Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects and Politics: DENIAL (#5)

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Message 2019884 - Posted: 21 Nov 2019, 6:37:33 UTC

India is now just as bad as China was (and expected to eclipse China at its worst very soon, if it hasn't already done so) Martin so don't just try and throw the blame on 1 (like that link suggests which is very leftist, but ignoring the true elephant in the room, India) when that 1 is trying harder than most to break their current coal cycle in many ways as quick as possible (it's just a shame that no western country has tried as hard in such a short time).

I think that I mentioned something about being too focused on 1 point before without checking what's in your peripheral vision Martin.

We here have the potential to break the coal cycle fully, but the current government isn't going to cut it's buddies out of selling as much as they can or Indians digging up as much as they can (coal exports to China have dropped a lot from here whereas the Indians just can't get enough now). :-O

China has been hard at work for years now trying to correct their past/current environmental problems and I've linked a lot in these threads of yours, but it seems that you have totally ignored them (which makes 1 think what else you have ignored that others have posted here). :-(

I don't mind if blame is directed properly and purportionally, but some can take it a bit too far to the exception of others due to a too narrow focus. ;-)

We all can do something, like turning off BOINC totally as that will help as well (I'm sure that you should be able to see where I'm coming from). ;-)

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Message 2019914 - Posted: 21 Nov 2019, 15:02:48 UTC - in response to Message 2019884.  
Last modified: 21 Nov 2019, 15:04:11 UTC

India is now just as bad as China was (and expected to eclipse China at its worst very soon, if it hasn't already done so)...

I don't mind if blame is directed properly and purportionally, but some can take it a bit too far to the exception of others due to a too narrow focus. ;-)

We all can do something, like turning off BOINC totally as that will help as well (I'm sure that you should be able to see where I'm coming from). ;-)


That posting is just listing what is foremost in the news for the day. I've not had time to do a survey or anything clever like that.

From recent events, the big industrial polluters are indeed China, India, Russia and USA. Also noted that at least China is in the news also for pursuing renewables.

Then also note that China and India suffer severe pollution that is choking and killing their populations...

At least the politics are changing to become less dirty polluting - but quickly enough or is greedy profit still winning?

One positive note for the USA, despite all the environmental vandalism there, is that coal is dying out regardless. Not due to pollution but more because renewables are clearly lower cost!

Please keep on with the positive and negative links. This is useful for listing what's in the news. And you never know, it might spur people into positive action?

So, how can we quickly push aside the blinkered greedy denials?...

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Message 2020526 - Posted: 25 Nov 2019, 19:46:33 UTC
Last modified: 25 Nov 2019, 19:46:50 UTC

Deny this?

Climate change: Greenhouse gas concentrations again break records

Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases once again reached new highs in 2018...

Levels of other warming gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, have also surged by above average amounts.

Since 1990 there's been an increase of 43% in the warming effect on the climate of long lived greenhouse gases...

... Using data from monitoring stations in the Arctic and all over the world, researchers say that in 2018 concentrations of CO2 reached 407.8 parts per million (ppm), up from 405.5ppm a year previously. This increase was above the average for the last 10 years and is 147% of the "pre-industrial" level in 1750...

Methane is now at 259% of the pre-industrial level...

Nitrous oxide is ... now at 123% of the levels that existed in 1750...

What concerns scientists is the overall warming impact of all these increasing concentrations. Known as total radiative forcing, this effect has increased by 43% since 1990, and is not showing any indication of stopping...

"It is worth recalling that the last time the Earth experienced a comparable concentration of CO2 was three to five million years ago. Back then, the temperature was 2-3C warmer, sea level was 10-20m higher than now,"...

India pollution: Supreme Court says world 'laughing' at smog issues

India's Supreme Court has said the world is "laughing at India" over its air pollution issues.

The court came down heavily on federal and state governments over what it sees as a failure to curb pollution levels...

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Message 2020550 - Posted: 26 Nov 2019, 0:21:54 UTC

<sorry folks - rant mode on>

the American Republican White House and Most Republican Senators says Climate Change is a hoax.

President Donald rump says there was a snowstorm in the American NW - that proves Climate Change is a hoax.

even George Will - [american conservative political commentator] - says Climate Change is the deep state government attepent to impose a Socilist Government in USA - [Socialism- dog-whistle for Communisum] - Look it up if you don't believe me!

JJJeeeesssss .....

</rant mode off -- sorry folks>

in almost one Million years - greenhouse gasses stay at 300 -- then in one Billionth of a second -[Geological time] --- greenhouse gasses went to over - 400
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Message 2020688 - Posted: 27 Nov 2019, 0:34:37 UTC - in response to Message 2020550.  
Last modified: 27 Nov 2019, 0:36:30 UTC

Thanks for that. Those charts are a good reminder of how far we've polluted our only one atmosphere by burning our planet...

For some darkly sober reading for what criminally stupidly we are still not doing:

Climate change: 'Bleak' outlook as carbon emissions gap grows

Countries will have to increase their carbon-cutting ambitions five fold if the world is to avoid warming by more than 1.5C...

Just a short reminder of the game we are playing...

Politics and greed all at their worst and everyone's future be damned.

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Message 2020828 - Posted: 27 Nov 2019, 21:07:06 UTC

Several sensitive ecosystems and climate systems are approaching irreversible breakpoints, so-called “tipping points”. The researchers have identified nine pieces that are already active today.
Here is the entire list:
1. The Arctic sea ice is melting
2. Greenland ice melts
3. The earth's large coniferous forests burn and suffer from diseases
4. Permafrost is thawing
5. The Atlantic currents are slowing down
6. The Amazon rain forests being deforested
7. Warm water corals die
8. Instability in the West Antarctic ice sheet
9. Parts of the East Antarctic unstable

Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against
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Message 2020931 - Posted: 28 Nov 2019, 16:37:17 UTC

Members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg have announced a climate emergency. But today's decision is only about semantics - no concrete measures have been decided though...
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Message 2021072 - Posted: 29 Nov 2019, 16:21:18 UTC

Yet further greedy denial:

Russia's Taymyr plan: Arctic coal for India risks pollution

Natural riches come in two conflicting types in Russia's Arctic north: valuable minerals and spectacular wildlife.

But sadly for many threatened species, the decline in Arctic sea ice has created a new economic opportunity for Russia in their remote habitat.

In a decree last year President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian firms to boost cargo traffic on the (now passable) Northern Sea Route...

... Russia is boosting trade with China, India and other growing Asian markets hungry for raw materials. Coal is to contribute to meeting that 80m-tonne target for Arctic deliveries...

... Strategic priorities however are driving this mining and energy extraction in the polar wilderness. Russia is the world's third-largest coal exporter (210m tonnes in 2018), after Indonesia (439mt) and Australia (382mt)...

Amazon fires intensify Andes glacier melt

Smoke from burning forests in the Amazon can intensify glacier melt, researchers say, fuelling concern about a water crisis in South America.

The team found evidence that snow and ice was being "darkened", accelerating the melt rate, threatening [water] supplies...

All blindly greedily continuing on our only one planet.
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Message 2021100 - Posted: 29 Nov 2019, 18:48:58 UTC




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Message 2021104 - Posted: 29 Nov 2019, 19:24:45 UTC - in response to Message 2021072.  

Had to sit and listen to some spew a couple days ago. Coming from a securities broker. Rump is the greatest.
Then without warning, "They have been telling us for 50 years about warming, nothing has happened, nothing is going to happen, it is all BS!"
I get where a broker is coming from, what is the next quarters profit figures. Extreme short term horizon. Nothing else matters. This is capitalism.

What I don't get is that he doesn't see profit in green tech. It is an entire new field to be exploited!
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Message 2021106 - Posted: 29 Nov 2019, 19:44:01 UTC - in response to Message 2021104.  
Last modified: 29 Nov 2019, 19:56:42 UTC

What I don't get is that he doesn't see profit in green tech. It is an entire new field to be exploited!

It's part of the polarization and politicizing of everything in the U.S.; renewables and everything to do with them have been arbitrarily pushed to the "left" of the spectrum, no matter the fortunes to be reaped from them, and everything fossil-fueled to the "right".

An excellent example of this recently was Trump's proposal to force industries to use coal power, a totally non-free-market and formerly "left" idea considering that the free market phased out coal as it is too expensive. But because coal is now in the arbitrary "right" side of the political spectrum, this was somehow acceptable. (Imagine the hue and cry had he told industry they had to, say, use LED lightbulbs or electric trucks.)
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Message 2021462 - Posted: 2 Dec 2019, 21:09:00 UTC

Daily Mail -Dramatic drone images shows huge CRACKS developing in the Greenland Ice Sheet causing meltwater on the surface to cascade down to the 'sensitive environment' below
Drones show how fractures in the Greenland Ice Sheet cause water to fall through the ice to the sea below
University of Cambridge researchers say 2,000 Olympic sized swimming pools of water fell in five hours
Footage showed changes in ice flow occurring on much shorter timescales than previously thought possible
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Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 2021478 - Posted: 3 Dec 2019, 0:09:14 UTC

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Profile Byron Leigh Hatch @ team Carl Sagan
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Message 2021536 - Posted: 3 Dec 2019, 11:55:12 UTC

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Message 2021724 - Posted: 4 Dec 2019, 21:25:26 UTC - in response to Message 2021536.  
Last modified: 4 Dec 2019, 21:30:36 UTC

Thanks for those links...

Here's watching if the selfish greedy politics can yet overcome the associated uncooperative vandalism and yet avoid pushing us all beyond an expensive precipice of self-destruction.

Here's hoping...

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Message 2021727 - Posted: 4 Dec 2019, 21:29:57 UTC
Last modified: 4 Dec 2019, 21:30:54 UTC

Yet another indicator of our negative effects on our only one planet:

Climate change is causing birds to shrink...

As the climate warms, birds are shrinking and their wingspans are growing, according to a new study.

Researchers analysed 70,716 specimens from 52 North American migratory bird species collected over 40 years...

... The authors say the study is the largest of its kind and that the findings are important to understanding how animals will adapt to climate change. "We found almost all of the species were getting smaller,"...

That effect can be expected. However, for my personal perspective, I'm amazed we are seeing such effects so soon and so quickly!

All with what portent?...

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Message 2021732 - Posted: 4 Dec 2019, 22:10:47 UTC - in response to Message 2021727.  

That effect can be expected. However, for my personal perspective, I'm amazed we are seeing such effects so soon and so quickly!
Most people live on latitudes far south of the Arctic Circle. So they haven't seen so much changes yet. But where I live I see a lot of effects of global warming. It has changed a lot the last 20 years. For instance, where is the snow? No biggie for us humans but for fauna it's a disaster. Well it's not bad for all. An example of fishes.
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Message 2021762 - Posted: 5 Dec 2019, 1:36:22 UTC

If on your bucket list is a, Trip down the road to the Florida Keys, do it soon.
Florida Keys Deliver a Hard Message: As Seas Rise, Some Places Can’t Be Saved

KEY WEST, Fla. — Officials in the Florida Keys announced what many coastal governments nationwide have long feared, but few have been willing to admit: As seas rise and flooding gets worse, not everyone can be saved.

And in some places, it doesn’t even make sense to try.

On Wednesday morning, Rhonda Haag, the county’s sustainability director, released the first results of the county’s yearslong effort to calculate how high its 300 miles of roads must be elevated to stay dry, and at what cost. Those costs were far higher than her team expected — and those numbers, she said, show that some places can’t be protected, at least at a price that taxpayers can be expected to pay.

“I never would have dreamed we would say ‘no,’” Ms. Haag said in an interview. “But now, with the real estimates coming in, it’s a different story. And it’s not all doable.”

The results released Wednesday focus on a single three-mile stretch of road at the southern tip of Sugarloaf Key, a small island 15 miles up Highway 1 from Key West. To keep those three miles of road dry year-round in 2025 would require raising it by 1.3 feet, at a cost of $75 million, or $25 million per mile. Keeping the road dry in 2045 would mean elevating it 2.2 feet, at a cost of $128 million. To protect against expected flooding levels in 2060, the cost would jump to $181 million.

And all that to protect about two dozen homes.
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Message 2021864 - Posted: 5 Dec 2019, 22:41:36 UTC

Probably belongs here.
Ryrkaypiy: Far-north Russian village overrun by polar bears
More than 50 polar bears have descended on a village in Russia's far north.
All public activities in Ryrkaypiy, in Chukotka region, have been cancelled, and schools are being guarded to protect residents from the bears.
Conservationists say climate change could be to blame, with weak coastal ice forcing the bears to search for food in the village rather than at sea.
Other experts have said polar bear visits are now so frequent, Ryrkaypiy should be permanently evacuated.
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Message 2021950 - Posted: 6 Dec 2019, 16:40:08 UTC
Last modified: 6 Dec 2019, 16:41:39 UTC

More procrastination and yet more consequences:

Climate change: Greta Thunberg mobbed at UN climate talks

... Ms Thunberg joined a youth demonstration inside the conference which was quickly swamped by spectators eager to catch a glimpse of Greta. Amid shouts of "leave her alone" from concerned observers, she was escorted away by UN security staff.

She is due to take part in a climate protest march in Madrid later...

... The hope among many here is that the scale of the march and her speech to the COP next week will give a big boost to the talks process that seems badly in need of a lift.

This COP started with great hope last Monday, with strong words from the UN secretary-general and others, warning that time is running out and that negotiators should be guided by the science. Since then, the urgency has given way to frustration.

Little obvious progress is being made on the central question of raising countries ambitions to cut carbon...

East Africa hit by deadly weather phenomenon

Two tropical storms are expected to hit East Africa late on Thursday and Friday, in areas which have already been affected by heavy rain.

A weather phenomenon on the Indian Ocean has led to downpours across the region with rivers swollen and some areas experiencing floods and others landslides.

The extreme weather has affected millions of people in Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Burundi, Tanzania, South Sudan, Uganda, Djibouti and Ethiopia...

Why the floods in East Africa are so bad

Rain-triggered disasters, including flash floods and landslides, have killed at least 250 people and affected some three million people across East Africa in recent weeks, with about half of the deaths occurring in Kenya.

Homes have been demolished, crops destroyed and roads swept away, hampering relief efforts in far-flung areas...

... So, we should expect rain to fall at this time of year in Kenya. But this is far heavier than usual...

... As a rule of thumb (and by the laws of physics), a warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapour and therefore has the potential to produce more rain. Weather experts say the rains have been enhanced by a phenomenon called the Indian Ocean Dipole which, when positive, can cause a rise in water temperatures in the Indian Ocean of up to 2C. This leads to higher evaporation rates off the East African coastline and this water then falls inland...

... This year's sea temperature difference between the western and eastern Indian Ocean has been record-breaking and rainfall in parts of Kenya has been much higher than normal...

... In December the seasonal rains are expected to continue to move south to affect south-west Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and northern Zambia...

... In 2016 and 2017 the "long rains" in areas of East Africa failed and plunged parts of Kenya into a food crisis as cattle starved and crops withered.

New South Wales bushfires: 'Mega blaze' warning near Sydney

About 100 bushfires are raging in the Australian state of New South Wales (NSW), with the most severe forming into a "mega blaze" north of Sydney...

... The severity of the blazes so early in the fire season has caused alarm, and prompted calls for greater action to tackle climate change ... Many fires have raged for weeks, feeding off tinder-dry conditions from a severe drought which has affected much of the nation...

... Last week the UN reiterated that Australia is among seven G20 nations needing to do more to meet their climate promises. The list also includes Brazil, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, South Africa and the US. The UN has previously noted that Australia is falling short of its Paris agreement commitments to cut CO2 emissions.

Australia has pledged to a 26-28% cut on its 2005 levels by 2030. The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has said that global emissions of CO2 need to decline by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 to keep temperature rise under 1.5C.

What does it take to get the political will in place, cooperatively and positively, to urgently "do something" meaningfully positive?

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