Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects and Politics: Continued DENIAL (#6)

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Message 2108161 - Posted: 7 Oct 2022, 7:25:55 UTC

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Message 2108182 - Posted: 7 Oct 2022, 16:48:32 UTC
Last modified: 7 Oct 2022, 16:50:04 UTC

Yet more Blah-blah-blah.

Yet more Greenwash...

And polluting "Business As Usual" continues to deny all consequences:

World aviation agrees 'aspirational' net zero plan
The [commercial aviation] world has finally agreed on a long-term plan to curb carbon emissions from flying. ... pledged to support an "aspirational" net zero aviation goal by 2050...

... However green groups say the deal is weak and not legally binding...

No change there then for yet longer for some yet more distant indeterminate time... Makes this sketch from long ago all the more apt...

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Message 2108252 - Posted: 8 Oct 2022, 16:21:27 UTC

Strange politics?...

Renewable energy: Government plan for price cap is risky, firms warn
The government is set to cap the price of electricity from older renewable and nuclear facilities as early as this week...

... could hit the profits of energy companies ... deter future investment...

... Currently, the price of electricity generated in older facilities is linked to the cost of gas. This is different at newer facilities, who produce power at an agreed price ... those [older] nuclear and [older] renewable producers are making very significant excess profits because the price of gas has rocketed, but their costs of production have not...

... Some energy bosses said they would actually prefer a windfall tax - with one mentioning he would be happy to pay tax at 25% rather than the current 19% and pointed out that the oil and gas companies are able to reduce their tax burden by 91% for every pound they invested.

One said that it "would be perverse to impose higher effective taxes on renewables than on oil and gas companies."

The electricity producers are trying to protect their profits but the government is equally determined to find a way to lower bills and inflation...

Really?! How much do we subsidize the polluting old fossil fuels to burn our planet??!!!...

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Message 2108265 - Posted: 8 Oct 2022, 18:09:15 UTC

Ban brake fluid because if it leaks onto the exhaust it will cause a fire.

As I've said Ad Nauseam:

LA Kali '73 - '74 Ten Lane Intra-States Bumper to Bumper Eyes Watering Hard to Breathe





Pushing AGENDAs Don't Make Thangs Better.

UNLESS it is MABA aka make america BETTER Always


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Message 2108394 - Posted: 12 Oct 2022, 14:15:23 UTC

The impact of climate change on Greenland as the Arctic heats up - BBC News
Communities in northern Greenland have lived in one of the world's toughest environments for centuries.

But temperatures have risen faster in the Arctic region than elsewhere on earth, and the impact of climate change is being felt on the local way of life.

Greenland‘s ice cap is the single biggest contributor to global sea levels rises and what happens to the ice sheet and glaciers will impact the rest of the world.
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Message 2108842 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 17:49:32 UTC

The upper left coast has recently been hammered with wild fire smoke. The last two days Seattle has had the dirtiest air for a major city in the world, today it has improved to second dirtiest. Tomorrow the rain will start and should clean up the air.
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Message 2108854 - Posted: 20 Oct 2022, 21:54:56 UTC

After being told by certain governments (at the time) that selling off our public owned power generation facilities to private entities would lower the cost of power to all all we've ever saw was nothing but constant price rises and now those private entities are trying a scare campaign as our governments (thus the public) take back control of the market with huge amounts of renewable sources being injected into it.

Australia's biggest electricity system 'on life support' as states take control of the energy transition.

They've sat on their hands doing almost nothing while raking in cash for over 2 decades now and now that they see their cash cows disappearing they're complaining about it while trying to put the scare up people all over their own inaction's and greed.

Well I've just done my bit by having installed 32 x 415W solar panels on my shed's roof with a 10KW inverter on the side pumping whatever I don't use back into the grid. ;-)
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Message 2109044 - Posted: 25 Oct 2022, 7:35:43 UTC

When something good can be very bad.

'We don't eat lithium': S. America longs for benefits of metal boon.

The turquoise glimmer of open-air pools contrasts sharply with the dazzling white of salt flats in Latin America's "lithium triangle," where hope resides for a better life fueled by a metal bonanza.

A key component of batteries used in electric cars, demand has exploded for lithium -- the "white gold" found in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia in quantities larger than anywhere else in the world.

And as the world seeks to move away from fossil fuels, lithium production -- and prices -- have skyrocketed, as have the expectations of communities near lithium plants, many of whom live in poverty.

But there are growing concerns about the impact on groundwater sources in regions already prone to extended droughts, with recent evidence of tree and flamingo die-offs.

And there are scant signs to date of benefits trickling down.

"We don't eat lithium, nor batteries. We do drink water," said Veronica Chavez, 48, president of the Santuario de Tres Pozos Indigenous community near the town of Salinas Grandes in Argentina's lithium heartland.

A poster that meets visitors to Salinas Grandes reads: "No to lithium, yes to water and life."

Lithium extraction requires millions of liters of water per plant per day.

Unlike in Australia -- the world's top lithium producer that extracts the metal from rock -- in South America it is derived from salars, or salt flats, where saltwater containing the metal is brought from underground briny lakes to the surface to evaporate....
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Message 2109191 - Posted: 27 Oct 2022, 15:50:08 UTC

Does this make any sense?...

Shell pays no UK windfall tax despite profits jump {doubling}
Shell has reported its second highest quarterly profit on record but it has not paid the UK's windfall tax on energy firms.

The energy giant said global profits reached $9.5bn (£8.2bn) between July and September, compared to $4.2bn during the same period last year.

However, Shell said that because it had made large investments in the UK, it meant it had [bureaucratically] made no profit here...

... shadow climate change secretary, said the current windfall tax on energy firms was flawed and "would see billions of pounds of taxpayer money go back into the pockets of oil and gas giants through ludicrous tax breaks"...

... The 25% [windfall] tax is applied only to UK profits which, for most oil and gas companies, is a small part of their operations. Oil and gas firms operating in the North Sea are taxed differently to other firms ... The Energy Profits Levy also has a measure that allows energy companies to apply for tax savings worth 91p of every £1 invested in fossil fuel extraction in the UK...

... So far this year, Shell has reported profits of $30bn which is more than double the amount it made over the first nine months of 2021...

So... Very different (beneficent) tax rules for the fossil fuels industry. Including benefiting from no taxes upon the pollution and the costs of the consequences of that pollution...

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Message 2109193 - Posted: 27 Oct 2022, 15:57:33 UTC
Last modified: 27 Oct 2022, 15:58:09 UTC


Climate change: UN warns key warming threshold slipping from sight
There is "no credible pathway" to keep the rise in global temperatures below the key threshold of 1.5C, according to a bleak new UN assessment.

... going beyond 1.5C would [will] see dangerous impacts for people all over the world...

... The UN acknowledges that achieving massive cuts in emissions is now a tall order. But it points to electricity, industry, transport and buildings as areas where rapid transformations away from fossil fuels can be made. "We've got to take climate change with us wherever we go," said Ms Anderson. "Into the classrooms, into the boardrooms, into the voting booth, over the dinner table. We cannot let go of climate change."...

... "The thing I find most disturbing is the lack of evidence that anyone in government is focusing on how all the impacts can come together, creating cascading crises," ... "There are simply no ministers with focused responsibility for making sure that our infrastructure is resilient to extreme weather and other effects of climate change."

While almost all the reports published this week underline the lack of progress on climate, there are some [a small few] strong positives amidst the gloom...

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Message 2109274 - Posted: 28 Oct 2022, 16:30:31 UTC

Denial continues unabated:

Ministers admit missing legally binding water and nature targets
... government has delayed legally binding targets aimed at curbing pollution and restoring nature.

The government said its 31 October deadline for setting targets to improve water, air and wildlife would be missed.

MPs and green groups said failing to hit the deadline ahead of the COP27 climate summit was embarrassing for the UK. The delay comes as the prime minister faces criticism for skipping COP27...

... Former Energy Minister Chris Skidmore was tasked with leading the review "with a focus on ensuring the UK's fight against climate change maximises economic growth, while increasing energy security and affordability for consumers and businesses".

So, business as usual... In the short term burn, burn, burn.

Continued blah blah blah...

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Message 2109291 - Posted: 28 Oct 2022, 20:16:55 UTC

Space Mission Spies More Than 50 Greenhouse Gas 'Super-Emitters' on Earth.

In April, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that 2021 saw a record increase in atmospheric methane – a harmful greenhouse gas known to contribute to global warming and therefore all the devastating consequences that come with it.

Consequences like intense cyclones and floods that destroy peoples' homes and lead to startling amounts of death. Like wildfires that ravage entire towns and increase the risk of cancer.

What's striking is that this marked the second year in a row that such a massive methane spike has occurred since scientists started tracking the chemical's levels back in 1983. And to make matters worse, the ominous pattern stems from the fact that fossil fuel production, biomass burning, improper waste management and other human activities produce lots of methane – yet these activities have been ramping up across the globe.

In other words, the way we burn coal for energy and develop enormous landfills to store our trash is the crux of the issue.

To figure out where, exactly, our methane emissions are coming from – so we can try to plug the biggest sources – NASA repurposed an International Space Station mission to look down on Earth and identify our planet's methane hotspots.

Called the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation – named for its original job of studying how dust affects our climate – but also known as EMIT, the endeavor found more than 50 of what NASA calls methane "super-emitters." These super-emitters comprise facilities, equipment and other human-made infrastructure that are tied to the fossil fuel, waste and agricultural industries...

..All in all, EMIT data found over five dozen super-emitters in Central Asia, the Middle East and the southwestern United States....
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Message 2109310 - Posted: 29 Oct 2022, 1:52:09 UTC - in response to Message 2109291.  

"South Western USA"...

Let me guess...

Ding ding ding boom...


Can we clean up the mess?

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Message 2109314 - Posted: 29 Oct 2022, 2:28:09 UTC

Texas Ain't Considered SOUTHWEST


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Message 2109315 - Posted: 29 Oct 2022, 4:02:39 UTC
Last modified: 29 Oct 2022, 4:03:19 UTC

Try New Mexico Martin. ;-)

Absolutely awful.
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Message 2109316 - Posted: 29 Oct 2022, 7:06:14 UTC - in response to Message 2109314.  

If it was formerly part of Mexico, it has to be the Southwest.
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Message 2109521 - Posted: 2 Nov 2022, 21:56:47 UTC

I pretty much thought that our last federal election was all the proof that was needed, but a Report shows growing number of Australians believe climate change effects already being felt.
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Message 2109539 - Posted: 3 Nov 2022, 15:24:53 UTC
Last modified: 3 Nov 2022, 15:26:02 UTC

Not looking good...

Hidden emissions in liquid gas imports threaten targets
Europe's growing reliance on liquefied natural gas (LNG) is coming at a high environmental cost... LNG imports have soared in the wake of the [Russian war against] Ukraine war which has limited piped supplies from Russia...

... "For piped gas from Norway, we see around 7kg of CO2 per barrel, but for LNG imports into Europe, we estimate the average is over [70kg], so around 10 times lower for piped gas versus LNG,"...

... "By the end of next year, if Russia fully turns off the gas taps, and all that additional gas needs to come from LNG sources, we will see an additional 35 million tonnes of imported upstream CO2 emissions compared to 2021."

That extra CO2 is the equivalent of adding around 16 million cars to the UK's roads for two years.

For some observers, this rush for LNG is a triumph of short-term thinking. "The real opportunity, out of a bad situation is to put incentives in place to reduce our gas usage,"...

... One other problem with these imports is their origin. According to Rystad, around 16% of the liquid is coming from Russia. In buying this gas from Russia, the UK and Europe are not just helping to fund the invasion of Ukraine, but they're also making it more difficult to win the war against climate change.

COP27: What have global leaders done on climate change in 2022?

... Yet more hot air and political jollies for another decade over the cliff edge...

Climate change: Kilimanjaro's and Africa's last glaciers to go by 2050
Glaciers across the globe - including the last ones in Africa - will be unavoidably lost by 2050...

... About 18,600 glaciers have been identified across 50 UN World Heritage sites. They represent almost 10% of the Earth's glacierised area and include renowned tourist spots and places sacred to local populations. The retreat and disappearance of glaciers was "among the most dramatic evidence that Earth's climate is warming"...

... "What is quite unprecedented in the historical record is how quickly this is happening," said Beata Csatho, a glaciologist from the University of Buffalo, who was not involved in the research. "In the middle of the 1900s, glaciers were quite stable," she said. "Then there is this incredibly fast retreat."...

Yet more "Don't Look Up"?

This needn't be so... We do not need to continue this way.

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Message 2109883 - Posted: 9 Nov 2022, 7:47:34 UTC

This is what the deniers have delivered.

Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Australia. What can we learn from the world's devastating floods?

Yet they still continue denying the facts.
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Message 2109894 - Posted: 9 Nov 2022, 17:28:30 UTC
Last modified: 9 Nov 2022, 17:28:56 UTC

Do we have here the Denial of a wannabe dictator?...

Suella Braverman tells police to be firmer with 'extremist' protesters
... Climate activists, most notably Just Stop Oil, have closed motorways and glued themselves to famous art works over the last few months.

Suella Braverman said the "disruption is a threat to our way of life", during a speech on Wednesday.

She told the Police Chiefs Conference: "I urge you all to step up to your public duties in policing protests."...

Rather than going all Pootin-style, what happened to the art of engagement and diplomacy?

And what is happening with backing up real improvements to our climate with real positive initiatives that are backed up by usefully enforce legal requirements to make real positive improvement for the good of all?

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