Need help optimizing my settings - Windows 10 Pro / BOINC V7.14.2 / Intel Core i7 6820HQ / Nvidia Quadro M3000M

Questions and Answers : Windows : Need help optimizing my settings - Windows 10 Pro / BOINC V7.14.2 / Intel Core i7 6820HQ / Nvidia Quadro M3000M
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Message 2031877 - Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 21:08:56 UTC

Hello All,

I am returning to the Seti@home team after taking a break for many years. I am very rusty and downright do not remember all the tricks to dial in my rig to get the most Average Credit.

I am starting off with a pretty beefy laptop I have laying around that has a Core i7 6820HQ @ 2.7Ghz (3.5 Turbo) / 16GB of Ram / Windows 10 Pro / BOINC V7.14.2 / Nvidia Quadro M3000M (4095MB) Driver Version 432.06 OpenCL 1.2.

I recall having used Lunatics and creating a app_config.xml file but do not remember much after that.

Any help getting this thing up and running and sharing some knowledge on the configuration process would be greatly appreciated. I plan on creating some YouTube Videos on everything once I fully understand how to get the best bang for your buck for Average Credit.

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Message 2031900 - Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 23:00:59 UTC - in response to Message 2031877.  

I would suggest using the latest Lunatics Installer. Richard Haselgrove has a new one on his cloud drive.
You need to read his docs and update to the latest Nvidia drivers.
You can read about the issues with the SoG app and Windows 10 in this thread.
His new installer thread is here:

You can squeeze more performance out of the SoG app if you add some optimization parameters to a file or in the command line entry in the app_info or app_config.

Here is a parameter line for a much more powerful card than your Quadro 3000M. You will have to detune it by quite a bit. Or use one of the entry level card suggested tunings in the Installer docs.

-sbs 1024 -period_iterations_num 1 -tt 1500 -high_perf -high_prec_timer -spike_fft_thresh 4096 -tune 1 64 1 4 -oclfft_tune_gr 256 -oclfft_tune_lr 16 -oclfft_tune_wg 256 -oclfft_tune_ls 512 -oclfft_tune_bn 64 -oclfft_tune_cw 64
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Message 2032076 - Posted: 12 Feb 2020, 13:12:47 UTC - in response to Message 2031900.  

Thank you for the quick reply! Could you provide me an example of how the app_config.xml should look with parameters? Also, how did you determine the parameter settings you included? It all seems like rocket science to me at the moment so I would like to understand it a bit better.
ID: 2032076 · Report as offensive

Questions and Answers : Windows : Need help optimizing my settings - Windows 10 Pro / BOINC V7.14.2 / Intel Core i7 6820HQ / Nvidia Quadro M3000M

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