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Message 2117477 - Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 0:09:04 UTC

PooTin won't like this bit of news as his ridiculously laughable F.M. puppet mouths off his utter hypocrisy yet again.

PooTin’s Eurotrip Options Slashed With Another Vow to Arrest Him.

Austria will arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin if he visits the country, pursuant to the arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karolina Edtstadler, Austria’s Minister for the European Union and Constitutional Affairs said this week......

......The growing rally around arresting Putin comes as Kremlin ranks appear to be increasingly uneasy at international efforts to shun Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed his distaste for encouragements to Russian allies to degrade relations with Moscow.

“If… Western countries will try to engage in threats, blackmail, will force our allies to undermine relations with Russia to the detriment of their own national interests, then, of course, we will not hide our attitude towards such attempts,” Lavrov said.
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Message 2117512 - Posted: 12 Apr 2023, 15:40:05 UTC

Russia goes modern dystopian:

Ukraine war: Russian parliament approves online call-up
The Russian parliament has approved legislation to start serving call-up papers online.

The Kremlin has denied the move is aimed at speeding up further mobilisation of Russian men or putting a stop to widespread draft-dodging.

Thousands of Russians have avoided the draft to escape the war in Ukraine.

Critics say the law is further evidence of authorities creating an "electronic Gulag", referring to the Soviet-era network of prison camps...

Will Russia have any men left?...

All in Pootin's desperately deadly world...
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Message 2118148 - Posted: 23 Apr 2023, 20:11:59 UTC

PooTin is up to no good yet again.

A strange sight in waters off Europe has revealed a worrying progression for Russia with five countries already sounding the alarm.

A Russian fleet of trawlers is mapping vulnerable European underwater infrastructure. Several of its submarines have been observed acting “strangely” in the same waters. And hackers have intensified their probes of European electricity and water grid firewalls.

This has the United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland ringing alarm bells.

The chief of Norway’s intelligence service told media the Kremlin was directly involved in this intimidating surveillance operation. And a Danish intelligence spokesperson adds that these tactics appear to be long-established preparations for a “full-on” conflict with Western Europe.

But the sight of heavily armed and armoured Russian military personnel patrolling the decks of supposedly commercial fishing vessels operating in the North Sea has triggered alarm bells across Europe....
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Message 2118186 - Posted: 24 Apr 2023, 15:47:06 UTC - in response to Message 2118148.  

PooTin is up to no good yet again.

A strange sight in waters off Europe has revealed a worrying progression for Russia with five countries already sounding the alarm.
The depicted trawler, the "Admiral Vladimirsky" was procured in 1975 by the Soviet Union as a polar research vessel (built in Szczecin, Poland!). In the 1970/80ies it was used for marine research, hydrology, meteorology, sailed all the world's oceans and to Antarctica. What could Russia achieve in the field of marine science if it used these ships and the money for research? Generations of Soviet scientists explored the polar seas. Today, their equipment only serves Putin's destructive goals. A shame.
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Message 2118220 - Posted: 24 Apr 2023, 22:19:08 UTC

PooTin's major mouthpiece puppet clown isn't happy.

Russia ‘will not forgive’ U.S. denial of journalist visas.

But you can't expected to arrest journalists on trumped up charges and not face repercussions, and he likely wouldn't want the dressing/shooting down that he got getting back home anyway.

Lavrov condemned while chairing United Nations Security Council.
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Message 2118251 - Posted: 25 Apr 2023, 11:22:18 UTC
Last modified: 25 Apr 2023, 11:51:24 UTC

Russia's Pacific fleet commander fired. Refused to send more sailors to Ukraine after his Naval Infantry Brigade was slaughtered within 4 days in Vuhledar/Ukraine.

The admiral Avakyants had repeatedly resisted or subverted orders to send his men to fight in Ukraine.

When forced to do so he allegedly dispatched his most ill-disciplined and unreliable men to the war zone.

'He told Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov [Commander-in-Chief of the Navy] in plain language that he would not let the fleet be ruined - his sailors, trained officers, well-coordinated crews, would not be torn apart,' said a source in the general staff of the Russian armed forces.
He objected to the demand for Ukraine-bound 'infantry formations from among the sailors of warships, submarines and auxiliary vessels', said the report.

[...] Avakyants' successor Admiral Viktor Liina was promoted after fulfilling his quota of troops for the war when he was in charge of the Baltic Fleet. Avakyants 'tried with all [his] might to get out of these instructions'.
Liina, on the contrary, did as ordered.
Competence is no longer required in Russia's military. Unconditional obedience counts. Yes men are promoted immediately.

While Russian Army seems to be exhausted now its a task for Russia's Navy fleets to form new infantry troops. What's next? Send Air Force maintenance personnel to the fight? Then personnel of Strategic Rocket Forces? Police officers? Civil servants? Teenagers? This reminds me of Germany 1945.
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Message 2118311 - Posted: 26 Apr 2023, 7:29:02 UTC

It looks like PooTin's "cleansing" isn't finished yet.

Two Russian Officials Found Dead on Same Day.

And Nelson will be turning in his grave over this.

South Africa Considers Quitting ICC After PooTin Arrest Warrant.
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Message 2118435 - Posted: 28 Apr 2023, 15:35:46 UTC

Danish media reports that Russian ‘Special Vessel’ Spotted Before Nord Stream Blasts.

A Russian special vessel had been spotted near the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea four days before it was sabotaged, Danish media reported, citing a document access request.

The pipelines were ruptured by subsea explosives on Sept. 26, seven months after Russian forces invaded Ukraine.

A Danish patrol boat had taken 26 images of Russia’s SS-750 special vessel with an AS-26 Priz mini-submarine on board on Sept. 22 near Bornholm where the explosions took place later, Denmark’s Dagbladet Information newspaper said.

The outlet said Denmark’s defense command refused to provide access to images of the Russian special vessel designed for underwater operations due to ongoing intelligence work.

“The SS-750 is the most interesting vessel to confirm, because we know that it has the capacity to carry out such a [sabotage] operation,” said Jacob Kaarsbo, a former 15-year veteran of the Danish defense intelligence service......
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Message 2118719 - Posted: 4 May 2023, 7:23:46 UTC - in response to Message 2118435.  

A Danish patrol boat had taken 26 images of Russia’s SS-750 special vessel with an AS-26 Priz mini-submarine on board on Sept. 22 near Bornholm where the explosions took place later, Denmark’s Dagbladet Information newspaper said.
Then the Danes certainly also have photos of the mighty german sailing yacht that transported the tons of explosives to the crime scene. ...just kidding...
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Message 2119018 - Posted: 9 May 2023, 16:14:48 UTC

This statement by Putin really worries me:

My reading is that he sees Russia as a country that is totally shaped by war, not one seeking peace. Win or loose in Ukraine Russia has already been shaped by that war, a war totally of one paranoid leader's making. Does Putin want to go down in history as the man who brought Russia to its knees, not respected by the world around, with its people living in fear.....
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2119019 - Posted: 9 May 2023, 18:47:46 UTC - in response to Message 2119018.  

This statement by Putin really worries me:

My reading is that he sees Russia as a country that is totally shaped by war, not one seeking peace. Win or loose in Ukraine Russia has already been shaped by that war, a war totally of one paranoid leader's making. Does Putin want to go down in history as the man who brought Russia to its knees, not respected by the world around, with its people living in fear.....

So long as he "goes down in history" all is perfection.
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Message 2119023 - Posted: 9 May 2023, 19:59:42 UTC - in response to Message 2119018.  
Last modified: 9 May 2023, 20:29:51 UTC

This statement by Putin really worries me:

My reading is that he sees Russia as a country that is totally shaped by war, not one seeking peace. Win or loose in Ukraine Russia has already been shaped by that war, a war totally of one paranoid leader's making. Does Putin want to go down in history as the man who brought Russia to its knees, not respected by the world around, with its people living in fear.....
As many have explained in articles, books, historic research before: It's not only Putin! Russia's mindset is different. There's the Western civilization founded on (latin) christianity and culture (Western Rome). And there's the Russian civilization founded on orthodox (greek) christianity. After the fall of its metropolis and religious center, Constantinople, later Russia, the largest society of the East, conceives its civilization (they call it "russki mir", the "russian world"), its capital, as the legitimate successor, and its task to conquer/unite and rule (today they call it "liberate") the Eastern world. But different than southern provinces/states/regions of former Eastern roman empire/Constantinople, Russia was for centuries separated from the world, locked far away to the land, away from the sea, missing external influence, developments, liberalism, modernization...

In the 19th century a russian philosopher described and compared Russian culture, Russian mindset to western ones:
"Russia is a world unto itself, docile to the will, to the whims, to the judgement of a single man, whether his name is Peter or Ivan, it does not matter, it comes to the same thing - it is the embodiment of arbitrariness", source: Philosophical Letters, Pyotr Chaadayev, 1830.
For 400 years Russians Tsars (absolutist or communist ones) tried to seek connection to the outside world through trade, attracting foreign know how, technologies, settlers. Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg for this purpose. Catherine the Great (german princess) attracted some ten thousand German settlers. But Russia always followed the russian mindset to expand its "superior" civilization by forcing large neighbours to cede territories (Sweden, Osmans, China, Japan, ...), many times dissolved Poland (with Prussians and Austrians). This way they expanded to the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea. And they conquered and ruled smaller/weaker neighbouring peoples, settled russians there... expanding to the Pacific, the Arctic Ocean. Crimea was inhabited by Tatars (muslims) when Russia conquered it end of 18th century. How many still there? From Ivan the Terrible to Putin, neighboring peoples were "russified", Russians settled, non-russian elites deported (or killed), non-russian languages and identities suppressed, family names russified. It's an empire which absorbs and dissolves its weak colonies, their inhabitants and expands russian rule by force and cruelties. The USSR was a more cooperative approach to Russia's expansion by the triune rule of the "Russian peoples" (Russians, white Russians (belarus), small russians (Ukraine), as Putins defines "Russians" - no such thing as Ukrainians or Belarusians different to Russians). Russia's mindset doesn't reached 21th century yet, as German's didn't reached 20th century before 1945. Russia signed international treaties, the U.N. charter, complying only as long these don't interfere with their interests. There's a fundamental design flaw in Roosevelt's U.N. Security Council: USSR, more so Russia and P.R.China replacing defeated R.O.C.(now Taiwan). Churchill always knew.

What can be observed in Putin's Russia now is a later stage of totalitarianism. Hannah Arendt described its principles for Nazi Germany and Stalin's USSR:

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1953:
Totalitarian movements are fundamentally different from autocratic regimes, insofar as autocratic regimes seek only to gain absolute political power and to outlaw opposition, while totalitarian regimes seek to dominate every aspect of everyone's life as a prelude to world domination.
Totalitarian movements depend on the sheer force of numbers to such an extent that totalitarian regimes seem impossible, even under otherwise favorable circumstances, in countries with relatively small populations...
So far in history three countries have been "big enough" to transform into totalitarian ones: Germany (1933-1945), USSR until Stalin's death (1917-1953) and Putin's Russia. Fortunately, Russia lacks the industrial base of Germany or of the former USSR (with industrial strongholds in Ukrainian SSR) to rule Eurasia.
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Message 2119031 - Posted: 9 May 2023, 20:56:51 UTC
Last modified: 9 May 2023, 21:04:59 UTC

PooTin was likely blowing off as he only had 1 tank to parade and that was a very old T-34.

And this may have upset him even more.

Russian security agents have been using a secret network of corrupted computers to spy on NATO for decades, but the US just busted it open, feds say.
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Message 2119044 - Posted: 9 May 2023, 23:30:03 UTC - in response to Message 2119019.  

So long as he "goes down in history" all is perfection.
If he goes down (through the door or falling out the window), I think there will be a Patrushev, Bortnikov, Prigoshyn, some Peter or Ivan replacing him. The Russian nomenklatura frightens nothing more than major changes to stay in power, in position, to keep stolen wealth. They fear 1917 like revolutions or a collapse as in 1991 which replaced elites and meant poverty for ordinary people for years. So let's carry on with Peter or Ivan.

Russian people need a shocking moment of truth, of Ukrainian reality in Bakhmut, Butcha, Kramatorsk, of non-existant "Russian superiority" or russian military power, russian aerospace industry, [long list of Putins failures]. Will there be manned Russian spaceflights in e.g. 10...20 years?

How to achieve such shocking moment of truth for Russians, with minimal losses of lives, destruction, terror?
The worst case will be a Russia without such a shock, which retreats under cover of hate propaganda into isolation for years, rearming, carrying out hybrid warfare against the west, becoming a second North Corea.

The nuclear arsenal... that frightens me. They retreated from treaties not to rearm, but to denying the U.S. access to their facilities. to conceil their degrading condition, decades old rockets, war heads, maintenance? Do they know which are still intact? I'm frightened what money and corruption can achieve in such situation. Selling stuff, Proliferation, ...
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Message 2119101 - Posted: 10 May 2023, 21:44:14 UTC

PooTin is not happy.

Russian fury as Poland renames Kaliningrad exclave.

Poland might as well reclaim the place based on the same arguments as PooTin and Xi use.

Meanwhile the lone T-34 tank wasn't the only thing going on during PooTin's parade.

PooTin Ally's Parade Appearance Sparks Health Speculation.

The people of Belarus may get their country back yet.
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Message 2119148 - Posted: 11 May 2023, 11:56:48 UTC

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Message 2119184 - Posted: 11 May 2023, 22:00:46 UTC - in response to Message 2119101.  
Last modified: 11 May 2023, 22:47:42 UTC

PooTin is not happy.

Russian fury as Poland renames Kaliningrad exclave.

Poland might as well reclaim the place based on the same arguments as PooTin and Xi use.
Poland? I don't think so as it was part of the German province of Eastern Prussia, for seven centuries inhabited by (German) East Prussians. At the end of WWII Stalin began to brutally expel hundred of thousands of the formerly 2.5 million German inhabitants who had not yet fled the province. In 1945 the Four Allied Powers finally decided at the Potsdam Conference to split up the province. The northern half was assigned to the USSR and became the Kaliningrad exclave, the southern half part of P.R.Poland. During the conferences at Yalta and Potsdam Truman and Churchill for a long time resisted Stalin's pressure to forcefully displace the German population from the eastern territories. When Churchill lost parliament election the Potsdam Conference was halted until Clement Attlee took office. An occupation regime of a defeated enemy is legitimate, but the forceful migration of its population is a war crime by today's standards. Finally, the U.S. and UK gave up resistance as Stalin had already displaced millions and lied to them on the number of Germans still remaining in provinces to be ceeded. This displacement of millions left deep wounds in families (also in mine) for generations. Also millions of Polish families were displaced by Stalin from eastern Poland (today Ukraine, e.g. from Lemberg/Lviv) hundreds of kilometers to the west.

In the negotiations to the (so-called) "2+4 agreement" that enabled German unification in 1990, there were attempts by the USSR to negotiate the legal status of Kalingrad exclave. Germany rejected any discussion on Kaliningrad and renounced all lost territories in a legally binding manner under international law in 1990. There was and is no peace treaty that normally made such territorial changes binding under international law.

Nobody can reclaim this territory. It's Russia and inhabited by Russians. And nobody, neither Poland nor Germany wants to "inherit" Russian population shares through territorial gains. These would again give a Putin, Ivan, or Pjotr the idea that he must "liberate" his oppressed Russian compatriots from "Nazis" (as is currently in Ukraine...).

We Germans also use the old German names of today's Polish, formerly German towns and villages. After 1945, the Poles usually only translated the names into Polish, not renaming them. These are and will be Polish cities, which we refer to with the German name, e.g. on street signs ("Stettin" instead of "Szczecin", "Breslau" instead of "Wroclaw", "Grünberg" instead "Zielona Gora" ...). The same applies to regions, towns and villages in what is now the Czech Republic that were formerly inhabited by Germans, expelled until 1947.

But anyone can name foreign regions or cities as they like. Russian shouting should be ignored.
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Message 2119198 - Posted: 12 May 2023, 0:55:58 UTC

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Message 2119260 - Posted: 12 May 2023, 20:49:02 UTC

PooTin wants moronic far right gun totting mighty white fascists of America to move to Russia (that means all Donny supporters).

Russia May Build a Village for American Conservatives.

Plans are in place to build a village in the Moscow region for conservative Americans and Canadians, according to a Russian state media outlet.

The Kremlin-backed RIA Novosti news agency on Thursday reported on the community that caters to expatriates with "traditional" values, writing that construction is expected to begin next year.

While Russia is at odds with the U.S. government, especially in regards to the war in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has taken up causes favored by many Western conservatives. He has signed legislation that restricts LGBTQ+ rights, and he enjoyed a closer relationship with former President Donald Trump than with Trump's Democratic successor to the White House.....
But can they be convinced to move?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2119289 - Posted: 13 May 2023, 1:15:47 UTC - in response to Message 2119260.  

PooTin wants moronic far right gun totting mighty white fascists of America to move to Russia (that means all Donny supporters).

Russia May Build a Village for American Conservatives.

Plans are in place to build a village in the Moscow region for conservative Americans and Canadians, according to a Russian state media outlet.

The Kremlin-backed RIA Novosti news agency on Thursday reported on the community that caters to expatriates with "traditional" values, writing that construction is expected to begin next year.

While Russia is at odds with the U.S. government, especially in regards to the war in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has taken up causes favored by many Western conservatives. He has signed legislation that restricts LGBTQ+ rights, and he enjoyed a closer relationship with former President Donald Trump than with Trump's Democratic successor to the White House.....
But can they be convinced to move?
Send a pack of IRS agents after them if they don't.
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