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Message 2091183 - Posted: 31 Dec 2021, 2:29:03 UTC - in response to Message 2091170.  
Last modified: 31 Dec 2021, 2:29:47 UTC


Good for good health for a lot more than just reducing the deadly exposure to COVID...

Keep off the McDonalds!!!

(And Subway, and... All the rest of the "Fast Food" processed food crap...)

Enjoy good health and good healthy food!

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2091349 - Posted: 3 Jan 2022, 2:26:38 UTC

Once all the numbers are in for the festive season don't be shocked if 2 million case days turn up with almost 1.9 million cases being reported on the 30th of last month and that wasn't a complete field either.

Anyhow the world's total case tally has now exceeded 290.6 million while deaths have pass 5,460,300. :-(

The U.S. tried hard to hold up their numbers over the last few days so that they could complete their new 56M+ clubhouse, but reports just in say that there were "wet paint" signs all over the place, and frantic work is going on next door to get the 57M+ clubhouse done in time as on the 30th of last month and with 5 states numbers missing they still managed pass 572,000 new cases (so don't be surprised if they have to pitch a tent for their 58M+ clubhouse when the last few days numbers get caught up on).

Meanwhile here down under, SloMo and Dominic's plan to get us Aussies all infected is going along at leaps and bounds while their plummeting approval ratings are ringing alarm bells through the right wing parties (if elections were held here now both the current right wing federal and N.S.W. state ruling parties would be gutted in a blood bath at the polls).

Hopefully in 2-3 days all those numbers should be caught up on and I'll do another update.
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Message 2091350 - Posted: 3 Jan 2022, 2:49:45 UTC

Also in the U.S. that nutcase MTG has finally put on the straw that broke the camel's back.

Twitter permanently bans U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving person IMHO.

And then there's that Texas covidiot by the name of Abbott who has done his most against COVID-19 vaccine mandates is now crying out for help from the fed.

GOP Texas governor asks for federal assistance to help with COVID-19 testing, treatment.

What a flaming hypocrite he is. If he had done the right things to start with he wouldn't have had to tuck his tail between his legs and go begging. In fact instead of wasting tax payers $'s on a silly fence he'd have the $'s to spend where it's really needed.

I wonder when that Florida covidiot DeSantis will come out of hiding and try the same stunt, but it will be interesting to finally see Florida's last few days numbers when they eventually get released (that's if he doesn't do the same job to new cases as he has done with the daily death numbers and send them in 4 weeks after the fact).
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Message 2091414 - Posted: 3 Jan 2022, 23:42:03 UTC

If there wasn't enough to worry about.

French scientists discover new mutant Covid variant which could be more resistant to vaccines.

The medical world is on alert yet again after a new mutant Covid-19 variant emerged in France recently.

The new strain, dubbed “variant IHU” or B. 1.640.2, was first detected in the nation last month, but is now making international headlines after catching the attention of global experts.

At least 12 cases were confirmed near the Marseilles area, and it is understood that many of those patients were hospitalised with the illness.

Variant IHU, which is believed to be linked with travel to the African nation of Cameroon, has 46 mutations which experts fear could mean it is more resistant to existing vaccines.

However, on a more positive note, the new strain does not appear to be spreading rapidly....
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Message 2091549 - Posted: 6 Jan 2022, 11:03:59 UTC

Well the last reporting period saw a new world record for daily cases has been set with over 2.5 million new cases being recorded and taking the total count past 298.1 million making the 300 million mark being broken during this reporting period. :-)

The U.S. even had to hire a marque for the opening of their 58M+ clubhouse while another is ready for tomorrow's grand opening of their 59M+ clubhouse (maybe they should consider using demountable buildings in the near future) as they set a new daily case record of over 704,600 with D.C.'s numbers yet to come in.

India now has a big job of cleaning out the dust and cobwebs from the 35M+ clubhouse that they entered while the U.K. has breezed through the 13M+ club and is about the enter the 14M+ clubhouse, but the French did even better as they flew past Turkey into the 10M+ clubhouse passing Russia and will crash through the doors of the 11M+ clubhouse very shortly.

There are many other countries also flying up the lists. But here down under where our penny pinching right wing ruling number crunchers plan expected us to peak at 50K daily cases as we "learn to live with COVID" (well that's been well busted in no time) have been proved exceedingly wrong jumping from 83rd on the case list up to 57th while the medical experts reckon that 200K+ will wind up being closer to the mark due to far too many very poor decisions being recklessly made for the sake of a buck (and getting reelected) of late. They really should've stuck to the original March 2020 fully opening up plan instead of taking the shortcuts that they have.

Hospitalisations here are now up to 3,279 with 209 in ICU and of those 65 are on ventilators. 1 thing though is that most of those have the Delta variety and of those with the Omicron version in there most have been admitted for other reasons (eg; broken bones, lacerations, torn muscles, etc,), but have returned positive results to that version without having or showing any symptoms at all (all admissions here are tested on entry).

Anyhow on our vaccination side of things the nation average of those eligible (12yrs+) 94.6% have now had 1 dose while 91.7% are fully dosed (vaccinations for 5-11yr olds are about to start giving them 3 weeks to get done before the new school year begins). The A.C.T. has greater than 99% now fully dosed (so they've hit their peak) while New South Wales comes in next with 93.6%, but Tasmanian is closing in fast with 93.5%, and Victoria rounds out those above 90% with 92.5%. Then South Australia comes in next with 88.6% followed by Queensland with 87.3%, Western Australia has 85.1% done and the Northern Territory comes in last with 84.7% fully dosed.

And then there's the current Tennis Australia/Djokervic scandal with his evidence for a medical exemption being “insufficient” on arrival and now it seems that Tennis Australia is believed to have granted exemption letters to two other individuals who also don’t meet Australian government entry requirements with Australian Border Force officials now investigating their cases as well. Polling here greatly favours Djokervic being put straight back on a plane out of the country, but sadly they're letting him have his day in court instead (I hope that the anti-vaxxing anti-science covidiot is enjoying secured detention under guard until then).
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Message 2091651 - Posted: 7 Jan 2022, 18:53:21 UTC
Last modified: 7 Jan 2022, 18:56:28 UTC

Here in the UK and the big numbers continue, with increasing consequences...

In England, we have over 1-in-15 people now currently infected with covid:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, UK: 7 January 2022
... continued to increase in the week ending 31 December 2021 ... 3,270,800 people in England had COVID-19 ... around 1 in 15 people.

That increases to over 1-in-10 people in the confines of London!

Consequently, we have in the BBC News headlines for today:

... concern over {hospital} admissions in older people

... And our hospitals are suffering staff shortages because the staff are human and they are themselves are getting ill.

And yet the craziness continues:

'Crisis actor' conspiracy theory: How anti-vax activists targeted a Covid patient
A man [shown in hospital in intensive care] was targeted with hundreds of abusive messages after being featured in a year-end BBC News report. ... [All with 'love' from] Anti-vaccine activists who falsely believed he was a so-called "crisis actor" pretending to be sick with Covid-19...

How unreal can the anti-vaxxers get?!

Meanwhile, the USA hits the headlines sadly:

Covid: US reports record {one million} cases with peak still to come
... While rates of death and hospital admissions in the US have been far lower in recent weeks than in previous infection spikes, the number of hospital admissions has been steadily rising.

The country is now facing "almost a vertical increase" in cases, said top US pandemic adviser Anthony Fauci, adding that the peak may be weeks away.

Mr Biden acknowledged on Tuesday that there has been "concern and some considerable confusion about the rising cases", but reiterated that the majority of hospital admissions and deaths from Covid are among the unvaccinated...

Stay safe folks!
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2091652 - Posted: 7 Jan 2022, 18:54:58 UTC - in response to Message 2091651.  

How unreal can the anti-vaxxers get
Consider how unreal religion is.
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Message 2091653 - Posted: 7 Jan 2022, 18:57:49 UTC - in response to Message 2091652.  

How unreal can the anti-vaxxers get
Consider how unreal religion is.

Yes... Scary...

Better education needed all round?...

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2091654 - Posted: 7 Jan 2022, 19:01:04 UTC

Can there be too much of a good thing?

Covid-19: Indian man has taken at least eight Covid jabs
... The retired postman said the jabs had helped him to get rid of aches and pains and "stay healthy". He claimed he had not suffered any adverse effects.

Mr Mondal was finally stopped from taking what he claimed was his 12th jab at a camp last week...

The recommendation is very definitely to keep to the recommendations!

I hope there is some useful follow-up research on that interesting case...

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2091657 - Posted: 7 Jan 2022, 19:04:43 UTC

I think that all around the world, our politicians still need to learn better and to actually heed our scientific and medical wisdom:

Xi'an: The messy cost of China's Covid lockdown playbook
... All 13 million residents have been on lockdown the past two weeks and harsh measures have been put in place to battle an outbreak, with more 1,800 cases detected so far.

Local authorities are determined to snuff it out so that it will not mar the prestige of the Winter Olympics next month, and to avoid turning the upcoming Spring Festival - where millions will be moving across the country - into a super spreader event...

... This has meant that "on the one hand, local officials cannot singlehandedly lock down a district, but on the other, they are required to organise food delivery to more than a million residents at short notice," wrote China studies professor Christian Goebel of the University of Vienna in an online analysis.

"If it works out, the centre takes the credit, if it doesn't, local officials are blamed and given the boot."

Two senior party officials in Xi'an have been sacked, while dozens more have been punished...

Stay safe folks!
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2091665 - Posted: 7 Jan 2022, 20:01:24 UTC

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Message 2091669 - Posted: 7 Jan 2022, 22:09:49 UTC

Well a crowd turned up at the pavilion that has been erected for the official opening of the U.S.'s 60M+ case club as the world's case total has flown past 300 million with a record of over 2.6 million new daily cases being reported for the 5th.

While here down under our incompetent and greedy right wing leaders have us well on the way to joining the 1M+ club (all those incompetents are now flip flopping all over the place like fishes out of water when they're not running around like chooks with their heads cut off when the big questions are being asked of them now). In fact in their efforts to quickly boost an ok running economy early, instead of waiting for the originally agreed upon March 2022 opening up date, they have done exactly the opposite as people here have suddenly stopped spending and many are staying home either because they're infected or they don't want to get infected which has greatly effected the workforce in general likely bringing on the start of a financial disaster. Health experts also reckon that because of Omicron, overloaded testing sites and our vaccination rates that our true infection numbers could be many times higher now than what they actually are. :-O

Meanwhile the Novax Djokervic saga has a noose tightening around Tennis Australia heads who are now diving under rocks to avoid some very embarrassing questions with the 1st being, did TA create this situation on their own by sending out what they knew was incorrect information on conditions of entry, and the 2nd being, did the Joker have a hand in engineering this as well to test our system? 1 of the other 2 players caught up in this mess, Renata Vorá?ová, has decided to leave on the next available flight out, but who the other player is still remains a mystery.

Is it just me or are some people seemingly getting more stupid these days?
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Message 2091685 - Posted: 8 Jan 2022, 0:34:44 UTC

Well the health experts here look like they'll win with their 200K+ per day infection rate prediction before we may see a fall based on the policies of an incompetent group of right wing pollies in which we will pass double their 50K+ prediction within hours. :-(
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Message 2091706 - Posted: 8 Jan 2022, 11:11:19 UTC

Over 28,000 pounds of ground beef from Oregon recalled over possible E. coli contamination.

An Oregon distributor issued a recall Thursday for more than 14 tons of ground beef that's potentially contaminated with E. coli, federal officials said.

Clackamas-based Interstate Meat Distributors urged customers in Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and Oregon to steer clear of 28,356 pounds of beef that was produced on Dec. 20 and might be on the shelves at WinCo, Walmart, Kroger and Albertsons — or already in kitchens across the West.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service "is concerned that some product may be in consumers’ refrigerators or freezers," according to a statement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

"The products subject to recall bear establishment number 'EST. 965' inside the USDA mark of inspection or printed next to the time stamp and use or freeze by date," the statement said.

"Consumers who have purchased these products are urged not to consume them. These products should be thrown away or returned to the place of purchase."

A representative for Interstate Meat, subject of a 14,000-pound recall in 2018, declined comment on Friday.

While the bacterial infection could be deadly, victims are typically sick for three or four days, with symptoms that could include severe stomach cramps, bloody diarrhea, vomiting and a mild fever.
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Message 2091737 - Posted: 8 Jan 2022, 19:37:30 UTC - in response to Message 2091651.  
Last modified: 8 Jan 2022, 22:58:58 UTC

There are consequences...

Prevalence of ongoing symptoms following coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in the UK {as of 6 December 2021}
... An estimated 1.3 million people living in private households in the UK (2.0% of the population) were experiencing self-reported long COVID...

... symptoms adversely affected the day-to-day activities of 809,000 people (64% of those with self-reported long COVID), with 247,000 (20%) reporting that their ability to undertake their day-to-day activities had been “limited a lot”...

Note that the survey is, in effect, for before the Omicron variant became prevalent...

1-in-50 people adds up to a lot of people and an awful lot of long term suffering...

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Message 2091741 - Posted: 8 Jan 2022, 21:54:56 UTC

While many here are turning over rocks looking for Tennis Australia boss Craig Tiley to get some answers as more disgusting facts are coming out Novax Djoker.

Novak Djokovic’s ‘unbelievably irresponsible’ behaviour while Covid positive exposed.

....News Corp sports writer Todd Balym tweeted: “So either Djokovic is lying and the positive Covid test is fraudulent, or this “hero” has such a blatant disregard for anyone & everyone else he was happy to risk exposing Covid to children. His reputation is in utter ruins, no coming back from this.”

The Australian’s Natasha Robinson said: “Unbelievably irresponsible. What a turd.”

The Economist’s Stanley Pignal added: “A problem for Djokovic: if he claims he had Covid recently, his (and others’) social media should include a period where he isn’t indoors, maskless, with lots of people. And for now that seems hard to find.”

There was also widespread bewilderment at the revelation that even if Djokovic had legitimate grounds for a vaccine exemption, he had missed Tennis Australia’s (TA) cut-off by several days....
So it's looking more like the Joker is a lair, a fraudster and most of all a character of very low morals, not to mention being an active disease spreader.

But the big questions still remain and that is, did Novax and Tiley conspire on purpose together to set up this scandal and did Novax hand over big $'s to Tiley to get it done (allegedly Novax is no stranger to handing out $'s to get his own way)? Meanwhile another question has popped up and that is, did the Serbian government have a hand in this fiasco by issuing a false Covid test result for him?
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Message 2091841 - Posted: 9 Jan 2022, 21:35:59 UTC

Today finally sees the commencement of the vaccine rollout here down under for 5-11yr olds so get them kiddies done before they go back to school. ;-)
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Message 2091860 - Posted: 10 Jan 2022, 1:35:38 UTC - in response to Message 2091741.  

My guess, there was fudging, fraud, perjury, call it what you will, to obtain the paperwork and it was caught by a hard working front line employee. Bully for them.
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Message 2091898 - Posted: 10 Jan 2022, 21:30:57 UTC

Health and safety at work and who pays:

Ikea cuts sick pay for unvaccinated staff forced to self-isolate

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2091901 - Posted: 10 Jan 2022, 21:57:36 UTC

In a Tennis Singles Match they STAY Way Over 6 Feet Apart; Breathing Hard while 'Exercising' and Usually OUTSIDE - So What's Da BIGGIE?

da Ball Girls and Boys can Throw Balls to Players while way Over 6 Feet Away.

I'm Super Glad Novak has Shined da World Spotlight on this 'Incident'.

GOoD fo Him. And His Being UNVaxxed. Dats His Business. and RIGHT.

Looks Like he'll be Playing.

Yeah Baby!!!!!


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