We are being slimed... #2

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Message 2123144 - Posted: 26 Jul 2023, 10:16:09 UTC - in response to Message 2123104.  

... Obesity is one of the major factors that will drive rises in illnesses.

In contrast, try:

Wall squats and planks best at lowering blood pressure
Strength-training exercises such as wall squats or holding the plank position are among the best ways to lower blood pressure, a study suggests.

Current guidance focusing mainly on walking, running and cycling should be updated...

Looks very good.

(Ignore the idealized journalistic youthful pictures!)

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Message 2123200 - Posted: 27 Jul 2023, 13:45:15 UTC

Is this the sort of language that our politicians here in the UK might understand?...


This Is S**t...

There's some big names behind that!

Might that unplug some positive action?...

Stay healthy folks!
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Message 2123454 - Posted: 1 Aug 2023, 20:48:33 UTC

What a brilliant intervention:

Canada launches warning labels on each cigarette
Canada will be the first nation to start printing warnings directly onto individual cigarettes in a bid to deter young people from starting smoking and encourage others to quit...

Why do we even have such deadly unhealthy smoking in the first place?...

Stay healthy folks!
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Message 2123493 - Posted: 2 Aug 2023, 15:18:30 UTC

... And there's a good way to sleep your way to good health:

Why you should go to sleep at the same time all week
Small differences in sleeping habits between work and rest days could lead to unhealthy changes to the bacteria in our guts, a study suggests.

This may be partly a result of people with "social jetlag" having slightly poorer diets, the UK researchers found.

Heavily-disrupted sleep, particularly shift work, is known to have a negative impact on health.

Keeping bed times and wake times consistent and eating a balanced diet may help reduce our risk of disease...

... The relationship between sleep, diet and gut bacteria is complicated and there is still a lot more to find out, the research team says.

In the meantime, their advice to keep things consistent, if you can, over the course of a week. "Maintaining regular sleep patterns, so when we go to bed and when we wake each day, is an easily adjustable lifestyle behaviour we can all do, that may impact your health via your gut microbiome for the better,"...

Steadily sleep well and eat well and enjoy being happy!

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Message 2123856 - Posted: 10 Aug 2023, 21:29:14 UTC
Last modified: 10 Aug 2023, 21:29:32 UTC

And a good walk is more than just good for your soul:

Fewer than 5,000 steps a day enough to boost health...
It has long been touted that 10,000 steps a day is the magic number you need to stay fit and healthy - but a new study shows fewer than 5,000 may be enough to see a benefit...

... Just over 2,300 is enough to benefit the heart and blood vessels.

The more you do, the more health benefits are seen, researchers said.

Every extra 1,000 steps beyond the 4,000 reduced the risk of dying early by 15% up to 20,000 steps...

... although adding regular walks into your life may be daunting, the rewards are great when it comes to your health.

"Walking can lower your blood pressure, strengthen your muscles to protect your bones, it can increase energy levels as well as giving you endorphins and it can help you maintain a healthy weight alongside healthy eating," she says.

Other benefits include boosts to your mental health and important time away from screens and other distractions.

Walking is suitable for "almost anybody" because it is low impact and easy on joints and muscles, she added...

Enjoy whatever you can do!

Stay healthy!
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Message 2124109 - Posted: 16 Aug 2023, 17:23:11 UTC
Last modified: 16 Aug 2023, 17:24:29 UTC

Go green and bright and healthy!

Brains with Alzheimer's disease have subnormal levels of important dietary antioxidants
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease estimated to affect 6 million Americans and 33 million people worldwide...

... shows that brain levels of dietary lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, and vitamin E in those with Alzheimer's disease are half those in normal brains. Higher dietary levels of lutein and zeaxanthin have been strongly linked to better cognitive functions and lower risk for dementia or Alzheimer's disease...

... "risk for Alzheimer's disease was significantly lower in those who ate diets rich in carotenoids, or had high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in their blood, or accumulated in their retina as macular pigment," .. . "Not only that, but we believe eating carotenoid-rich diets will help keep brains in top condition at all ages." ...

... Because normal brain functions and response to misfolded proteins constantly generate reactive oxidizing molecules, the brain is vulnerable to cumulative oxidative damage, which can be prevented by antioxidants supplied by a healthy diet. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants that are commonly found in colorful plants. Lutein is especially abundant in kale and spinach, and zeaxanthin is highest in corn and orange peppers...

... consuming higher levels of [natural] antioxidant-rich fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, and lower levels of meat and sweets—had reduced risk for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, higher cognitive performance before death, and less Alzheimer's disease-related brain pathology...

Keep off the processed and plastic wrapped junk. Eat well...

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Message 2124153 - Posted: 17 Aug 2023, 15:17:48 UTC
Last modified: 17 Aug 2023, 15:18:28 UTC

Curiously corrupt?...

Revealed: WHO aspartame safety panel linked to alleged Coca-Cola front group
Guideline on Diet Coke ingredient by consultants tied to industry is ‘obvious conflict of interest’ and ‘not credible’...

... In May, the World Health Organization issued an alarming report that declared widely used non-sugar sweeteners like aspartame are likely ineffective for weight loss, and long term consumption may increase the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and mortality in adults.

A few months later, WHO declared aspartame, a key ingredient in Diet Coke, to be a “possible carcinogen”, then quickly issued a third report that seemed to contradict its previous findings...

... That contradiction stems from beverage industry corruption of the review process by consultants tied to an alleged Coca-Cola front group ... eight WHO panelists involved with assessing safe levels of aspartame consumption who are beverage industry consultants...

... Their involvement in developing intake guidelines represents “an obvious conflict of interest”, said Gary Ruskin, US Right-To-Know’s executive director. “Because of this conflict of interest, [the daily intake] conclusions about aspartame are not credible, and the public should not rely on them,” he added.

Aspartame was first approved for use in the US in the early 1980s over the objection of some researchers who warned of potential health risks. In recent years, as evidence of health threats has mounted, industry has ramped up a PR campaign to downplay the issues...

To my tastes, very slimy.

I certainly do not drink any more of any of that stuff, or any other of the sugared fizzy kill-your-health stuff...

Stay healthy folks!
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Message 2124163 - Posted: 17 Aug 2023, 17:01:57 UTC - in response to Message 2124153.  

To my tastes, very slimy.

A pretty accurate description of the taste of most (all?) drinks and other products containing aspartame.
Bob Smith
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Message 2124192 - Posted: 18 Aug 2023, 1:39:29 UTC - in response to Message 2124153.  

The few times per year when I want a carbonated beverage aka soda/pop I prefer real cane sugar as the sweetener.

It won't be an artificial lab made sweetener or high fructose corn sweetener.
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Message 2124209 - Posted: 18 Aug 2023, 13:19:48 UTC

Corrupt lobbying in action?...

EPA’s new definition of PFAS could omit thousands of ‘forever chemicals’
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) office responsible for protecting the public from toxic substances has changed how it defines PFAS for a second time since 2021, a move critics say they fear will exclude thousands of “forever chemicals” from regulation and largely benefit industry.

Instead of using a clear definition of what constitutes a PFAS, the agency’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics plans ... more [flexibility] in determining which chemicals should be subjected to regulations.

Among other uses for the compounds, the EPA appears to be excluding some chemicals in pharmaceuticals and pesticides that are generally defined as PFAS, current and former EPA officials say, and the shift comes amid fierce industry opposition to proposed limits on the chemicals.

The approach puts the toxics office at odds with other EPA divisions, other federal agencies, the European Union, Canada and most of the scientific world. The definition is likely to generate confusion...

... They have been linked to cancer, birth defects, decreased immunity, high cholesterol, kidney disease and a range of other serious health problems. They are dubbed “forever chemicals” because they do not naturally break down in the environment...

... public health advocates warn that all PFAS are persistent in the environment and all that have been studied are toxic...

... stricter regulations in Europe have forced the industry away from the kind of PFAS refrigerants produced by Chemours, a chemical manufacturer with a plant in North Carolina. Chemours opposes defining the refrigerants as PFAS “because it is going to destroy their market” as it has in Europe...

Profitable lobbying at its most deadly?

Stay safe folks!
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Message 2124475 - Posted: 23 Aug 2023, 13:57:45 UTC
Last modified: 23 Aug 2023, 13:58:40 UTC

Very unhealthy slimy, right from birth...

Boots infant formula adverts broke rules - watchdog
... In the UK, it is against the law to advertise infant formula for babies up to six months old because it might discourage breastfeeding.

Boots apologised...

... [The supermarket Iceland] is also asking for customers to be allowed to buy formula with loyalty points, gift cards or food bank vouchers, which is currently prohibited.

Iceland and other retailers have included formula products in offers and cut-price promotions but under the law are not allowed to communicate this to customers...

... these legal marketing restrictions are intended to protect parent and carers from "undue commercial influence"...

'Gaming' new born babies with Marketing "special offers" of feast and famine?...

Whatever next?!!...

Eat healthy folks!
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Message 2124519 - Posted: 24 Aug 2023, 12:16:06 UTC
Last modified: 24 Aug 2023, 12:16:38 UTC

Slimy in multiple ways?...

Firefighters using sewage water for first time after droughts
Sewage water will be used by firefighters to tackle blazes for the first time as droughts threaten their responses to emergencies.

The water, treated and cleaned with ultraviolet light, will be used as an alternative...

Fury as national health check of England’s waters faces six-year wait
Exclusive: Assessment that used to happen annually will now take six years despite rising concerns

... Clean water advocates accused the government of trying to hide the data.

Rivers activist Feargal Sharkey said: “The future of England’s rivers has been sacrificed in a cynical act of self preservation by the very same failed government agency set up to protect them.”

The Green party peer Natalie Bennett said the government “clearly recognised the huge public anger about the parlous state of our waterways, but instead of taking action to clean them up, it is instead trying to hide the data”.

She added that the “stench of pollution, the choking of our waters with sewage, plastics and farm runoff is evident to all”...

All a political game of NOT looking at reality head on?...

And all of us be damned!

Stay healthy folks...
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Message 2124691 - Posted: 28 Aug 2023, 15:05:35 UTC - in response to Message 2123104.  

... Is a large part of our ill health driven by:

Ultra-processed food raises risk of heart attack and stroke...
Ultra-processed food significantly raises the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attacks and strokes...

... Global consumption of heavily processed items such as [packaged breakfast] cereals, protein bars, fizzy drinks, ready meals and fast food has soared in recent years...

... the studies presented in Amsterdam were among the first to suggest that the harm caused by UPF may be more than just because of the high fat, sugar and salt content of the products.

“This indicates there is something else going on,” he said. “Given that UPF represents 55% of our diet, that should be a wake-up call. If there is something inherent in the processing of foods that is harmful, then that is a disaster.

“Britain is particularly bad for ultra-processed food. It is storing up problems for the future. If we do nothing, a tidal wave of harm is going to hit the NHS.”...

Can the health experts' meeting in Amsterdam be the "Wake Up Call" for all governments to act to save the health of their nations?

Already, here in the UK, we are deeply into a health crisis...

Stay healthy folks!!
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Message 2124902 - Posted: 1 Sep 2023, 17:29:17 UTC

Overcoming the adverse effects of The Chair and the misinformation of Marketing:

Do you really need to walk 10,000 steps a day? And 17 other fitness ‘rules’, tackled...
... we separate the facts from dodgy exercise ‘wisdom’...

... Exercise is more important as you age

TRUE “Exercise stresses the body, which activates repair and maintenance mechanisms, which in turn wipe up damage and keep us healthy,”...

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Message 2125375 - Posted: 12 Sep 2023, 11:11:04 UTC
Last modified: 12 Sep 2023, 11:11:29 UTC

Slowly... Oh so slowly, and oh so late, to undo a lifetime of damage yet to come:

Ministers set to ban single-use vapes in UK over child addiction fears
Government understood to have concluded the disposable nicotine products are mainly aimed at under-18s

Meanwhile, the lifelong profitable miserable damage has been done to another generation of Tobacco Industry victims?...

Stay healthy folks!
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Message 2125435 - Posted: 13 Sep 2023, 15:20:10 UTC
Last modified: 13 Sep 2023, 15:22:31 UTC

This badly gets deeply under all our skins:

In our blood: how the US allowed toxic chemicals to seep into our lives
... the majority of the 86,000 consumer chemicals registered with the Environmental Protection Agency have never received vigorous toxicity testing...

... But the most clandestine maneuver of perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, was much less endearing: seeping into the blood and organs of hundreds of millions of people who used products containing the chemical.

Most people who’ve heard of the chemical likely know about it because it was found to be toxic and removed from consumer goods in 2015 after decades of use, leading to modern boasts of “PFOA-free” on product packaging. In recent years, PFOA has also become the target of widespread regulatory action, news media attention and even a Hollywood movie as contaminated drinking water was discovered in hundreds of communities across the country.

While most concerns about the chemical’s health risks have centered on communities where research has linked PFOA to cancer and other serious illnesses, public health researchers say it serves as a klaxon of something more insidious.

PFOA is just one of dozens of modern-day chemicals that are found in the bodies of the majority of Americans, regardless of where they live. Research has also shown that more Americans are facing a growing number of ailments and disorders, from autoimmune disease to developmental disorders such as autism and some cancers. Scientists are increasingly concerned these two truths are linked, and some believe that the American public and lawmakers alike are dangerously unaware of the perils lurking in their veins.

“It’s very hard for people to understand exposure and effects when they can’t see a smoking gun,” said Linda Birnbaum, a former director of the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences.

Sorting out the causes of troubling public health trends is extremely difficult. For example, how much is due to aging demographics, personal behaviors, diagnostic changes or environmental exposures? But in recent years, scientists have accumulated enough data to conclude with confidence that humans face significant health risks from exposure to common commercial chemicals, and that regulations designed to protect them are failing.

“I do think this area has been badly overridden by industry,” said Wendy Wagner, an attorney and professor at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law who has written about chemical contaminants. “People don’t realize that we actually encourage and even subsidize the production of tens of thousands of chemicals, while imposing essentially no requirements on manufacturers to test their safety. Nor do we ask whether we need the chemical, whether it’s useful, whether there are safer substitutes – or what it’s doing to the environment.”...

... The EPA doesn’t dispute that untested chemicals have been approved for use...

... PFOA is an example of how a chemical can slip through the cracks and cause damage even when its dangers are eventually identified. A phaseout of that chemical in consumer products began in the early 2000s and concluded in 2015, but it remains in the bodies of more than nine in 10 Americans today, its impacts still unfolding...

... the dangers of chemical exposure go far beyond PFOA...

... Changing how chemicals are regulated...

... “There’s that old parable: ‘When’s the best time to plant a shade tree?’” Landrigan said. “The answer is 20 years ago. But the second best time is now.”

Indeed... 'Urgent' 'Expedited' 'ACTION' needed, now, immediately.

Deadly slimy... But who knows?

All a game of deadly profits and the consumers (and the world) be damned?...

Stay healthy folks??
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Message 2125473 - Posted: 14 Sep 2023, 7:36:51 UTC
Last modified: 14 Sep 2023, 7:52:10 UTC

In continental Europe we are still relatively at the beginning. Through cross-border coordinated approval processes and regulations, such as REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals), the aim is to move away from regulating or banning chemicals that are known or suspected of being unhealthy/dangerous, but instead register and authorize each individual chemical, each individual raw material from manufacturers and retailers (registration numbers) and to continuously keep an eye on the risks to environment and health. Such international projects take time. Costs (for industry) and benefits for environment and health must be weighed up.

REACH addresses the production and use of chemical substances, and their potential impacts on both human health and the environment. Its 849 pages took seven years to pass, and it has been described as the most complex legislation in the Union's history and the most important in 20 years. It is the strictest law to date regulating chemical substances and will affect industries throughout the world. REACH entered into force on 1 June 2007, with a phased implementation over the next decade. The regulation also established the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA in Helsinki, Finland), which manages the technical, scientific and administrative aspects of REACH.

The expansion of cities in the Middle Ages established the division of labor, long-distance trade and also brought plagues and epidemics due to a lack of knowledge and poor hygiene. The industrial age also brought air and water pollution, affecting the health of millions of people. Chemistry has invented thousands of extremely useful substances, some of which are probably dangerous and unhealthy in the long term. Nevertheless, progress in human development has always been evident. New things first need freedom liberal regulation and time to develop/to evolve, but then negative side effects need to be curbed.
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Message 2125476 - Posted: 14 Sep 2023, 7:57:22 UTC

Donny and Elon should read this.

Diet soft drinks classed as ‘no better’ than regular soda versions.

And going by those pair there are even more side effects.
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Message 2125551 - Posted: 15 Sep 2023, 9:42:16 UTC

Unhealthy supermarkets coercion???...

... loyalty card prices not as good as they seem...
... advertised ... for £6 with a [store] card - a saving of £2.10 on the regular price of £8.10.

However, the regular price had also been £6 ... until it went up to £8.10 just two days before the [store card] price launched...

What's that?...

You WILL buy what the Marketing dictates so as to clear out the dodgy stock to make their profits better?...

Instead, buy and eat simply better?

No store cards needed!

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Message 2125675 - Posted: 17 Sep 2023, 23:01:07 UTC
Last modified: 17 Sep 2023, 23:09:17 UTC

Just wow, totally Wow!

See, hear:

Ultra-processed foods ... damage your brain! | Prof Felice Jacka
... This raises grave health concerns, with emerging evidence revealing the detrimental effects of UPF on brain health and overall well-being.

With the majority of our calories coming from UPF, the risk of chronic physical and mental health conditions is escalating. Scientists are now uncovering the intricate mechanisms behind this link, particularly how UPF affects the brain...

That very clearly pulls together a lot of strands as to how deeply our food affects us for what we eat...

... And how we can avoid stupefying ourselves literally to an early unhappy death...

Enjoy your food AND enjoy a good life with your food!


UPF: Ultra-Processed Foods
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