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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2059821 - Posted: 22 Oct 2020, 14:32:56 UTC

They should take the staff from D.O.R. & they may end up making a profit.
Will this start the ball rolling?
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Message 2059880 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 10:53:17 UTC

All in the name of progress
All that destruction so that 30 minutes can be saved on a journey. :-(
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Message 2059895 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 13:46:13 UTC

Hi guys need a question answered & don't want to detract from other threads.
Just had what I consider, a worrying phone call (not spam).
Can''t go into details as not only was it personal but data intensive.

Can just a specific field in a database get corrupted leaving the rest of the database okay?
ID: 2059895 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2059898 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 14:26:06 UTC - in response to Message 2059895.  

Hi guys need a question answered & don't want to detract from other threads.
Just had what I consider, a worrying phone call (not spam).
Can''t go into details as not only was it personal but data intensive.

Can just a specific field in a database get corrupted leaving the rest of the database okay?

Well, that's a tough one. Someone changing the program is one way that could happen. Say old program wrote binary new program expects text. Or old program 32 bit new program 64 bit. Other way would be a different program that over wrote a specific field.
If the database is a spreadsheet doing a sort and not having all the fields selected results in junk.
If the fields aren't all in the same file, corruption of the file with the field is in will do it.
Relational and a change to the relation.

There may be others but without knowing nuts and bolts.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2059900 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 15:00:13 UTC - in response to Message 2059895.  

It's not impossible, but highly improbable.
However in many respects it depends on what the structure of the database is and what database engine is being used.
Bob Smith
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Message 2059903 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 15:17:02 UTC - in response to Message 2059895.  

It would be rare for a hardware fault - even a bad disk sector - to change a single field, without other errors being obvious.

It would be technically possible for a human operator (with sufficient access privileges) to to make that sort of change without leaving a obvious trace, but if the system administrator really wanted to, they could probably find it in a transaction log or old backup.
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Message 2059907 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 16:50:27 UTC - in response to Message 2059895.  
Last modified: 23 Oct 2020, 16:53:33 UTC

Hi guys need a question answered & don't want to detract from other threads.
Just had what I consider, a worrying phone call (not spam).
Can''t go into details as not only was it personal but data intensive.

Can just a specific field in a database get corrupted leaving the rest of the database okay?

  • Using one of the 'big' well known database systems: No. Every operation is checked, confirmed, and checksummed to confirm there is no data corruption.
  • Using a 'lite' database or a spreadsheet: Highly unlikely.

However, it is always quite possible that there is a user/operator error/mistake/mistype whereby the wrong data has been entered, or the correct data later read has been misunderstood. Or even, the wrong results extracted for some confusion of name or spelling or duplicate entries...

There is a small possibility that a system update has caused some fault. However, whatever the fault might be should soon be noticed by others similarly for their data...

Another question is whether whatever 'unexpected' result is unexpected due to other unanticipated surrounding context or data limitations?...

Good luck!

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Message 2059911 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 17:49:34 UTC - in response to Message 2059907.  

Can just a specific field in a database get corrupted leaving the rest of the database okay?

I've done a little db design and can think of two possible corruption scenarios.

One is where a db has become corrupted and has been 'repaired' leaving erroneous data in specific fields.

Though here I would expect other errors in other field to pop up.

The second is where in updating the db the programmer has made a mistake in the schema (mapping of field) meaning all 'future inputs become erroneous.

Or for example if a field is auto filled and the algorithm behind that field has been altered. For example the wrong tax rate is used to calculate a field.

Often those who input data trust the backend calculations and never visually check a field for correctness.

Strange things can happen in the world of databasing but it is a question of likelihood.

Do you know for a fact that all fields for all other records are corrupt also?
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2059914 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 18:34:40 UTC - in response to Message 2059911.  

Do you know for a fact that all fields for all other records are corrupt also?
Well, before I answer the above question, thanks everyone. Much appreciated even though original worry not alleviated. :=(
No but I know for a fact that certain fields are intact which concerns me as an individual, namely name, address, phone numbers, so pretty sure others are also intact.

I'm probably over analyzing this but tbh, have to a degree expected 1 option from 3, especially with the furlough scheme ending in 8 days.
1: Return to work. (thumbs up)
2: Furlough to continue but at 70%. (ouch)
3: Made redundant. (crap)

Was expecting a call, but next Friday being the last working day of the month from manager detailing action for the forthcoming month.
Was not expecting a call from HR stating that they have found discrepancies in records after their systems went down.

It was the question & manner it was asked as well as the continuing conversation that bugged me.
A discrepancy in personal record? What after 13 years with all documents provided & confirmed back then which has now been stated existed back then?
So if the system went down for a time & data corrupted, how were they aware it existed from day 1 & why query it 13 years later?
Also, it was the only discrepancy discussed which leads me to believe:
1: there are other discrepancies with other people & they are attempting to clear them.
2: they are looking for reasons to cut staff. (traveled that road too many times in the 90's).

Can't think of any other reason.
With just 19.5 months to retirement (13 weeks redundancy will not cover that period of time - Gov min = 1 week per year of service).
ID: 2059914 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2059915 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 18:58:05 UTC - in response to Message 2059914.  

Do you know for a fact that all fields for all other records are corrupt also?
Well, before I answer the above question, thanks everyone. Much appreciated even though original worry not alleviated. :=(
No but I know for a fact that certain fields are intact which concerns me as an individual, namely name, address, phone numbers, so pretty sure others are also intact.

I'm probably over analyzing this but tbh, have to a degree expected 1 option from 3, especially with the furlough scheme ending in 8 days.
1: Return to work. (thumbs up)
2: Furlough to continue but at 70%. (ouch)
3: Made redundant. (crap)

Was expecting a call, but next Friday being the last working day of the month from manager detailing action for the forthcoming month.
Was not expecting a call from HR stating that they have found discrepancies in records after their systems went down.

It was the question & manner it was asked as well as the continuing conversation that bugged me.
A discrepancy in personal record? What after 13 years with all documents provided & confirmed back then which has now been stated existed back then?
So if the system went down for a time & data corrupted, how were they aware it existed from day 1 & why query it 13 years later?
Also, it was the only discrepancy discussed which leads me to believe:
1: there are other discrepancies with other people & they are attempting to clear them.
2: they are looking for reasons to cut staff. (traveled that road too many times in the 90's).

Can't think of any other reason.
With just 19.5 months to retirement (13 weeks redundancy will not cover that period of time - Gov min = 1 week per year of service).

You are a record not a field.
Sounds much like back when the question was A or B, but today it is A or B or C or D. Sounds like they are doing a paper records search and update to pull the old A or B into A or B or C or D. That crap can happen when laws or rules change. In other words they find new ways to split hairs and they have to go back to all old data entry and redo. Sometimes comes to light with a loss on a lawsuit.
Good Luck.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2059916 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 19:08:40 UTC - in response to Message 2059915.  

Thanks Gary. That's more assuring.
I know the issue involved as it cropped up in early 2008 as the manager resigned as she got a better job. Her assistant got promoted & has been a fantastic manager ever since. Going through the personnel records, she spotted what she felt could be a complication. It took a while but it was resolved to the satisfaction of all, including her superiors & nary a squeak since.
Will just have to wait until next Friday I suppose.
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Message 2059920 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 20:16:46 UTC - in response to Message 2059914.  
Last modified: 23 Oct 2020, 20:18:15 UTC

... Was not expecting a call from HR stating that they have found discrepancies in records after their systems went down.

It was the question & manner it was asked as well as the continuing conversation that bugged me...

Are you completely sure the call was from your HR?...

This sounds very much like the sort of Phishing scam where you are conned into confirming your details to fill in a few blanks so that others can then access your accounts as though they are you...

Chase that that one up first thing in the morning or ASAP...

My suspicions are that it is far more likely there is something to do with fraud rather than "database problems" or "IT problems"...

Be very suspicious.

Good luck,
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2059921 - Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 20:37:51 UTC - in response to Message 2059920.  

Was suspicious at 1st but it was easily resolved. It was a genuine call.
I never provided any personal details & never will on a telephone call. They want that, it will have to be a face-to-face meeting on-site & they are aware of that. :-)
Also, after a while thinking about it before making the post, I called own manager & it was confirmed again.
I still think it is reason 2 even though Gary did provide a reasonable explanation - I'm basing that on experience rather than modern office techniques.
I'm still disturbed on the question & manner of the whole conversation & the manager is aware of that. She also is not happy.
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Message 2059966 - Posted: 24 Oct 2020, 16:01:28 UTC - in response to Message 2059895.  

... Can just a specific field in a database get corrupted leaving the rest of the database okay?

Upon further thought:

If those records are from many years ago, and the entire HR systems have been 'updated' or even since moved into 'The Cloud'...

There is always the possibility that the database data has been 'exported' from one database system to then be 'imported' into an entirely new database. With that scenario, you are completely at the mercy of how conscientiously that was done (especially for formats conversions) and how thoroughly the final results have been checked...

(I'll make no comment about ignorant management chasing minimum costs, peanuts, and unskilled untrained monkeys...)

Good luck?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2059967 - Posted: 24 Oct 2020, 17:01:43 UTC

Pat, with what you have posted, sounds to me like the field that they question is seniority. Maybe back in the distant you worked for another place that they acquired later and the question is does that count. Good luck.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2060074 - Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 11:00:43 UTC

Well that was a pleasant call.
Weird but I think it explains HR's action. Apparently, HR got too many complaints about those calls last week.
She even got a call asking why her staff didn't complain. Would love to know what she said. :-)
Anyway, call was weird in that I got all 3 options wrong, well sort of. It could be option 2 but...
Still on furlough but from Nov on the job support scheme.
This is the weird part. Instead of working a 1/3 of hours will be working 2 days next week & 3 the week after.
My brain says 10 - 5- =...

Don't get me wrong, not complaining as still on 100% pay.
The impression I got was that they're trying to stay within the law while carrying on as normal as possible.
With the way the government is acting, that's got to be hard.
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Message 2060359 - Posted: 31 Oct 2020, 16:58:00 UTC

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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2060364 - Posted: 31 Oct 2020, 17:32:46 UTC

Sadly stupidity demonstrations of the above nature are far from rare.
About the only "good" thing about this event is that the drier wasn't screaming hot and it was a drier an not a washer as there have been a few where one person has got stuck in a washer, a couple have gone in to assist and the washer has decided since it is now full it will start a wash cycle.....
Bob Smith
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Message 2060407 - Posted: 1 Nov 2020, 13:39:58 UTC

It said that "more evidence is needed to routinely prescribe and fund other treatments on the NHS and we continue to back further research and look at how to minimise the costs of these medicines".
Simple answer - Cut the bloat at the top!
NHS refuses prescriptions
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Message 2060556 - Posted: 3 Nov 2020, 20:54:33 UTC
Last modified: 3 Nov 2020, 20:57:06 UTC

So, Here's Another Story - which is Wat I Say.

I go Outside 2 times a day to SWEEP Two Streets of Leaves, twigs, and Other 'Stuff'. EVERY DAY All Year Long; Rain, Snow, or Shine. Gettin' dat AIR; UV; and EXERCISE, like dA SCIENTISTs say ta Do, Yeah?

Interestingly, a Woman passing by on a Bike Said Hello and Asked if I had VOTED. I said No and will in Couple Hours from now. I have as Posted.

She is Older, Not as Old as Me, and said she Votes Republican, but Voted OBIDEN . I kinda shut my mind off then and didn't Listen after dat.

I said MOST People become 'CONSERVATIVE' as We Get Older. Whatever 'Reason' she gave fO VOTING OBIDEN -if she gave one- I DID NOT
HEAR or Heard but did not Pay Attention.

Maybe she'll Come Back My Way One Day and I can Listen Next Time.

She had a Heck of a Mountain Bike. Must of Cost a Mint. Funny I Noticed. I Did Strangely see a 'How's It Made' Show Yesterday on dA Making
of a Mountain Bike. And Knowin' a few THANGs 'bout THANGs I Know Her Bike Looked EXACTLY LIKE da One on da Show.
IOWs - Expensive as a mO fO

There is a Trail in da Woods - behind da House where LYCRA Wearing Bikers are Constantly Ridin'.

I've Never Seen a Mountain bike Close-up till Yesterday on dA HOWs It Made Show and Her Bike Today. STRANGE COIncidence eh?

RUBEWorld Lives in Many Mountains


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