I have been away for about 10 years and I'm confused about what application to use

Questions and Answers : Windows : I have been away for about 10 years and I'm confused about what application to use
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Profile BigBadMitch

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Message 1981728 - Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 19:20:56 UTC

I have been away for about 10 years and I'm confused about what application (Bonic) to use. I have three computers to use.
1.) laptop Dell I7 5500u @ 2.40GHz Samsung SSD Drive, 16 gigs Ram Windows 10 64 bit Nvidia GeForce 845M
2.) desktop: Dell i7 4790 @3.60 GHz, CPU 16 gig ram Windows 10 64bit Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4600
3.) desktop Dell i77700k @4.20 GHz CPU 16 gig ram, Windows 10 64bit Graphics Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6Gig ram

I would like to use the fastest producing software
Thanks for any help
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Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1981733 - Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 20:06:51 UTC - in response to Message 1981728.  

If you just add the project to those computers, the servers will eventually settle on the best applications to run. That does take some time, on the order of a month or more depending on how much work is sent and processed on each machine.

You could also use the Lunatics installer which allows one to select the applications to use in an anonymous platform. This avoids the servers from trialing all possible applications on your hosts.

You can download the Lunatics Installer at Mike'e World. http://mikesworld.eu/download.html

When you get to the selection page for the the gpu for each platform, AMD, Nvidia or Intel, you don't want to accept the defaults. The fastest gpu application on all platforms is the SoG application. Choose that applications button.

The installer will write out the appropriate app_info file on each host and when the host contacts the servers for the first time will download the appropriate applications.
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1981735 - Posted: 22 Feb 2019, 20:13:52 UTC

Welcome back!
OK, all your computers are running Windows, so that does cut out a large pile of the options.....

The first thing is to load BOINC onto them - this is the environment in which all the applications run.
Next connect to the project - you've already created an account, so you can use that one, so select the "existing user" when asked.
Assuming you choose SETI@Home as your first project after a few minutes a whole pile of files will be downloaded to your computer, including the applications needed, and they will start and run automatically in the background.
That's all you need to do to start with, so try that for a few days to make sure it is running properly and you will start to see what your next round of questions are.
Bob Smith
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Profile Tom M
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Message 1981829 - Posted: 23 Feb 2019, 14:19:06 UTC

And only enable Cpu and Nvidia crunching. Your #2 system will slow down significantly if you try to crunch gpu tasks on the internal gpu.

A proud member of the OFA (Old Farts Association).
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Questions and Answers : Windows : I have been away for about 10 years and I'm confused about what application to use

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