578 - Posted: 7 May 2024, 5:34:40 UTC

Could they be onto something?

Griffith University researchers to trial naltrexone on long COVID patients.

Jayden Donald went from a fit and healthy teenager who rode his horses almost every day, to being so sick he could hardly sit up after his second bout of COVID-19.

A year later, the 19-year-old talented equestrian has only recently returned to university and to the competitive dressage arena after being diagnosed with long COVID.

"I was flat out walking," the University of Southern Queensland engineering student says at his family's picturesque property at Haigslea, about 50 kilometres west of Brisbane.

"You go from going to uni every day, seeing your mates, having a bit of fun, and saying, 'oh I want to go for dinner at the pub one night' to 'oh, I can't, I'm stuck at home'.'"

His symptoms included exhaustion so severe he was barely able to trudge from one end of his house to the other, brain fog, headaches, abnormally low blood pressure and a high heart rate.

"Every time he stood up, he saw black dots to the point where then he started pouring with sweat, became white, nearly fainted," his mother, Susan, recalls.

"He lay there on the bed because he couldn't do anything else for six months."

Long COVID is described by the World Health Organization as the continuation or development of new symptoms three months after an initial infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Some patients say the medical profession does not always take them seriously.

Jayden, on the other hand, sees a general practitioner and specialists with experience in treating long COVID.

He was prescribed low-dose naltrexone early in the course of his illness and 12 months on, is back to about 70 per cent of what life used to be like.

Naltrexone is administered in much higher doses to treat opioid and alcohol dependence........
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Message 2135900 - Posted: 16 May 2024, 15:06:28 UTC

There's hope yet for brain cancer victims.

Australian of the Year Richard Scolyer cancer-free one year on from seizure which prompted brain cancer diagnosis.

Australian of the Year Richard Scolyer has confirmed his latest scans reveal no recurrence of brain cancer, a year on from his initial diagnosis.

Professor Scolyer, 57, was diagnosed with glioblastoma IDH wild-type last year and became "patient zero" in a pioneering immunotherapy approach developed by his own research on melanoma, which has produced remarkable results.

On Tuesday, he wrote in an Instagram post that a recent scan showed no new cancer growth. .....

.......Glioblastoma is an aggressive form of cancer with an average survival rate of 12 months.

Research partner and fellow Australian of the Year oncologist Georgina Long adapted their pioneering research on the treatment of melanomas to treat the brain cancer.

The duo are co-directors of Melanoma Institute Australia, which revolutionised the treatment of the deadly skin cancer by using combination immunotherapy before removing the melanoma....
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Message 2139963 - Posted: 29 Aug 2024, 10:30:40 UTC

Well that's a turn up for the books, but we can do better.

Australians are living longer than most people in English-speaking OECD countries, new research says.

People living in Australia have better health outcomes and face less inequality compared to other high-income countries in the Anglosphere.

That is according to research published in the open access medical journal BMJ Open.

International researchers analysed several English-speaking countries such as New Zealand, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom to review life expectancy between 1990 and 2018.

They found Australia was the best performer in life expectancy at birth since the 1990s.

"Australia performs well, but still has room for improvement, particularly in the area of reducing inequalities among its indigenous populations," researchers said.

"Overall, Australia offers a potential model for lower-performing Anglophone countries, such as the USA and UK, to follow to reduce both premature mortality and inequalities in life expectancy.".......
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Message 2140038 - Posted: 30 Aug 2024, 20:31:14 UTC

Wow, we could be in for more problems.

Scientists discover 1,700 new species of ancient viruses in rapidly melting permafrost from the Himalayas.

In 2015, an international team of researchers ventured to the remote Guliya Glacier on the Tibetan Plateau in the Himalayas to collect hundreds of metre-long ice cores.

Trapped inside the ice were more than 1,700 species of virus — almost all new to science.

The research, reported this week in Nature Geoscience, provides scientists with a snapshot of how viruses have adapted to changes in climate over millennia.

But even more importantly, it is an attempt to protect the information stored within permafrost that is no longer permanent. Ground that has remained frozen for thousands of years is thawing due to climate change......
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Message 2140290 - Posted: 6 Sep 2024, 1:49:12 UTC

If this is true, what else has been released accidentally on purpose by the Chinese?
Chinese lab linked to Covid leak may have also released ANOTHER deadly virus, new research claims
The Chinese lab that the FBI believes likely leaked Covid-19 may have also released a 'highly evolved' strain of polio in 2014.

A bombshell new study suggests that this polio strain, which infected a four-year-old boy amid a wider viral outbreak in China's Anhui province, is '99 percent' identical to a polio variant that was stored 200 miles away, during that same time period, at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Researchers at France's Pasteur Institute cannot say with certainty where this strain, dubbed 'WIV14,' originated. But they insisted two possibilities 'must be explored' — including the chance that WIV14 polio originated within the Wuhan institute itself.

'The findings underscore the shocking unsafe state of global virology research,' Harvard-trained molecular biologist Dr Richard Ebright, who was not involved with the research, told
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Message 2140502 - Posted: 11 Sep 2024, 8:15:52 UTC

A new tick-borne disease is discovered in China.

New virus discovered in China will ‘damage your brain’.

Scientists are warning of a new tick-borne disease called Wetland virus (WELV) that was recently discovered in China.

A member of the Orthonairovirus genus of viruses, WELV previously infected a man in Inner Mongolia, China, in 2019, but it was not identified until this new study, which was published in The New England Journal of Medicine last week.

The 61-year-old man, who was bitten by a tick at a wetland park, sought medical attention for “persistent fever and multiple organ dysfunction,” according to the study.

A team of researchers from the Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology isolated the virus from that patient and later identified it as WELV, Fox News reports.

Using laboratory testing, the team went on to detect the virus in 17 other patients in China whose symptoms included fever, headache, dizziness, muscle pain, fatigue, back pain, arthritis, swollen lymph nodes and neurological issues, the study findings noted.

Some also had petechiae, which are spots on the skin caused by bleeding from capillaries.

Eight of the patients who had recovered were found to have four times as many WELV-specific antibodies than those who had not yet recovered, the researchers found.

After receiving antiviral medications, antibiotics or immunoglobulin therapy, all the patients recovered without any long-term health effects.

The Wetland virus is similar to the Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever, a virus that causes fever, headache, muscle pains, vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding into the skin and liver failure in severe cases, according to the study findings.

The RNA of the virus was found in five different tick species, along with sheep, horses, pigs and rodents in northeastern China.......
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Message 2140831 - Posted: 17 Sep 2024, 20:51:37 UTC
Last modified: 17 Sep 2024, 20:51:58 UTC

Australia is set to become the 1st country to ban the modern day deadly equivalent to asbestos.

Silicosis-causing fake stone imports to be banned from January 1.

Fake stone products will be stopped at the Australian border from next year, marking the final step in a national ban on the once-popular building material, which can cause the deadly dust disease silicosis.

The Albanese government will today announce a ban on the importation of engineered stone benchtops, slabs and panels from January 1, 2025.

Engineered stone, a popular material often used for kitchen benches, has been linked to a surge in deadly lung disease among stonemasons due to its high silica content.

Last year, a Safe Work Australia report found the stone posed an "unacceptable risk" to stonemasons during the cutting process, prompting the government to announce a national ban on the use and supply of fake stone.

Australia is the first country to prohibit the fake stone.

Workplace Relations Minister Murray Watt said a ban on imports provided an extra layer of deterrent at the border.

"No one deserves to have their health compromised due to their working environment," he said.

"These illnesses have been devastating and debilitating for Australian workers and their families, and we cannot continue to allow it to happen."

The first recorded case of silicosis in Australia was in 2015, and since then a growing number of doctors warned the disease could become the "next asbestosis" without intervention........
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Message 2140895 - Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 21:29:13 UTC

What a good idea!

My report on the NHS diagnosed its dire condition. Now here’s the cure
Making healthy life expectancy central to all government policy is the surest way of stemming demand on the health service

What a good and wide reaching good idea.

How do we make our politicians make that a reality?

Stay healthy folks!!
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