Ryzen 5 2400g Asus B450 Freezes on Boinc

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Dr. Robert H. Ericksen

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Message 2011040 - Posted: 7 Sep 2019, 2:25:08 UTC

I've run Boinc projects for over 20 years and decided to built a Ryzen 5 2400g system on an Asus B450 MB. With no overclocking and using default bios settings the system always freezes within a couple of minutes with no events recorded (mouse/keyboard/network frozen, no BSOD). Running just a single core freezes it in about three minutes, requiring a hard reboot. The system only crashes when running Boinc -- even with a light load. All hardware is new and I have upgraded the CPU fan (overkill), run memory diagnostics to no avail, upgraded the bios, upgraded the power supply, slowed the CPU way below specs, researched this problem on this and various forums and tried the solutions suggested. I would normally conclude at this point that either the motherboard or the CPU is defective. Any suggestions for the next step, I'm clueless?
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 2011042 - Posted: 7 Sep 2019, 2:39:48 UTC - in response to Message 2011040.  
Last modified: 7 Sep 2019, 2:40:00 UTC

Any suggestions for the next step, I'm clueless?
Use a programme such as CPUID HWMonitor to check the temperature of the CPU. Upgrading of the fan won't help, if there is an issue with the mounting of the heatsink. Monitoring the CPU temperature while it's processing will let you make sure it's not a heat related issue.
If you have a multi-meter, it would be worth checking the voltages from the power supply while under load (CPUID HWMonitor and other such programmes will also report system voltages, I just have more faith in my multi-meter to give an accurate reading of the power supply output), just to be sure.
But it does sound like it's overheating.
Darwin NT
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Message 2011054 - Posted: 7 Sep 2019, 6:59:57 UTC

I would go with Grant on this one, at least in part...
I had an i7 that had been poorly manufactured, the top plate was not properly mounted onto the chip, and that resulted in the same symptoms you are describing. It took an age for Intel to accept that the CPU was faulty, but they did in the end. I too had gone done the swap cooler, swap memory - it wasn't until the local computer shop did a one at a time component by component swap that the CPU was isolated as being faulty, then the battle with Intel started...
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Dr. Robert H. Ericksen

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Message 2011417 - Posted: 9 Sep 2019, 22:53:06 UTC - in response to Message 2011054.  

Thanks for your replies, gentlemen. I installed the CPUID HWMonitor you recommended and compared before and after data with no conspicuous voltage or temperature spikes. (Temps are all below 55 C). Boinc freezes whether 1 or all 8 threads are running, and either at half or full load. First, I loose mouse and keyboard control and then network connectivity stops. Display is unaffected. The cores then sort of "fizzle out" and coast to a stop in a hard freeze, requiring a hard reboot. I've only observed this happening with Boinc, but this is not a gaming machine and I haven't tested other environments. The machine is intended as merely an office computer in a law office with Boinc running in background with low CPU drain.

My online research has revealed that a lot of people are having similar freezing events with 2400g's and Asus motherboards, but all suggested solutions have failed on my machine. With no crash dumps it has
been impossible to pin the problem down with my skill level. The bug appeared on the first boot with stock settings, a substituting and upgrading hardware hasn't helped.

Again, thanks for responding! I'll post a solution when (and if) one is discovered (or invented).
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 2011445 - Posted: 10 Sep 2019, 7:01:28 UTC

Might be worth giving something like Latency Monitor a go to see if there are latency issues. It's possible it could be driver related.
It's also odd that the CPU temperature only gets as high as 55°c with all CPU threads working hard, i'd expect it to get up around 70°c (depending on the ambient temperature). Maybe running something such as Prime 95 (or some other system tress tester) to see if it causes the system to grind to a halt as well?
Darwin NT
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Profile Tom M
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Message 2011462 - Posted: 10 Sep 2019, 11:24:42 UTC - in response to Message 2011040.  

I've run Boinc projects for over 20 years and decided to built a Ryzen 5 2400g system on an Asus B450 MB.

Sometimes you need to turn off the cpu boost (aka: CPB?) to keep Boinc from crashing. I don't remember my exact symptoms so this could be completely off the mark.

Make sure your ram speed is set to the fastest your ram set will support (eg. XM1/XM2 etc).

Yes, I am running a 2400g under Windows. And I am running a older version of the ATI video driver.

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Message boards : Number crunching : Ryzen 5 2400g Asus B450 Freezes on Boinc

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