Coronavirus, Ebola and Infectious diseases, Food & Drugs, Studies, Recalls #7

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Message 2081765 - Posted: 6 Aug 2021, 13:50:16 UTC - in response to Message 2081761.  

Well, the BBC reported it 52 minutes after my post, but only on the "live" rather than the main site.
1 issue that report showed is this: Your CDC posted it online as an MMWR early release on July 30.
But the US Centers for Disease Control have made the same finding
CDC report
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2081769 - Posted: 6 Aug 2021, 14:34:30 UTC - in response to Message 2081761.  

Well, it is close to what one would expect. If the vax works you don't get delta and no load. If the vax didn't work (for you) you're nearly the same as un-vax and a hefty load.
I would say 'not quite'. The theoretical purpose of the vaccine (E&OE) is to educate and inform the human immune system, in advance, of the nasties that may be heading its way. It's then up to the immune system itself to do the final recognition and disposal of said nasties.

I very much doubt that even the pre-warned immune system can mop up all incoming viruses before any make their way into a cell - i.e., before infection takes place. But I do expect that a very much smaller number of viruses would survive through all the stages of infection, replication, and escape back into the external environment.

The lower viral load internally would correspond with the milder symptoms reported by those who still test positive after being vaccinated. To my mind, it would also correlate with a lower transmission rate to the rest of the population. I don't quite see how a milder personal experience of disease can go together with a full scale, unreduced, transmission release.
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Message 2081771 - Posted: 6 Aug 2021, 14:47:26 UTC

It seems that the CDC can't even get their own report straight or even communicate its findings properly.

Planet America looks into it to dig out the real facts. (you only have to watch the first 7 mins)
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2081772 - Posted: 6 Aug 2021, 14:50:14 UTC - in response to Message 2081769.  

Good post.
Haven't seen that in a long time. Wonder if the social media folks know what it means.
Saying that, it is something that media & government employees should be aware of & use at the right times.
I know, expecting to see pigs fly is too much to ask for.
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Message 2081783 - Posted: 6 Aug 2021, 16:19:39 UTC - in response to Message 2081772.  
Last modified: 6 Aug 2021, 16:22:49 UTC

... expecting to see pigs fly is too much...

All too easily done if the zero-G point is misjudged for the suspension when meeting a hump-back bridge...

For my example, I had a greatly oversized farmer human passenger for which the seatbelt was an impossible fit. Momentarily we 'enjoyed' a fun alternate meaning to "4wd"... Thankfully, the ceiling wasn't damaged. No other damage done either.

Couldn't believe I had that one so very badly misjudged... I'm still suspicious the extra big loading gave an 'extra big bounce'...

Stay safe folks?!
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 2081826 - Posted: 7 Aug 2021, 12:30:20 UTC

I see that the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is going ahead again after last years superspreader event. And the expectations are that 50% more people will attend.
Meade county in South Dakota only has 37% of its population fully vaccinated.
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Message 2081836 - Posted: 7 Aug 2021, 17:21:32 UTC - in response to Message 2081826.  

I see that the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is going ahead again after last years superspreader event. And the expectations are that 50% more people will attend.
Meade county in South Dakota only has 37% of its populaHad thistion fully vaccinated.

I've heard this as well.
About 500 miles from here.
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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Profile ML1
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Message 2081838 - Posted: 7 Aug 2021, 18:01:11 UTC - in response to Message 2081836.  
Last modified: 7 Aug 2021, 18:07:34 UTC

I see that the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is going ahead again after last years superspreader event. And the expectations are that 50% more people will attend.
Meade county in South Dakota only has 37% of its populaHad thistion fully vaccinated.

I've heard this as well.
About 500 miles from here.

That should prove to be interesting to watch the superspreading... From a healthy distance... Hopefully 500miles is safely far enough?

Meanwhile, closer to home:

We have a local saying along the lines of:

"Ya can always tell a Yorkshireman, but ya cannae tell'em owt!" (Easily tell them apart but cannot tell them what to do or to teach them anything new.)

Which seems to be fatally true for the doggedly determined maskless who appear to be determined to blindly stay ignorant.

Really, what is it about "virus" and "aerosol" and "contagion" and "pandemic" that cannot be understood?

We really should have seen this pandemic cleaned up long long ago. Except that is, for the too large a proportion of the population keeping the pandemic alive...

Widespread vaccination really does seem to be the only practical way out.

Stay safe folks!
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2081842 - Posted: 7 Aug 2021, 21:26:56 UTC

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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2081844 - Posted: 7 Aug 2021, 21:35:19 UTC - in response to Message 2081842.  

I wonder how long his business will last for and how many people that he'll murder in that time.
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Message 2081846 - Posted: 7 Aug 2021, 22:23:15 UTC - in response to Message 2081844.  
Last modified: 7 Aug 2021, 22:23:38 UTC

His stance is just perverse.

I wonder how long his business will last for and how many people that he'll murder in that time.

Good questions and a good question if a 'class action' lawsuit can be brought against such recklessness.

Do they also insist (against all good health) on NOT wearing seatbelts?...

Some people do seem to be crazy mindlessly entrenched against all reason. How do we, how can we, deal with such 'ignorance'?

Stay safe folks!
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Profile ML1
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Message 2081847 - Posted: 7 Aug 2021, 22:47:40 UTC

And yet another 'against all reason and reality' example:

Covid vaccine refuser died after terrible mistake, says partner
A man who died with Covid after refusing to be vaccinated made a "terrible mistake" which put his family at risk, his partner has said...

Ok... So why?!

To run through the 'excuses', we have:

said he thought the vaccines were too "experimental"

Hardly so! Fortuitously, we had the first version of the 'COVID' vaccine developed back in 2002. The vaccines in use in such as the UK and the USA follow well known methods that have been thoroughly tested for decades. The 'tweaks to the recipe' for the current version of Coronavirus has fully gone through full medical trials. We now also have experience of hundreds of millions of doses given to people with the conclusion that the vaccine is 'a million times' safer than suffering COVID.

decided against having a coronavirus jab after reading material on social media.

Yep. Sadly there is a LOT of misinformation on there. Some is deadly Marketing, some is foreign state propaganda, some is stupid scare stories and sensationalism for clicks. Some is simple perverse anti-authoritarianism. There's an unbelievable morass of Conspiracy Theories. Some is from genuine misplaced fear and suspicion. Try reading with adult eyes and an adult mind?

"It was a daily thing that he said to us: 'You don't need to have it, you'll be fine, just be careful.'

Being 'careful' can help. Getting the vaccine helps tremendously more to keep you fine.

'It's a gene thing, an experimental thing. You're putting something in your body that hasn't been thoroughly tested.'

See my earlier comment about the vaccine being thoroughly tested. Further yet, there is a vastly lot less in the vaccine to merely teach your immune system to be primed about just the tip of the 'spike protein'. That small part is an essential but a very small part of the Coronavirus compared to the myriad multi-pronged blitzkrieg of attack unleashed by the contents of the virus itself.

so brainwashed by the stuff that he was seeing on YouTube and social media.

Yep. You can find any 'story' you wish for on social media... Reality is a different story.

"He said: 'A lot of people will die more from having the vaccine than getting Covid.'"

Nope. Very definitely not. As has already been demonstrated for literally millions of times over for very real people, and is still being very positively demonstrated.

The vaccines are very much saving literally millions of people's lives every day.

Ms Mitchell said she would be having the vaccine as soon as doctors declared her fit enough.

Never too late to get vaccinated, but sooner is far better!

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2081856 - Posted: 8 Aug 2021, 2:52:31 UTC
Last modified: 8 Aug 2021, 2:53:30 UTC

By the end of the last reporting the world's case total has passed 202.9 million while deaths passed 4,298,700. :-(

On the top end of the death list Paraguay replaced Japan in 37th place and Indonesia became the 12th member of the 100K+ club.

The changes on the case list have been Sint Maarten replacing New Zealand in 186th spot, the Isle of Man sailed past Gibraltar and San Marino to move into 176th while Saint Lucia took 173rd from Niger, Laos put in a mighty leap past Yemen, the C.A.R. and Burundi to touchdown in 167th as Iceland jumped over Gambia and Benin into 164th, Aruba removed Hong Kong from 156th and Somalia nudged Taiwan out of 145th place.

Martinique passed Mayotte before following Guadeloupe past Haiti, French Polynesia and Guyana to claim 137th with Guadeloupe claiming 136th, Guinea bumped Syria out of 132nd as Fiji again took flight over Cabo Verde, Malta and Australia to make a refueling stop in 125th, Trinidad/Tobago became the 123rd member of the 40K+ club while Malawi nudged Jamaica from 116th, Senegal replaced Singapore in 114th and Rwanda displaced Luxembourg from 112th spot.

Namibia was taken out of 99th spot by Botswana, Uzbekistan jumped over Albania and Estonia to take over 95th while Norway displaced Latvia from 93rd, Vietnam also took flight over Nigeria, Algeria and Zambia before coming down in 85th and entering the 200K+ clubhouse as Kenya and South Korea both jumped over Bosnia/Herzegovina to claim 82nd & 83rd spots respectively, Libya leapt well past Slovenia and Moldova into 77th and Lithuania nudged Egypt out of 73rd.

Sri Lanka jumped over Palestine and Denmark before the lot got leapt over by Myanmar to land in 65th, Guatemala displaced Uruguay from 60th, Georgia passed Panama, but remain in 54th place because Cuba passed Bulgaria as well as both of them to claim 53rd as Kazakhstan kicked Tunisia out of 44th, Morocco punted Austria out of 42nd while Thailand took flight again to pass Austria and the U.A.E. to become the 40th member of the 700K+ club then continued on past Nepal, Switzerland and Serbia to make a stopover in 37th.

Japan went for gold passing Portugal to become the 32nd country to enter the 1M+ clubhouse, the Philippines swept Chile out of 23rd spot while Iraq did the same to Czechia to claim 21st, Poland got kicked out of 15th by Mexico as Iran became the 12th member of the 4M+ club, Argentina became the 8th member of the 5M+ club, the U.K. was the 6th to enter the 6M+ clubhouse and Brazil became the 3rd member of the 20M+ club.

Meanwhile here down under Gladys' continuing blunder now totals 6247 cases with 32 deaths and she still refuses to do a proper lockdown as infections keep leaking out of greater Sydney into the countryside and cases are now being reported just a 1.5hr drive south from here. :-O

That's enough for this COVID update and until next time don't become 1 of them stats. ;-)
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2081859 - Posted: 8 Aug 2021, 4:30:30 UTC - in response to Message 2081846.  

His stance is just perverse.
Welcome to American politics where [talking] points are more important than lives.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2081871 - Posted: 8 Aug 2021, 11:04:23 UTC - in response to Message 2081847.  

Covid vaccine refuser died after terrible mistake, says partner
Posted 3 days in reply to WK regarding a similar incident in the U.S.*
The vaccines in use in such as the UK and the USA follow well known methods that have been thoroughly tested for decades. The 'tweaks to the recipe' for the current version of Coronavirus has fully gone through full medical trials. We now also have experience of hundreds of millions of doses given to people with the conclusion that the vaccine is 'a million times' safer than suffering COVID.
Sadly there is a LOT of misinformation on there. Some is deadly Marketing, . Try reading with adult eyes and an adult mind?
"Adult eyes" & an "Adult mind" would see that there are 4 stages to medical trials & the vaccines are in stage 3 & received emergency approval NOT full approval. With something this serious, it is best for all to at least stay on top of it with the best available information before providing one's opinion. Then a lot of "misinformation" can be discarded.

* unfortunately, there are times that searching for information can be problematic. Take that post of 3 days ago for example.
Reading the above report, knew I recognised it & searched back on here for it, clicked on it & got this: %27https’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem..
Checking the link, could not see any issue so copied & pasted. Got to the relevant article instantly with no issues.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2081874 - Posted: 8 Aug 2021, 11:58:38 UTC

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2081877 - Posted: 8 Aug 2021, 12:12:51 UTC - in response to Message 2081856.  

Meanwhile here down under Gladys' continuing blunder now totals 6247 cases with 32 deaths and she still refuses to do a proper lockdown as infections keep leaking out of greater Sydney into the countryside and cases are now being reported just a 1.5hr drive south from here.
"If the objective was to frighten the hell out of the community, I can guarantee you they have done that."
Another blunder in Sydney?
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 2081882 - Posted: 8 Aug 2021, 13:50:46 UTC - in response to Message 2081871.  

I think there are many stories like that, another example. Blackburn man dies in hospital after delaying vaccine uptake
'It's the most frightened I've ever been and I felt like I was being suffocated in my own body.'
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Message 2081890 - Posted: 8 Aug 2021, 19:06:14 UTC

In a letter to the Competition and Markets Authority, Sajid Javid said it was time for a "rapid high-level" review to protect consumers.
Too frigging late Javid
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2081895 - Posted: 8 Aug 2021, 20:47:21 UTC - in response to Message 2081890.  

In a letter to the Competition and Markets Authority, Sajid Javid said it was time for a "rapid high-level" review to protect consumers.
Too frigging late Javid
When will these frigging Tories acknowledge that an unrestrained market isn't the answer to everything?
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