Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects: Solutions #3

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Message 1997951 - Posted: 12 Jun 2019, 20:12:21 UTC
Last modified: 12 Jun 2019, 20:13:06 UTC

Is this enough and soon enough?

Climate change: UK government to commit to 2050 target

Greenhouse gas emissions in the UK will be cut to almost zero by 2050, under the terms of a new government plan to tackle climate change.

Prime Minister Theresa May said there was a "moral duty to leave this world in a better condition than what we inherited"...

... Britain is the first major nation to propose this target - and it has been widely praised by green groups...

... The UK already has a 2050 target - to reduce emissions by 80%. That was agreed by MPs under the Climate Change Act in 2008, but will now be amended to the new, much tougher, goal...

... "We have made huge progress in growing our economy and the jobs market while slashing emissions," she said. "Now is the time to go further and faster to safeguard the environment for our children. We must lead the world to a cleaner, greener form of growth."...

Climate change: Should the UK's 2050 target be sooner?

... Critics such as the Green Party say the "net zero" target could happen much sooner, while others say it is too ambitious and expensive.

So what does that target mean for you? And how could the world have changed by 2050?...

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Message 1998693 - Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 18:41:01 UTC
Last modified: 18 Jun 2019, 18:41:48 UTC

Another small step to help:

Reforestation anti-desertification in Los Monegros Desert Zaragoza Spain with Groasis

The Monegros Desert is a desert in the North of Zaragoza – Spain. The soil consists of 50% stones and 50% dry sand, the sand has no water holding capacity. Temperatures go up to +35°C (+95°F) during Summer. They go down to -10°C (+14°F) during Winter. Annual rainfall is around 300 mm (12 inches). The planting was done in the Summer of 2011, during the hottest period of the year. The most dangerous period for the trees, is the first Winter. Heavy cold winds of -10 C° - called Tramontane - fall down in the area. It is then when most of young planted trees die. This planting has had an survival rate of 95%. The Monegros Desert can easily be restored with the Groasis Ecological Water Saving Technology.

That looks to be a good idea with very good looking results for that example...

We can make a positive change...

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Message 1999055 - Posted: 21 Jun 2019, 16:24:50 UTC

Two more small steps for a cleaner way ahead:

Clean electricity overtaking fossil fuels in Britain

For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, Britain is obtaining more power from zero-carbon sources than fossil fuels.

The milestone has been passed for the first five months of 2019. National Grid says clean energy has nudged ahead with 48% of generation, against 47% for coal and gas.

The rest is biomass burning. The transformation reflects the precipitous decline of coal energy, and a boom from wind and solar...

Why the age of electric flight is finally upon us

... This week's Paris Airshow saw the launch of the world's first commercial all-electric passenger aircraft - albeit in prototype form.

Israeli firm Eviation says the craft - called Alice - will carry nine passengers for up to 650 miles (1,040km) at 10,000ft (3,000m) at 276mph (440km/h). It is expected to enter service in 2022...

... with two billion air tickets sold each year for flights of under 500 miles, the business potential for small electric passenger aircraft is clear.

Crucially, electricity is much cheaper than conventional fuel. A small aircraft, like a turbo-prop Cessna Caravan, will use $400 on conventional fuel for a 100-mile flight, says Mr Ganzarski. But with electricity "it'll be between $8-$12, which means much lower costs per flight-hour".

"We're not an environmentalist company, the reason we're doing this is because it makes business sense." ...

The way to go?

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Message 1999058 - Posted: 21 Jun 2019, 17:10:04 UTC

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon Gov. Kate Brown deployed the state police Thursday to try to round up Republican lawmakers who fled the Capitol to block a vote on a landmark economy-wide climate plan that would be the second of its kind in the nation.
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Message 1999225 - Posted: 22 Jun 2019, 22:13:32 UTC - in response to Message 1999058.  
Last modified: 22 Jun 2019, 22:14:15 UTC

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon Gov. Kate Brown deployed the state police Thursday to try to round up Republican lawmakers who fled the Capitol to block a vote on a landmark economy-wide climate plan that would be the second of its kind in the nation.

Incredible! Despicable. Pathetic.

So the Republicans run to the hills rather than save our only one planet.

All badly greedily corrupt?...

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Message 1999228 - Posted: 22 Jun 2019, 22:21:30 UTC
Last modified: 22 Jun 2019, 22:21:48 UTC

Another two steps to go cleaner and better for all and better for the planet and better for our lives on our only one planet:

Air pollution: Trial M4 50mph limits made permanent

Temporary 50mph speed limits on two stretches of the M4 - introduced to cut air pollution through built-up areas - are to be made permanent.

The [speed] limit was reduced on the motorway and on stretches of A-road in December 2018 in an attempt to cut nitrogen dioxide emissions...

... nitrogen dioxide levels were above legal limits and "must be reduced". "It was established that a 50mph speed threshold alone was the measure that would achieve compliance in the shortest time possible,"...

... But he warned reduced speed limits "will only take us so far". "We need to see much bolder action if we're to create the sort of change that will free us from the grip air pollution has on our health and wellbeing," Mr Carter said...

YouTube: We can't tackle climate change without public ownership

We face a climate emergency. And with privatisation running wild in our public services, we won't tackle it. We need public ownership of our services - from water to energy to public transport. That's the only way we'll achieve a Green New Deal and tackle climate change.

There is no more time to lose!...

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Message 1999317 - Posted: 23 Jun 2019, 16:44:32 UTC
PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona’s largest electric company installed massive batteries near neighborhoods with a large number of solar panels, hoping to capture some of the energy from the afternoon sun to use after dark.

Arizona Public Service has been an early adopter of battery storage technology seen as critical for the wider deployment of renewable energy and for a more resilient power grid.

But an April fire and explosion at a massive battery west of Phoenix that sent eight firefighters and a police officer to the hospital highlighted the challenges and risks that can arise as utilities prepare for the exponential growth of the technology.

With an investigation ongoing and no public word on the fire’s cause, the incident is being closely watched by energy storage researchers and advocates.

“This is getting attention, and I think everyone realizes that too many safety incidents ... will be detrimental going forward,” said George Crabtree, director of the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, a partnership of national laboratories, universities and companies funded by the U.S. Energy Department. “So I think it’s being taken very seriously.”
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Message 1999424 - Posted: 24 Jun 2019, 16:02:40 UTC - in response to Message 1999228.  

Further (small) steps to go cleaner and better for all and better for the planet and better for our lives on our only one planet:

Climate change: Cashing in on CO2

Scientists from round the world are meeting in Germany to improve ways of making money from carbon dioxide.

They want to transform some of the CO2 that’s overheating the planet into products to benefit humanity. They don’t claim the technology will solve climate change, but they say it will help...

... CO2 to fertiliser: CCm Technologies, Swindon...
... Product: High-grade fertiliser pellets that have soaked up more CO2 than they produced. The technology has already won export orders...

... CO2 to beer bubbles: Strutt and Parker Farms, Suffolk...
... Product: Clean CO2 that’s sold to a local brewery to put the fizz into lemonade and lager...

... CO2 to building blocks: Carbon 8 Aggregates, Leeds...
... Product: [building] blocks that have locked up CO2, whilst also reducing the need for carbon-intensive cement. The technology is winning exports...

... The big question is how much of the approximately 37 gigatonnes of CO2 emitted annually from our homes, cars, planes, offices and industries can be utilised by industry.

One report projected that seven gigatonnes a year of CO2 could be locked up into new products. Katy Armstrong described this figure as hugely optimistic. But she said: “Every tonne that’s captured is a tonne that doesn't heat the atmosphere, so let’s hope the industry thrives.”

There is no more time to lose!...

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Message 1999748 - Posted: 26 Jun 2019, 15:35:43 UTC
Last modified: 26 Jun 2019, 15:36:26 UTC

Better education and better politics needed to carry this further?

UK population growth rate stalls...

The UK population rose by 400,000 last year but the growth rate stalled...

... "Birth rates and migration fluctuate from year to year but our already unsustainable population is continuing to rise and that will continue until a positive strategy is put in place to address it,"...

... Laura Gardiner, research director .... "The large share of pensioners across some coastal parts of the country stands in stark contrast to far younger populations in Britain's major cities," she said. "This has huge implications for public service provision across the UK, and how those services are funded."

Better education and generally better living conditions usually mean a lower birth rate.

How do we get there and how soon for our own better living and a better planet all round?... And soon enough?...

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Message 2000347 - Posted: 29 Jun 2019, 22:49:01 UTC
Last modified: 29 Jun 2019, 22:49:25 UTC

Will anything come of this political push?

Climate change: May urges G20 to follow UK lead on CO2

World leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, after Theresa May urged them to do more on climate change.

The prime minister called on the G20 countries to set targets for net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Instead, 19 pledged to meet their targets set in the 2015 Paris agreement. The US did not sign up...

... The UK's net zero goal was "world-leading", she said as she called on other countries to "raise their ambition and embrace this target".

The UK's target means it will have to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions completely or - in the most difficult cases - offset them by planting trees or absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. Under the Paris agreement, reaffirmed by the 19 world leaders, every nation is committed to keeping global temperature rises to less than 2C (3.6F) higher than pre-industrial times.

Scientists say that a 1.5C rise is the threshold for dangerous climate change, and if other countries adopted the UK's net zero target, there was a 50-50 chance of staying below this by 2100...

Enough? And soon enough? With real meaningful action?? (Or just more disastrous procrastination and hot air?)

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Message 2000432 - Posted: 30 Jun 2019, 19:36:32 UTC
Last modified: 30 Jun 2019, 19:39:05 UTC

One small step for a festival, hopefully one giant leap for our planet:

Glastonbury: Sir David Attenborough hails plastic ban

Sir David Attenborough has taken to the stage at Glastonbury to thank festival-goers for cutting their plastic use...

... Thousands of people had gathered for his unscheduled appearance.

"That is more than a million [plastic] bottles of water that have not been drunk by you," he told the audience to huge cheers.

"Thank you. Thank you."

The presenter appeared to be overwhelmed by the size of the crowd - re-starting his speech twice after he was drowned out by applause...

... "There was one sequence in Blue Planet 2 which everyone seems to remember. It was one in which we showed what plastic has done to the creatures that live in the ocean. They have an extraordinary effect. And now, this great festival has gone plastic-free. That is more than a million bottles of water that have not been drunk by you at Glastonbury. Thank you. Thank you...

The festival organizers simply provided hundreds of water taps and water fountains for the festival goers...

Next is how to 'impress' the politicians and other businesses to take useful positive action?

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Message 2000517 - Posted: 1 Jul 2019, 14:48:00 UTC
Last modified: 1 Jul 2019, 14:48:34 UTC

This is one example of how a real world business can work profitably, cleanly and green, and work well for all people:

Teemill - The Journey


Making Products

Our products are made in a factory where the spinning, dye, weaving, cut and sew are integrated. Vertical integration leads to cost savings which can be reinvested in the facilities. This means that the environment is clean, light, modern and positive, like the Teemill factory in the UK.

Our reputation for consistent quality is a large part down to 21st century manufacturing principles at this stage and the fact that people and product don't travel along a complex supply chain.


Our Circular Economy

Every year 100 billion new items of clothing are produced while a truck full of clothing is burned, or buried in a landfill every second. Slowing fast fashion down a bit won't fix it. But when we take the waste material at the end, and make new products from it at the start, it changes everything. That's what we've done.

Our products and packaging produced by Teemill are made from natural materials, not plastics. Every product is designed to be sent back to Teemill when it is worn out.

Teemill makes new products from the material they recover, and the cycle itself is renewable. Our products can be returned and remade again and again and again.

A pure material makes remanufacturing possible, and means products that are softer, and harmless to the environment.


All thoroughly impressive and a good start for what can be done...

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Message 2000874 - Posted: 3 Jul 2019, 23:35:47 UTC
Last modified: 3 Jul 2019, 23:36:12 UTC

Another small positive step and again a good example of what very simply can be done to good effect all round:

Why are England's roadsides blooming?

A long-running campaign encouraging councils to let neatly-mown grass verges become mini meadows where wildflowers and wildlife can flourish appears to be building up a head of steam.

Since 2013, Plantlife has been telling authorities the move could help them save money and boost their green credentials...

..."The amount of area covered by verges and also parks and gardens that the local authorities have is enormous and this constant hacking them back all the time really is a great shame because they could provide a tremendous amount of food for such a wide range of beneficial insects." ... "Some of the verges on the M40 are absolutely beautiful, absolutely covered in cowslips, and now there's a lot of other lovely flowers, but that doesn't always happen.

"So a lot of the time it has to be an active project from the council or authority to actually plant the right kind of flowers, which can be a bit complicated - but it's certainly been very successful in some areas."...

... "More people are now aware of environmental issues, including pollution and loss of biodiversity which also lead to an acceptance of a messier urban aesthetic.

"Indeed, whilst some continue to view unmowed road verges as untidy, the majority of drivers find them visually pleasing and roadside verge meadows have been shown to reduce driver stress significantly. Local councils are responding to these changes in public opinion whilst also considering human resources and economic sustainability, as well as roadside safety"...

Why does it always seem to need a 'campaign' to get positive good sense to succeed?

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Message 2001860 - Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 0:33:14 UTC

One small step of positive conscience that more people (business and consumers/victims) need to appreciate:

Fish and chip restaurant closes amid owners' 'environment concerns'

A fish and chip restaurant has closed down after the owners said they felt "uncomfortable" about the environmental impact of their business...

... its owners said a recent fishing trip had got them thinking about its green footprint.

They said they were working on a new food-based venture...

... "We saw the impact pollution is having on the oceans and fish stocks and we are not comfortable running a restaurant that has an impact on our environment."...

... "we need to ensure what we do eat is produced sustainably."

The key aspect there is to be sustainable for the world in which we depend... Check out the following link:

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Message 2001915 - Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 11:49:14 UTC - in response to Message 2001860.  

Is this a case of "holier than thou"; I guess they never heard of fish farming.
Indonesia has thriving fish farms--also catfish are extremely tasty and can be raised in a tank in someone's garage if need be.

I do heartily agree that the oceans need to be cleaned up (don't know how)--we need to fish responsibly and quit dumping sewage and garbage into our oceans and ground water.
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Message 2001916 - Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 11:53:43 UTC - in response to Message 2001915.  

Is this a case of "holier than thou"; I guess they never heard of fish farming.
Indonesia has thriving fish farms--also catfish are extremely tasty and can be raised in a tank in someone's garage if need be.

I still enjoy my salmon sashimi guilt-free because the majority of it is farmed salmon, mostly from Norway. Interestingly because they are not eating carotenoid-rich copepods and other animals, their meat needs to be dyed pink or it would be grey and look rotten.
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Message 2001917 - Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 11:54:20 UTC - in response to Message 2000432.  

Now here is an opportunity--Can we develop bio-degradable "plastic" containers and wraps for our food and beverages at an acceptable cost ?

I bet that we could if we harnessed our best minds in chemistry and bio science.
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Message 2001956 - Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 15:59:37 UTC - in response to Message 2001917.  
Last modified: 10 Jul 2019, 16:00:12 UTC

Now here is an opportunity--Can we develop bio-degradable "plastic" containers and wraps for our food and beverages at an acceptable cost ?

I bet that we could if we harnessed our best minds in chemistry and bio science.

Already done, multiple decades ago...

Except big oil won out for what products were processed...

Hopefully, government policy can quickly remedy that for the good of all. However, I suspect that the push will have to come from a healthy consciousness from us consumers in spite of malodorous advertising and Marketing...

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Message 2001958 - Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 16:01:58 UTC - in response to Message 2001860.  

One small step of positive conscience that more people (business and consumers/victims) need to appreciate:
Fish and chip restaurant closes amid owners' 'environment concerns'
But that article about a fish and chip restaurant closing has nothing to do with global warming. It's about overfishing and humans polluting the seas.
As for CO2 footprint fish has by far less impact then meat.
1 kg of farmed salmon gives a CO2 equivalent (a unit used to compare CO2 emissions) of around 2.5. The CO2 footprint for salmon farming is thus far lower than for cattle production, which emit 30 CO2 equivalents per kg. 1 kg of pork has a CO2 equivalent of around 5.9. Most of the CO2 emissions associated to salmon farming is related to the production of fish feed.
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Message 2001959 - Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 16:05:48 UTC

One small step and one giant leap to help save us from ourselves:

Water and green energy produced by a single device

Researchers have found a way to purify water and produce electricity from a single device powered by sunlight.

The scientists adapted a solar panel that not only generated power, but used some of the heat energy to distil and purify sea water...

... Clean energy and clean water are among the major challenges for sustainable development especially in emerging countries. But traditional approaches to electricity generation consume huge amounts of water. In the US and Europe about 50% of water withdrawals are for energy production. Similarly, producing water for humans via desalination in countries with water scarcity is a huge consumer of energy. It's estimated that in Arab countries around 15% of electricity production is used to produce drinking water.

Now, researchers believe they have found a way to combine these actions in a single [solar panel] device...

Trees 'most effective solution' for warming

Researchers say an area the size of the US is available for planting trees around the world, and this could have a dramatic impact on climate change.

The study shows that the space available for trees is far greater than previously thought, and would reduce CO2 in the atmosphere by 25%.

The authors say that this is the most effective climate change solution available to the world right now...

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