Tesla's signal from Mars in 1901

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Message 1933923 - Posted: 6 May 2018, 4:57:33 UTC

I came across this newpaper excerpt from 1901.

(Received January 5. 0.39 a.m.)
LONDON. January ,4.
Mr Nicola Tesla, the famous American electrician, states that hns instruments at the Colorado University recently recorded three faint “pulses of energy” not due to the sum or the earth. Mr Tesla believes that they, arose from signals from the planet Mars.


Was Telsa working for SETI at the time?
ID: 1933923 · Report as offensive
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Message 1933927 - Posted: 6 May 2018, 6:06:53 UTC

The first radio pulsar was discovered on November 28, 1967. Tesla's "signal from Mars" was likely a pulsar, a signal unknown at the time.
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Message 1933934 - Posted: 6 May 2018, 6:50:30 UTC - in response to Message 1933923.  

No doubt part of the fascination that included the stories of John Carter travelling through a portal to Barsoom.

Love Tesla (he gave us AC and the concept of energy transference) but by 1910 he fell into obscurity and debt. (Shame on us for letting a brilliant mind fall so far.)

No doubt he was a member of our SETI...

The anciant Eygptians had already calculated with some accuracy the distance between earth and the moon and had some concept of electricity.

I think there has alwways been a SETI secret society.

Phewie... We can come out in the open now ;)
ID: 1933934 · Report as offensive

Message boards : SETI@home Science : Tesla's signal from Mars in 1901

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