How to use multiple GPU's

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Message 1936803 - Posted: 23 May 2018, 14:25:57 UTC

Hey, I got 2 rigs, led by Titans. Just curious how much it could accomplish? Set@home is the only project that even lets me use a gpu….Step by step would be great...I add some xml file??
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Message 1936828 - Posted: 23 May 2018, 17:27:29 UTC - in response to Message 1936803.  

In Your account got to:
Seti@Home preferences
and check that "Use NVIDIA GPU" is checked.

If it isn't, Edit preferences with the link at the bottom and check "Use NVIDIA GPU".
Next click Update preferences at the bottom.

Update BOINC to have the updated preferences: open BOINC Manager, View, Advanced view, Projects tab, select Seti@Home, click Update.

You'll need drivers that have both CUDA and OpenCL. Drivers installed by Windows do not suffice.
Always install drivers from the GPU manufacturer, always install them clean - it's an option in the installer.
Set Windows 10 to stop automatic driver updates.
Drivers installed by Windows may not always contain the necessary components (CUDA or OpenCL).

Your present computer shows just one Titan GPU.
If you have two and they are in the same computer, you only need the prerequisites from above.
You only have to use the <use_all_gpus> option in cc_config.xml, when you have two or more different GPUs, and only when they're same brand, different models.
When they're different brands, it's not needed. Those are set via the project's preferences settings of "Use NVIDIA GPU", "Use ATI GPU" and "Use Intel GPU".

If you have two Titans and they're in separate computers, run BOINC on both separately. GPUs in separate computers cannot be paired.

Your cached work now shows just work for the CPU, so I think you don't have "Use NVIDIA GPU" checked, or if it's checked that it's set in a different venue/location than your system's at.
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Message 1936979 - Posted: 24 May 2018, 18:53:22 UTC - in response to Message 1936828.  

Thanks for the reply. I actually have a titan xp, gtx 1080ti, and a gtx 1080 on same computer with Titan V..

I already followed 99% of your directions. I can guarantee the problem is my cc_config file.

I did have that cc_config.xml file in there...but the code I was using must have been wrong. Here is what I was using:

From what you are saying, I should be good if I only use this:

I think I tried this.

I will try again..tks for help.
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Message 1936981 - Posted: 24 May 2018, 19:04:27 UTC - in response to Message 1936979.  
Last modified: 24 May 2018, 19:05:53 UTC

The option is a switch. 1 for on, 0 for off.
So instead of 4 use 1.

No need to use <coproc> as that's used to define unknown GPUs and coprocessors.
Using use all gpus also requires a restart of the client.
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Message 1944511 - Posted: 15 Jul 2018, 18:37:15 UTC

Hi, I also have two Titan Xp installed in my rig, and was able to unlock even more performance by enabling the embedded Intel HD 630 GPU,

Check it out:


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Message 1950984 - Posted: 20 Aug 2018, 23:37:53 UTC - in response to Message 1936828.  

Is there a software limit to the number of cards in a single computer (besides slots)?
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Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 1951057 - Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 6:36:07 UTC - in response to Message 1950984.  
Last modified: 21 Aug 2018, 6:46:24 UTC

Is there a software limit to the number of cards in a single computer (besides slots)?

Well at a guess I would say 16 or 10 as there is only one digit that BOINC uses to identify the the card i.e GPU 0

if there were two digits identifying the card I would have thought it would be GPU 00

If it is hex then up to GPU F, and if decimal then GPU 9, someone with 11 GPU's or more would know!!

PS. There is a cruncher showing 16 GPU's but I am fairly sure he has "adjusted" Boinc to report more GPU's than are actually present. So I am guessing my hex theory is right.

16 max, GPU 0 to GPU F

Would hate to have the power bill for 16 Titans!!
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Message 1951073 - Posted: 21 Aug 2018, 11:37:01 UTC - in response to Message 1951057.  

As far as I can find in the source code there is no maximum, unless it's 256 because of the length of the string it can store. The ATLAS main serverover at Einstein had 256 Nvidia GTX 295 GPUs before they turned those in and made it an all Xeon CPU node (11,000+ CPUs)

I think there's just a maximum for mainboards. Some of the latest mining motherboards allow 11 GPUs, without the use of risers.
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Message 1951312 - Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 6:36:56 UTC - in response to Message 1950984.  
Last modified: 22 Aug 2018, 6:38:08 UTC

Is there a software limit to the number of cards in a single computer (besides slots)?

I have been told there is a driver limit in both NVidia and in Amd/Ati of 8 Gpus under Windows. The same source said they were working with Amd to get that limited raised. This was in the context of a Mining MB with 19 gpu slots.

They basically said you had to use 8 of each to reach 16.

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Message 1951401 - Posted: 22 Aug 2018, 20:42:37 UTC

I asked David Anderson about this:

Jord wrote:
If for instance I have 200 Nvidia GPUs and one instance of BOINC, will it recognize all 200 at start up, or will it only recognize part of them? If part, how many?

He answered:
David wrote:
BOINC will recognize all the GPUs. If they're identical it will use all of them. If they're not identical it will find the most powerful one and use only the GPUs that are similar to that one (same hardware capabilities and amount of RAM).

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Profile Bravo6

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Message 1951443 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 0:00:56 UTC - in response to Message 1950984.  
Last modified: 23 Aug 2018, 0:03:14 UTC

O.k. The answer seems to be "not unless u have a lot of money to stuff a bunch of cards in a single desktop" good!
Now can you mix the cards? Not talking about different brands but how about nvid a 1050 and 1050ti's and 2gb and 4 gb cards in same desktop? I wonder if there would be a deleterious effect?
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Message 1951535 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 14:46:30 UTC - in response to Message 1951443.  

Ok never mind, my question answered below......
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Profile Bravo6

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Message 1951536 - Posted: 23 Aug 2018, 14:47:33 UTC - in response to Message 1951443.  

O.k. The answer seems to be "not unless u have a lot of money to stuff a bunch of cards in a single desktop" good!
Now can you mix the cards? Not talking about different brands but how about nvid a 1050 and 1050ti's and 2gb and 4 gb cards in same desktop? I wonder if there would be a deleterious effect?

Never mind answered below.....
"Don't worry about it, nothing is gonna be O.K. anyway.........."
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Message 1953338 - Posted: 2 Sep 2018, 3:06:08 UTC - in response to Message 1950984.  

Is there a software limit to the number of cards in a single computer (besides slots)?

I have read the claim that Nvidia and AMD stock video drivers are limited to 8 / system. This is apparently why miners combine both on their mining rigs.

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Message 1953360 - Posted: 2 Sep 2018, 8:33:20 UTC

Lifted from the nVidia developers forum:
There is no hardcoded limit at or in the vicinity of 10. There exist examples of systems that I am aware of where people have gotten in the range of 10-16 GPU devices working correctly. However it's not trivial. The system BIOS can be a challenge, in addition to what you mention.

So there doesn't appear to be a limit IN THE DRIVER, however there may be limits in the operating system, or the computer's BIOS.
Bob Smith
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Message 1953382 - Posted: 2 Sep 2018, 13:19:07 UTC - in response to Message 1953360.  

Lifted from the nVidia developers forum:
There is no hardcoded limit at or in the vicinity of 10. There exist examples of systems that I am aware of where people have gotten in the range of 10-16 GPU devices working correctly. However it's not trivial. The system BIOS can be a challenge, in addition to what you mention.

So there doesn't appear to be a limit IN THE DRIVER, however there may be limits in the operating system, or the computer's BIOS.

So the Miner Review I read was wrong. Hmmmmm.......

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Message 1953494 - Posted: 3 Sep 2018, 1:22:33 UTC - in response to Message 1953382.  

Well, I m starting to add gpus to my systems and have been researching it, and the consistent info is that various system "foibles" for lack of a better term, pop up at different times. It appears fairly iron clad that adding only one card at a time is best practice especially with the new riser extenders. Once running then another one. I have read about many different problems with different systems and it seems to point mainly to bios and OS having a hard time working together without repeated reboots . One story stated that one system would not take more than three to save his life and another system took 6 without blinking, sounds like bios to me..... I guess I will find out........ Has anyone heard anything about limits of two cards on one sata cable? (A la overheating the cable?)
"Don't worry about it, nothing is gonna be O.K. anyway.........."
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Profile Tom M
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Message 1953500 - Posted: 3 Sep 2018, 2:06:20 UTC - in response to Message 1953494.  

Has anyone heard anything about limits of two cards on one sata cable? (A la overheating the cable?)

I think if it either starts smoking or some plastic turns brown, its over heating! ROFLing


I have had very good luck adding 1 card to a sata cable alone or in use with a HD. That is how I shoehorned a Gtx 1060 3GB (compact/mini) into a Dell Optiplex 7010 MicroTower.

I have also had luck running two full sized gtx 1060 3GB's on a 450 Watt power supply (It was for a couple of days, I am not sure how doing it for months would work).

I look forward to your reports/questions/groans and of course your CELBRATIONS!

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Message 1953501 - Posted: 3 Sep 2018, 2:11:31 UTC - in response to Message 1953494.  

I see a lot of 4 gpu systems on the leaderboard here at BOINC/Seti so I am going to assume that 3 or 4 gpus isn't a major problem.

Once you get into 6 or so, I have heard even if the MB has slots for it, sometimes the Bios doesn't.

ASUS made a big deal in their announcement for their Mining Rig motherboard that it had a "Mining Mode" in the bios. Presumably this means it will actually boot and recognize upto 19 or so gpus.

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Message 1953516 - Posted: 3 Sep 2018, 5:12:25 UTC

. Has anyone heard anything about limits of two cards on one sata cable? (A la overheating the cable?)

I assume you are talking about SATA power cables and not SATA data cables.
The realistic limit is two, and that depends on the power requirements of the GPU, but that is as much down to what the PSU can supply to the SATA cable as anything else.
Four GPUs is easy, there are a number o folks running six, and a few running eight, but they have found getting them stable to be a hard task - one needs a good power supply arrangement, a good motherboard with the correct BIOS, probably PCIE extenders to overcome the power limitations of the motherboard power supply tracks, great consideration of the cooling (I run my three GPU system in a skeleton case to get as much cooling air to the GPUs as possible, others have gone for liquid cooling)
As you have already suggested slowly building up to a high GPU count is vital, as is giving the computer time to fully stabilise between adding each new GPU - when I built my three GPU system I left it running for over a week between adding each one. I was thinking about adding a forth GPU (another GTX 1080), but with current prices that is on the back burner.
Bob Smith
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Questions and Answers : GPU applications : How to use multiple GPU's

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