The Donald Trump thread part VI - aka "Keep it clean"

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Message 2097760 - Posted: 14 Apr 2022, 20:09:05 UTC

Donny, the wimp who can't accept the blame for anything.

McConnell reveals a fundamental truth about Donald Trump.

...In advance of the January 2021 Senate runoffs in Georgia, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said that he believed Trump's continued focus on the 2020 election was about something other than contesting the results.

"What it looks to me like he's doing is setting this up so he can blame the governor and the secretary of state if we lose," McConnell told the reporters for the book in December 2020. "He's always setting up somebody to blame it on."

Yes! That exactly!

The history of Trump in public life is one of him constantly looking for people and ways to distribute blame so that it doesn't land on him. Because in his mind, he can do no wrong.


* Trump's loss in the 2016 Iowa caucuses was because Ted Cruz cheated -- or something.

* The FBI investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election was because then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself.

* The coronavirus was China's fault.

* The early testing snafus for the virus were Barack Obama's fault.

* The long battle against the virus was Anthony Fauci's fault.

* The rocky response to Hurricane Maria was Puerto Rico's fault.

* His loss in the 2020 election was the fault of Republican governors like Doug Ducey of Arizona and Brian Kemp of Georgia who were insufficiently loyal to him. Oh, and also Vice President Mike Pence for not overturning the Electoral College results even though he had no ability to do so.

* The January 6 riot at the US Capitol was Nancy Pelosi's fault.

* His ongoing legal problems are the fault of "vicious, horrible" prosecutors....
If he was any sort of a real and decent man he'd own his faults, but he very obviously can't take that sort of pressure of that.
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Message 2097761 - Posted: 14 Apr 2022, 20:15:40 UTC - in response to Message 2097760.  

If he was any sort of a real and decent man he'd own his faults, but he very obviously can't take that sort of pressure of that.

That would be the story of Joe Biden.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 2097768 - Posted: 14 Apr 2022, 22:07:10 UTC

It looks like, 'following "presidential orders"', is getting to be the common defence theme for most of the Capitol rioter's, but 1 defense lawyer has taken it further.

Accused Capitol rioter's lawyer called Trump a 'gangster' who whipped up supporters on January 6.

An accused Capitol rioter's defense lawyer on Thursday referred to former President Donald Trump as a "gangster" who bears responsibility for whipping up the crowd of supporters that stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

In a closing argument at the trial of accused rioter Dustin Thompson, the defense lawyer Samuel Shamansky punctuated his argument that Trump manipulated his supporters on January 6 and deserved blame for the violence at the Capitol that day.

"You had, frankly, a gangster who was in power," Shamansky said.

In another apparent reference to Trump, Shamansky said the Capitol attack was coordinated by an "evil and sinister man who would stop at nothing to get his way on January 6."

Shamansky's closing argument came a day after Thompson, 38, took the stand in his own defense against charges that he obstructed Congress' certification of the 2020 election results and stole a coat tree from a Senate office. Thompson was preceded on the witness stand by his wife, Sarah Thompson, who testified that her husband had spent much of 2020 unemployed, isolated amid pandemic restrictions, and watching "conspiracy theory-type videos" online.

On the witness stand, Dustin Thompson said he felt he was following "presidential orders" when he advanced on the Capitol on January 6. Thompson testified that he came to believe in 2020 that, if Trump didn't win the election, "it was gonna be stolen."....
I wonder how many more of those defense lawyers are going to take on that trend.
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Message 2097780 - Posted: 14 Apr 2022, 23:07:34 UTC - in response to Message 2097733.  

That laptop.....hehehe.

You mean the one that the FBI have had the HDD in their hands for several years and because of its damage has very little info on that can be trusted, considering the first people to have their hands on it wrote files to it after Hunter sent it out for repair.
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Message 2097783 - Posted: 14 Apr 2022, 23:31:30 UTC

If there was anything on that laptop don't you think that it would've been acted on well before now? (like years ago)
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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2097785 - Posted: 15 Apr 2022, 0:16:13 UTC

Here's a "Liberal" to entertain you, Scott Morrison (aka; ScoMo or SloMo). ;-)
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2097790 - Posted: 15 Apr 2022, 1:44:50 UTC


Chesty; Wide-Shouldered; Tall; GOoD -Lookin' - And Can Jump Over a SkyScraper with a Single Bound.

Wat A Man!!!!!


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Message 2097855 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 0:31:01 UTC

Donny gets another scathing rebuke from another judge.

GOP-Appointed Judge Says Trump Doesn't Care About Democracy, Only Power.

..."You know, I think our democracy is in trouble," Walton said at the conclusion of the trial. "Because unfortunately, we have charlatans like our former president, who doesn't in my view really care about democracy, but only about power. And as a result of that, it's tearing this country apart."

Walton described the pro-Trump violence targeting the federal government on January 6 as an "insurgency."

"I have a concern that we have, unfortunately, American citizens who were so gullible that they were willing to accept what was being said without any proof that the allegations about the election had any merit whatsoever," the judge warned. "People are just outraged at how they feel our system is not taking seriously what happened on that day because of their fear of the future of this country."....
While more of Meadows' text messages come to light.

Mark Meadows' texts with Mike Lee and Chip Roy.

The list of treasonous people in on the Jan. 6th riot plot grows even longer.
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Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2097859 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 1:16:03 UTC

The GREATEST DAY in History


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Message 2097868 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 1:52:59 UTC - in response to Message 2097736.  

Do you want to live under a dictator?

Got my answer from a "former friend" close to July 4, 2020: he wanted to live free under a dictator so long as it was the right dictator. Yes, he said that.
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2097870 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 4:07:50 UTC - in response to Message 2097868.  

Do you want to live under a dictator?

Got my answer from a "former friend" close to July 4, 2020: he wanted to live free under a dictator so long as it was the right dictator. Yes, he said that.

Guess people no longer want to think.
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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 2097873 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 5:34:33 UTC - in response to Message 2097870.  

Do you want to live under a dictator?

Got my answer from a "former friend" close to July 4, 2020: he wanted to live free under a dictator so long as it was the right dictator. Yes, he said that.

Guess people no longer want to think.

Probably the case that most people don't want to make decisions, which would require thinking.
So they just go along with what they are told and that's usually from an unreliable source.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2097874 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 6:59:47 UTC - in response to Message 2097868.  

To say "I want to live free under the right dictator" is a fine oxymoron.
By definition a dictator removes all personal freedoms apart from those of a very select few.
So, no rights to property, no rights to a salary of one's choice, no rights to drive, hunt, fish. Be directed to where one must live. Expect to be arrested or "vanished" on (probably) false grounds.
Have to apply to the State to go to visit either another country, or another part of the country you live in.
A pretty bleak existence for 99.99% of the population, while the ruling 0.01% are seen to profit and live a life of massive excess.
Bob Smith
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Somewhere in the (un)known Universe?
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Message 2097884 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 15:08:19 UTC - in response to Message 2097874.  

That looks just like Russia at present under the President-for-life Putin...

... Is that what Trump was trying to replicate?...

Stay safe folks!
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Profile Sarge
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Message 2097892 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 16:56:41 UTC - in response to Message 2097870.  

Do you want to live under a dictator?

Got my answer from a "former friend" close to July 4, 2020: he wanted to live free under a dictator so long as it was the right dictator. Yes, he said that.

Guess people no longer want to think.

Around the same time, I told him we had shutdowns not lockdowns. I pointed him to the videos of Chinese people being forced back into their homes in December 2019 or January 2020. He said it was because of communism. I said, in response, it was due to totalitarianism (or authoritarianism) of which communism is just one flavor. He retorted, "No! It's because of communism!"
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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Message 2097893 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 16:57:45 UTC - in response to Message 2097874.  

To say "I want to live free under the right dictator" is a fine oxymoron.
By definition a dictator removes all personal freedoms apart from those of a very select few.
So, no rights to property, no rights to a salary of one's choice, no rights to drive, hunt, fish. Be directed to where one must live. Expect to be arrested or "vanished" on (probably) false grounds.
Have to apply to the State to go to visit either another country, or another part of the country you live in.
A pretty bleak existence for 99.99% of the population, while the ruling 0.01% are seen to profit and live a life of massive excess.

Of course it's an oxymoron. And that's why I no longer associate with him nor support his business. If I never see him again in my life, I will hopefully be better for it.
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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Message 2097894 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 17:00:15 UTC - in response to Message 2097873.  

Do you want to live under a dictator?

Got my answer from a "former friend" close to July 4, 2020: he wanted to live free under a dictator so long as it was the right dictator. Yes, he said that.

Guess people no longer want to think.

Probably the case that most people don't want to make decisions, which would require thinking.
So they just go along with what they are told and that's usually from an unreliable source.

And look to Jordan Peterson for how to be a better man?
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
ID: 2097894 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2097900 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 19:32:05 UTC

SUPERTninking By SUPERTuck; SUPERTrump; SUPERGOPTers; Allows Me to REST my Brain 100% of da Time.

I Need My Brain fo More Important Thangs.


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W-K 666 Project Donor
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Message 2097903 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 19:54:56 UTC
Last modified: 16 Apr 2022, 19:58:10 UTC

Thanks for confirming what we already suspected.

But a word of warning,
If you don't use your brain it shrinks,
and then you are sent to the shrink to confirm you have Alzheimer’s.

[edit] And I like that it helps keep my brother-in-law, a shrink in FL, employed.
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Profile betreger Project Donor

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Message 2097919 - Posted: 16 Apr 2022, 23:22:18 UTC - in response to Message 2097903.  

The unvaxed get the double whammy.
Alarge study comparing brain scans from the same individuals before and after SARS-CoV-2 infection suggests that brain changes could be a lingering outcome of even mild COVID-19. Writing in Nature, researchers at Oxford University’s Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging reported that several months after study participants had SARS-CoV-2 infections, they had more gray matter loss and tissue abnormalities, mainly in the areas of the brain associated with smell, and more brain size shrinkage than participants who hadn’t been infected with the virus.

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