Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects: Solutions #3

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Message 2095263 - Posted: 2 Mar 2022, 18:28:26 UTC - in response to Message 2095262.  

Some better pictures at the village society website - pre-https technology, I'm afraid. The mill wheel itself is at the right of line 2, and two below is a fine picture of my back door (no, the ladies weren't there to greet me when I moved in).
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Message 2096227 - Posted: 21 Mar 2022, 18:33:14 UTC
Last modified: 21 Mar 2022, 18:34:34 UTC

This is one of the more dubious solutions:

Climate change: IPCC scientists to examine carbon removal in key report
UN scientists are likely to weigh up technology to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, as they gather to finalise a key report.

This idea will be one of many solutions considered over the next two weeks by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Also in attendance will be government officials from all over the world, who will need to approve every line in the summary report...

Simply: Removing CO2 from our atmosphere is vastly more costly than not dumping the CO2 into the atmosphere in the first place.

In general, not making a mess in the first place is always a lot better than trying to clean things up afterwards...

Also, is there a very good bet that the politics will twist the options made available to become yet another excuse for highly profitable procrastination and denial, all for the sake of short term destructive profits...?

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Message 2096406 - Posted: 24 Mar 2022, 5:45:24 UTC

It's time for space observatories to get green.

Carbon footprint of huge astronomy observatories raises climate change concerns.

Astronomers in the future may not be able to build large complex power-hungry observatories if they want to reduce their carbon footprint in line with greenhouse gas emission requirements, a study suggests.

Powerful ground and space-based telescopes, such as the recently launched James Webb Space Telescope or the Square Kilometer Array Observatory (SKAO) currently being built in Australia and South Africa, come with large life-time carbon footprints that pushes up astronomy's overall greenhouse gas emissions.

In a new study, a team of researchers from the Institute for Astrophysics and Planetology Research (IRAP) in Toulouse, France, found that all combined, the world's cutting-edge astronomical observatories generate over their lifetime about 22 million tons [20 million metric tonnes] of carbon dioxide equivalent. That value equals the annual carbon emission of some small European countries, such as Estonia, Croatia or Bulgaria, the authors said in a news conference on March 17.

Related: 10 devastating signs of climate change satellites see from space

This value involves the carbon emission generated during the construction and manufacturing phase as well as the greenhouse gas produced as a result of the observatories' operations. In the case of space telescopes, such as Webb and the Hubble Space Telescope, the researchers also included the carbon footprint of delivering the telescopes to space....
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Message 2096621 - Posted: 27 Mar 2022, 20:50:59 UTC
Last modified: 27 Mar 2022, 21:04:56 UTC

Now this sounds interesting.

Researchers develop reactor that refines waste carbon into chemicals while generating hydrogen.

In a world faced with dual concerns about climate change and growing energy needs, developing renewable replacements for fossil fuels has been a long-sought dream. While considerable progress has been made in converting various biomaterials into usable energy in recent years, refining them in an environmentally sustainable way has remained a challenge.

Now, a team at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has developed an innovative flow cell reactor capable of refining waste carbon into valuable chemicals, while simultaneously generating hydrogen that could be used to power vehicles or generate heat. This refinement process is potentially carbon neutral and eventually may even be carbon negative.....
And then there's.

Your disposable COVID masks could be reborn as fuel.

The demand for single-use plastic significantly increased when the COVID-19 pandemic began, especially with the steady need for personal protective equipment (PPE) such as surgical face masks, gloves, face shields, and gowns to prevent virus transmission. An estimated 3.4 billion single-use face masks or face shields are discarded every day due to the pandemic. Food packaging and plastic bag waste in households also multiplied with the increase in online shopping and delivery services.

Improper waste management will only aggravate existing global pollution and endanger the lives of both people and animals. It’s necessary to come up with an effective strategy that will minimize the environmental impact of the continuous COVID-19 waste stream—and some scientists think turning trash into fuel could be an option.

Numerous studies propose that COVID-19 waste could be converted to fuel

Several studies over the past two years have proposed pyrolysis—an effective method that will not only mitigate plastic pollution but also convert waste into usable fuel. A 2020 study published in Biofuels proposed that discarded PPE kits be converted into liquid fuel through the process, which is the thermal decomposition of a solid material. Pyrolysis heats the material to a temperature high enough to deconstruct polymers....
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Message 2096698 - Posted: 29 Mar 2022, 9:28:16 UTC

Giving new meaning to driving a piece of rubbish.

Mercedes-Benz has wowed the consumer electronics show in Las Vegas with a visionary concept that could revolutionise vehicle design.

Used nappies, rotten food and waste fibre from sugar cane could be key ingredients in the car of the future.

Forget about towering SUVs with V8 engines, rich leather trim, 25-speaker stereos and enormously powerful motors – Mercedes-Benz reckons cashed-up customers are just as likely to lean toward sustainability.

The Mercedes-Benz EQXX concept car built for the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas suggests the brand will think outside the box for upcoming models.

In the same way that fashionable folk wouldn’t be busted with a styrofoam coffee cup, the EQXX shuns conventional manufacturing and materials to focus on new tech that could make it into your next car.

Some elements are made from recycled household rubbish transformed into a plastic-like material that reduces landfill while cutting the brand’s reliance on raw materials. Surplus fibre from sugar cane reinforces carbon fibre components in the car’s structure, and photovoltaic cells embedded in the roof turn the roof into a giant solar panel.

No more powerful than it needs to be, the EQXX has a 150kW motor that won’t come close to matching the supercar-rivalling thrust promised by the likes of Tesla.

But the Mercedes does bring more than 1000 kilometres of driving range from a battery half the size of those in its range-topping machines.

A fanatical attention to weight and aerodynamics might make that promise a reality.

The famous three-pointed star is a sticker under the paint’s clear coat, not a physical badge....
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Message 2096699 - Posted: 29 Mar 2022, 11:52:08 UTC - in response to Message 2096698.  

My 2000 Mercedes S-500 cost over $90,000. I bought it when we had more money than common sense. It was un-reliable and had a high maintenance cost--it was plush and modern for it's time and ate up miles on the Interstate highways. Now I drive a nice car that costs less than $25,000. Take a guess at the cost of this putative
mythical automobile from Karl Benz.
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Message 2096708 - Posted: 29 Mar 2022, 16:39:35 UTC
Last modified: 29 Mar 2022, 16:40:03 UTC

Why does it require a 'crisis' to go less polluting, efficient, and green?

Fertilisers: UK to reward green farming practices as {fossils} costs surge
The UK government will pay farmers in England to use greener fertilisers as global economic shocks send crop-growing costs soaring.

A spike in gas prices has left British food producers facing surging costs for fertilisers, fuel and animal feed...

... ministers are expected to set out cash incentives on Wednesday, aimed at farmers who move away from gas-dependent fertilisers...

Another positive side effect is in reducing the shipments of the fossils-dirty material that destroyed the port in Beirut with an unholy big bang...

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Message 2096732 - Posted: 29 Mar 2022, 20:32:37 UTC



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Message 2096920 - Posted: 1 Apr 2022, 16:23:25 UTC
Last modified: 1 Apr 2022, 16:23:50 UTC

Who would have thought that Putin's warmongering would wake up other governments to going clean and green and more safely and reliably energy independent?

Wind and solar reach milestone as demand surges
Wind and solar generated 10% of global electricity for the first time in 2021...

... Fifty countries get more than a tenth of their power from wind and solar sources...

... Solar and wind and other clean sources generated 38% of the world's electricity in 2021...

... The fastest switching to wind and solar took place in the Netherlands, Australia, and Vietnam. All three have moved a tenth of their electricity demand from fossil fuels to green sources in the last two years...

... Vietnam also saw spectacular growth, particularly in solar which rose by over 300% in just one year...

... "What we saw with that was a massive step up in solar generation last year, which didn't just meet increased electricity demand, but it also led to a fall in both coal and gas generation."

Despite the growth and the fact that some countries like Denmark now get more than 50% of their electricity from wind and solar, coal power also saw a remarkable rise in 2021...

... Much of the rise in coal use was in Asian countries including China and India - but the increase in coal was not matched by gas use which increased globally by only 1%, indicating that rising prices for gas have made coal a more viable source of electricity. "The last year has seen some really super high gas prices, where coal became cheaper than gas,"...

... the price rises for both gas and coal: "a double reason for electricity systems to demand more clean electricity, because the economics have shifted so fundamentally."

The researchers say that despite the coal resurgence in 2021, major economies including the US, UK, Germany, and Canada are aiming to shift their grids to 100% carbon free electricity within the next 15 years...

... wind and solar need to grow at around 20% every year up to 2030. The authors of this latest analysis say this is now "eminently possible".

The war in Ukraine could also give a push to electricity sources that don't depend on Russian imports of oil and gas...

At least for the rest of the world, there may be a more urgent positive shift rising from the death and destruction being wrought in Ukraine.

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Message 2096935 - Posted: 1 Apr 2022, 19:04:37 UTC

Fossil Fuel PowerPlants and NUKE Plants

Provide POWER 24/7/365

wind and sun NOPE


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Message 2098060 - Posted: 19 Apr 2022, 16:08:15 UTC

Just one of the on-going solutions being ramped up worldwide:

The World's Largest Battery Isn't What You Think

More of a question is how to kill off the polluting fossil power stations sooner...

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Message 2098074 - Posted: 19 Apr 2022, 21:05:25 UTC

More of a question is how to kill off the polluting fossil power stations sooner...

I've Worked in MANY Fossil Fuel Plants and Air Inside Plant and Outside Plant is SWEET as Air I'm Breathing Right Now.

Only Time I CAN'T STAND Air Then and Now is When a Worker or a Neighbor is CIG Smoking and Their CIG Smoke Gets in my Lungs.

I've Mentioned Before: While On Interstate aka FreeWay Going 55 -75 mph - Some Vehicle with Smokers GAG ME with their SPEW of SMOKE as I'm Trying to Enjoy Fresh Air with an Open Window. Same with Driving a Motorcycle - Only Worse Since I'm COMPLETELY in Air Stream.

Fossil Fuel Plants. Every Been in One? FRESH AIR BABY!!!!!!


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Message 2098718 - Posted: 1 May 2022, 7:30:24 UTC

Engineers Create an Enzyme That Breaks Down Plastic Waste in Hours, Not Decades.

A new study outlines the use of a specially created enzyme variant that vastly reduces the time it takes to break down the components of plastics.

We could even use the enzyme variant to clean up sites contaminated by plastic pollution, say the team that developed it.

In tests, products made from the polymer polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were broken down in a week and, in some cases, 24 hours – these are products that can take centuries to degrade properly in natural conditions.

"The possibilities are endless across industries to leverage this leading-edge recycling process," says chemical engineer Hal Alper from the University of Texas at Austin.....
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Message 2098745 - Posted: 1 May 2022, 20:08:07 UTC

Do da ENYNME Work on PLASTIC People?

Buy a BOATLOAD Baby!!!!!


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Message 2098866 - Posted: 3 May 2022, 17:21:32 UTC

It can be done.

Renewable electricity powered California just shy of 100% for the first time in history.

Renewable electricity met just shy of 100% of California's demand for the first time on Saturday, officials said, much of it from large amounts of solar power produced along Interstate 10, an hour east of the Coachella Valley.

While partygoers celebrated in the blazing sunshine at the Stagecoach music festival, "at 2:50 (p.m.), we reached 99.87 % of load served by all renewables, which broke the previous record," said Anna Gonzales, spokeswoman for California Independent System Operator, a nonprofit that oversees the state's bulk electric power system and transmission lines. Solar power provided two-thirds of the amount needed.

Environmentalists who've pushed for years for all of California's power to come from renewables were jubilant as they watched the tracker edge to 100% and slightly beyond.

"Once it hit 100%, we were very excited," said Laura Deehan, executive director for Environment California. She said the organization and others have worked for 20 years to push the Golden State to complete renewable power via a series of ever tougher mandates. "California solar plants play a really big role."

But Gonzales said they doublechecked the data Monday, and had to adjust it slightly due to reserves and other resource needs.

The environmental group also pushed for 1 million solar rooftops statewide, which has been achieved, adding what some say is a more environmentally friendly form of solar power than the solar farms, which eat up large swaths of the Mojave desert and fragile landscapes.....
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Message 2098882 - Posted: 3 May 2022, 21:50:40 UTC - in response to Message 2098866.  
Last modified: 3 May 2022, 21:51:05 UTC


Way to go!!

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Message 2098899 - Posted: 4 May 2022, 4:45:24 UTC - in response to Message 2098866.  
Last modified: 4 May 2022, 4:46:12 UTC

<sarcasm>Wow, no wonder my GPU's are crunching so slow, its that green juice and not that black belching coal fired electrons!</sarcasm>
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Message 2098926 - Posted: 4 May 2022, 18:11:08 UTC

Passing vehicles could help generate electricity to run street lights in UK town

Wind turbines spun by the airflow from passing vehicles installed on a major road in Shropshire will generate enough electricity to run all the streetlights for the nearby town in a UK first.

The vertical wind turbines, invented by a British company, can harness even a moderate breeze, which they say is generated by a car driving at 50mph, as well as by natural wind, and catch airflow moving in either direction.

They will be installed on 181 streetlights on the A442 after a deal between Telford and Wrekin’s Labour-run council and company Alpha 311, which hopes the turbines could become as ubiquitous as cats’ eyes on the roads.

The turbines will provide electricity to the grid, and are expected to generate a surplus beyond the needs of Telford’s 20,000 street lights.

One wind turbine in the middle of a motorway can generate as much electricity as 30 solar panels, or nearly enough to power two homes, according to estimates from Alpha 311.
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Message 2098932 - Posted: 4 May 2022, 18:40:34 UTC - in response to Message 2098926.  
Last modified: 4 May 2022, 18:42:40 UTC

Mmmm... That's a bit suspicious...

There was a similar scheme installed by a certain supermarket whereby traffic passing through the car park generated 'free' electricity for the supermarket.

Ofcourse, there is the physics reality that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but merely converted... Something or someone always has to pay!

The 'free' electricity was at the expense of badly inefficiently increased fuel consumption as the cars now had to work against greater rolling resistance to overcome the drag of the 'free' electricity generator...

Quite rightly, that scam soon got stopped.

Does the positioning of these new devices increase the fuel consumption of the passing traffic?...

Really useful? Or a Greenwashing Marketing scam??

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Message 2098937 - Posted: 4 May 2022, 19:59:34 UTC

Don't Believe It.

40 Million People; Mucho Businesses

Sunlight for half a Day; Wind Meh.

Maybe if 100 Percent of Mojave is Covered with Panels and 10 times da Wind Spinners.


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