Dead i5 - Seagate ST1000DX 001 Migration Issues

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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1893600 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 12:04:19 UTC

My i5 bit the dust :(
Fans spin for 2-3 sec then off, no beeps, and retries.
Swapped PSU same thing, removed RAM, drives, Vid card, no change.
It's dead.

I’m trying to move my Win8.1 ST1000DX001 to a different computer but it won't boot. Just a black screen with cursor on the 2 boxes I tried (i7-960 and X5680) the BIOS recognizes the drive just fine.

Linux does recognize the drive and it's 2 partitions, but doesn't mount it for reading like I can do with other Windows drives.

This is my first SSHD so not sure if there is something different with it. It's spec'd as muti-platform, no drivers required. Not sure if I’m missing something here ... too early maybe :O

I'ts Win8.1 OEM, so no key or disk. Maybe it has something to do with the OEM not liking a hardware change - different board/CPU. ???

I hope it didn't take out the disk to, as that was where I put my backups, LOL or COL :((

Any ideas are appreciated.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1893605 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 12:37:32 UTC - in response to Message 1893600.  
Last modified: 6 Oct 2017, 12:42:33 UTC

If you mount it in another computer as a secondary drive and not the boot disc, can you get at it that way?
Or, get an adapter so you can plug it in as a USB device. That could work also.
I have used both approaches in the past.
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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1893610 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 12:49:24 UTC - in response to Message 1893605.  

It is a USB drive. And yea second drive obviously in Linux :)

I just tried it in my XP box, Device Manager sees it, but not in My Computer. Much like Linux, it's there, but not.
Will try to boot it there, but it won't with 1Gb ram, LOL.

Thinking the MBR is scrambled.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1893611 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 12:53:38 UTC - in response to Message 1893610.  

It is a USB drive. And yea second drive obviously in Linux :)

I just tried it in my XP box, Device Manager sees it, but not in My Computer. Much like Linux, it's there, but not.
Will try to boot it there, but it won't with 1Gb ram, LOL.

Thinking the MBR is scrambled.

Anything from Seagate that might help?
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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1893623 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 14:26:24 UTC - in response to Message 1893611.  

Anything from Seagate that might help?
It most certainly might.

The disk is slowly scanning away on my XP box now. But I do see this in Disk Info:
Security Mode: Supported, Frozen
Damn those #@$% at ASUS/Windows! It's looking like it is a OEM lock, or possibly just because the scan tool is locking access while using it?

It's good that it's scanning (with no complaints) and looks like locks can be removed with a little work.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1893624 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 14:31:38 UTC - in response to Message 1893623.  

Anything from Seagate that might help?
It most certainly might.

The disk is slowly scanning away on my XP box now. But I do see this in Disk Info:
Security Mode: Supported, Frozen
Damn those #@$% at ASUS/Windows! It's looking like it is a OEM lock, or possibly just because the scan tool is locking access while using it?

It's good that it's scanning (with no complaints) and looks like locks can be removed with a little work.

Oh, that's great to hear! (The first part, anyway....LOL.)
So glad that the link helped you.

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Message 1893640 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 15:34:27 UTC - in response to Message 1893624.  

Just to add a bit here: when you tried to boot the disk on another MB, did you wait long enough? I moved a OS/HD from one computer to my new TR, it took almost 10 minutes before I got anything on the screen, but the HD was working all that time and it finally booted.

Second, as I think you understand an OEM OS it tied to the MB and changing the MB causes the HD to eventually boot to an "Invalid OS" scenario. This can only be overridden by calling MS. I have always had good luck with them validating the new computer.

I have always had the best luck moving HDs when I move them to a MB of the same manufacturer and the MB drivers are usually much more compatible.

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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1893643 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 16:17:33 UTC - in response to Message 1893640.  

Two hours later and it is up to 89% of this scan completed (still more to do) but still no warnings.

I am not sure how long I actually left it sit on the black screen. I wouldn't say 10 minutes, maybe 5 once, and a dozen reboots. Then tried the next computer. I did pick my other ASUS i7 board for the reason it was still an ASUS, I'm not sure how well it will like changing to the dual X5680s on the Intel board, which is probably where I will want it (if it isn't dead). As for HD activity I am not sure since there is no HD LED with the ASUS board, or case for that matter :D

I have never done an OEM transfer before. I guess phone tag is part of the "MicroSoft Experience."

I'm still debating if I seriously look at Wine on Linux for my Windows apps.

I've never used Firefox much on my 1080 machine other than to just download something I needed. But now that I'm using it see that it is quite 'laggy' but the OS has always been just fine. Something to consider for my future.
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Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1893654 - Posted: 6 Oct 2017, 17:22:23 UTC - in response to Message 1893643.  

As for HD activity I am not sure since there is no HD LED with the ASUS board, or case for that matter :D

I've never used Firefox much on my 1080 machine other than to just download something I needed. But now that I'm using it see that it is quite 'laggy' but the OS has always been just fine. Something to consider for my future.

I too was flabbergasted to learn that manufacturers were dropping hard driver activity lights from cases now. My latest builds in Corsair Air 740 cases have no Hard Drive Activity LED's. Thank goodness all my motherboards still have the HDD LED pinout in the board I/O header. I just made up LED cables and attached them to the front of the case where they can be seen through the mesh cutout filter area. You still NEED to know when you are accessing data drives if you intend to do something with the computer like powering it down or pull removeable media.

I just switched over from the stock Firefox on the Linux machine because it was so slow to respond or laggy as you say. Chrome is much faster and more familiar as that is what I have been running for years on the Windows machines.
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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1893914 - Posted: 7 Oct 2017, 20:11:57 UTC
Last modified: 7 Oct 2017, 20:12:53 UTC

Maybe a dumb question:
Why is a 5TB external USB3 drive 2/3 the price of a 5TB internal surveillance drive?
EDIT: Both Seagate.
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Message 1893917 - Posted: 7 Oct 2017, 20:19:45 UTC - in response to Message 1893914.  

Hard drives for surveillance recording, are generally for 24/7 operation. Maybe not the fastest drives, but longer lasting.
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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1893919 - Posted: 7 Oct 2017, 20:23:02 UTC - in response to Message 1893917.  

I just mentioned surveillance because the are the cheapest internal, one could say ANY internal drive costs more. Possibly 5400RPM, but they don't offer that as an internal option.
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Message 1893935 - Posted: 7 Oct 2017, 21:18:36 UTC - in response to Message 1893919.  

I'm never really sure what to make of the drives aimed at the 'surveillance' end of things. Sometimes I just think manufacturers give drives of a particular set of parameters, a 'target market' after cobbling the various bits together. We're a bit spoilt for choice, in a way! The problem is, when you start looking at how much more capacity or speed or longevity you get for a 'little more money'. Then it becomes a bit more, then more again. Just get the best spec drive you can, within your budget, that suits your purpose.
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Message 1894059 - Posted: 8 Oct 2017, 10:31:30 UTC
Last modified: 8 Oct 2017, 10:32:27 UTC

if it's a hdd partition structure garbage, u can try TESTDISK to recover MBR / partition to have acces again to your files , make a backup before if possible ... it's a powerfull and dangerous utility[/url]
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Cruncher-American Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1894141 - Posted: 8 Oct 2017, 19:22:49 UTC

My Win 7 experience (without the OEM business): Disks for a given motherboard will likely boot on another board with the same chipset, but it takes a while as the system must install new drivers for all the other components, as well. Usually several minutes.

I have "standard" disks for AMD 990 and Intel X58, for example, that I use for testing new (to me) motherboards that I get on Craigslist to make sure they are OK.
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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1894157 - Posted: 8 Oct 2017, 20:31:39 UTC - in response to Message 1894141.  

I should post an update:

I still can't get it to boot to anything but a black screen with a cursor, disk is still locked, searches regarding locks are usually about unlocking before formatting :o There are some possibilities, but I want a backup before I do so ...

I can access the drive from my Acronis backup bootable USB stick and I did recover one file and write it into a new DIR on that disk - so it's still alive :) The problem is I have nowhere to put a full backup, hence the 5TB backup question. A twin to the drive is $130 so may be worth it to try to duplicate it, and I could use it any ways.

I downloaded the Win8.1 install DVD to see if there was any tools on it which might be helpful. Got to Install/Recover/Tools, picked Tools and it said disk is locked - Reboot, grrrrr

So something after the Acronis test or the Windows DVD boot up make the disk readable in Linux, but still shows as Locked.

So at this point I’m somewhat happy that I can at least access the files. The next step is to back it up before I 'F' with it any more.

I ordered a mirco ATX 2011 R1 board, since I have a spare i7-3820, DDR3 RAM and cooler on hand - and I kind of like the ASUS case, other than it only has 1-92mm fan in it. I damn near went with a Ryzen 1700, but wallet says to go the cheap route.

The saga continues ...
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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1895453 - Posted: 15 Oct 2017, 3:54:11 UTC
Last modified: 15 Oct 2017, 4:12:36 UTC

Well I got one box from NewEgg, the other boxes I don't know where they are, they were picked up at the same time but haven't moved according to the tracking. So I have my duplicate HD and AIO cooler.

I cloned the HD so I fool with it and had an ahhh haaa moment when Acronis said the target disk will remain a GPT drive (EDIT: ".. and not bootable" ... WTF is that (wasn't sure) a quick search ... UEFI ... dohhh .... I knew that and the computers I was trying to boot the original HD on don't have it!

I popped the cloned HD in my 3820 and after 15 minutes, there's my login ... most things seem OK, and no conversion message from M$ - I had the ethernet disconnected, so maybe that is later.

I will have to wait until next week for more parts, like the generic motherboard, which doesn't say if it's UEFI or not :( Will have to see ... it looks like UEFI is convertible to a BIOS boot, more to test ...
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Message 1895456 - Posted: 15 Oct 2017, 4:14:23 UTC - in response to Message 1895453.  

I will have to wait until next week for more parts, like the generic motherboard, which doesn't say if it's UEFI or not :( Will have to see ... it looks like UEFI is convertible to a BIOS boot, more to test ...

Any current motherboard will be UEFI, and will most likely have support for BIOS.
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Profile Brent Norman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1897119 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 16:45:28 UTC
Last modified: 23 Oct 2017, 16:48:30 UTC

Finally got my motherboard after a 14 day wait, GRRR

It's been up and running reliably for 2 days now, lucky because I was only 1.5 days away from some AP task deadlines - those are gone now, and RAC recovering. I am curious what the 3820 will do over the i5 4460 with 3x the Watts used. It's hard to tell right now since it pushed the AP tasks out first, so a good validation rate at first after 2 weeks.

I decided to go with a Corsair H80i v2 cooler which is HUGE for a micro ATX case. Some careful measuring, tin snips, filing, a grill, got it vented out the bottom of the case. That thing is big, 49mm rad and 2 fans, makes it 99x156x123mm. The case is not airflow friendly, with 120mm AIO and 120mm PSU going out and 92+80mm in it is sucking a lot of air through the 3 open PCI slots, and not much out the PSU at all. I'm seriously considering turning the PSU fan around for better air flow - I doubt I will ever go over ~ 350W in this case any ways. And now my GPU length is the same 9 inch limit as my board length is. No more 750Ti in this case, mini cards only. And I am going to replace the case feet with with about 3/4 inch aluminium legs to let it breath better - I think I need a lath project as well :)

As for Corsair's "Link" they can shove it up their thermal pipe! I hate it. I wanted to use BIOS control only but it refuses to go over 50% fan speed. Their software refused to recognize the AIO, and after what seemed like endless hunting around their crappy forum through hundreds of unresolved requests for answers, found a post from the SIV guys(who are banned now, LMAO) with a proper driver for the software. I know Keith is going yell "Use SIV" but that still makes the cooling reliant on software that can crash, or not start, and be missed. I might try a 3 way PWM splitter and see if that works for BIOS control, which has 5 cooling levels as well. I need to (ARRGGGG) check their forum for more info. And why don't they list the product as "Windows Only" if that is the only software they have available, and won't work properly without it?????

The only good thing about Link as a stand alone is the LED turns red when the temp goes over 70C. Which might be useful it I mounted a mirror under my desk to see it. But that would look, well, creepy!

It does cool well though. I can pull the CPU temp down to 52C at full load. About 60 is good for me and quieter.

All my HD worries were for nothing, it was all about UEFI and worked fine for me. And now that I have backup space all my computers are getting a complete backup during tomorrows maintenance.

I still have a couple of application errors on startup, I'm thinking it looks like emFer errors, but they still work. No biggie. Just a bug somewhere to squash.

I got 34 months out of the good ol' i5 running it at or many times well over the TDP continually. If only I would have put that D-92 cooler in that I bought for it (but ended up putting on my Xeon) it might still be running ...

PS: I am really getting use to using my Linux box as a daily use computer, I may just keep that trend up :D I haven't tried 'Wine' for anything but BoincTasks on Linux, but it works fine. I may have just converted myself :D
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Message 1897123 - Posted: 23 Oct 2017, 17:26:03 UTC

And here I am yelling .... "Use SIV!!!" I have never had SIV not run on startup or keep running 24/7. The only time I shut it down is for the monthly revision update. SIV can do everything that the Link software can do .... better. Off soapbox.
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