The Donald Trump thread part VI - aka "Keep it clean"

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Message 2099060 - Posted: 6 May 2022, 19:47:47 UTC - in response to Message 2099058.  

Removing a Prez with Less than 2 Weeks Left.

Congress Takes Years to Get NOTHING DONE.

'cept for RAISING Their Pay and Other GiveAways to Their DONORs


And ensuring they are re-elected.
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Message 2099068 - Posted: 6 May 2022, 22:33:57 UTC - in response to Message 2099060.  

Removing a Prez with Less than 2 Weeks Left.

Congress Takes Years to Get NOTHING DONE.

'cept for RAISING Their Pay and Other GiveAways to Their DONORs


And ensuring they are re-elected.

Then why did he vote for the guy that INCREASED THE SWAMP?!?

Any who ... it's time for Dems to throw the entire lousy lout in jail. Bunch a lousy traitors. Guilty until proven innocent, new null hypothesis for GOPhers.
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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Message 2099075 - Posted: 6 May 2022, 23:14:16 UTC

Yet another loss in the courts for Donny. I've lost count, how many is that now?

Judge dismisses Trump lawsuit against Twitter over ban.
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2099088 - Posted: 7 May 2022, 5:29:13 UTC

SUPERDonny COMMANDs an Audience of THOUSANDs

SUPERJOkE Lucky to Get a Dozen.

One Being an Interpreter for the Other Eleven.



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Message 2099223 - Posted: 10 May 2022, 7:54:41 UTC

Still no word yet on whether Donny & Charlie went out to grab a little something after their Nebraska gig, but there is the 9 most outlandish lines from Trump's response to Mark Esper's book.

As to this dilemma.

Will McCarthy, Jordan talk to the Jan. 6 committee? Panel faces dilemma in coaxing defiant GOP.

The answer is simple, just throw them in jail until they're ready to talk. Talk about talking, some Jan. 6 Oath Breakers and Proudless Infants are really rolling over.

Oath Keepers sharing with January 6 investigators their efforts to find election fraud, communications with Trump allies.

It seems that they can hand their phones over fast enough for their plea deals, but hang on a minute what's this? The Only American Nutter Network said what?

OAN Finally Admits ‘No Widespread Voter Fraud’ After Settling Defamation Suit.

Can you say that again? I bet that that will make Donny not a happy chappy, but what will their nutter audience think about that bit of actual truth? Will they be able to deal with it, or not?
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Message 2099266 - Posted: 10 May 2022, 22:18:13 UTC

Now what have Donny, his moronic RINO's and supporters been up to of late.

I'll have to get this juicy book.

Trump saw US allies like Merkel and Trudeau as 'weak' but adversaries like Putin and Xi as 'strong,' his former Pentagon chief said.

Trump Wanted to Reinstate Retired Officers to Face Court-Martial for 'Disloyalty,' New Book Claims.

While it looks like RINO's are trying to get rid of election workers now.

Jail is the new threat facing election workers.

As the moronic wheelchair bandit just can't help himself.

Far-right GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn faces multiple fresh scandals.

There maybe light in the ranks of proper Republicans by calling out the "real" and "true" RINO's in their ranks.

Trump's Own Campaign Strategy Being Used Against Him in Pennsylvania.

And then there's these door to door moronic nutters infringing themselves on others' peace and quiet that should just be locked up.

Groups perpetuating Trump’s 2020 election lie face scrutiny and lawsuits.

All in the delusional world of Donny is not over yet.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2099279 - Posted: 11 May 2022, 4:31:04 UTC - in response to Message 2099266.  

While it looks like RINO's are trying to get rid of election workers now.
Jail is the new threat facing election workers.

Well, this has given me the idea for an election law.
Falsely claiming widespread fraud in any election contest held in this jurisdiction is a felony punishable by ten years in the penitentiary and/or a fine of $100,000.00 dollars. Widespread shall mean 5% or more of the votes cast. It shall be an affirmative defense to show that widespread fraud did occur.
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Message 2099287 - Posted: 11 May 2022, 10:16:23 UTC

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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2099350 - Posted: 11 May 2022, 23:06:32 UTC

While some don't have a problem with handing over evidence.

Biden authorizes transfer of more Trump records to Jan. 6 committee.

Donny must stump up to get out of his contempt-of-court ruling for not handing over evidence.

Trump must cut a $110,000 check to NY AG Letitia James to be held in escrow for now, a judge rules.

But will he stump up? Then comes more damning emails from 1 of Donny's crooked lawyers.

Trump's former lawyer asked Pa. lawmakers to throw out ballots to overturn Biden win.

Meanwhile in other RINO news the PooTin loving attack chihuahua has a go at Cyclops and comes off 2nd best.

Crenshaw, Greene clash on Twitter: ‘Still going after that slot on Russia Today’.

Bernstein rips it into hypocritical Clarence with some truth.

Carl Bernstein says Clarence Thomas has no standing to chide protesters after wife's election scheme.

And to finish this post off comes Mini Me and his hitting a roadblock with his rigged redistricting plan.

Judge says he'll block Gov. Ron DeSantis' redistricting plan.
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Message 2099398 - Posted: 12 May 2022, 16:50:00 UTC

It seems the Donald is getting it from all sides. :-)
"Putin restored the unity of the West and did what Trump failed to do - force higher defence spending," Klimkin wrote.
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Message 2099405 - Posted: 12 May 2022, 19:03:54 UTC

Well Donny's world isn't very happy today starting with Donny's bid to get out of pleading the 5th (and we all know what he said about people who do that).

Appeals judges seem skeptical as Trump family lawyer argues that NY AG subpoenas are biased and improper.

I also bet that this brought a tear or 2 to Donny's eyes as many will see it as just another of his failures, but the old building hasn't looked so good in years.

Trump Hotel out of Business as Video Shows Signs Stripped From Building.

As another federal investigation as all roads lead back to just 1 name.

Even Trump Can’t Make Sense of His Own Dark-Money Maze.

But wait, there's more.

A federal grand jury is investigating Trump's handling of classified documents.

As another shady deal done under his watch gets uncovered.

Trump officials hit with Natural Resources Committee's first criminal referral.

More treasonous Eastman emails on doing the impossible.

State legislatures can’t overturn presidential election results.

Meanwhile the Jan.6 panel sends out subpoenas to 5 of Donny's moronic RINO's.

Jan. 6 panel subpoenas McCarthy, four other GOP lawmakers.

As repercussions from both Ginni-gate and Abortion-gate bring Donny's SCOTUS into disrepute corrective actions are now on the agenda.

House panel advances bill requiring Supreme Court to develop code of ethics.

Stay tuned for more on Donny's world of crooked losers.
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Message 2099493 - Posted: 13 May 2022, 21:16:20 UTC

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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2099609 - Posted: 15 May 2022, 15:17:16 UTC

Doesn't Donny get it yet that Rupert just isn't a fan anymore?

Trump Slams Fox News, Echoes Dinesh D'Souza's '2000 Mules' Complaint.

And he just can't stop coming up with more lies, which is very likely why Rupert isn't a fan anymore.

Trump uses Buffalo mass shooting to make misleading boast about lack of US deaths in Afghanistan during his presidency, video shows.

But it seems that a lot of once Donny mad media isn't so into him these days. Meanwhile republicans must have got sick of being asked why none of them had been to the Ukraine yet.

McConnell leads GOP delegation to meet with Zelenskyy in Ukraine.

Then there's delusional Donny's delusional mate's quest to become broke.

Lindell wants to file lawsuits in all 50 states to keep pushing election fraud claims.
ID: 2099609 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2099616 - Posted: 15 May 2022, 19:08:41 UTC

SUPERMike and SUPERDonny.

Wat a TEAM!!!!!!!


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Message 2099731 - Posted: 18 May 2022, 1:01:37 UTC

All roads leads to Donny, so we don't need his lies or to hear the 5th.

Trump Unnecessary for Jan. 6 Investigation to Prove Case.

Is Garland ready to pounce as DOJ requests Jan.6 panel's transcripts of interviews.

DOJ requests Jan. 6 committee transcripts, signaling escalation of Justice inquiry.

But Jan.6 panels says, "not just yet".

House 1/6 panel rejects Justice Dept.'s transcript request.

Well they do have 5 testimonies to hear as yet.
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Message 2099856 - Posted: 19 May 2022, 22:11:53 UTC

Now what's the latest in Donny's world of crooked morons.

Is Trump to Blame for Baby Formula Shortage?

RINO's do as Donny does, if you can't win then cheat.

Voter 'subversion': Trump Republicans push laws to make it easier to change elections, per report.

A new name comes up before the Jan.6 committee.

Jan. 6 committee wants to talk to Loudermilk about Capitol tour given the day before attack.

While Cruz, who is like our own current P.M. who disappears when a crisis arises, has a new problem.

Group cites Cruz role in Trump election claims in complaint to Texas state bar.

As the cross-dressing wheelchair bandit chucks yet another tantrum this time because his run has come to a crashing end.

Embarrassed Madison Cawthorn Vows ‘Dark MAGA’ Takeover.

Anyhow that's enough for now.
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Message 2099878 - Posted: 20 May 2022, 9:34:27 UTC

It couldn't happen to a better moron.

‘Groundless’ and ‘Frivolous’: Federal Judge Orders Sanctions Against Mike Lindell and Dismisses the MyPillow CEO’s Counterclaims Against Dominion and Smartmatic.

Well yes it could, but that's coming, and then there that Donny loving privileged gun wielding mighty white lawyer loser couple the MacMorons.

Court says McCloskeys can't advise right-wing group for free.

And fancy this.

These Nine Republicans Hate Democrats More Than They Love Babies (or Freedom or Democracy or Anything Else).

Thankfully our federal elections will be done with tomorrow.
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Message 2099946 - Posted: 22 May 2022, 3:07:40 UTC

In this Donny's delusional world update. To start with Donny's paperwork still isn't up to scratch.

Trump pays $110K fine, but must submit paperwork to end contempt.

And we all know about Donny and his paperwork, bins, shredders, toilets and take homes. Just like these?

Trump Hand-Wrote Strategy Notes for Overturning the Election.

Anyhow as we wait to hear about Rudolf's 9hr grilling Donny suddenly backs the latest name to come up at the Jan. 6 committee.

Trump has endorsed a Georgia lawmaker who gave a tour of the Capitol on the day before the insurrection.

Meanwhile it seems that Donny has noticed something that may likely backfire on him.

Trump is telling close allies that 'suburban women' could punish him for the overturning of Roe v Wade, hurting his 2024 reelection chances, report says.

He should've seen that coming long ago, but he's none too bright anyway, but then again look at Donny's pick in Georgia.

Georgia electrical vehicle factory becomes Kemp, Perdue campaign battle.

And then there's Mini Me's continuing campaign to remove all existence of white supremacy in the U.S. from history.

Florida Warns Against CRT, 'Social Justice' in Social Studies Textbooks.

All in the continuing story of Donny's hypocritical world of crooks, nutters and crazies.
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Message 2099985 - Posted: 22 May 2022, 22:28:09 UTC
Last modified: 22 May 2022, 22:39:21 UTC

Well Larry Ellison has been add to the list of Donny's treasonous mob of conspirators.

While Cornel West says while Trump isn't 'out there with a gun' but he's leading a campaign of 'war against black and coloured people' and he's 100% right there.

And this is what happens here down under when 1 party goes too far to the right, wants to give religions the right to discriminate, pander to the fossil fuel companies over the environment in this day and age, try to consistently preform coverups with lies over ever increasing scandals (especially in regards to females) and not delivering on a promised proper federal corruption commission (what have they got to hide?) with a very rude and divisive leader who likens himself to a bulldozer.

Australia has a new left-leaning government: Here's what you need to know.

The people bulldozed them into the ground and our version of Donny, Clive Palmer (and his party), got obliterated off the political map while our female version of the attack chihuahua, Pauline Hanson (and her party), looks to be headed in the same direction.

Everything is so much happier, nicer and much more relaxed being back in a social democracy and you can feel the difference here it everywhere you go already (and it's only our 2nd day of it).

[edit] Rudolf loses it in public.
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Message 2099991 - Posted: 22 May 2022, 23:47:53 UTC
Last modified: 22 May 2022, 23:48:26 UTC

How crazy and despicably zany can the Republicans get?

Only in the USA??...

Stay safe folks!!
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