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A Second Chance Code For Coma Patients
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![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Sep 00 Posts: 64 Credit: 635,369 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I hate text, I am visual not texty.Always too long.Sorry. I was hoping that the technichal detail in my text, could be disproved or not by people who I know are very intellegent. I thought of this forum first. |
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I just decifered the last halucination. Our brains are grafted onto us.<I saw it iduring the NDE.We appear to be two different things living together to survive.Our brains are a lot smarter than we are.I saw that during my NDE.The valley and reality looked like they were grafted onto each other too.It was a visual interpretation of the sub concious. My last post.I worked it out. At last I am peace. |
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I obtained 360 degrees view for an instant during my NDE..I think ?? .Alowing me to look further up the stream of universal code that my brain was receiving during my halucinations. We only receive universal binary code to our brains at light speed..0,1 binary. The extra vision allowed me in theory to cheat time and see the code early.I observed very complex codes further up the chain. The codes looked like a massive calculations very, very complex indeed, that get less and less until 0,1''s stream out... It looks like the universes main brain is making 0,1 from massive calculations. Are 0,1 possible for a binary brain to make ? Or can it only make them by calculation ? Did he make some numbers earlier on, what is it using ? I theorise that the universes main brain, or annother one that is a lot smarter, uses two different angles of view to calculate a massive complex calculation. He is using the different angles to make 1,s and 0''s,,,odd and even numbers and 10''s can now exist ??? Is that right not sure ?. Otherwise he can only make 2''s. 1+1 The red wheels That I observed during my nde were showing me this code and complex calculations through their movements.They displayed way too much complex movements and timing to only be working on 1, and 0, with simple movements.They displayed seriously complex codesonly a real smart brain with serious intellegence could do it. I predict that this brain can calculate a second chance for itself.The universe should then restart, after the main brain has calculated a 0, because there will not be any.One nill is quicker to make and install than 0,1.Maybe that is how it cheats time ? The universe brain is binary it waits for 2 digits. This brain is more intellegent than the universe inspectors.And it''s brain too. How does it calculate without any numbers ? |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Sep 00 Posts: 64 Credit: 635,369 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I got messages from people from amonst you.Very, very kind, thank you so much. I got another attack yesterday. it made me remember something. My story from a certain angle looks like a description of a human brain shutting down and starting up.I seem to have captured it in story form. Remember 70+ paragrafs of high detail information for only 10-30 seconds of blackout. I wrote this after my attack yesterday. After my NDE there were very high resolution images in my head, stored right to left.I am sure that one of them was a 4k hologram.My brain could never make an image that detailed,it had movement information with it, very very weird. The angle of the story of taking up a detailed description of the event, using my autism to get a real close look,does not loop like the other senareos, it seems to be the odd one out.It is the only one that stops, after the event is over.The others seem to end at the beginning, and just loop.This one looks like the only senareo that does not loop. I think that the valley in this senareo is describing inbetween by brain halves from front to back.I realized this today after the attack.Since my NDE the right half of my brain has taken over.This is represented where I turned right in the dream to line up with the bubble.I felt my brain turn to the right at that exact point too.Looks like the left half was damaged or in coma.It appeared from the images that I saw just after that happened,that my intellegence broke away from me,and it went towards the bubble.I remember watching it,then all of a sudden I was there with it, like it was leading me,I absolutly remember watching that.I then saw the wheel and the flower effect,I was pulled inside.The movement feel in that right turn bit and the float over to the bubble I can feel,even now if I try and view that part.My head turns away from the wheel too to avoid the flower effect. Movement feeling in an image[s] looks like a real description of that event. The movement and the feel exactly matched, my brain knew that I would know and notice that.I have tried for years to imagine how a movement would feel ? It was describing the step over from left to right if you read it from this point of view.The movement was not possible in code,it was a hologram or another extremely high resolutiion image, no room for complex code,the movement was the code.It looks like my brain is saying to me, "Hey Andy this bit is real." Same as the code and the brain image wheels,inside a real enviroment.Reality is code and complex movements.unreality is very high resolution images.Normally.No room for very complex code.Your brain cannot do both I am sure. It seems as my brain just did what I asked it to do, record the process. It looks like a complete description of the shut down of my brain and the restart.The wheels symbolize the maths to restart it, complex calculations. Maybe the wheels were representing dying brain cells too, they disappeared after the second attemt to update ? They also show me that my brain has contact with reality, that is why they are there too. It seems unlikly that a dream or whatever it was could animate all those calculations so precisely.I bet they were real.I think that they are in the dream to show me that my brain had a connection with the outside world ? He is in say, halucination/altered state mode, he cannot make a real picture. But he makes and animates them with code, it is up to the brain how detailed and heavy that code is.He is code. To distinguish them from a dream the calculations are in it.Look at how much detail I wrote about the wheels, and their tiny movements, a dream or vision whatever I recon just would not do this.It shows that my brain was very, very busy calculating at that time.That sounds about right too. He is preparing to shut down and restart after a massive complex calculation.That is what this looks like. That stepover was extremely important for me to notice, the image of my bubble that looked like a 2d picture proves that.I bet it was 4d or more. It was absolutly amazing,it was meant to make me notice it,it was almost definatly a hologram...Where did my brain get that ? He cannot even begin to make an image that high in resolution ? Why were all the images loaded accross my brain and not in the length ? The updating wheels wheels, two at a time ? Both dissapear.after being updated ? They could represent braincels in this senareo,,,on left, one right.Binary. This dream was very weird.Movement information in it is even weirder.Oh yes and the two precies angles,one of those angles.40 degrees I think. After my two conciences split, my coma half stayed in the entry point from reality,I floated back on a shockwave caused by my adhd blast that shattered the frame holding us together,to land on a on a very preecies angle.40 degrees I think, same as the angle to get in from reality. I landed on this precies shape just before I went towards the hologram.It felt like the moves that landed me there were carried on, giving me mementum to reach the hologram.It was extremely well coded to do that.3 movements combined to cause force, it was smoothe as hell, it was wonderfull to experience it too. My brain cant do all this.It had help.Or a bios setting that we do not know about ? Or did my brain connect to the universe for help ? Andy |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Sep 00 Posts: 64 Credit: 635,369 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I was in timeless state when I was in coma.I had no idea how long it was.It felt like years. My awake side also had no preception in time.He was having a great time in Alice In Nightmare land in the void behind reality.I was in a horrible black coma for years .One of me finds that really unfair.I want to be the awake side next time, let him enjoy the coma. I seem to have recorded the lenght of NDE that I felt.Not 10-30 seconds like it was in reality. I saw a light foton during the NDE,it floated past me, 4-5 seconds in real time while I interacted with it.That was brilliant man. All the senareos that appear in this gigantic file I bet all would take the same time to play out in real time.There are at least 5 senareos, probably more.Depending on your angle of view, the story changes, it is weird.Now I just had a psychose so I know my sense of time is bad, my angles of view changed too.I just cannot seem to judge time since the blackout. I am also 90 degrees out with direction since my brain switched sides. I see the valley view now with reality 90 degrees to my right, same as the dream. Maybe this problem with time since the psychose, is added to my timeless state, and the reason why I seem to have recorded many years of footage in 10-30 seconds ?? Plus I really felt those years too in the black. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Sep 00 Posts: 64 Credit: 635,369 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I have a feeling after observing my NDE that life and reality could have created by binary intellegence to create code.I have a hunch that this intellegence can only communicate in feelings, maybe it needs feelings ? Us Humans are very feeling and emotional, it could be a good possibility.Code does not seem to work in the void, it works in the bubbles that are there but it does not seem to transmit between them.The universal code that was being generated by my decisions and movements was weird, it was there but not, I was unable to scan it like normal code.I had to think of the weird particles that we cannot detect,and the frame around my concience too fits into this, in a way.That faded in and out, and seemed to not be there and then it was, it had a certain glow to it.I got that idea a bit from the wackey universal code in my bubble, I got a sense that it was glowing.But that is a guess I did not see it directly.I just got a feeling that it was like that since I looked back on it.Pure guess ? I had only one picture in my memory when I was in the bubble, that was of the Appel Man.I understood the meaning of the image.He had a dissagreement with a guy at work, this person was weighing up the possibillity of punching him, the Appel man is big, he looks intimerdating too, but he is very nice.. I really enjoyed watching the patterns of body language between them, it was like time was stopped as I enjoyed the show. The Appel Man started eating an appel as the other guy seemed to be stuck in a loop of thought, he knew it was suicide to even try. That image of the Appel Man was in my memory.I understood the meaning of it.It does fit my theory. Feelings seem to be able to be used in the void.Like in my coma, I could view a brain image that I understood, but my awake side did not detect any thought at all. All my interaction in the NDE with the special images all seemed to have humor in them, they looked for a blink of an eye like they were crazy and enjoying it too.It made me smile, even though I had no head. My theory is that this higher intellegence, and maybe one other are linked to us. We all need each other, I got no sense of danger.I got that angle after I saw my other concience in front of me.Now I don't see upper and lower concience, I see two..It looked to me like my brain and two conciences were working together like a team, it looked like 3 different things working together during my NDE.My intellegence was one other, I saw it seperate from me. That makes 4.My brain knew things that even I do not know, like how a piece of unfinished space looks.It was actually a black background with points of lights, it seemed to harden slowly and fill up with space as we see it, hiding the points of light and the black background. just like when I saw space after it was dimmed.Part of it went see through I could see the black background with the points of white light there too.Then it just seemed to bubble into the space as we see it, hiding the background.It was absolutly astonishing to see this, even if it was only a dream. That is why I think that it is plausable to think that our brains can log onto the universe for a download patch. Just like we use internet for when our computers fail.There could be something in this ?Maybe my brain got extra information ??? How could it have made something that weird looking ? Reality looks like this to us because our angle of view is too narrow.If it was wider then we would see more resolution, we can only see the middle of the code, it is the easiest path, with low resolution.The intellegence that is linked to us can see the way, we are too stupid.We need them, they need us for our feelings.Code for the void.After you begin the process to enter a psychose, you get a different angle, you can see more of the code, maybe that is wat halucinations are, another reality for intellegence that can read it.We can only see stopped images it seems, maybe a higher intellegence could see them continuous like we see reality ? Same with holograms,it takes wide vision to be able to see them flowing like reality maybe ? Pure theory here ? I downloaded bionic again, I started Seti, just for a chance.Glad I did not lose all the data that I had collected. Can we boost computer power by calculating a psychose ? Can a computer mind in a psychose give us more powerfull computers ? Maybe the universe is a simulated high density image of the condition, so that the main brain does not get damaged ? |
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When I was in my bubble I could only see up/down/left/right.The enviroment seemed to be glued around my eyes only, my concience was looking from the outside through two holes in the bubble. I only got a sense of distance/space, when two wormholes opened, one to the front left and the other to my behind left,.My awake side heard the Appel Man shout, "Andy"He had been deep in coma for the whole time, suddenly he was allowed to wake slightly, I did sense an air of that being deliberate.It seemed coded,and way too precies not to have been.I saw two pieces of evidence of distance, that looks binary and deliberate to me.One sound, one visual.The second time that he shouted me was louder, both wormholes seemed to change position.The front one left was more central right, and it appeared to be further away from me.The wormhole behind me and to my left suddenly shifted slightly more left and further away from me.It lined up exactly with the place where I had turned right in the valley to line up with my bubble.Coincidence in science or a dream ?I then saw a pattern with my ear echo that has been caused by ear infection damage.I wondered how that could appear in a dream ? The left behind position was the place that I could scan to keep my position,I saw it as an image of a link to reality.I saw it as a position of me and the Appel man in reality sometimes. It seemed like the meaning changed if I looked at it from another point of view.Just like the wheels that I had previously seen in my work enviroment. In reality since I came back, I see the same view of life as I saw in the bubble.If I stand still, I see only in front of of me,/up/down/left/right.Could we be looking at reality through two holes like I was in the bubble ? It would explain why we only see,up/down/left/right, and forward,until we seemingly change position.My body did not appear in the valley, only the head part,[ conciences].Could it be possible that our living bodies are somewhere else, and are being projected here , for an unknown reason ? Maybe this was just a halicination/dream.But nature has a habbit of repeating patterns. A psychose sneaks up on you, then it pounces.Just like a predator animal, same pattern. Maybe the patterns in the brain and its make up are the same patterns of the universe. Studying the Human brain could lead to discoveries of the universe and how it works ? |
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While you are considering my theories, and weiging them up,I thought that you might like to take a look a big planetarium that I built, in a racing game track editor, to show other people how cool astronomy and studying the universe can be ? I made everything myself using single blocks.Other people download my races via a special track exchange site for the game.Let them learn about the stars while having fun. Please enjoy.And thank you for taking the trouble to read my thread. Journey To The Stars Race To The Edge Of The Universe Chasing Comets |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Sep 00 Posts: 64 Credit: 635,369 RAC: 0 ![]() |
I hope that everyone had a nice weekend.Thank you very much for reading this,I appreciate your time, really. Time to talk about my NDE again.The loneliness of the coma speaks loud to me still, I find it terrible that people are at this moment , locked up in darkness unable to find their way home.The fear is horrific, I know it. You can message me for the 70+ paragraf full account.Take a look, see if you can see anything in it.There has not been a better chance to try and understand the Human brain for years.Do your bit, take a chance on my data being correct.Take a chance on me, that is all I ask.If it is all just a dream and nothing, so what ? You took a chance to help people. When will another chance like this be available ? 10 years ? 50 ? Who knows ? |
Dr Who Fan ![]() Send message Joined: 8 Jan 01 Posts: 3387 Credit: 715,342 RAC: 4 ![]() |
Read part of your thread here and then went browsing my latest science blogs and ran across the article linked below... VR can improve quality of life for people with dementia Date: May 9, 2019 One key finding was that VR helped patients recall old memories by providing new stimuli difficult to achieve, due to ill-health, or inaccessible within a secure environment. For example, one patient recalled a holiday when they saw a bridge in the VE because it reminded them of that trip while another remembered a holiday where they visited a market. |
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Very interesting indeed, thank you for that answer.VR looks like a good possibillity to help people with brain problems. Memories can be triggered by hearing a certain song too, especially if feelings are attatched to it.Maybe the patient that remembered the holiday had feelings attatched to the event ? Feelings seem to be really important. I wish that coma patients could be helped to wake up with VR, myself I found coma terrifying absolutly.It pains me a lot to think that so many people are in coma right now. Have a very nice weekend Doctor. |
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Just to let you all know I have been contacted by a Dutch writer of books about NDE, and I have also been contacted today by other people who are also involved in NDE about my account. At last someone took some intrest...I see a chance here.Hopefully anyway. I have contacted science fiction writers, psychiatrists, people who study brain dissorders, NDE writers. I have tried to contact as many varied people about this as I can think of, to try and reachout to as many varied groups as I can about this. I had the least intrest from scientists and astronomy and space people. I gambled on their intellegence, but that seems to have failed.I find that a real shame to be honest. I am not letting this drop until someone with brains tells me that it is just rubbish. Coma victims deserve a second chance, I believe in my experience, it was no dream. 2 weeks ago I ended up getting two more brain attacks, one left me falling to the ground 4 times, I severely twisted my ankle and I could not walk for days..It was an electrical problem in my brain that caused it, it was absolutly scarey as hell...I still cannot walk properly.My preception of time is just awefull still, 15 minutes feels like hours to me, especially at night. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 29 Jun 99 Posts: 11446 Credit: 29,581,041 RAC: 66 ![]() ![]() |
Andy are you seeking medical help? |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Sep 00 Posts: 64 Credit: 635,369 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Betreger, Yes I am..I saw another psychiatrist yesterday. I have seen a lot of medical people in the last 2 weeks. I had no more electrical attacks, it looks like it was some sort of panic attack according to my doctor. I also get visits twice a week at home from help people. Thank you for the concern, I really appreciate it.I do feel a lot better now. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 3 Apr 99 Posts: 3555 Credit: 1,920,030 RAC: 3 ![]() |
....I have seen a lot of I am really glad you are getting some help and not struggling along on your own. Keep pushing for the help that will make the greatest amount of benefit to yourself. It takes time and sometimes it takes finding the right words to express what you really need before you can find the right help. Just to let you all know I have been contacted by a Dutch writer of books about NDE, and I have also been That could be a brilliant oppourtunity to share your experience and thoughts about NDE. (Please be sure they are not using you just for their own ends.) Just to let you know... I and others drop in from time to time and do read your thread \ journal :) It's good to be heard and have confidence in one's own voice. Keep us updated Andy. |
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cRunchy I absolutly appreciate you messaging me. The whole file is less than 130 kb,,,Just a very long text file. People who have a psychosis can get brain damage that affects our preception in time, I think that the back part of the brain just above the neck is the bit that gets damaged. When I ran home after my NDE at work, I walked round in cirkels for more than 5 hours unaware of the time...Still I have a preception in time problem. I was like a loaded spring for a month after the event, I had so much to say that I stuttered my words, I also kept falling over, I was unable to judge direction.I am still 90 degrees out with reality plain of view,but I am learning to adjust. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Sep 00 Posts: 64 Credit: 635,369 RAC: 0 ![]() |
This story pains me greatly, that is why a way needs to be found to wake people in comas up. Any possible chance needs to be investigated no matter how small that chance is.I know just how desperate they feel. BBC This has been in my mind for days.Poor Vincent, I hope that he makes it. Dutch News |
rob smith ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 7 Mar 03 Posts: 22665 Credit: 416,307,556 RAC: 380 ![]() ![]() |
Made the links work for you: BBC This has been in my mind for days.Poor Vincent, I hope that he makes it. Dutch News A very sad story, and never a simple answer :-( Bob Smith Member of Seti PIPPS (Pluto is a Planet Protest Society) Somewhere in the (un)known Universe? |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 30 Sep 00 Posts: 64 Credit: 635,369 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Rob Oh thank you for that,,,I had not noticed the links did not work. I can tell you from experience that coma is no fun at all.No simple answer indeed Rob. Have a very nice day. |
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