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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2063260 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 17:26:31 UTC

I know someone who has had serious reactions to various injections over the years. They live in Oxford and could have volunteered for the "Oxford" trials, but didn't as they know there is a high probability of them reacting badly. And I would guess that many others who react badly didn't volunteer for much the same reason - remember that, in the UK and many other "civilised" countries, all medical trials are conducted on volunteers not on a "conscripted" group.
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Message 2063261 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 17:39:25 UTC

BioNTech said that people with a history of severe adverse reactions associated with a vaccine or severe allergic reactions to any component used during the clinical trial were excluded from the process.

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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2063264 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 18:04:51 UTC

That sounds like a double wammy - volunteer and get blocked from the trial, don't volunteer and not take part. Either way round there is no evidence from the group of "highly allergic reaction" people so nobody knows if that group will, or will not have a reaction.
Bob Smith
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Message 2063267 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 18:35:54 UTC - in response to Message 2063264.  
Last modified: 9 Dec 2020, 18:36:40 UTC

That sounds like a double wammy - volunteer and get blocked from the trial, don't volunteer and not take part. Either way round there is no evidence from the group of "highly allergic reaction" people so nobody knows if that group will, or will not have a reaction.

That is actually perfectly valid.

Note that for the sensationalist news media story of the two workers concerned:

They know for themselves that they are highly allergic and carry "epipens" to administer adrenaline themselves. That is some serious general allergy to need that!

So that makes for a good sensationalist news story to spread fear and suspicion and to prolong our present deadly pandemic for what? More deaths and more suffering to sell more papers and gain more miserable profit?

Where do you want your conspiracy theory?

Note that the COVID vaccines for the UK have been tested on over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND people, across age ranges, across the world.

I'll be getting vaccinated ASAP.

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2063269 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 19:00:34 UTC - in response to Message 2063258.  
Last modified: 9 Dec 2020, 19:14:51 UTC

... They are understood to have had a ... reaction, which tends to involve a skin rash, breathlessness and sometimes a drop in blood pressure...
Both NHS workers have a history of serious allergies and carry adrenaline pens around with them.
And they discover that now? After thousands and thousands of vaccinations during the Phase 3 trials of the vaccine?

That type of a 'shock' reaction likely has nothing to do with the vaccine itself. It's a type of reaction a very few people suffer from any medical injection or even from
any everyday scratch. That's why the two people reported carry with them, at all times, their "epipens" of adrenaline.

I find it hard to believe that no people with a history of significant allergic reactions were included in the Phase 3 trials.

Trials tend to exclude people with known maladies or other medical problems unless the trial is specifically for whatever medical problems.

Note that for the part of the trials to determine effectiveness, the results of Trump's reckless superspreading actually speeded up the results of the trials!

I'm no anti-vaxxer, but these fast developed vaccines, is nothing I will consider taking, at least not until they've been out there for a year or so.

For such as the greedy silliness for the Boeing 737 MAX deadly catastrophe, I'd agree and I put my quarantine period for that Directors' abomination at over two years without adverse incident AND after the useful implementation of triple redundancy for the now critical AoA sensors.

However, note that the vaccine injects nothing worse than what you suffer every day in the big bad outside world. We've had many years of biological development that protects us from our outside environment. All the vaccine does is to give you a little gentle practice against another bit of outside material that you've not seen yet.

An analogy is like learning to recognize a new face at a party, except you get to see a photograph and a biography before encountering them so as to avoid that embarrassing gaff...

Note: The type of material in the vaccine is something that your body has encountered very many times throughout your life!

There's also serious studies ongoing now, when it comes to the relations between vaccines in general, and the rising cases of autoimmune diseases.

Please list such studies in a new thread?

So far, the news around autoimmune diseases looks to show the effects of deficiencies of processed foods (especially lack of immune system essential vitamins), pollution, lifestyle, and of better diagnosis now enumerating more different types/categories to give an expanding group of new names rather than showing any supposed big jump in actual people numbers.

Unfortunately, the fairytale scare stories from the 'anti-vaxxers' and others do kill people and cause untold unnecessary misery.

After all, there's now hundreds of thousands of people vaccinated against COVID to tell a happy tale.

I'll be getting the COVID vaccine ASAP.

Stay safe folks!
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2063272 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 19:11:10 UTC - in response to Message 2063267.  

That sounds like a double wammy - volunteer and get blocked from the trial, don't volunteer and not take part. Either way round there is no evidence from the group of "highly allergic reaction" people so nobody knows if that group will, or will not have a reaction.
That is actually perfectly valid.

Note that for the sensationalist news media story of the two workers concerned:

They know for themselves that they are highly allergic and carry "epipens" to administer adrenaline themselves. That is some serious general allergy to need that!
I agree. It's valid to consider that the particular allergy question wasn't being assessed during the drug trials.

It's perhaps also relevant that the two epi-pen carriers were themselves both NHS workers - though grade and level of medical training aren't specified. Anyway, an NHS worker being vaccinated in (presumably) an NHS hospital is best-placed to receive both advice before the jab, and care after it. Maybe they were conducting a private trial of their own?

But one would have thought that today's 'allergy warning' would have been general good practice right from the get-go.

BBC: Allergy warning over new jab
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Message 2063279 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 19:28:04 UTC
Last modified: 9 Dec 2020, 19:35:05 UTC

For UK people, if you feel frustrated with the broad area numbers given out by our politicians, the government does have a more detailed map.

edit] The centre of the GB is described as suppressed ( ;-) lower than 0-10 )
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2063281 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 19:52:18 UTC - in response to Message 2063279.  

Who on earth decides what a 'Middle layer Super Output Area (MSOA)' is, and where is it defined? When my patch went into, first, District-level restrictions, and later, sub-district ("town centre") restrictions, the maps used were the electoral ward boundaries. Mine runs north right up to the moorland watershed, whereas the highest current infection rate lies exclusively south of the river, in the valley bottom.
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Message 2063282 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 20:07:11 UTC - in response to Message 2063281.  

Who on earth decides what a 'Middle layer Super Output Area (MSOA)' is, and where is it defined? When my patch went into, first, District-level restrictions, and later, sub-district ("town centre") restrictions, the maps used were the electoral ward boundaries. Mine runs north right up to the moorland watershed, whereas the highest current infection rate lies exclusively south of the river, in the valley bottom.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2063283 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 20:15:15 UTC - in response to Message 2063282.  

Yes, Google found them for me as an ONS (census) definition. That makes more sense, though it won't trip off the tongue for ordinary local residents.

The final decision was taken by politicians, so they used a political map - it made sense to them, but no sense as an epidemiological tool.
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Message 2063288 - Posted: 9 Dec 2020, 21:05:12 UTC - in response to Message 2063283.  

[quote]Yes, Google found them for me as an ONS (census) definition. That makes more sense, though it won't trip off the tongue for ordinary local residents.

When do political maps make any sense.
Blackburn's Police Station is in Hyndburn. Not even the same county as Blackburn with Darwen are separate from Lancashire.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2063300 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020, 5:51:08 UTC - in response to Message 2063272.  

That sounds like a double wammy - volunteer and get blocked from the trial, don't volunteer and not take part. Either way round there is no evidence from the group of "highly allergic reaction" people so nobody knows if that group will, or will not have a reaction.
That is actually perfectly valid.

Note that for the sensationalist news media story of the two workers concerned:

They know for themselves that they are highly allergic and carry "epipens" to administer adrenaline themselves. That is some serious general allergy to need that!
I agree. It's valid to consider that the particular allergy question wasn't being assessed during the drug trials.

It's perhaps also relevant that the two epi-pen carriers were themselves both NHS workers - though grade and level of medical training aren't specified. Anyway, an NHS worker being vaccinated in (presumably) an NHS hospital is best-placed to receive both advice before the jab, and care after it. Maybe they were conducting a private trial of their own?

But one would have thought that today's 'allergy warning' would have been general good practice right from the get-go.

Perhaps Dr. Fauci was correct in saying approval was too quick.

One thing not yet ascertained is was the reaction to the vax, or perhaps something else? Perhaps a celebratory consumption of food or wine? We now have a couple of guinea pigs to test all the components of the vax to find out which one causes a reaction. Once known then potentially sensitive persons can be tested in advance and directed to a different vax.
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Message 2063301 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020, 8:03:51 UTC

By the end of the last reporting the world had passed 69.2 million cases along with passing 1,574,800 deaths with over 643,400 cases and 12,260 death being recorded.

Back to the case race. Uganda put a big number to take 98th place from Cameroon while provisionally South Korea has overtaken Luxembourg to move into 93rd (but that will depend on Luxembourg's numbers when they come in) as Montenegro displaced Norway from 91st, Malaysia took 80th spot from Kyrgyzstan and Slovenia leapt over Bahrain, Libya, Kenya as well as Algeria to land in 73rd.

Paraguay also passed Algeria to claim 72nd, Denmark swept Bosnia/Herzegovina out of 70th while Slovakia, Moldova and Greece all passed Egypt to claim 60th, 61st and 62nd respectively, Lebanon slipped past Qatar for 55th as Sweden became the 36th country to pass 300,000 infections and Turkey obviously didn't like its 3 days in the 800,000+ club house as they became the 16th country to pass 900,000 and now the race is on between them and Peru to see who reaches the 1 million case mark 1st.

Meanwhile the U.S. is fast approaching a case total that will equal both India's and Brazil's put together while setting a new daily death count of 3,243 (though Nebraska is still to add their numbers as yet), but even so Europe has now claimed 1st spots in both the regional case and death lists.

Here in Australia the bans on overseas tourists and cruise ships has been extended from the 17th of this month until the 17th of March now.

That's it for now, but do stay tuned for more updates.
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Message 2063336 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020, 22:17:10 UTC

By the end of the last reporting the world had passed 69.2 million cases ....
Well I don't know where they found an extra 700,000+ cases from, but this morning they had adjusted yesterday's total up to passing 70 million cases, so I went back through all of this week's summaries and country catch ups (a few countries had elections that delayed some numbers being reported) though I can't find enough of them to make up 100K of them let alone 700K. :-O

Anyhow I'll be back later. ;-)
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2063338 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020, 22:37:29 UTC - in response to Message 2063336.  

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Message 2063339 - Posted: 10 Dec 2020, 22:52:26 UTC - in response to Message 2063338.  
Last modified: 10 Dec 2020, 22:54:04 UTC

Turkey made a big adjustment today.
Now that would certainly account for that jump Richard, but still nothing is yet being shown in the summaries about it, though I would've noticed their sudden huge jump from 16th place up 8th by the time I do my case race update, but now I have to wonder if a sudden jump in their deaths will also occur.
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Message 2063361 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020, 6:44:52 UTC

South Korea and Luxembourg both passed Norway to take up 92nd and 93rd places while Slovenia took 72nd from Paraguay, Denmark became the 70th country to pass 100,000 cases as Ecuador became the 41st country to pass 200,000 cases and Serbia swept Nepal out of 39th.

But the gaps are opening up further as a lot of countries are doing a mad dash to the top end as South Africa (18th) looks to be sick of being passed so have opened up the throttle to make a huge 238,000 gap between them and Indonesia (18th) and as explained in an earlier post Turkey made a huge 750,000 adjustment to their case numbers to leap from 16th place into 8th which in the regional race put Asia back into 2nd place pushing North America back into 3rd. The U.K. also put in a big day to just slip past Italy and back into 6th place while the U.S. put in another 200K+ day to pass the 16 million mark as they run well past 299,600 deaths. :-O

All that saw the world's case total pass 70.7 million while deaths pass 1,587,600 during the last reporting period. :-(
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Message 2063382 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020, 15:56:00 UTC
Last modified: 11 Dec 2020, 15:58:39 UTC

This is understandable and good but still an 'interesting' precaution:

Covid: China asks cabin crew to wear nappies to reduce virus risk
China's aviation regulator has recommended cabin crew wear disposable nappies and avoid using the toilet to cut the risk of Covid-19 infection...

Is it not better for using the toilets, for everyone, to instead install protective measures such as UV-C disinfecting lighting, and filtered rapid air changes, and whatever else, rather than leaving all other passengers exposed (sacrificed)?...

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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 2063391 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020, 19:49:00 UTC

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Message 2063395 - Posted: 11 Dec 2020, 21:47:37 UTC - in response to Message 2063391.  
Last modified: 11 Dec 2020, 21:48:07 UTC

Youtube - WaPo "Infrared video shows the risks of airborne coronavirus spread"

Very good, thanks for that. Succinct and visual.

Hopefully, that is visual and direct enough to kill off even the most die-hard maskless!

... So why oh why has it taken so long and so many needless deaths for such a message to slowly start to emerge?

Stay safe folks!
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