Russia in the 21st Century #2

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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2048043 - Posted: 3 May 2020, 23:06:56 UTC
MOSCOW, May 2. /TASS/. Moscow may launch development and production of a vaccine against the novel coronavirus, Moscow’s Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Saturday.

"Vaccines are developed at specialized research institutions and they should enjoy a high level of protection. It is important. But judging by what was reported to the president during a recent online conference, it is not ruled out that a Moscow-based institute will be the developer of such a vaccine. And further on, it will be necessary to organize its production. Moscow has capacities for that," he said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 television channel.

According to the mayor, production of the anti-coronavirus vaccine is "a matter of science." He said he was convinced that such a vaccine would be developed and its production would be ultimately launched.
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Message 2048050 - Posted: 3 May 2020, 23:14:25 UTC
Covid-19: Made and patented in USA, leaked in China
COVID-19 is not a natural coronavirus, but a man-made one. This is a biological weapon developed by the USA. It is believed that the Americans even patented Covid-19, like they patented Ebola. Was it used deliberately or incidentally? How many modifications does Covid-19 have? Why does the virus behave differently in different regions?
Why is China's Wuhan the most convenient location for biological sabotage? What are the real numbers of sick and dead? The Americans predicted that as many as 2.8 million people will be infected in the world by the end of February, and the virus would kill 100,000. Why are the numbers so low in China? they make a mistake with China? The coronavirus epidemic broke out in the United States much earlier than it did in China. The American authorities did not understand what was happening and started taking measures against vaping.
Pravda.Ru editor-in-chief Inna Novikova interviewed Igor Nikulin, a microbiologist, adviser to UN ex-secretary general Kofi Annan on bacteriological and chemical weapons.

"You say that this coronavirus is unique for having four elements from the human immunodeficiency virus. What does this mean for the infected patients, what does this mean for the planet? Does it mean that all those infected with Covid-19 will become HIV carriers?

"No. HIV elements enable the novel coronavirus to penetrate into human cells, in particular into the deep parts of the lungs and cause various severe complications. A person who has had coronavirus will not be infected with HIV. By the way, a strange thing has recently happened: first incidents of recurrent infection were reported in China. It turns out that they do not have antibodies to this virus. There's no immunity. This is another indication of the fact that COVID-19 is a virus that did not come from the wild. It had been created by someone for some specific purposes.

"The Chinese Institute of Virology in Wuhan belongs to the 4th degree of bioprotection. It is supposed to withstand the impact of tactical nuclear weapons. No bat could escape from there. It took the Chinese more than a month to realize what they came across with.

"The first case was detected on November 17, but they announced the onset of the epidemic only on December 31. They did not know what they were dealing with. Even if they were doing something at that institute, even if there were some sort of a leak - the Chinese administration would have been informed accordingly."

"So you say that that this is an American "creation". Trump initiated the law to fight against the use of vaping devices, when it started spreading in the United States back in August of 2019. It turns out that Trump knew nothing about what was happening in reality, that it was not the vaping, but a leak of biological weapons. Do you think it was a leak after all?"

"I think it was. Why did they close Fort Detrick then? In 2014, President Barack Obama signed a moratorium for the research on influenza viruses - SARS and MERS. Such studies in the United States were officially banned. At the very least, the government funding of this kind of research was prohibited.

"Someone in the administration realized that they represent an extreme danger for all of humanity. The Americans calculated that by the end of February, 2.8 million people would be infected in the world and 100,000 would die. It was their forecast, a mathematical model.

"Did they make a mistake?"

"No. They turned a blind eye on it. As soon as China realized the problem, the Chinese administration took most stringent measures immediately. China took unprecedented measures that on one has ever made before.

"The Chinese are a disciplined nation. The Chinese Communist Party organized everything clearly and rigidly."

"Indeed. The Chinese managed to overcome the disease with such cruel quarantine measures. They demolished bridges and blocked roads to stop people from traveling. Unfortunately, the Italians did nothing.

"Is the virus in Italy the same as it is in China, or is it a modification of it?"

"It could be. Former Deputy Minister of Defense of Germany said that the Americans patented the virus in 2015."

"So there must be documents."

"Of course. Most likely, this is some kind of closed database."

"Why patent a virus?"

"They patented Ebola for some reason. I don't know why they are doing this, for what purpose. But, nevertheless, this is a fact. The Anglo-Saxons can't help but take what they consider theirs. This is the foundation of the Anglo-Saxon system. The early bird catches the worm."
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Message 2048061 - Posted: 3 May 2020, 23:59:31 UTC - in response to Message 2048052.  

Interesting article from Putin's propaganda machine.

Yes, so when you hear American Politicians repeat this claptrap, you must assume they are Russian assets.
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Message 2048064 - Posted: 4 May 2020, 0:12:09 UTC
Last modified: 4 May 2020, 0:13:27 UTC

Is this part of the reason behind an apparent increase in the Russian biased propaganda?...

Coronavirus: Russia's cases rise by 10,000 in one-day record
... Moscow has been hit particularly hard by the virus, leaving its healthcare system struggling to cope...

Coronavirus: Why Putin's situation is becoming increasingly precarious
... It is a similar story in other Russian regions. Hospital departments or entire hospitals shut down to prevent the virus from escaping, with those inside terrified they are trapped in a human incubator.

"We are all mothers, we want to leave here alive," say a group of patients in a video plea from a hospital in the northern Komi republic. Another video from the main infectious diseases clinic in the southern city of Maykop shows the dire state of infection control in some Russian regions...

... The catastrophic collapse in the oil price too is eating away at Russia's ... reserves and will leave him in an increasingly precarious situation economically...

British jets intercept Russian aircraft...
The Russian activity at a time of crisis because of the coronavirus pandemic was condemned...

All in our only one deadly political world,
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Message 2048066 - Posted: 4 May 2020, 0:17:24 UTC - in response to Message 2048050.  
Last modified: 4 May 2020, 0:18:29 UTC

"Why patent a virus?"
"They patented Ebola for some reason. I don't know why they are doing this, for what purpose. But, nevertheless, this is a fact. The Anglo-Saxons can't help but take what they consider theirs. This is the foundation of the Anglo-Saxon system. The early bird catches the worm."
Hehe:) Well Russians are very good to chose words. And history is very important to them. But going back to Anglo-Saxon era is what I think taking it too far:) Heck. That was in Viking era when Vikings founded Russia because the tribes there wanted a leader. Rurik from Rodin (eastern Sweden but most likely from some other place in Finland) was his name and he founded the Kyiv Russia.
Then Russia became CCCP aka Soviet Republic...
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Message 2048067 - Posted: 4 May 2020, 0:25:34 UTC - in response to Message 2048064.  
Last modified: 4 May 2020, 0:26:44 UTC

... Moscow has been hit particularly hard by the virus, leaving its healthcare system struggling to cope...
All roads leads to Moscow like an octopus.,35.9601379,6.54z
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Message 2048070 - Posted: 4 May 2020, 1:19:15 UTC - in response to Message 2048067.  

... Moscow has been hit particularly hard by the virus, leaving its healthcare system struggling to cope...
All roads leads to Moscow like an octopus.,35.9601379,6.54z

Not that one, try this one.

Larger versions available
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Message 2048076 - Posted: 4 May 2020, 2:25:20 UTC - in response to Message 2048070.  

I think they are complementary:)
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Message 2048234 - Posted: 5 May 2020, 19:58:31 UTC
Last modified: 5 May 2020, 20:01:17 UTC

In Russia many wear masks of course. Just like Boris.
Stay Cheeki Breeki.
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2048459 - Posted: 7 May 2020, 21:07:37 UTC

Putin Likes Kim
Putin decorates Kim Jong-un with Medal of Victory
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Message 2048472 - Posted: 7 May 2020, 21:41:24 UTC - in response to Message 2048459.  

Putin Likes Kim
Putin decorates Kim Jong-un with Medal of Victory
Putin has the same problems at home that Trump does at the moment and is trying to distract his public's attention away from a crumbling economy, poor healthcare as well has his inability to show leadership under this pandemic.

Just like Trump, Putin has been pouring out plenty of fake news over the last week or so to try and bolster his rapidly falling support (but it looks like COVID-19 is winning).
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Message 2048482 - Posted: 7 May 2020, 22:36:25 UTC - in response to Message 2048459.  

Putin Likes Kim
Putin decorates Kim Jong-un with Medal of Victory
Oh. Trump is not the only one sending greetings. I'm surprised:) Well we will see if Victory Day in Russia will be celebrated on Saturday...
I don't know about the parades at the Red Square.
Seems like some parts of the show will though like the air shows.
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Message 2051084 - Posted: 5 Jun 2020, 3:10:43 UTC
Last modified: 5 Jun 2020, 3:35:34 UTC

Oh. The permafrost thaw, the foundations of a giant cistern of diesel fuel collapse, and 20,000 tonnes of diesel fuel flooded into the ground and into the Ambarnaja River. It happened last Friday. No one told what had happened. The plant belongs to the world's largest producer of nickel - Norilsk Nickel. They said nothing.
But that's how it works in Russia. Not least, it appears in the corona times. Executives and managers at all levels are reluctant to report bad news. An ecological disaster just outside Norilsk (a town in far north-east Siberia where polar bear roam) is so remote that no one in Moscow cares.
Moscow's strategy is to "förtig, förträng, förljug" that is "keep silent, deny, lie".
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Message 2051745 - Posted: 13 Jun 2020, 15:31:15 UTC - in response to Message 2051084.  

Now several plants in Arctic Russia are to be inspected, as they also stand on melting permafrost, similar to the collapsed stock that caused the accident.
- A preliminary investigation has been initiated for negligence, says Federal Police spokesperson Svetlana Petrenko, reports Swedish Radio .
Although the plant was in need of extensive repairs, it was still in use. Three managers at the power plant have been arrested because of this. The mayor of the city of Norilsk is also suspected of not doing his job in connection with the accident.
Russian authorities believe that the fuel leaked because the stock was on melting permafrost.
"There will be a careful analysis of the conditions surrounding all similar facilities and buildings," said Russian President Vladimir Putin.
This can become a huge job. The country has lots of industries and cities built on permafrost. With climate change, there is a risk that plants and even cities can be damaged, or collapse.
It is the unusually warm weather for the season that has caused the warming of the permafrost, according to the BBC.
The World Wide Fund for Nature, (WWF) has called this the second worst environmental disaster in Russia.
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Message 2053146 - Posted: 4 Jul 2020, 10:00:16 UTC

Now this sounds just like v2.0.

‘We are overcoming it’: Putin tells Russia coronavirus is retreating and condemns anyone who disagrees with him.

But leaked independent news sources out of there suggest that the numbers are in fact far worse than being reported with some suggesting that even the Russian military is badly impacted. :-(
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Message 2056342 - Posted: 2 Sep 2020, 23:26:42 UTC

More confirmation that Putin's poison jar has been opened again.

Alexei Navalny: Russia opposition leader poisoned with Novichok - Germany

There is "unequivocal proof" that Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny was poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent, Germany has said.
Chancellor Angela Merkel said he was a victim of attempted murder and the world would look to Russia for answers.
Mr Navalny was flown to Berlin after falling ill on a flight in Siberia last month, and remains in a coma.
His team says he was poisoned on President Vladimir Putin's orders. The Kremlin has dismissed the allegation.
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Message 2100885 - Posted: 7 Jun 2022, 9:28:16 UTC

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Message 2100924 - Posted: 7 Jun 2022, 20:46:29 UTC

Meanwhile back at home the delusional war criminal PooTin Paints Rosy Picture of Russia's Crumbling Economy.
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Message 2100945 - Posted: 8 Jun 2022, 1:38:06 UTC - in response to Message 1914549.  

Continuing from

Picking it up because Chris doesn't want to.

More like 18th or 19th century. eh?
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
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Message 2101009 - Posted: 8 Jun 2022, 20:28:19 UTC

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