Climate Change, 'Greenhouse' effects and Politics: DENIAL (#5)

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Message 2017025 - Posted: 28 Oct 2019, 19:58:22 UTC










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Message 2017026 - Posted: 28 Oct 2019, 20:23:16 UTC - in response to Message 2017004.  

No, it's called miss-managed over amp'd drooping transmission lines on an un-cleared transmission line right of way. Deferred maintenance at it's best.
In Finland they do know how to maintain forests.
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Message 2017144 - Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 17:23:03 UTC
Last modified: 29 Oct 2019, 17:25:09 UTC

So, for California:

California faces huge power cuts as wildfires rage

Deny the effects of years of drought and increased temperatures for that region?:

Climate change: California wildfires 'can now happen in any year'

Also note the added effect of:

Why do Santa Ana winds make wildfires worse?

And adding to the present extremes being wrought by our industrial pollution, a further consequence of that pollution looks set to push a cold polar vortex blasting down through central USA over the next week.

Freeze or fried... You can have it both ways at the same time as we pollute our planet further.

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Message 2017155 - Posted: 29 Oct 2019, 18:34:07 UTC
Last modified: 29 Oct 2019, 18:48:33 UTC

I am getting p*ssed off with the younger generations trying to blame the baby boomer generation for virtually everything, including, very loudly, Climate Change.

If they only did a little research they would find that in the 50s/60s era we were taught that the Earth was cooling, heading for an ice age.

We even had Spook AKA Leonard Nimoy narrating a series called "In Search of " with one episode

If anything it was probably the baby boomer generation, starting in the late 60's when they went to university, that did more research and brought the problem to the world.

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Message 2017185 - Posted: 30 Oct 2019, 5:06:50 UTC - in response to Message 2017155.  

I searched youtube and found the said late 1970's program.
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Message 2017238 - Posted: 30 Oct 2019, 16:57:46 UTC






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Message 2017515 - Posted: 1 Nov 2019, 22:59:23 UTC




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Message 2017799 - Posted: 4 Nov 2019, 16:01:05 UTC
Last modified: 4 Nov 2019, 16:02:01 UTC

And so it begins to bite:

Delhi air quality: Judges accuses authorities of 'passing the buck'

India's top court has accused state governments of "passing the buck" on air pollution and failing to take action to tackle Delhi's toxic smog. The Supreme Court said authorities were only interested in "gimmicks", rather than concrete measures to combat pollution levels.

Levels of dangerous particles in the air - known as PM2.5 - are at well over 10 times safe limits in the capital....

... Part of the reason is a change in crop cycles and harvesting in the agricultural states of Punjab and Haryana.

A decade ago the two states passed identical laws intended to preserve ground water, which effectively compelled farmers to plant their rice crops in mid-June rather than at the end of April, as was the tradition. This was to enable them to make use of monsoonal rains to grow the heavily water-dependent crop.

The delay in the planting cycle meant the harvesting cycle was also delayed. Farmers now have much less time to prepare their fields for the next crop cycle and burning stubble is a cheap and effective way to clear the land...

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Message 2018293 - Posted: 9 Nov 2019, 18:32:11 UTC
Last modified: 9 Nov 2019, 18:32:50 UTC

Ongoing, now, we have:

Mossmorran: Shell limits North Sea gas to reduce flaring

... "Ground flaring has been a permanent fixture at Shell for the last three months, prompting continuous complaints from nearby residents about light pollution, vibration and health impacts.

"While ground flaring is less intrusive than elevated flaring, Shell's prolonged continuous ground flaring has created new and increased problems for local communities."...

The cost to Shell for flaring many tons of gas for months is essentially zero. No penalties. Stupendous wasted energy and added greenhouse gas waste, but no penalty.

Such stupidity will continue on a continued flagrant scale until a price is put on pollution.

We really do need to make all polluters pay for their pollution, at source.

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Message 2018294 - Posted: 9 Nov 2019, 18:37:11 UTC

This may or may not be directly "Global Warming" related. However, here is an unfortunate reminder of what is to come for the rest of our world:

North Korea 'facing poor harvest' amid food shortages

... The country's main harvest in the southern provinces of South and North Hwanghae and South Pyongyan was complete but was estimated to have produced a below-average quantity of crops, Geoglam said.

This was due to "irregular rainfall and low reservoir levels during the summer", the organisation said, adding that North Korea's overall food situation was not expected to improve.

North Korea experienced severe droughts in spring and summer, and in September the country was hit by Typhoon Lingling, which flooded farmland...

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Message 2018303 - Posted: 9 Nov 2019, 20:13:11 UTC - in response to Message 2018293.  
Last modified: 9 Nov 2019, 20:14:28 UTC

Ongoing, now, we have:

Mossmorran: Shell limits North Sea gas to reduce flaring

... "Ground flaring has been a permanent fixture at Shell for the last three months, prompting continuous complaints from nearby residents about light pollution, vibration and health impacts.

"While ground flaring is less intrusive than elevated flaring, Shell's prolonged continuous ground flaring has created new and increased problems for local communities."...

The cost to Shell for flaring many tons of gas for months is essentially zero. No penalties. Stupendous wasted energy and added greenhouse gas waste, but no penalty.

The no penalty part can be fixed. Every bit flared can't be counted towards depletion. Hits the bottom line!
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Message 2018320 - Posted: 9 Nov 2019, 21:52:23 UTC - in response to Message 2018303.  
Last modified: 9 Nov 2019, 21:54:30 UTC

Ongoing, now, we have:

Mossmorran: Shell limits North Sea gas to reduce flaring

... "Ground flaring has been a permanent fixture at Shell for the last three months, prompting continuous complaints from nearby residents about light pollution, vibration and health impacts.

"While ground flaring is less intrusive than elevated flaring, Shell's prolonged continuous ground flaring has created new and increased problems for local communities."...

The cost to Shell for flaring many tons of gas for months is essentially zero. No penalties. Stupendous wasted energy and added greenhouse gas waste, but no penalty.

The no penalty part can be fixed. Every bit flared can't be counted towards depletion. Hits the bottom line!

Evidently for Shell for our North Sea gas, 'depletion' appears to be not a cost concern...

After all, Shell pay nothing other than infrastructure costs for the gas that they steal from the ground...

We really do need to put an intrinsic cost on our finite resources, and a cost for the resultant pollution. At present, Shell and all others of the fossil fuels industry pay NOTHING for that.

Hence, they can flagrantly waste and pollute 'for free of cost' to themselves. Regardless of the costs to everyone else and our planet...

How to stop such vandalism?

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Message 2018330 - Posted: 9 Nov 2019, 22:50:54 UTC - in response to Message 2018320.  

Ongoing, now, we have:

Mossmorran: Shell limits North Sea gas to reduce flaring

... "Ground flaring has been a permanent fixture at Shell for the last three months, prompting continuous complaints from nearby residents about light pollution, vibration and health impacts.

"While ground flaring is less intrusive than elevated flaring, Shell's prolonged continuous ground flaring has created new and increased problems for local communities."...

The cost to Shell for flaring many tons of gas for months is essentially zero. No penalties. Stupendous wasted energy and added greenhouse gas waste, but no penalty.

The no penalty part can be fixed. Every bit flared can't be counted towards depletion. Hits the bottom line!

Evidently for Shell for our North Sea gas, 'depletion' appears to be not a cost concern...

After all, Shell pay nothing other than infrastructure costs for the gas that they steal from the ground...

Funny, I would have expected they were paying someone for the right to drill/extract. Not just the cost of the rig and labor.
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Message 2018576 - Posted: 11 Nov 2019, 21:59:07 UTC - in response to Message 2018330.  
Last modified: 11 Nov 2019, 21:59:34 UTC

Evidently for Shell for our North Sea gas, 'depletion' appears to be not a cost concern...

After all, Shell pay nothing other than infrastructure costs for the gas that they steal from the ground...

Funny, I would have expected they were paying someone for the right to drill/extract. Not just the cost of the rig and labor.

Big Oil around here have paid 'licenses' to explore and extract from our lands and seabed. However, that is merely a one-off cost just like their initial capital expenditure to set up their infrastructure. The licenses may even have a time limit.

Hence, once those costs are sunk, there is no care as to what is used or flared... There is no cost or value given to the oil and gas that is flagrantly wasted.

Hence also why the oil and gas industry is so sloppy and polluting about their continual leaks and spillages?... Cheaper to let things fail than to include any costly preventative maintenance...

We really do need to put a cost on pollution.

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Message 2018578 - Posted: 11 Nov 2019, 22:06:53 UTC
Last modified: 11 Nov 2019, 22:07:24 UTC

And yet all that pollution does have a cost. A very high cost:

Climate change: Bigger hurricanes are now more damaging

The biggest and most damaging hurricanes are now three times more frequent than they were 100 years ago, say researchers.

Using a new method of calculating the destruction, the scientists say the increase in frequency is "unequivocal"...

... Hurricanes or tropical cyclones are one of the most destructive natural disasters. The damage inflicted by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was estimated to be $125bn, roughly 1% of US GDP...

... "Our data reveal an emergent positive trend in damage which we attribute to a detectable change in extreme storms due to global warming," they write...

Ice loss causing Arctic to reflect less heat

A loss of snow and ice cover are the main reasons for a reduction in the Arctic's ability to reflect heat, not soot as had been previously thought...

... The Arctic region has warmed significantly since the 1980s, up to three times as much as the average seen elsewhere across the globe.

Much of this warming has been attributed to the reduction of the surface albedo effect. When sunlight hits a white surface such as snow and ice, more of it is reflected back into space without warming its surroundings than when light hits a darker surface. Thus, darker surfaces tend to absorb more heat. As the albedo effect in the Arctic is reduced, there is a positive feedback effect because, as the region warms, more and more ice and snow cover is lost. As a result, more dark areas are left exposed to sunlight...

... Climate modelling around the globe shows that the warming has lead to an increase in precipitation levels.

Dr Wang say this was true for the Arctic as well. However, he added, the increase in precipitation was mainly rain, not snow despite it being in the northern polar region. "Snowfall actually has been decreasing as well, so that is a decrease contribution of about 30% to the snow cover reduction,"...

... As the temperature warms, the albedo effect will continue to fall thus generating a positive feedback loop that will result in continual warming...

Our industrial scale pollution is having an ever increased cost...

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Message 2018585 - Posted: 11 Nov 2019, 22:21:33 UTC - in response to Message 2018576.  

Evidently for Shell for our North Sea gas, 'depletion' appears to be not a cost concern...

After all, Shell pay nothing other than infrastructure costs for the gas that they steal from the ground...

Funny, I would have expected they were paying someone for the right to drill/extract. Not just the cost of the rig and labor.

Big Oil around here have paid 'licenses' to explore and extract from our lands and seabed. However, that is merely a one-off cost just like their initial capital expenditure to set up their infrastructure. The licenses may even have a time limit.
Different over here. Besides it being a depreciation expense, hence "depletion" there is normally a per barrel extracted fee, call it a commission. Of course they may have bamboozled your muppets into giving it away.

Hence, once those costs are sunk, there is no care as to what is used or flared... There is no cost or value given to the oil and gas that is flagrantly wasted.

Hence also why the oil and gas industry is so sloppy and polluting about their continual leaks and spillages?... Cheaper to let things fail than to include any costly preventative maintenance...

We really do need to put a cost on pollution.
Capital markets should already have that priced in. Lower potential profits in the future.
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Message 2018589 - Posted: 11 Nov 2019, 22:48:48 UTC - in response to Message 2018585.  
Last modified: 11 Nov 2019, 22:49:49 UTC

... We really do need to put a cost on pollution.
Capital markets should already have that priced in. Lower potential profits in the future.

Unfortunately, that is far far too long term a consideration and way way beyond the money horizon for the quarterly get-rich-quick greedy stupidity...

We really do need to make all polluters pay...

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Message 2019123 - Posted: 15 Nov 2019, 14:57:26 UTC

At last, a readable article that clearly states some of the consequences of increasing the pollution in our atmosphere:

Climate change: Warming signal links global floods and fires

With homes under water in South Yorkshire, near record flooding in Venice, and burgeoning wildfires in Australia, many people are asking if and how climate change is connected to these extreme weather events...

... Clausius and Clapeyron are the surnames of the German and French meteorologists who discovered that a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture. For every 1 degree C increase in temperature, the air can hold about 7% extra water vapour.

When you get the sorts of storms that generate rapid cooling, you get heavier rain falling rapidly out of the clouds, as happened in parts of England last week... "When coupled to warmer, wetter winters generally, as expected from climate change, the ground becomes more saturated so any rainfall will give a greater chance of flooding."...

... Climate scientists, however, see a clear relation between rising temperatures and the inundation.

"Sea level rise is rising globally and it is also rising in the Adriatic," said Prof Gabi Hegerl, from the University of Edinburgh. "Venice is also subsiding a bit, so you have a bit of a double whammy.

"The immediate flood has been caused by the Sirocco wind and the high tides but it wouldn't have been as high without the sea having risen as well." ...

... In Australia, the bushfires this year have come far earlier and on a larger scale than seen previously. [And also in California.]

While climate change doesn't directly cause fires like these - it is major factor in creating the right conditions for fires to take hold... "Stronger winds, again associated with more energy in the climate system [due to global warming], add to the fire risk and make them more intense and faster moving."...

... "The overall climate signal is that if you have it warmer, it is easier to burn; if you have higher seas, it is easier to flood," said Prof Gabi Hegerl.

"And if you have more moisture in the atmosphere, the same rainfall systems rain harder - that is something we see globally and that has a human greenhouse gas signal in it.

"In extreme events, that's where climate change bites us."...

... cold waves often have a similar climate signal, but it might be harder to see it in a snowstorm that hits a region compared with a heatwave that affects an entire country...

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Message 2019575 - Posted: 18 Nov 2019, 22:37:39 UTC

Yet more increasing mindless destruction in the name of greed...

Brazil's Amazon deforestation highest since 2008, space agency says

Deforestation of Brazil's Amazon rainforest increased by 29.5% in 12 months, the highest rate since 2008, the country's space agency reports.

The rainforest lost 9,762 sq km (3,769 sq miles) of its vegetation between August 2018 and July 2019...

Scientists say the Amazon has suffered losses at an accelerated rate since Mr Bolsonaro took office in January. They say the president favours development over conservation.

Politics and greed and our planet be damned...

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Message 2019850 - Posted: 21 Nov 2019, 0:40:32 UTC

And yet more reckless 'growth' and the entire planet be damned:

Climate change: China coal surge threatens Paris targets

While the rest of the world has cut coal-based electricity over the past 18 months, China has added enough to power 31 million homes.

That's according to a study that says China is now in the process of building or reviving coal equivalent to the EU's entire generating capacity.

China is also financing around a quarter of all proposed coal plants outside its borders...

Greed at all costs?!

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