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Message 2058401 - Posted: 5 Oct 2020, 20:14:17 UTC

Microsoft Office 365 for the NHS
The new Microsoft agreement will be available from 15 June 2020 and run to April 2023. Organisations are able to access the new terms by completing a Participation Agreement. Organisations must fully implement all agreed elements of the deal by no later than October 2021.

Under the N365 arrangement, local organisations will continue to be responsible for buying their own software from their usual licensing partners and managing their own cyber security.

Last edited: 12 June 2020 5:06 pm

P.S. As a hardware type do I get extra points because I know what a csv file is and know how to SELECT in SQL.
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Message 2058416 - Posted: 5 Oct 2020, 23:55:58 UTC

SUPERTrump Giving HOPE to ALL OLDSTERs like me.

Man O Live. I FEEL Like Doin' CART WHEELs BABY!!!!!

dA GREATEST. Wat a Guy.



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Message 2058417 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 0:44:17 UTC - in response to Message 2058416.  

SUPERTrump Giving HOPE to ALL OLDSTERs like me.

Man O Live. I FEEL Like Doin' CART WHEELs BABY!!!!!

dA GREATEST. Wat a Guy.



Think Tulsa, rose garden and many a rally.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2058436 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 8:15:02 UTC

This morning while chomping on breakfast I started to think "Why are people over here lambasting the USA for its COVID-19 infection count, after all it's a much bigger country than the UK". So I did some quick sums:
Basic facts:
USA, population 331M
France, population 65M
India, population 1336M
UK, population 67M
Russia, population 146M
Brazil, population 212M

Reported (recorded) cases
USA, 7458550
France, 664289
India, 6685082
UK, 518222
Russia, 1219796
Brazil, 4927235

Cases per million
USA, 22533
France, 10120
India, 4894
UK, 7735
Russia, 8355
Brazil, 23242

Hmm, that's interesting, I would assume that UK & France have similar standards of overall healthcare access, while Brazil is undoubtedly not as good; is not as good, but this is hampering collection of raw data.

So let's do a direct comparison of how each country is "doing" compared to the USA, so lets express these rates as a fraction of the USA rate:
USA, 1
France, 0.453542
India, 0.2171849
UK, 0.343253229
Russia, 0.37077286
Brazil, 1.031432955

That's an interesting picture, it puts the USA alongside Brazil, not in the UK, France, Russia group; I just don't believe the figure for India given the state (lack of) healthcare system.

Why did I choose these countries?
UK & France, while smaller have similar (theoretical) access to healthcare as the USA and are similar when it comes to "wealth per capita".
India, known "poor" country both in terms of access to healthcare and "wealth per capita"
Russia, I thought it had a similar population to the USA
Brazil, similar size to the USA, but less access to healthcare and lower "wealth per capita".

So the USA really is doing badly when compared to other countries of similar healthcare access & "wealth per capita". There are many possible reasons for this, but I'll list a few, and others may not agree with those I give: Access to healthcare not as good as everyone assumes; Societal behaviour not as good as in many other countries; diverse messages from various parts of government. I know I've missed a few, but that will do as a "starter for ten".

("wealth per capita" = my perception of how wealthy the average individual in that country is)
Bob Smith
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2058437 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 8:21:20 UTC - in response to Message 2058429.  

How any professional IT man could use a spreadsheet as a database escapes me, especially for large scale industrial use. Seti@Home uses Informix databases. The trouble is having Project Managers that don't have the experience to know when they are being sold a pup, and Ministers who wouldn't know what a Database or Spreadseet is anyway.

Maybe not an "IT professional" but someone who has been on a "do it in MS Office" course, and so has only been exposed to Excel, and knows nothing about MS Access let alone any of the real heavyweights of data crunching.
It has been said many times that "Yes Minister" was a very accurate reflection of what happens in Whitehall......

(Aside, SETI used a combination of Informix & MySQL, but as you imply quite strongly these are "proper" tools designed to cope with mountains of data)
Bob Smith
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2058440 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 8:27:06 UTC - in response to Message 2058436.  
Last modified: 6 Oct 2020, 8:43:59 UTC

Russia, I thought it had a similar population to the USA
Those of us of a certain age probably have a memory of the USSR population.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2058441 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 8:43:32 UTC - in response to Message 2058437.  

Maybe not an "IT professional" but someone who has been on a "do it in MS Office" course ...
An IT professional should have studied on a University computer science course or similar, and thus have a broad overview of how to choose 'the right tool for the job'.
The others probably went to business school, and thus gained knowledge of how to use 'the cheapest tool for the job' - namely, the one you have already, and was bought for a different job.

SETI users may have seen my data distribution history charts. They're screen grabs from an Excel 2003 spreadsheet, but the data is sourced from an Access 2003 table with - currently - 2,449,116 rows. Computer science says 'collect all the data into a 'fit for purpose' container, and summarise it from there as needed'.
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2058446 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 10:55:56 UTC

In the eyes of bean counters, numbers are numbers & the best tool for those are spreadsheets. :-)
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2058449 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 11:33:51 UTC - in response to Message 2058436.  

Ah - the sort of behaviour described in this post may go some way to explaining why the USA is doing what it is doing wrong:

I read this as people are getting ill, can't afford to either take time off or get treatment so are infecting more people.
Bob Smith
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Sirius B Project Donor
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Message 2058451 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 11:47:03 UTC - in response to Message 2058449.  

The US is not alone in that.
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Message 2058472 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 18:06:45 UTC

Not much in the news yet despite a lot of ongoing suffering:

'Long Covid': Why are some people not recovering?

Those increasing numbers look to be rather worrying...

Stay safe!
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Message 2058473 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 18:10:28 UTC

Is this the non-'mystery' of the supposed 'super-spreaders'?

Covid can be airborne, US CDC guidelines now say

There's a big difference in spread and infection between 2m (12') of spittle vs lingering aerosols wafting smoke-like hanging in the air we breathe...

Exuding an aerosol of virus, it only takes one person in a room to share those aerosols with everyone there.

Hence the emphasis all along about avoiding enclosed spaces?

Stay safe!
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2058476 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 18:51:21 UTC - in response to Message 2058472.  

To a certain extent I'm not surprised at "long COVID" - I've got a number of friends who are suffering from chronic fatigue type issues that appear to have been triggered by a dose of "ordinary" flu. Virus are really weird in the way they affect different people in different ways, some will have virtually no symptoms and will recover rapidly and completely, others will have no immediate symptoms, but in the long term it just drags on for months and even years with no real resolution. And that's only those that show no/mild symptoms, much the same can be seen for those that have really bad non-fatal symptoms.
Bob Smith
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ID: 2058476 · Report as offensive
Profile MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes

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Message 2058478 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 19:05:05 UTC

I Live where SUPPOSED MOST VULNERABLE POPULATION to COVid are NUMEROUS and Nearby where I can see and HEAR them.

I'm not talkin' OLD People.

These Most Vulnerable at Grocery Stores Wear Masks, but GATHERED TOGETHER ELSWHERE without dA WATCHFUL EYE, they are Many
Together; Very Close; Touching: and ALWAYs WITHOUT MASKs. They Seem to having a VERY GOoD Time.

SO, Don't Blame SUPERTrump for Their COVid Behaviors. They have Been Doing this from dA BEGGINNING. They aren't a Peoples Known
to LISTEN to SUPERTrump or Vote fO Him.

To be fair, if I were Someone who Had Friends and Liked to Gather and have a GOoD Time, I also would be doin. dA Same.

However, I Hear AD NAUSEUM 'bout Their ParticularVulnerabilities and SEE and HEAR All dA Time wat I've Described Above.



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Message 2058481 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 19:14:40 UTC - in response to Message 2058478.  
Last modified: 6 Oct 2020, 19:15:43 UTC

... So, they can ONLY BLAME THEMSELVEs...

'Blame games' do not work. 'Blame' only causes strife and division and riots.

The biggest influences to people's reaction to the ongoing deadly pandemic are their culture, peer pressure, and the message broadcast by those in authority.

Unfortunately, from what we are seeing, both the culture in the USA and the authorities of the USA look to be both deadly poisonous.

Stay safe!
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Message 2058505 - Posted: 6 Oct 2020, 23:41:30 UTC

There's a big difference in spread and infection between 2m (12') of spittle vs lingering aerosols wafting smoke-like hanging in the air we breathe...
Now this is why things fall out of the sky and catastrophes happen so I'll jump in here before you do it for a third time. ;-)

2 metres is approximately 6 foot 6 inches and 12 feet is about 3.65 metres, now there's a huge difference. :-O

I just don't believe the figure for India given the state (lack of) healthcare system.
And you shouldn't, but I've explained before a lot of reasons why.

Here's another reason for not believing them, India's Hindi caste system.

Now if you opened the link the picture is worth a thousand words, but I'll cut it down a bit.

If you belong to the top 2 castes you'll definitely get cared for, the poorer of the 3rd group will have problems accessing health care while only the better off of the 4th group (and not in a remote region) will be able to access it. Now here's the real problem, those of the Dalits (or outcasts) havn't got a hope in hell unless there's a NGO clinic close to them and on top of their practice for the family to cremate their dead within 24hrs means that this caste contributes almost nothing to the official figures.

This is why a lot of experts expect India's true case numbers to be as much as 3 times higher and deaths 6 times higher than being officially reported. Sadly there are many other countries around the world that have similar problems resulting in a vast under reporting of cases and deaths.

Anyhow I'm just waiting on a few more numbers to come in and then I'll do another update in the great COVID race.
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Message 2058510 - Posted: 7 Oct 2020, 0:16:06 UTC - in response to Message 2058505.  
Last modified: 7 Oct 2020, 0:17:15 UTC

There's a big difference in spread and infection between 2m (12') of spittle vs lingering aerosols wafting smoke-like hanging in the air we breathe...

2 metres is approximately 6 foot 6 inches and 12 feet is about 3.65 metres, now there's a huge difference. :-O

Ooooops! Good catch!!

Total admission of total confusion of ancient units! (In feeble feebril defense, there usually has to be a magical "12" in the old units somewhere... ;-) )

(The USA would be a little safer with my units!... :-) ;-) )

Thanks for that,

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2058513 - Posted: 7 Oct 2020, 0:30:12 UTC - in response to Message 2058510.  

Total admission of total confusion of ancient units! (In feeble feebril defense, there usually has to be a magical "12" in the old units somewhere... ;-) )

(The USA would be a little safer with my units!... :-) ;-) )

I believe your country would be as well. However if it is airborne as a single viral particle absent water, 10 meters or around 33 feet would be the required distance to reduce concentrations to an acceptable risk level.
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Message 2058526 - Posted: 7 Oct 2020, 3:43:39 UTC
Last modified: 7 Oct 2020, 3:45:39 UTC

Well I'm not waiting any longer and my beer break is just about over so I'll update what I can as the world's case tally officially passes 36 million and 1,054000 deaths (unofficially those numbers are much higher), anyhow I'll head back towards the rear again and work up.

Keep an eye on Sri Lanka (134th) as they've been doing a bit of leaping of late (and another 1 of those places not to get sick in or get counted) while Guadeloupe (who doesn't report often) is up to 116th place and about to latch onto the next bunch of countries. Georgia has jumped into 106th while Tajikistan (104th) has become the latest to join the 10,000+ case club as Finland finally gets a decent passing move in on both the D.R.C. and Guinea done to take over 99th place again.

Jordan is now up to 87th place as Myanmar takes over 84th while Lebanon graduates another spot to 64th. Portugal became the 50th country to pass 80,000 cases closely followed by Honduras and Ethiopia. Costa Rica has made it to the head of the pack into 48th place and now has a bit of distance to make up to get to China and Japan, but Nepal has moving into 44th place while Czechia followed them into 45th, and the U.A.E. became the 41st country to pass the 100,000 mark.

Poland has passed Egypt to take over 38th spot while lately as Morocco and Romania make up positions someone else comes along to knock them back again, the Netherlands this time jumping into 27th place, meanwhile Spain has thrown in quite some historic cases to the numbers again to jump into 6th place to now take up 2nd position in the Spanish Inquisition (a lot of those deep dives in the cases over the last 2 weeks graphs are either disappearing or becoming a lot less, but I really wish that Spain would get its act together). Other than than Argentina became the 8th country to pass 800,000 cases and are now within striking distance of Peru as they continue to close the gap with Spain.

There are are couple of other countries that will likely put in some leaps or bounds when they finally get their numbers in so stay tuned for more movements and milestones.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2058536 - Posted: 7 Oct 2020, 7:47:56 UTC - in response to Message 2058510.  

Total admission of total confusion of ancient units! (In feeble feebril defense, there usually has to be a magical "12" in the old units somewhere... ;-) )
12 feet is two fathoms. Were you ever a sailor?
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