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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2080203 - Posted: 16 Jul 2021, 20:24:12 UTC

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2080207 - Posted: 16 Jul 2021, 21:09:07 UTC - in response to Message 2080203.  

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Message 2080208 - Posted: 16 Jul 2021, 21:11:59 UTC - in response to Message 2080203.  

They certainly are muppets seeing as the U.K. is recording larger numbers every day
with almost 52K cases being recorded for this reporting period. :-O
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Message 2080235 - Posted: 17 Jul 2021, 7:34:17 UTC

The world's total case tally has now passed 190.3 million while deaths have exceeded 4,092,000. :-(

At the top end of the death list Tunisia removed Portugal from a short lived 34th place after Bangladesh hopped over Portugal and Bolivia to claim 32nd as Chile replaced Romania in 20th spot and now onto that case list.

The Isle of Man passed Mauritius, but they remain in 193rd place as the British Virgin Islands coasted by the Caribbean Netherlands and both of them to claim 192nd, Saint Martin nudged Sao Tome/Principe out of 188th while Sint Maarten was displaced from 184th by Monaco, Laos took 181st from Liechtenstein as Guinea-Bissau moved into 179th past Comoros, the Channel Islands sailed on past Sierra Leone and Eritrea into 168th and Timor-Leste finally became the 160th member of the 10K+ club.

Hong Kong was removed from 155th by Lesotho, the Bahamas passed Martinique and Togo passed Mali, but they remain in 151st & 146th as Fiji took another flight over them and 7 other countries to land in 143rd as Haiti claimed 136th from Mayotte, Malawi slipped past Angola, but they also remain in 120th because Vietnam took flight over them and 4 other countries to touchdown in 117th, Rwanda replaced Jamaica in 115th while Cambodia took Singapore out of 111th and Zimbabwe passed the Maldives to take over 108th spot.

Botswana jumped past Cameroon and El Salvador into 105th place, Mozambique sipped past China to take over 101st while Latvia was taken out of 91st by Afghanistan, Myanmar disposed of Bosnia/Herzegovina and Libya to claim 80th as Cuba leapt over Moldova, Slovenia and Bahrain into 74th, Honduras replaced Ethiopia in 72nd and even though Ireland passed Lithuania they still remain in 70th because Sri Lanka jumped over both to take up 69th spot.

Thailand hopped over Croatia and then Uruguay to move into 59th spot, Kazakhstan swept Ecuador from 46th as Morocco displaced Lebanon from 42nd, Bangladesh basted Romania out of 28th while South Africa flung Ukraine from 17th and India has reopened the 31M+ clubhouse after 3 months of being deserted.

Meanwhile here down under Sydney's limo driver outbreak now numbers 1138 along with 3 deaths (along with several border leaks) and Gladys is slowly starting to turn her softdown into a proper lockdown, but most of us wonder why she just refuses to go into full lockdown mode which really should've been done 4 weeks ago and we could've been near the end of this outbreak by now instead of it constantly spreading further. :-(

Anyhow, until next time stay safe and sensible.
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Message 2080239 - Posted: 17 Jul 2021, 8:09:38 UTC
Last modified: 17 Jul 2021, 8:10:59 UTC

most of us wonder why she just refuses to go into full lockdown mode

Because she like Boris is a lousy manager and not a Leader.

To quote General Patton - “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.”
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Message 2080240 - Posted: 17 Jul 2021, 9:12:24 UTC - in response to Message 2080239.  

most of us wonder why she just refuses to go into full lockdown mode
Because she like Boris is a lousy manager and not a Leader.

To quote General Patton - “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.”
To me it's just more evidence that conservative politicians are more worried about the $'s than lives.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2080256 - Posted: 17 Jul 2021, 15:34:17 UTC

Please welcome our new Health Secretary (replacing Matt Hancock) to the real world.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid tests positive for Covid ...

... despite having received two vaccinations (he says).
ID: 2080256 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2080265 - Posted: 17 Jul 2021, 20:36:39 UTC - in response to Message 2080240.  

most of us wonder why she just refuses to go into full lockdown mode
Because she like Boris is a lousy manager and not a Leader.

To quote General Patton - “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.”
To me it's just more evidence that conservative politicians are more worried about their $'s than lives.

Fixed it for you
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Message 2080289 - Posted: 18 Jul 2021, 2:46:53 UTC - in response to Message 2080265.  

most of us wonder why she just refuses to go into full lockdown mode
Because she like Boris is a lousy manager and not a Leader.

To quote General Patton - “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.”
To me it's just more evidence that conservative politicians are more worried about their $'s than lives.
Fixed it for you
Well they'd like to think that it's their $'s. ;-)

Meanwhile here down under in greater Sydney the limo driver outbreak has now hit 1243 infections with another 105 being added today along with another death (another woman in her 90's, vaccine status unknown) taking that total to 4. :-)

Now even our conservative P.M. is imploring Gladys to fully lockdown greater Sydney and put a ring of steel around it (I'm staying away from the local pub until they do).

Of those 76 are now in hospital with 18 of them in ICU and 7 of those are being ventilated. :-(

But with half of Hollywood living and working over here ATM why would Big Brother Australia want to import this covidiot (or even Caitlyn Jenner for that matter)?

Katie Hopkins trolls Sydney’s lockdown from hotel quarantine.

Though her antics are now under investigation.

Katie Hopkins under investigation by Australian Border Force after possible hotel quarantine breach.
ID: 2080289 · Report as offensive
Profile Wiggo

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Message 2080293 - Posted: 18 Jul 2021, 7:30:38 UTC - in response to Message 2080289.  

But with half of Hollywood living and working over here ATM why would Big Brother Australia want to import this covidiot (or even Caitlyn Jenner for that matter)?

Katie Hopkins trolls Sydney’s lockdown from hotel quarantine.

Though her antics are now under investigation.

Katie Hopkins under investigation by Australian Border Force after possible hotel quarantine breach.
Well it looks like Hopkins will be leaving Australia broker and sooner than she expected with no reason to be here at all now. LOL

Katie Hopkins axed from Big Brother after possible hotel quarantine breach.

I can't wait to hear what she has to say on her long flight back home. :-D
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2080303 - Posted: 18 Jul 2021, 12:12:51 UTC - in response to Message 2080256.  
Last modified: 18 Jul 2021, 12:18:35 UTC

Please welcome our new Health Secretary (replacing Matt Hancock) to the real world.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid tests positive for Covid ...

... despite having received two vaccinations (he says).
12 hours before "Freedom Day"
What a b****y fiasco.
Pinging fiasco
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Profile ML1
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Message 2080304 - Posted: 18 Jul 2021, 13:58:33 UTC - in response to Message 2080303.  

Unfortunately, indeed what a UK crazy fiasco!

Also, dismaying and an insult to all the hard work being done by our dedicated yet abused medics and scientists...


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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2080309 - Posted: 18 Jul 2021, 15:39:34 UTC - in response to Message 2080304.  

However, returning home early this afternoon, I've been wondering.
Do I have a strange sense of humour or has my sense of history gone astray?
Some weeks ago, was informed that the NHS vaccine centres list has been updated to include more local ones compared to the original lists, which in my case, showed the closest was 28 miles away.
Now includes several within 2-5 miles. Nice
Once checked out the list, booked 2nd jab for last Sunday. Sadly, due to flooding it was shut.
Rebooked for this morning job done.
Know for a fact I was not "badged" at the 1st jab but no problem, also can't recall getting the same lot of docs as today.
Who needs vaccine passports, just carry the card you get, in fact it does state in red: Make sure you keep this record card in your purse or wallet.
Then they "badged" me (done before I could ask or object).
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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2080327 - Posted: 18 Jul 2021, 22:32:37 UTC

Well that covidiot Katie Hopkins has now had her visa cancelled by the Home Affairs Minister and she'll be on a plane heading home this afternoon (I wonder if she had her clothes on for that bit of news). :-)

Meanwhile the U.K. has taken 1st spot in the new daily case list for the 2nd day in a row from Indonesia. :-O

And with the recent surge in infections happening in the U.S. (led by the state of Trumpsville) the completion and grand opening of the 35M+ clubhouse is imminent, but we just have to wait for all those states and counties over there that don't report there numbers anymore over weekends to find out exactly when that will be.

Here we should have the bulk of our daily numbers in over the next 3hrs to see had badly Gladys' lockdown is doing which word has it that won't be good. :-(
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Message 2080330 - Posted: 19 Jul 2021, 1:58:44 UTC - in response to Message 2062516.  
Last modified: 19 Jul 2021, 2:13:24 UTC

I did this back at the end of last November and I thought that I'd see what the changes were since then. Red type denotes recent changes.

In the case race here's the current breakdown of the spreads.

The sub 1000 group finishes at position 172. 198
The 1000-1999 group covers 171 to 163. 199 to 194
The 2000-2999 group covers 162 to 154. 195 to 183
The 3000-3999 group covers 153 to 151. 182 to 181
The 4000-4999 group covers 150 to 147. 180 to 176
The 5000-5999 group covers 146 to 135. 177 to 171
The 6000-6999 group covers 134 to 130. 170 to 165
The 7000-7999 group covers 129 to 127. just the C.A.R in 164th
The 8000-8999 group covers 126 to 124. 163 to 161
The 9000-9999 group covers 123 to 120. currently empty
The 10000-19999 group covers 119 to 101. 160 to 136
The 20000-29999 group covers 100 to 95. 135 to 128
The 30000-39999 group covers 94 to 89. 127 to 122
From 40000-49999 only contains Afghanistan in 88th. 121 to 117
The 50000-59999 group covers 87 to 86. 116 to 113
The 60000-69999 group covers 85 to 82. 112 to 111
The 70000-79999 group covers 81 to 77. 110 to 109
The 80000-89999 group covers 76 to 68. 108 to 105
From 90000-99999 only contains Tunisia in 67. 104 to 100
The 100000-199999 group covers 66 to 40. 99 to 83
The 200000-299999 group covers 39 to 34. 82 to 66
The 300000-399999 group covers 33 to 28. 65 to 55
The 400000-499999 group covers 27 to 25. 54 to 46
The 500000-599999 group covers 24 to 19. 45 to 42
From 600000-699999 only contains Turkey in 18. 41 to 39
The 700000-799999 group covers 17 to 16. 38 to 36
There's currently no one in the 800000-899999 group. 35 to 33
The 900000-999999 group covers 15 to 13. 32 to 30
The 1 million group covers 12 to 6. 29 to 20
The 2 million group covers 5 and 4. 19 to 14
The 3 million group covers 13 to 12
The 4 million group covers 11 to 8
The 5 million group covers 7 to 4
Then we jump to Brazil at over 6.3 million over 19.3 million, India at over 9.4 million over 31.1 million and then the U.S. at over 13.7 million at near 35 million.

In the death race the groupings are.

The sub 1000 group finishes at position 78. 110
The 1000-1999 group covers 77 to 56. 109 to 95
The 2000-2999 group covers 55 to 45. 94 to 83
The 3000-3999 group covers 44 to 41. 82 to 72
The 4000-4999 group covers 40 to 36. 71 to 64
The 5000-5999 group covers 35 and 34. 63 to 59
The 6000-6999 group covers 33 to 31. 58 to 55
From 7000-7999 only contains Pakistan at 30. 54 to 51
The 8000-8999 group covers 29 to 27. 50 to 49
From 9000-9999 only contains the Netherlands at 26. 48 to 44
The 10000-19999 group covers 25 to 15. 43 to 29
From 20000-29999 only contains South Africa at 14. 28 to 24
The 30000-39999 group covers 13 to 10. 23 to 20
The 40000-49999 group covers 9 and 8. currently empty
The 50000-59999 group covers 7 to 5. 19 to 18
The 60000-69999 group covers just South Africa in 17th
The 70000-79999 group covers 16 to 15
The 80000-89999 group covers 14 to 13
The 90000-99999 group covers just Germany in 12th
Then there's a big jump to the 100000-199999 group that covers 4 to 2 11 to 5 and then comes the U.S. with over 273,000 there's Mexico with over 236,000, India with over 414,000, Brazil with over 542,000 and at the top is the U.S. with over 624,000
Well that's my then and now moment over and done with.
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Message 2080337 - Posted: 19 Jul 2021, 10:36:08 UTC - in response to Message 2080330.  
Last modified: 19 Jul 2021, 10:37:38 UTC


Sorry (I'm very 'simple')... Just to be sure: What's the units/placings for those numbers?

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Message 2080350 - Posted: 19 Jul 2021, 13:03:03 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jul 2021, 13:04:35 UTC

Real world cause-and-effect:

'Pingdemic' threatens shop openings
Supermarkets have warned they will have to cut opening hours or even shut shops if the number of workers forced to self-isolate continues to rise.

M&S said the number of workers being notified by the NHS app is rising exponentially, and it may have to reduce hours...

"... there's a risk that there won't be sufficient staff to open shops."...

Note that:

  • We have a highly contagious/infectious virus that has very successfully made a pandemic.

  • We have relaxed/removed all restrictions to getting infected.

  • (Hence!) We have rapidly increasing infections.

  • We have an 'app' that reports some of those likely to become infected.

  • (Hence!) The 'app' is reporting exponentially more people likely to be infected...

Cause. Effect. Consequences.

Where/how does that somehow not make sense to people?

Stay safe folks!!

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2080352 - Posted: 19 Jul 2021, 13:48:46 UTC

Only one thing missing from this photo...

...a red nose.

It'll make comic relief a worldwide winner.
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Message 2080369 - Posted: 19 Jul 2021, 16:53:21 UTC - in response to Message 2080350.  

And for a further consequence that is no surprise...

Global shares slide amid Covid economic recovery fears
Stock markets across the UK, Europe and the US dropped sharply on Monday on fears that rising numbers of Covid cases will hamper economic recovery.

London's FTSE 100 fell 2.6% to below the 7,000 level...

In New York, the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled by more than 2% while major share indexes in France and Germany also fell.

In England, most remaining Covid restrictions were lifted on Monday.

However, new cases are continuing to rise in some countries fuelled by the Delta variant of the virus.

Meanwhile, businesses in the UK have described how they are cutting opening hours, closing shops or may have to reduce production as employees are forced to self-isolate...

There are Consequences...

Stay safe folks!!
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Message 2080375 - Posted: 19 Jul 2021, 18:00:56 UTC



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