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Message 2081896 - Posted: 8 Aug 2021, 20:50:36 UTC - in response to Message 2081877.  
Last modified: 8 Aug 2021, 20:55:34 UTC

Meanwhile here down under Gladys' continuing blunder now totals 6247 cases with 32 deaths and she still refuses to do a proper lockdown as infections keep leaking out of greater Sydney into the countryside and cases are now being reported just a 1.5hr drive south from here.
"If the objective was to frighten the hell out of the community, I can guarantee you they have done that."
Another blunder in Sydney?
Unarmed defence personal frightening? For those that don't know Dai Le she's a bit of a firebrand who doesn't seem to realise that she's now living in Australia and not in Vietnam anymore.

And if we didn't know of Katie Hopkins before she arrived down under we certainly know her now.

Hopkins denies breaking Sydney hotel quarantine rules.

So she's now saying that she didn't do the things that she posted about doing?

Then there was the woman that was on the run for 4 days after escaping quarantine.

Qld police charge woman who allegedly fled hotel quarantine, on the run for four days.

I wonder if her outstanding warrants were worth the trouble.
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Message 2081953 - Posted: 9 Aug 2021, 20:09:12 UTC

Yet another ongoing consequence:

NHS waiting lists could rise to 14 million in England next year
... Currently, some five million are waiting for routine operations and procedures - many of whom are in pain.

But the Institute for Fiscal Studies has warned there is a huge hidden backlog of patients who are still yet to come forward for treatment...

... In one scenario, if the NHS can't treat more patients than it did pre-pandemic, the waiting list could rise to 14 million by next autumn...

If the NHS can't boost capacity, the IFS warns, longer waiting lists will be with us for years to come...

... And how many of those will die in pain before their 'turn' becomes available?...

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Message 2081959 - Posted: 9 Aug 2021, 20:50:07 UTC

Another covidiot conspiracy theorist and antivaxer has rolled the dice and lost.

Radio Host Dick Farrel, who told people not to get covid vaccine, dies of coronavirus.

A Florida radio host who blasted Anthony Fauci and coronavirus vaccines has died from Covid-19.

The US Sun reports that the right-wing talk show host Dick Farrel, 65, texted friends in his last few days urging them to get the jab, having changed his mind.

Previously Farrel had frequently hit out against the covid vaccine on his personal Facebook page.

In a July 3 post he wrote: “Why take a vax promoted by people who lied 2u all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?”, although he didn’t provide any additional context or clarification.

“Vaccine Bogus Bull Shid!, Two peeps I know, got vaxed, now have Corona, hospitalised critical,” he wrote on July 1. “Thank you Moderna, FOR NOTHING!”

Creative Director of Hubbard South Florida Mike McCabe, a friend of Farrel’s, said on Facebook that he had been battling covid for three weeks before his death earlier this week.
I wonder if he was another who begged for the vaccine after it was too late.
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Message 2081963 - Posted: 9 Aug 2021, 21:22:04 UTC - in response to Message 2081959.  

Quite Darwinian, excellent and deserving elimination from the gene pool.
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Message 2081964 - Posted: 9 Aug 2021, 22:39:54 UTC
Last modified: 9 Aug 2021, 22:42:21 UTC

This covidiot certainly needs to be given a Darwin Award.

Man infected with Covid in Byron Bay ‘didn’t believe in virus’. I think that the "didn't" is suppose to be "doesn't" in this case.

The mayor of Byron Bay has made a bombshell claim about a man who brought Covid to the region, accusing him of not believing in the virus.

Mayor Michael Lyon said the Covid-positive man travelled to Byron Bay alongside his two children to stay at a property in the beachside town.

He claimed the man did not use QR codes to check into any businesses in the area and had not co-operated with health authorities.

Mr Lyon described the situation as a “nightmare”.

“We’re going through trying to list all exposure sites and work out where he’s been, and he hasn’t been signing in and using QR codes, any of that … doesn’t believe in it, it’s a nightmare,” he told the ABC on Monday night.

“It’s been very difficult for police and health authorities to track down where he’s been, it’s ridiculous.

“You have to wonder what people are thinking when it comes to a situation like this.”
It's yet to be proved if this individual can even accomplish the act of thinking.

That's east and south of here now blocked off to us here, westward is our only chance of escape now with the border to the north closed. :-O
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2081971 - Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 0:55:23 UTC - in response to Message 2081964.  

[quote]That's east and south of here now blocked off to us here, westward is our only chance of escape now with the border to the north closed. :-O
If you can't see it, it doesn't exist!
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Message 2081999 - Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 15:48:47 UTC

The anti-vaxxers who stormed the wrong BBC building are just an embarrassment
Those who turned up at a location not used by the Beeb since 2013 are confused and dangerous half-wits
It is rarely helpful to insult people with whom you disagree. The moment you start mud-slinging, so the theory goes, the argument has been lost. Far better to try and persuade your opponents with evidence and reason.

However, I find myself at a loss this morning. So let’s call a spade a spade. The anti-vaxxers who yesterday attempted to storm the BBC – but turned up at a building not used by the BBC since 2013 – are confused and dangerous half-wits, who have wallowed too long in conspiracy theories and nonsense.

If there was ever a moment to take stock and ask yourself, “what am I doing with my life?”, this was surely it. You’re there in west London on a wet Monday afternoon, trying to break into the wrong building to confront BBC journalists who aren’t there. And all because of… life-saving vaccines. Is this really how it was meant to be? Come on, let’s get you home and put the kettle on.
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Message 2082000 - Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 16:45:42 UTC - in response to Message 2081999.  

Come on, let’s get you home and put the kettle on into bed, preferably in a strait jacket .
Much better. :-)
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Message 2082006 - Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 17:25:36 UTC - in response to Message 2081971.  

[quote]That's east and south of here now blocked off to us here, westward is our only chance of escape now with the border to the north closed. :-O
If you can't see it, it doesn't exist!

What, the closed off to the north border? More than a few miles north, so can't be seen? (Dark humor for dark times.)
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Message 2082019 - Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 0:21:06 UTC
Last modified: 11 Aug 2021, 0:21:27 UTC

For some positive news amongst all the COVID stupidity:

Scientists reckon eliminating COVID-19 will be easier than polio, harder than smallpox – just buckle in for a wait
... Vaccination globally eradicated smallpox, the famine-causing cattle disease called rinderpest, and two of the three serotypes of poliovirus.

And while vaccination is a good path to eliminating the virus, problems in mass distribution, setbacks in international cooperation, or anti-science aggression can be mediated by other factors like border control, physical distancing, mask wearing, and contact tracing. The study authors point out that China eradicated malaria without vaccines and certain countries have kept COVID at bay for long periods of time, proving it is possible...

Positively healthy politics needed?...

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Message 2082022 - Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 2:04:43 UTC

The sooner that these pair of covidiot politicians are banned from social media the better off a lot of us will be.

Twitter suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene – again – for 'misleading' COVID-19 tweet.

George Christensen’s anti-lockdown rant in parliament.

George and Marjorie, your Darwin Awards are now ready to be picked up anytime.

I also bet that DeSantis and Abbott are now spewing.

Florida, Texas schools defy governors' bans on mask mandates as COVID cases soar.

Meanwhile here down under Gladys and her bumbling incompetent crew are now accountable for over 7230 cases and 39 deaths along with another 2 more country regions being put into lockdown as Sydney continues to leak like a sieve.
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Message 2082028 - Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 6:59:13 UTC

Well it's time for another COVID-19 update as the world's case tally passes 204.7 million while deaths now exceed 4,327,000. :-(

At the top end of the death list the only change was Indonesia replacing Argentina in 11th spot so let's get into that case list now.

Tanzania jumped over St. Barth and Antigua/Barbuda to move into 196th place, Sint Maarten became the 186th member of the 3K+ club while Mauritius took flight over Guinea-Bissau, Chad, Gibraltar and San Marino to land in 177th, the Isle of Man displaced Liberia from 175th as Burundi passed Gambia, but remain in 168th, Benin jumped over Equatorial Guinea and Iceland, but only made it up 1 spot to 164th, because the C.A.R. had a correction thrown in taking them from 169th up to 160th place and Timor-Leste replaced Djibouti in 158th spot.

Lesotho displaced Burkina Faso from 153rd spot, the Bahamas jumped over Tajikistan and Taiwan into 146th as French Polynesia jumped over Guyana and Guadeloupe to land in 137th, Martinique took flight over Guadeloupe, Mauritania, Gabon, Suriname, Syria and Guinea to do a refueling stop in 132nd while Eswatini removed French Guiana from 129th, Fiji moved past Sudan to claim 124th with a clear view now of the front door of the 40K+ club and Cambodia replaced Cameroon in 109th spot.

Mozambique knocked Albania out of 97th place, Zambia became the 86th member of the 200K+ club, South Korea and Kenya are now fighting over 83rd &84th spots as Vietnam took flight over Bosnia/Herzegovina, them and Qatar to land in 81st, Libya replaced Bahrain in 76th while Ireland nudged Venezuela out of 69th, Guatemala booted Slovakia from 59th and Cuba along with Georgia jumped over both Belarus and Paraguay to take up 51st & 52nd places respectively.

Morocco swept the U.A.E. aside to the 41st country to enter the 700K+ clubhouse, Thailand blew Jordan out of 36th while Israel became the 23th member of the 900K+ club as the Philippines booted Czechia from 22nd and India has become the 2nd member of the 32M+ club.

Well that's it for now.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2082060 - Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 19:24:15 UTC

I very nearly lost my soul mate of almost 40 years to this disease, you who are ignorant about it,

And that is the only excuse I can offer for you. And you better take it kindly.

This disease is no hoax, and it kills.

I was talking to Lori when her breath stopped and a 'code red' was issued.
The phone dropped to the floor, and I could hear the commotion as they SAVED HER And now our 'presidenete;'. the "unt' would be king, wants full control...................
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 2082062 - Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 20:19:37 UTC

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Message 2082065 - Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 20:43:35 UTC - in response to Message 2082062.  


Flying visit?
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Message 2082116 - Posted: 12 Aug 2021, 16:29:45 UTC - in response to Message 2082062.  


Agreed, I'm bemused by the disconnect between lines 3 and 5.

Is line 5 a frustrated scream of a blame game?

Hopefully, all has progressed well for that case. Best wishes to all there.

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2082117 - Posted: 12 Aug 2021, 16:32:51 UTC

By 'eck! This has been a positively quick move!

7 in 10 young people aged 18-29 vaccinated with a first dose
Young people urged to come forward for both doses to support cautious return to normal life

Over 70% of young people aged 18 to 29 in England have received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine...

... A total of 5,940,038 people in this age group have received a first dose (70.2%) and 2,683,434 people have received both doses (32.4%).

The latest data from Public Health England and Cambridge University shows that vaccines have saved around 84,600 lives as well as preventing 23.4 million infections and 66,900 hospitalisations in England up to 6 August...

All good stuff but we've still a way to get yet...

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2082161 - Posted: 13 Aug 2021, 0:46:23 UTC - in response to Message 2082117.  

By 'eck! This has been a positively quick move!

7 in 10 young people aged 18-29 vaccinated with a first dose
Young people urged to come forward for both doses to support cautious return to normal life

Over 70% of young people aged 18 to 29 in England have received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine...

... A total of 5,940,038 people in this age group have received a first dose (70.2%) and 2,683,434 people have received both doses (32.4%).

The latest data from Public Health England and Cambridge University shows that vaccines have saved around 84,600 lives as well as preventing 23.4 million infections and 66,900 hospitalisations in England up to 6 August...

All good stuff but we've still a way to get yet...

Stay safe folks!

Wonder what the percents are for that age group across several different countries? Yeah, I know I could look it up, probably a country at a time and, of course, I'm concerned about the USA because that's where I am. But, I'm working on other things and I'm tired.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2082164 - Posted: 13 Aug 2021, 3:52:43 UTC - in response to Message 2082161.  

Wonder what the percents are for that age group across several different countries? Yeah, I know I could look it up, probably a country at a time and, of course, I'm concerned about the USA because that's where I am. But, I'm working on other things and I'm tired.

Hey Alexa, build Sarge a table of ...
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Message 2082195 - Posted: 13 Aug 2021, 15:40:45 UTC - in response to Message 2082164.  

Wonder what the percents are for that age group across several different countries? Yeah, I know I could look it up, probably a country at a time and, of course, I'm concerned about the USA because that's where I am. But, I'm working on other things and I'm tired.

Hey Alexa, build Sarge a table of ...

I don't use them Alexas thingys.
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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