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Message 2078137 - Posted: 17 Jun 2021, 21:49:03 UTC

Controversial for the abstract selfish arguments for personal 'Freedoms'.

Whereas, this just has to be a very good move for everyone else's freedom not to be put unnecessarily at risk of death:

Everyone working in care homes to be fully vaccinated under new law to protect residents
People working in CQC-registered care homes will need to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated with both doses.

At long last and a very good move to save lives from the selfish and ignorant.

Stay safe folks!
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2078147 - Posted: 17 Jun 2021, 23:11:26 UTC

Stay safe folks!


Do these Folks have a CHOICE, whether to STAY SAFE or NOT.

Is Dying from a VAX Staying SAFE?

Or is VAX All People a PRICE Some Have to Pay with Their Deaths - So YOU CAN LIVE?


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Message 2078150 - Posted: 17 Jun 2021, 23:35:56 UTC - in response to Message 2078147.  
Last modified: 17 Jun 2021, 23:36:41 UTC

It is an UNDENIABLE FACT and TRUTH; Some People DIE from after VACCINATIONs

True, but even among the ~5,000 deaths after vaccination it is still not clear if the vaccine was the cause in every case. And that's out of 310 million vaccinations.
That's a lot smaller percentage (0.0016% max possible) than the 616,417 deaths from Covid-19 out of a population of 333 million (0.185%), so far.
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2078152 - Posted: 17 Jun 2021, 23:57:44 UTC

So. As these People Look Down from Heaven or Up from Hell, they are BEYOND HAPPY they are Stayin' SAFE - since DEATH is ULTIMATE SAFETY FOLKS! Also Happy 'cause they were able to get dA VAX; DIE; and Prevent their 'Possible' transferring CV to Another.

STONE COLD fact and truth: If they Did Not VAX Almost All would still be alive.

Comforting Numbers ; Percentages; Brings No One Back to Life.


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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2078154 - Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 1:04:11 UTC - in response to Message 2078150.  

It is an UNDENIABLE FACT and TRUTH; Some People DIE from after VACCINATIONs

True, but even among the ~5,000 deaths after vaccination it is still not clear if the vaccine was the cause in every case. And that's out of 310 million vaccinations.
That's a lot smaller percentage (0.0016% max possible) than the 616,417 deaths from Covid-19 out of a population of 333 million (0.185%), so far.

Bunk. 100% of people will die after Vaccination, unless you know about some perpetual lifeform (won't be a human - they all die)

Valid questions are from the Vaccine or from the thing the vaccine is attempting to mollify?
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Message 2078167 - Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 4:15:02 UTC
Last modified: 18 Jun 2021, 5:02:06 UTC

Even though there are reports that this year's death numbers from COVID-19 have already surpassed last year's, that's not quite true as China's numbers arn't included in those numbers just for starters, but it will happen in the next few of days. :-O
It happened today, but 1 must wonder where some get their figures from as they got in far too early for that milestone while a lot are just reporting the U.S. having just passed 600,000 deaths yet that number was passed over a month ago as that horrific tally is now up to 616,440. :-(

Anyhow by the end of the last reporting period the world's case tally had passed 178.1million while deaths now exceed 3,857,500. :-(

There were 2 changes at the top end of the death list with Bolivia displacing Egypt from 33rd place and Russia passed both Italy as well as the U.K. to reclaim 6th spot back while down the other end Botswana has pushed Australia down to 107th.

The changes to the case list since my last update were Liberia nudging New Zealand out of 180th place, Eritrea passed Chad to become the 171st member of the 5K+ club and then went by San Marino, Burundi and Saint Lucia to take over 168th while Vietnam took flight over South Sudan and Lesotho claiming enough frequent flyer points to enter the 11K+ club then continued past Aruba, Djibouti and Hong Kong gaining enough points to become the 153rd member of the 12K+ club as Taiwan passed Belize to become the 147th member of the 13K+ club then passing Tajikistan (who hasn't put in any numbers for over 5 months while all its neighbours are having a bad time, more communist dictatorship censorship?) and Burkina Faso to move into 145th and the Seychelles also leapt Tajikistan, Burkina Faso, Togo and Andorra to land in 142nd spot.

Haiti jumped over Guadeloupe and P.N.G. into 137th spot, Suriname performed a long jump over Guyana, Eswatini and French Polynesia to claim 133rd as the D.R.C. replaced Sudan in 118th, Cambodia became the 116th member of the 40K+ club while Uganda and Botswana both shot past Singapore into 108th and 109th respectively, the Maldives dived past Luxembourg into 105th and Mongolia became the 101st member of the 80K+ club then promptly replaced Cameroon in 100th spot as they now chase down China.

Afghanistan jumped over Finland and Ghana into 96th place, Montenegro finally decided to become the 95th member of the 100K+ club while Thailand displaced Bosnia/Herzegovina from 78th, Sri Lanka swept Armenia out of 75th as Venezuela jumped over both Moldova and Slovenia to claim 70th, Egypt passed Ethiopia before Guatemala passed them both to take over 65th and the Dominican Republic took 61st spot from Palestine.

Paraguay became the 51st country to enter the 400K+ clubhouse as Bolivia removed Belarus from 48th place while the U.A.E. became the 41st member of the 600K+ club and Bangladesh replaced Israel in 31st.

Now I must ask, WTF is Sweden doing? Did they break their reporting system again or can't they find someone who can count? Or is there a cover up in progress? (I've been putting off this update waiting for their numbers to come in, but I couldn't wait any longer)

Meanwhile here down under the Victorian outbreak has passed 100, but they've given up supplying the actual number now, though greater Melbourne residents are now allowed to roam about their state while in Sydney a flight crew driver is under investigation after he contracted the virus infecting his wife and they both travelled around Sydney's inner southern and most of the eastern suburbs while infectious causing at least 2 other locally acquired cases so far. :-(

[edit] Just in is news that the couple that escaped Victoria's lockdown to illegally travel through N.S.W. to illegally enter Queensland have been both fined $4003 each by Queensland authorities (they then have the cost of quarantine on top of that). Both could still face fines from N.S.W. authorities as yet.

Well that does it for this update, be safe and keep your distance.
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Message 2078175 - Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 9:38:13 UTC

I find that I'm just astounded by the stupidity of Victorians and their lack of understanding what "lockdown" means.

Victoria Police say 25,000 fines for breaches of virus restrictions unpaid.

Three quarters of Victorians issued fines for breaching the state’s tough Covid-19 rules are still yet to pay, police have revealed.

New crime figures from the Crime Statistics Agency showed 37,939 fines were handed out over the past 12 months for breaches of the chief health officer’s directions up to the end of March this year.

But Victoria Police deputy commissioner Rick Nugent said only 25 per cent of the fines had been paid to date.

At a minimum amount of $1652, that equates to more than $41m in unpaid penalties.

Another 2000 fines were reviewed by police and withdrawn, while another 2000 people elected to have their matter heard and determined by a court.

“We understand about 25,000 have defaulted to Fines Victoria that have not been paid,” Mr Nugent said.
And then there's this Victorian covidiot that was also caught up with in Queensland where he should've known that he wasn't suppose to be there to start with.

Man injured while attempting to flee hotel quarantine by jumping from balcony in Cairns.

A Victorian man has suffered leg injuries while trying to escape hotel quarantine after he plunged from the balcony of a facility in Queensland.

The 29-year-old attempted to flee the site in Cairns about 11am on Friday, having only been shipped into the facility earlier in the morning, police told NCA NewsWire.

It was alleged the interstate traveller attempted to scale the outside of the undisclosed hotel before tumbling from the building.

The state’s chief health officer, Dr Jeannette Young, said the man was transported to the Cairns Hospital with minor leg injuries.

“Apparently a gentleman did try to climb out of the balcony that they were on and then fell,” she said.

“He was taken to the Cairns Base Hospital and I understand he does have some injuries.”
He'll certainly be a lot poorer from his actions as well.
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Message 2078181 - Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 13:02:59 UTC - in response to Message 2078175.  


But, it really does appear that some people consider the COVID pandemic to be "somebody else's problem" and care nothing for their actions having deadly consequences to others.

Darwin theory in action?...

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2078182 - Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 13:13:22 UTC - in response to Message 2078152.  
Last modified: 18 Jun 2021, 13:16:47 UTC

... STONE COLD fact and truth: If they Did Not VAX Almost All would still be alive.

Comforting Numbers ; Percentages; Brings No One Back to Life.



As reported so far, sadly we have well over 3,857,500 deaths acknowledged to have been caused by COVID. The actual complete numbers can be expected to be higher than that.

We have had a handful of people die from one of the vaccines against COVID... Those same people would be almost guaranteed dead from COVID out 'in the wild'. Also, we now have a cure for those very few people that are susceptible for those side effects so there should be no more problems from that very rare side effect.

Meanwhile, the side effects of suffering COVID are drastic and debilitating and kill an uncomfortably high proportion of victims. Hence our ongoing pandemic!

COVID is highly contagious.

If you come anywhere near other people, the odds are vastly better to go get vaccinated to get safe.

For yourself AND for everyone else around you.

Stay safe folks!
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ID: 2078182 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2078191 - Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 14:02:12 UTC

too bad they don't post what political party they belong to ...
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Message 2078202 - Posted: 18 Jun 2021, 19:43:14 UTC - in response to Message 2078200.  

Now I must ask, WTF is Sweden doing? Did they break their reporting system again or can't they find someone who can count? Or is there a cover up in progress? (I've been putting off this update waiting for their numbers to come in, but I couldn't wait any longer)
The reporting database has been shut down this week again, because of a continuing hacker attack.
If you do not pay well to hire competent IT-experts, but instead hire cheap relatives, and other not qualified people, only "interested" in IT, that is what happens.
Stupid politicians, and leaders, do not understand that IT security must be allowed to cost money, if you want to have secure systems.
Thanks for that bit of info Sten as it does clear 1 thing up. ;-)
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Message 2078237 - Posted: 19 Jun 2021, 15:53:05 UTC - in response to Message 2078182.  

... COVID is highly contagious.

If you come anywhere near other people, the odds are vastly better to go get vaccinated to get safe.

For yourself AND for everyone else around you.

As is steadily being required by more and more workplaces:

Bloomsbury staff must be vaccinated before office return
Publisher Bloomsbury says vaccines will be compulsory for UK staff returning to its offices when they reopen.

The Harry Potter publisher's decision comes as many firms weigh up the necessity of workforce vaccinations. The government has announced that care home workers in England will be required to have a vaccination or risk losing their jobs...

... Bloomsbury told The Bookseller magazine, which first reported the story, that it had taken both "medical and scientific advice".

"The simple fact is that this virus is still extremely dangerous."...

Regardless of whether that move truly is for the good health of everyone or whether that is just simple cold good business sense to maximize profits by avoiding their staff becoming ill and dying, that still looks to be a very good move to protect everyone.

Stay safe folks!
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ID: 2078237 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2078247 - Posted: 19 Jun 2021, 19:51:27 UTC - in response to Message 2078237.  

Regardless of whether that move truly is for the good health of everyone or whether that is just simple cold good business sense to maximize profits by avoiding their staff becoming ill and dying, that still looks to be a very good move to protect everyone.
To avoid lawsuits from people claiming your staff gave them the virus.
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Message 2078255 - Posted: 19 Jun 2021, 20:40:01 UTC - in response to Message 2078247.  

Regardless of whether that move truly is for the good health of everyone or whether that is just simple cold good business sense to maximize profits by avoiding their staff becoming ill and dying, that still looks to be a very good move to protect everyone.
To avoid lawsuits from people claiming your staff gave them the virus.
Also avoiding problems with OH&S.
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Message 2078257 - Posted: 19 Jun 2021, 21:43:50 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jun 2021, 21:45:14 UTC

Go for a goal!!!

Game on!

Covid: Queues at {West Ham's London Stadium} (and pop-up vaccine centres) amid jabs push
A major push to offer coronavirus jabs to every adult in England is under way, with queues forming outside pop-up vaccination centres.

Football grounds and parks are among the venues used across the country and it is hoped all adults will have had their first jab by 19 July.

It comes as Prof Adam Finn, who advises the government, warns the Delta variant is fuelling a third wave of infections...

... A woman waiting in the queue told the BBC: "The most important thing was just to feel well, and a bit free in society - and to not be a danger to others either."...

... Most people [that end up] in hospital with coronavirus have not been vaccinated, he said, "so there is a bit of a race to get the vaccination out as soon as possible before the third wave gets really big"...

This is one race the human race must win!

Stay safe folks!
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2078264 - Posted: 20 Jun 2021, 0:27:08 UTC - in response to Message 2078257.  

This is one race the human race must win!
said like a human. How many years and we will be considered like we consider neanderthals?
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2078268 - Posted: 20 Jun 2021, 2:29:58 UTC

This is one race the human race must win!

Never watched TV Show 1000 Ways to Die? 2008-2012

Find It and Watch It.

Betcha Eternal Optimism will Vanish.

CV is dA Least of da Worries of HuWomanity.

Just Sayin' Broheim.


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Message 2078315 - Posted: 21 Jun 2021, 1:34:00 UTC
Last modified: 21 Jun 2021, 1:36:52 UTC


A good example of the way to go:

I Disembarked a Cruise Last Week and I've Realised Some Things Since


That really nicely shows what can be sensibly done. (Don't mention the UK [supposed] "Test 'n' Trace" [Expensive farce]... Spit!...)

How is the rest of the world getting that so badly deadly wrong?

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2078348 - Posted: 21 Jun 2021, 14:40:44 UTC

Upon balance, there is hope yet for the UK?

Leading social media platforms unite to support COVID-19 vaccine drive
... Leading social media platforms popular with young people including Snapchat, Reddit, TikTok, and YouTube, are supporting the vaccination programme by encouraging their users to get coronavirus (COVID-19) jabs...

Deliveroo to boost government efforts to tackle variants of concern
Takeaway service will notify customers if [COVID] surge testing is happening in their area...

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance reportWeek 24 (pdf)
... 79% of the adult population now have antibodies to COVID-19 from either infection or vaccination ... Over 98% of adults aged 50 or older have antibodies from either infection or vaccination. The latest estimates indicate that the vaccination programme has averted 42,000 hospitalisations and over 14,000 deaths in older adults...

... Data on 2 doses ... for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine ... effectiveness against hospitalisation of around 90to 95%...

... Data on 2 doses ... for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine ... effectiveness against dying with COVID-19 of around 95to 99%...

Covid-19: Matt Hancock hopes to scrap isolation for double-jabbed contacts
The health secretary has said he hopes to exempt fully vaccinated people from the requirement to isolate for 10 days if they come into contact with someone who has Covid.

A current trial is offering daily rapid testing as an alternative...

All very good moves.

We just need more people, especially younger people, ASAP, to take the jab!

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2078483 - Posted: 23 Jun 2021, 7:26:11 UTC
Last modified: 23 Jun 2021, 8:19:23 UTC

The world's total case tally has now passed 179.9 million as deaths fast approach 3.9 million. :-(

There were no changes at the top end of the death list, but there were a couple of unenviable milestone such as Colombia being the 10th country to pass 100K+ deaths while Brazil become the 2nd member of the 500K+ club and now onto the case list changes.

Fiji took a flight over 5 countries earning enough frequent flyer points to enter the 2K+ club before continuing on past another 3 landing in 187th place, Liberia nudged Liechtenstein out of 179th while Sierra Leone replaced Chad in 172nd, Eritrea displaced Niger from 167th as Timor-Leste took 159th from Equatorial Guinea (but that maybe as far as they get), Vietnam also took flight again passing over 5 countries to earn entry into the 13K+ club before passing another 3 to land in 146th spot and Taiwan jumped over Togo and Andorra to become the 143rd member of the 14K+ club.

The Seychelles replaced Mali in 141st spot, Haiti became the 137th member of the 17K+ club followed by P.N.G. as Guyana passed both Eswatini and French Polynesia to become the 134th member of the 19K+ club. Now Mayotte throws up a mystery as 787 cases were removed from their total and losing their membership to the 20K+ club (no explanation is in the notes to cover that correction) leaving the way open for Suriname to replace them as the 132nd member of that club while Trinidad/Tobago became the 124th member of the 30K+ club then passing Australia closely followed by Rwanda who then passed Trinidad/Tobago before both countries Malta and then Rwanda went 1 better by passing Cabo Verde to claim 121st.

The D.R.C. displaced Angola from 117th, Cambodia leapt over Madagascar, Senegal and Zimbabwe to land in 113th place while Uganda leapt over Luxembourg, the Maldives and Mozambique into 105th, Namibia also went past those 3 countries as well as Cyprus to land in 103rd as Mongolia became the 100th member of the 90K+ club before leaping past China, Finland and Ghana to claim 97th, Afghanistan became the 96th member of the 100K+ club before jumping over Montenegro and Uzbekistan into 94th spot and Zambia leapt over Norway, Estonia and Albania to take over 89th.

Cuba caught up to and swept Nigeria from 82nd place, Thailand zipped past both Qatar and Armenia to claim 76th as Lithuania was replaced by Guatemala in 64th, Kuwait shoved Azerbaijan out of 59th while Uruguay took 57th from Costa Rica, Georgia displaced Croatia from 55th and Panama slipped past Slovakia to grab 52nd spot.

Bolivia took hold of 46th spot after passing Greece and Bulgaria, Malaysia became the 38th member of the 700K+ club then they claimed 37th spot from Switzerland while Indonesia became the 18th member of the 2M+ club, Argentina swept Italy out of 8th, as Brazil now contemplates the cobwebs and dust in the 18M+ clubhouse and India does the same in the 30M+ clubhouse.

Meanwhile here down under as Victoria's outbreak comes under control the outbreak in Sydney cause by a limo driver of flight crews now numbers 37 and the possibility of a lockdown is getting closer.

Well this update was effort so I'm now off to recover with a beer or 3.
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