The Donald Trump thread part VI - aka "Keep it clean"

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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2065133 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 10:48:09 UTC

This statement from Marco Rubio says it all.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio says he grew up among people who came to the US because their country was chaotic, just like the scene that played out today.
The Republican adds that rivals like Russia and China are laughing at America today, and will use the incident to suggest America is in decline.
"There's nothing Vladimir Putin could have come up with better than what happened here. It makes us look like we're in total chaos and collapse."
"I think politics has made us crazy!” he adds. "Everybody in this country has lost their minds!"
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2065136 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 12:05:13 UTC - in response to Message 2065130.  

The last line of that Washington Post article referred to sums up my feelings on this current situation:
Do they perceive Trump as so dangerous in the next 13 days that he needs to be gone immediately?” Chemerinsky said. “Or do they think this would just divide the country even further and make him into a martyr?

I fear that a number of T.Rumps supporters would feel that his forced removal, either by means of impeachment or the 25th amendment, would make him into a martyr worth fighting for, and, if the evidence of yesterday is anything to go by they would fight hard and dirty.
Bob Smith
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2065137 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 12:56:00 UTC - in response to Message 2065136.  

The last line of that Washington Post article referred to sums up my feelings on this current situation:
Do they perceive Trump as so dangerous in the next 13 days that he needs to be gone immediately?” Chemerinsky said. “Or do they think this would just divide the country even further and make him into a martyr?
I fear that a number of T.Rumps supporters would feel that his forced removal, either by means of impeachment or the 25th amendment, would make him into a martyr worth fighting for, and, if the evidence of yesterday is anything to go by they would fight hard and dirty.
On the other hand, the unknown (and unknowable) future events of the next 13 days might be even worse. Trump remains commander-in-chief, and in theory retains personal control of the nuclear codes. In practice, there are many additional players in the military chain of command, and I would hope that either persuasion or outright refusal to obey orders would pull the USA back from any nuclear brink. But it has been plausibly suggested that Trump may order some lesser (conventional) strike outside the territorial USA.

Which would be worse for the USA in the long term - domestic martyrdom, or international pariah status? I think we'd need to ask Dr. Strangelove to answer that one.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2065139 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 13:52:19 UTC

The more I read of what T.Rump said (verbally, or otherwise) the more I am convinced that he is living in a fantasy world of his own making. Social media needs to block all his recent communications as so many of them are either demonstrable lies or outright incitements to violence against the United States and its population at large.
The trouble is there is an extremely vocal and violent group of "followers" who believe him totally and have no regard for the rule of law,but only the word of their leader.
As has been said, doe the USA stand up against such a cowardly bully. Where was he during the march/assault on the Capitol after his proclamation that he would march with his supporters?. Answer - hiding somewhere out of sight egging them on with weak mouthed platitude to stop the assault with one breath, while uttering phrases like "We will never give in" (paraphrase - there are several such statements).
Grounds for impeachment? Probable, but the process takes too long to save the USA.
Grounds for enacting amendment 25? Almost certain, but very much untried waters in this sort of situation.
Best way out? Trump admits that he lost the election and immediately stands aside from all public and private "political" activity.
Likely outcome? More violence :-(
Bob Smith
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2065144 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 15:12:06 UTC - in response to Message 2065129.  

The best way forward for America now is: January 21st, ALL media to ignore the bimbo, if not...

Unfortunately, he sells adverts.
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Message 2065153 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 18:57:06 UTC

Now this should've been done sooner, but better late than never.

Social platforms lock down Trump accounts, some indefinitely.

But then again maybe it's now time to take a closer look at the personal interests of those who supported v2.0's criminal ways.

The long list of Republicans who voted to reject election results.

I wonder how many of them have been illegally profiting on Donny's coat tail.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2065154 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 19:04:11 UTC

I wonder how many of them have been illegally profiting on Donny's coat tail.

I would hazard guess - a substantial majority of them.
Bob Smith
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Message 2065156 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 19:47:32 UTC - in response to Message 2065154.  

I wonder how many of them have been illegally profiting on Donny's coat tail.

I would hazard guess - a substantial majority of them.

It's his base that is what they want, as that can make or break them. It's a bit like the Islamist schools. They teach hatred, and are surprised when it is actually carried out.
Some far right media outlets have taught the same type of messages, and can't undo what they have already taught. In both cases, things are taught, and retaught that are just not true. Fixing that seems impossible.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2065157 - Posted: 7 Jan 2021, 20:45:09 UTC

Want us back?
Just say the word, we'd love to finish the job. :-)

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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 2065173 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 1:37:19 UTC
Last modified: 8 Jan 2021, 1:49:37 UTC

2016 map

And is DC controlled by the Dems?
It is not a state and therefore the National Guard in DC is controlled by the Federal Government and that would be the President.
I cannot see him calling out the National Guard to control his own flag waving supporters, until it had gone beyond acceptable levels.
Can you?
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Message 2065176 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 2:46:28 UTC - in response to Message 2065174.  

Sten I love string theory and the alternate universes it posits.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2065220 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 14:55:28 UTC

Democratic Assistant House Speaker Katherine Clark has said a vote to impeach President Trump could be held as "early as by mid-next week."
Why bother?
A week later, he's gone.

Amazing how fast friends become enemies.
The editorial page of the Wall Street Journal has called on President Trump to resign to avoid a possible second impeachment by the House of Representatives.

The unsigned text in the paper's editorial page, considered to hold the views of the Republican establishment, condemned the president's actions, which it said "incited" the crowds on Wednesday.
This was an assault on the constitutional process of transferring power after an election. It was also an assault on the legislature from an executive sworn to uphold the laws of the United States. This goes beyond merely refusing to concede defeat. In our view it crosses a constitutional line that Mr Trump hasn’t previously crossed. It is impeachable."

If Mr Trump wants to avoid a second impeachment, his best path would be to take personal responsibility and resign. This would be the cleanest solution since it would immediately turn presidential duties over to Mr Pence."

The editorial pages of the paper, owned by Rupert Murdoch, have criticised the Republican president in the past but this is the strongest rebuttal against Trump yet.
Observers suggest Murdoch is looking ahead to life under the Biden administration. Some of his outlets began to turn on Trump in the aftermath of the November election. The magnate's conglomerate also owns the Fox News Channel, an outlet that was home to some of Trump's most loyal defenders but which has angered him in recent months.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2065223 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 15:12:23 UTC - in response to Message 2065220.  

Why bother?
tRump 2024 and forever!
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2065227 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 16:02:36 UTC - in response to Message 2065223.  

Never going to happen, unless you're saying that all Americans are that dumb & stupid.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2065228 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 16:17:08 UTC - in response to Message 2065227.  

Well, 70 million of them were this time.

That's the thing I can't get my head round. Having observed DJT up close and personal in the White House, at rallies, on twitter and so on, for at least the last four years - why would you vote for him? I certainly wouldn't.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2065232 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 16:35:30 UTC

T.Rump has announced he's not going to Biden's ingurgitation:

Either he's going to be hiding in one of his bunkers, club in hand, or be fleeing the country. Place your bets.
Bob Smith
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2065235 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 17:13:37 UTC - in response to Message 2065232.  

Won't he be circling over the Atlantic between Florida and Prestwick, pleading for landing clearance?
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 2065237 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 17:29:40 UTC

I think a few words by someone high up in the Democratic party should whisper in the ears of Southern District of New York, Department of Justice that they should consider the chances of him fleeing justice are pretty high, before being brought to court to answer his business loans and taxes.
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Profile betreger Project Donor

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Message 2065240 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 17:41:48 UTC - in response to Message 2065235.  

Won't he be circling over the Atlantic between Florida and Prestwick, pleading for landing clearance?

Nah, methinks he will go into exile in a country that does not have an extradition treaty with the US. That with ab Interpol warrent for his arrest should slow him down a bit.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2065246 - Posted: 8 Jan 2021, 17:56:03 UTC

At what point does a US President change from being "the US President" to being "the former US President". Simples - his plane technicals on the ramp for long enough to delay departure to beyond that time and thus he no longer has presidential privilege, has to join the rest of mere mortals at the back of the queue, and the Feds come on board and "polity request he comes this way"....
Bob Smith
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