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Richard Haselgrove ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Jul 99 Posts: 14686 Credit: 200,643,578 RAC: 874 ![]() ![]() |
The 'edit' button is available for one hour after your original posting. |
Justine-Paula Robilliard Send message Joined: 17 Nov 17 Posts: 25 Credit: 53,911 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Hi Rob.... Thanks..."report as offensive" a tad strong, and no I don't want to report as offensive, it was not offensive, annoying maybe, an error YES, but offensive...not at all... Just one other question...on the app itself it has options... PROJECT COMMANDS...Allow New Tasks/ No New Tasks ... If you look under properties option.. It says Don't request tasks no when you set the option to No New Tasks... It says Don't request tasks yes when you set the option to Allow New Tasks... So my question is...what have I set my option to.. there is a conflict here... I have it set to Allow new Tasks, but the property option says it is NO don't request tasks...I am so confused.... Justine |
Grant (SSSF) Send message Joined: 19 Aug 99 Posts: 13882 Credit: 208,696,464 RAC: 304 ![]() ![]() |
So my question is...what have I set my option to.. there is a conflict here... I have it set to Allow new Tasks, but the property option says it is NO don't request tasks...I am so confused.... It shows what will happen if you click the button. Grant Darwin NT |
Justine-Paula Robilliard Send message Joined: 17 Nov 17 Posts: 25 Credit: 53,911 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Hi Grant... That is just the problem, I am not sure if when it says Allow New Tasks, if this is actually in code for Deny new tasks, as the property options says NO...if there was a tick box, or a radio button, but the way the GUI is set up, it does not make any sense...There is a conflict... Of course no units to download, only makes it more confusing, I am just asking for a GUI confirmation as to what I have chosen, I have it displayed as "Allow new Tasks" but I am not sure if this is a double switch, that as it is on the screen that is what you press if you want to allow new tasks, so if I have it on the screen to read "Don't allow new tasks" this is telling the server to allow new tasks... It is confusing... Justine |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 24 Jan 00 Posts: 37322 Credit: 261,360,520 RAC: 489 ![]() ![]() |
If you are accepting tasks then the button should read "No New Tasks" and when you are not then it will read "Allow New Tasks". Cheers. |
Grant (SSSF) Send message Joined: 19 Aug 99 Posts: 13882 Credit: 208,696,464 RAC: 304 ![]() ![]() |
I have it displayed as "Allow new Tasks" but I am not sure if this is a double switch, that as it is on the screen that is what you press if you want to allow new tasks, Which means if you click it, it will allow new tasks. so if I have it on the screen to read "Don't allow new tasks" this is telling the server to allow new tasks... No it's just as it says- if you click on it then it will stop new tasks from downloading, Grant Darwin NT |
Justine-Paula Robilliard Send message Joined: 17 Nov 17 Posts: 25 Credit: 53,911 RAC: 0 ![]() |
It would be so so much less stressful and confusing if the language of the property tab was changed... I am autistic and the use of double negative confuses me...maybe bright brains get it.... ALLOW TASKS..............................YES ALLOW TASKS...............................NO... The use of the word Don't allow....for both yes and no creates a conflict..... I get that the GUI uses the negative option, that is the use of a double switch...but it is wrong, it is confusing and needs a tweak... Please can it be changed to a tick box... Do you want to ALLOW TASKS.......... [_] YES/ [_] NO. Please..please!!! Justine |
Justine-Paula Robilliard Send message Joined: 17 Nov 17 Posts: 25 Credit: 53,911 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Hi Grant.. No it is the can I explain myself... If you have it on the screen "allow new tasks" the property section, dont allow tasks says yes.... What does that mean? To me it means no tasks.. If I have it on the screen to say No new tasks, the property section says Dont allow new tasks...NO Dont and NO????????????Double negative...that does not mean YES...or does it???? Justine |
Davide Villa Send message Joined: 20 Dec 01 Posts: 2 Credit: 6,457 RAC: 0 ![]() |
None on android's boinc? |
Hell Raiser 1968 Send message Joined: 28 Aug 17 Posts: 1 Credit: 16,325 RAC: 0 ![]() |
No problems mate . You'll solve the issues. Thanks for letting me know |
Richard Haselgrove ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Jul 99 Posts: 14686 Credit: 200,643,578 RAC: 874 ![]() ![]() |
Re allowing new tasks (if there were any...) The property box tells you how things are NOW. The command button tells you what would happen in the future if you clicked it. |
Justine-Paula Robilliard Send message Joined: 17 Nov 17 Posts: 25 Credit: 53,911 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Hi there.... I am not sure that is right, look now is a great time to change the GUI, to fix a tiny problem, it would not be so huge a task to remove the words "Don't allow" to "Allow" [tick box] YES/ [tick box] NO. The use of the double switch is confusing and not effective...Since I started using BOINC, I was never sure what the right selection was... Either a tick box, or a radio button, matters not what, but at the moment it is not fit for purpose. I am also confused about how my "rate" is calculated, 4 039 what? Why not just have it as full work units completed..and allow me to decide how many work units I want, sometimes there are 5 or 6 units being worked on at the same time, and this ties up the laptop to the point it is non functional. I have tried using the set cpu limit, but sorry under High Sierra, the app is not respecting my commands, I sent Seti@home a tweet about this, no reply, it was before thanksgiving.. It is a great time now to make changes before the new year...why not make a few changes? Fix confusing commands?? I wish I knew how to code, so I could write the code myself...Maybe in ZX spectrum basic I could... Justine |
Richard Haselgrove ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Jul 99 Posts: 14686 Credit: 200,643,578 RAC: 874 ![]() ![]() |
It's actually quite difficult to get agreement on how to change the way the BOINC Manager looks on screen - it involves liaising with the developers who understand GUI design in all the major operating systems, and finding words that still make sense in all the 40-odd languages BOINC supports. On my Windows screen, there's a tooltip which pops up when you move the mouse pointer over the command button: ![]() Would it help to change the wording here, to make clear it refers to an action: "Click here to stop fetching tasks for this project."? And in the alternate case, to change the current "Allow fetching new tasks for this project." into "Click here to allow fetching tasks for this project." Or if you could suggest better words than mine, please feel free to do so: I can pass them up the line for consideration by the developers. |
Stephen "Heretic" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 20 Sep 12 Posts: 5557 Credit: 192,787,363 RAC: 628 ![]() ![]() |
[quote Does anybody else wish that Micro$oft had never gone in the Win 10 direction? Win 7 was the best version of Windows I've seen, as far as I can tell Win10 is a downgrade![/quote] . . Actually the core OS in Win10 is pretty damned good. It is the Big Brother "stuff" on top of it that is a pain the rear. The telemetry as it is called and usage info mining that is beyond the pail. If it weren't for that and the despotic "updates" it would be my fave OS. But as usual they had to hide all manner of user config options in new and unusual places. Can't have the users actually having control of their own computers now can they?? Stephen :( |
Stephen "Heretic" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 20 Sep 12 Posts: 5557 Credit: 192,787,363 RAC: 628 ![]() ![]() |
. . OK everyone beat me to the punch re the following - The edit function lapses one hour (or thereabouts) after a message is posted. If you want to remove a message completely (that you have written yourself) then pressing the red x button will flag the message for a moderator and you can leave them a note about why you want it gone. If it is reasonable they will "hide" the message and it will not be visible to anyone other than mods. Don't let the report function saying "offensive" put you off, it is a case of using minimal words. You can ask the mods to hide or move a message if it is in the wrong thread. But it is a function best used sparingly, for the mods' sake. . . But on your subsequent post ... yes a double negative does mean yes! . . As others have also said, the button label indicates the effect pressing the button will have. If the label says "Allow new tasks" then pressing it will set your client to accept new work, meaning it presently will not allow new work, and vice versa. Like a door marked "IN", using the door will take you "in", but you are presently "Out". The label indicates the change it will create. Stephen .. |
Justine-Paula Robilliard Send message Joined: 17 Nov 17 Posts: 25 Credit: 53,911 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Neither of my mac or my Win10 GUI look like that...My "tasks" are hidden under the project command option, you click that and a list of options appears.. BOINC maybe did not consider how things would work...Not sure how to load a graphic/ seems I need to host the file somewhere...[not right..note to developer..THAT NEEDS CHANGING] In that screen, yes it might work the way intended, on my version of GUI it simply fails, let down by the conflict caused by the condition of the use of the words "Don't Allow..." under properties... Justine |
Justine-Paula Robilliard Send message Joined: 17 Nov 17 Posts: 25 Credit: 53,911 RAC: 0 ![]() |
No I don't want to remove a message, and the 1 hour lapse of the edit function, can be set to 9 999 minutes...basically 1 year or something... All I asked for was that the words Don't allow be changed to Allow, and instead of a double switch option as it is now under project commands in the version I downloaded a couple of days, that is, the latest iteration of BOINC Manager, that there is a problem with the wording, that from the previous win10 version as shown above to the latest, the latest is a happens... Why everyone is getting hot under the collar confuses me...It is not their problem, nor can they fix it, they can either agree or disagree, comments welcome... And no I hate Win10, nothing about win10 is of any good, it is an impossible system to navigate, it took me 15 minutes to find how to make a screen grab, and then how to use paint..This is not the case on a mac..preview and you are done..Simple... I will be sorry later for the rant on win10...I hoped and pray every night that tomorrow WinXP 64 is for sale, and I would buy it... Please please please can we change the wording of the GUI to make it clear what we want, a radio button or a check box, in coding they really are the same thing, do the same job...the GUI is faulty... I am that kid who the village hates....[reference to a well known fable] Justine |
Alejo Send message Joined: 29 Jul 17 Posts: 2 Credit: 291,275 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Good morning. This is when the option to store tasks for several days becomes very useful. That's why I didn't notice anything but the incoming message you sent. Have a nice day and congratulations for your hard work and dedication. Alejandro. |
Richard Haselgrove ![]() Send message Joined: 4 Jul 99 Posts: 14686 Credit: 200,643,578 RAC: 874 ![]() ![]() |
Neither of my mac or my Win10 GUI look like that...My "tasks" are hidden under the project command option, you click that and a list of options appears....Ah, more like this? ![]() We call that the 'simple view': my previous image was the 'advanced view', which you can select from the View menu at the top left. Have a poke around and see what you think - you can always switch back again. In the meantime, I'll poke around the simple view myself and see if I can come up with any ideas. The trouble will be persuading the developers to change that clean, consistent list: Suspend/Resume and Allow/No new tasks are toggles, but the others are single-click actions. |
Justine-Paula Robilliard Send message Joined: 17 Nov 17 Posts: 25 Credit: 53,911 RAC: 0 ![]() |
Hi Stephen... I apologise if people are upset with me, but whilst there is a pause in the action, now is the time to sort through issues, there is no way to contact the developers directly, I wish I could skype call them, a free call, maybe SETI has a slow dial up modem that does not allow this... The point is, the use of toggles is not a good idea, unless the toggle has a finite direct effect on the screen, toggle and you change and can see the change, then the relationship is established, now this is a ball of twine and is a mess...Maybe it has always been that way, and you have come to accept it...It is not right and needs to be changed. Developers should not be allowed within 5000 miles of a GUI design, the developers are clueless about this and I look forward to reading why they think this GUI is effective, it is not, there is almost nothing about the GUI in simple view that is useful...It is a mess, and sorry they made a terrible decision with this GUI...I cannot explain why it is bad, but it makes no sense, um I know.. It is upside down, the bottom should be at the top, the then the top, then the middle, how anyone thought this was a great idea baffles me...It is upside down.,,, It does not work like that, under properties, someone made a mistake with the wording, and sorry but the use of "DON'T" is stupid and has no place in modern coding. It has to be positive in all contexts, Allow...YES Allow...NO.. In both examples here, the prefix, ALLOW is positive, and even when combined with ...NO, it still remains positive, in that you know for certain under all conditions what the condition of the term is...It is either allowed or not allowed. I don't have a switch like the graphic shows, on my version of Manager it is hidden under Project Commands, which makes no sense..In fact the entire GUI needs an overhaul. I checked the advanced view with the switch for No new tasks/Allow new tasks... I don't know what the active option is.. Is it the opposite of what is shown on the screen??? That is simply terrible, and makes no sense under any circumstance, the simple view is better, but not any better in terms of functionality, or understanding... Many of the commands are not respected when you use them, the ignore mouse/keyboard, does not work under High Sierra.. I would love to have control over what I download, what units are worked on, there is very little information about this... Justine |
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