App_info help for OSX apps?

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Message 2033451 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 1:47:18 UTC

Looking for some help if any fellow OSX gents / developers / testers can spare a few minutes?

I've been out of the OSX scene for a lil while and lots has changed the past few years.
Got an older laptop with gforce320m running Mavericks that want to run project.
Played around with Cuda 5.5 & 6 w/ Cuda42 ap but WUs pause or get run errors. The 256MB video memory may not be enough. I read some threads @ 2016 with a couple others that pointed out same.
Not sure if anyone ever got Cuda42 ap working on the older Tesla CC 1.2 cards?

Right now, just running CPU app below and it works like a charm on Macbook Air w/ Intel SU9400 Core 2 Duo 1.40. CPU supports sse41 but not AVX.

This OpenCL ap from main appears to run also.
SETI@home v8 v8.19 (opencl_nvidia_mac_old) x86_64-apple-darwin

Any newer MB ap builds avail for CPU or Open CL?
Can anyone share a recent OSX app_info w/ a matching Open CL section for main ap above?

Much Thanks!
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Message 2033459 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 2:33:08 UTC

Look into TBar's Apps: CUDA90 for Mac - (Sierra and High Sierra...)

The OS you mention, (Mavericks), is just too old to do anything with for the
Anonymous Platform that TBar programs for...

As for CUDA42, that's ANCIENT now... With our newer task loads on
Non-Arecibo work, even CUDA50 has been reported to have Errors.
(Windows/Linux based Apps...)

TBar currently is working on new OpenCL Applications in addition
to his newest v0.98b1 CUDA90 App for MacOS.

In addition to Mavericks being too old now to work with, (outside
of the CPU Apps), your GeForce 320m I believe would be unusable
for the Anonymous Platform CUDAxx Apps.

MacVidCards sells Pascal NVIDIA Cards IF you are interested
in staying with NVIDIA. Pascal would be the GTX-10x0 Line.
Pascal Cards require MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 or High Sierra
10.13.x to run TBar's CUDA90 Apps.

IF you are interested in MacOS Mojave, then NVIDIA is
out of the question, (pretty much), since Web Drivers
DON'T exist for the Maxwell and Pascal Cards. Kepler
Cards STILL run in Mojave and Catalina, but your best
bet for Mojave or Catalina would be to go AMD/ATI
and go with the Sapphire Radeon Pulse RX-580 8GB
Card by MacVidCards.

I recommend MacVidCards, because they Pre-Flash the GPU
for MacOS for you. This gives the GPU "Mac EFI Boot ROM"
and gives you the ability to have the Apple Boot Screen. Stock
or "Off the Shelf" GPUs that are NOT flashed will NOT give you
the Apple Boot Screen. (Classic Mac Pro Systems come to mind
for this issue, as they are the easiest to Upgrade for employing
Discrete GPUs.)

One can also build a HIGH POWER Hackintosh instead of investing
in an older Classic Mac Pro System... Keeping in mind what I've
mentioned above.

I'm sure TBar will chime in here.

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Profile TimeLord04
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Message 2033462 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 2:45:10 UTC

An example of a High Power Hackintosh:

See my Computer List and look at Computer ID: 7952666

This is my iMac 18,3 - Profiled Hackintosh
i7 7700K 4.2GHz System with MacVidCards'
GTX-1070 8GB Card and a Secondary
EVGA GTX-1050 2GB Card. I'm on High Sierra
10.13.6 and run TBar's v0.97 CUDA90 App.

Due to how I run my Systems, I CANNOT make
good use of TBar's v0.98b1 CUDA90 App.

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Profile Gecko
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Message 2033468 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 3:17:07 UTC - in response to Message 2033459.  

The OS you mention, (Mavericks), is just too old to do anything with for the
Anonymous Platform that TBar programs for...

As for CUDA42, that's ANCIENT now... With our newer task loads on
Non-Arecibo work, even CUDA50 has been reported to have Errors.
(Windows/Linux based Apps...)

In addition to Mavericks being too old now to work with, (outside
of the CPU Apps), your GeForce 320m I believe would be unusable
for the Anonymous Platform CUDAxx Apps.

I recommend MacVidCards, because they Pre-Flash the GPU
for MacOS for you.

TimeLord, Thank you for the excellent tips! This laptop is old but like new condition so I'll let it crunch with the best it can handle. Figured CUDA was off the table, but OpenCL maybe?
However, I'm specing out a new iMac which will allow to play with the newer Radeon apps.
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Message 2033475 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 4:21:37 UTC - in response to Message 2033468.  

The OS you mention, (Mavericks), is just too old to do anything with for the
Anonymous Platform that TBar programs for...

As for CUDA42, that's ANCIENT now... With our newer task loads on
Non-Arecibo work, even CUDA50 has been reported to have Errors.
(Windows/Linux based Apps...)

In addition to Mavericks being too old now to work with, (outside
of the CPU Apps), your GeForce 320m I believe would be unusable
for the Anonymous Platform CUDAxx Apps.

I recommend MacVidCards, because they Pre-Flash the GPU
for MacOS for you.

TimeLord, Thank you for the excellent tips! This laptop is old but like new condition so I'll let it crunch with the best it can handle. Figured CUDA was off the table, but OpenCL maybe?
However, I'm specing out a new iMac which will allow to play with the newer Radeon apps.

Glad to be of help, Gecko.

It took me just about a year to get all the parts for my
Hackintosh. Got her built in late December of 2018.
The March 2016 Creation Date for the BOINC
Computer ID for this Hackintosh actually goes back
to my first Hackintosh, test System. The first Hackintosh
ran El Capitan and had two EVGA GTX-750TI SC 2GB

Now that the war between NVIDIA and Apple is over,
and NVIDIA has stated that NO Web Drivers will be
released for Mojave, or later, AND CUDA Driver
418.163 IS THE LAST MacOS CUDA Driver,
I will be saving my coins to replace the NVIDIA
cards with the MacVidCards' Sapphire Radeon
Pulse RX-580 Cards. This means that I will
be employing TBar's OpenCL App, when I make
this Card change. It may take me a couple years
to make this happen, though. (Budget constraints...)

To be honest, most people here in Number Crunching
have been pushing less expensive base PC Systems
with HIGH End NVIDIA RTX-20x0 Cards. THEN,
install your favorite flavor of Linux, (Ubuntu or Mint
seem to be popular here), and run TBar's CUDA90
or CUDA101 Apps for Linux.

With the Linux CUDA90 and CUDA101 Apps on
the RTX Cards, Crunch Times are dropped to LESS
than 2 Min per Unit.

Unfortunately, I CANNOT make sense, nor full use,
of Linux as a daily driver for me. I CAN get Ubuntu
installed on a PC, BUT for the life of me, I CANNOT
make sense, nor utilize to capacity the Command Line
functions in Terminal. I'm a GUI guy, and am sticking
to MacOS. Hackintosh is my thing.

IF you can muster your way through Linux Command
Line, I do recommend getting hold of an inexpensive
base PC and a High End RTX-20x0 Card and go
Linux with TBar's CUDA90 or CUDA101 AIO Package.

Good Luck with whatever you decide to do.

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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2033478 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 5:12:09 UTC
Last modified: 22 Feb 2020, 5:16:46 UTC

Just having a quick look at the details of that GeForce 320m GPU (and it's MCP89 core) which is just an enhanced core structure that dates back to a pre-supported time (aka: GeForce 6xxx days), but nothing I can find says anything about what type of enhancements it carried over earlier versions and it also requires shared system memory so I'd very much doubt that you'd get it to work anyway (maybe it just has a greater shared memory capacity as I doubt that it would've got a die shrink at that late stage of life).

You should be able to run 1 CPU task at a time though while using it, maybe 2 if not, but do check for any large discrepancies between the actual run time and the CPU time of completed tasks if running 2.

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Profile TimeLord04
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Message 2033481 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 5:49:40 UTC - in response to Message 2033478.  
Last modified: 22 Feb 2020, 5:51:15 UTC

Just having a quick look at the details of that GeForce 320m GPU (and it's MCP89 core) which is just an enhanced core structure that dates back to a pre-supported time (aka: GeForce 6xxx days), but nothing I can find says anything about what type of enhancements it carried over earlier versions and it also requires shared system memory so I'd very much doubt that you'd get it to work anyway (maybe it just has a greater shared memory capacity as I doubt that it would've got a die shrink at that late stage of life).

You should be able to run 1 CPU task at a time though while using it, maybe 2 if not, but do check for any large discrepancies between the actual run time and the CPU time of completed tasks if running 2.



I had a friend look up the "300"-Series. It's
Tesla based, which is Pre-Fermi. I don't think
it's usable for Crunching. [EDIT:] NOT
with 252MB of System RAM diverted to it...

I think only his CPU is usable for Crunching.

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Message 2033483 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 7:29:50 UTC - in response to Message 2033481.  
Last modified: 22 Feb 2020, 7:49:00 UTC

Just having a quick look at the details of that GeForce 320m GPU (and it's MCP89 core) which is just an enhanced core structure that dates back to a pre-supported time (aka: GeForce 6xxx days), but nothing I can find says anything about what type of enhancements it carried over earlier versions and it also requires shared system memory so I'd very much doubt that you'd get it to work anyway (maybe it just has a greater shared memory capacity as I doubt that it would've got a die shrink at that late stage of life).

You should be able to run 1 CPU task at a time though while using it, maybe 2 if not, but do check for any large discrepancies between the actual run time and the CPU time of completed tasks if running 2.

I had a friend look up the "300"-Series. It's
Tesla based, which is Pre-Fermi. I don't think
it's usable for Crunching. [EDIT:] NOT
with 252MB of System RAM diverted to it...

I think only his CPU is usable for Crunching.

I'm almost sure that that was what I was stating TL as a GeForce 8xxx was the minimum required for GPU processing. ;-)

[edit] In fact you needed at least a GeForce 8300GS so a G8x or greater core for GPU processing.

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Message 2033523 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 14:01:19 UTC - in response to Message 2033451.  
Last modified: 22 Feb 2020, 14:06:35 UTC

Looking for some help if any fellow OSX gents / developers / testers can spare a few minutes?

I've been out of the OSX scene for a lil while and lots has changed the past few years.
Got an older laptop with gforce320m running Mavericks that want to run project.
Played around with Cuda 5.5 & 6 w/ Cuda42 ap but WUs pause or get run errors. The 256MB video memory may not be enough. I read some threads @ 2016 with a couple others that pointed out same.
Not sure if anyone ever got Cuda42 ap working on the older Tesla CC 1.2 cards?

Right now, just running CPU app below and it works like a charm on Macbook Air w/ Intel SU9400 Core 2 Duo 1.40. CPU supports sse41 but not AVX.

This OpenCL ap from main appears to run also.
SETI@home v8 v8.19 (opencl_nvidia_mac_old) x86_64-apple-darwin

Any newer MB ap builds avail for CPU or Open CL?
Can anyone share a recent OSX app_info w/ a matching Open CL section for main ap above?

Much Thanks!
If you ever do get it to work, the 320m is much slower than the CPU. It's even slower than the 9400 with 256mb, and it uses the CPU to be slower than the CPU...not good. It would be best to just use the CPU. It's really dependent on the OS and even the point version of the OS as to rather it will work or not, and those older cards will work better with cuda over opencl. Just make sure you have this driver installed in Mavericks, The Control panel will try to update it to 6.5.xx, don't use the 6.5 driver. The error you are receiving is "Library not loaded: @rpath/libcudart.dylib", which could be a problem with the driver, or, you didn't copy the cuda libraries to the folder. Make sure the three libraries are in the folder;
You should be getting something like 'out of memory' instead of 'library not loaded'. Or, it might even work.
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Message 2033524 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 14:24:20 UTC - in response to Message 2033523.  

Thank you Tbar, TimeLord and Wiggo. The320m is Tesla compute capability 1.2 so the arch + Mavericks 10.9.5 is compatible up to Cuda 6 driver

I've played around with drivers 5.5 and 6 but get same errors.
The libraries were in the seti project folder within Boinc folder . Should I have put them in Boinc folder instead?

I was also getting "task pause" errors, Would run 18 secs, then pause with error, then retry in 2-3 mins...then pause again.
Endless cycle.

Any thoughts about downgrading OS to Snow Leopard and running Cuda 4.2 driver? : /
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Message 2033526 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 14:28:16 UTC - in response to Message 2033523.  

Bump. Tbar, please see question in my post below. Thx!
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Message 2033541 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 16:17:18 UTC - in response to Message 2033526.  

I would just give it up if i were you. Why would you run both the CPU & GPU to finish a task a slower than it would be if you just used the CPU? It's a complete waste of time and energy. The OpenCL App would probably work, but would be Slightly slower than CUDA, and use more CPU time. It would be faster and more efficient to just use the CPU. Look at these times from El Capitan and compare them to how fast your CPU would complete the Same task by itself running the CPU App,
Name: 18no10ab.8437.6611.13.47.35_2
WU true angle range is : 0.438398
App: SETI@home v8 v8.19 (opencl_nvidia_mac_old)
Run time: 16 hours 8 min 40 sec
CPU time: 9 hours 12 min 8 sec

Name: 19fe20aa.28891.24198.10.37.143_0
WU true angle range is : 0.441102
App: SSE4.1xj OS X 64bit Build 3711
Run time: 4 hours 0 min 2 sec
CPU time: 3 hours 58 min 40 sec
I would just leave the Machine running Mavericks and use the CPU App as Old & Weak GPUs are a waste of time.
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Message 2033543 - Posted: 22 Feb 2020, 16:42:55 UTC - in response to Message 2033541.  
Last modified: 22 Feb 2020, 16:43:47 UTC

I would just give it up if i were you.
I would just leave the Machine running Mavericks and use the CPU App....

Wow thanks for this. I see what you mean, lol.
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Message 2033672 - Posted: 23 Feb 2020, 17:14:54 UTC - in response to Message 2033543.  
Last modified: 23 Feb 2020, 17:16:07 UTC

I looked into why you were getting the Library Error instead of the Out of Memory Error with the CUDA App. Seems a while back the Server at C.A was changed and all the Downloads had to be reloaded, an older copy of the CUDA42 App was loaded, and that copy didn't have the Execute path set. It has been replaced with a copy that has the correct path now. I still think you will get the Out of Memory Error with that low power 256mb GPU, but, it will work for everyone else. I setup my Mac Pro 3,1 with the App just to see how it would do with a GTS250. Seems the CPU is still faster than a GTS250 on the VLARs, but the non-VLARs are faster on the GPU. I'd forgotten about the screen lag with the VLARs on the Baseline CUDA Apps, it's still there and quite annoying. Huge difference between the LapTop 320m and a desktop 250. I'll try the OpenCL App in a while and see how it runs,
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Message 2034095 - Posted: 26 Feb 2020, 22:19:35 UTC - in response to Message 2033672.  
Last modified: 26 Feb 2020, 22:19:50 UTC

I looked into why you were getting the Library Error instead of the Out of Memory Error with the CUDA App. Seems a while back the Server at C.A was changed and all the Downloads had to be reloaded, an older copy of the CUDA42 App was loaded, and that copy didn't have the Execute path set. It has been replaced with a copy that has the correct path now. I'll try the OpenCL App in a while and see how it runs.

Sorry for the late reply. Was out of town a few days. I'm getting a 404 error when trying to DL the corrected file.

I don't mind giving CUDA42 another try just for heck of it.
The r3711 SSE4.1 CPU app sure works good though on this lil 1.4ghz core 2 duo
Did you ever re-try the OpenCL app on your GTS250?
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Message 2034106 - Posted: 26 Feb 2020, 23:52:01 UTC - in response to Message 2034095.  

The new file is a 7zip file, try,
The lower tasks listed as (opencl_nvidia_mac_old) are the ones using opencl, quite a bit slower than with cuda 4.2. The files at the top were run using the CUDA Special App on a 960...much faster,
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Message 2034348 - Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 3:20:05 UTC - in response to Message 2034106.  

The new file is a 7zip file, try,
Thank you Tbar. I installed CUDA 6.0.51 & the app. Unfortunately, getting same error as before.
Thu Feb 27 21:03:23 2020 | SETI@home | Task 26fe20ac.13161.4566.10.37.159.vlar_0 postponed for 180 seconds: CuFFT Plan Failure, temporary exit

I freed-up 1 of the 2 physical cores also, but still same problem.
Any ideas?... maybe cconfig_xml flags that might help?
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Message 2034353 - Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 4:11:47 UTC - in response to Message 2034348.  

CuFFT Plan Failure, is the Error you get when you don't have enough vram. People get the same error when trying to run the Special App on a 1 GB card, or run too many webpages with a 2 GB card. You might get it to work running it as a headless machine, and networking in to start boinc, but, I don't remember anyone ever trying that. Best thing to do is get an old Classic Mac Pro that can run High Sierra, install a 1080Ti, and run the Special App, like this machine,
It's not really running the Stock CUDA App, I set it up that way back when Anonymous platform wasn't working and decided to just leave it. I plan on leaving it that way until the GPUs meltdown, or it's just not economical to run the Pascal cards.
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Message 2034431 - Posted: 28 Feb 2020, 18:13:56 UTC - in response to Message 2034353.  

CuFFT Plan Failure, is the Error you get when you don't have enough vram. You might get it to work running it as a headless machine, and networking in to start boinc, but, I don't remember anyone ever trying that.
Thank you for confirming my suspicions. Oh well, I had low expectations of this working on this 2010 model. The laptop is like-new, but ancient, and I try to let old rigs do what they can. Used to have a 2003 G4 MDD PPC 1.25ghz that crunched one of Alex's old AKv8 sse3 apps up until @ 2013. I'll look into an older Mac Pro just for fun. Thanks again for trying to help.
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