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Message 1903024 - Posted: 26 Nov 2017, 18:59:13 UTC

Meeter &Greeter doesn't require any specific qualification. Only that one has a welcoming personality. One of the supermarkets near me has Meeter & Greeter who only works a handful of hours a week, he is chair bound (not wheelchair bound) greets everone with a smile and a few word, his knowledge of the store layout is very poor,but the store pays bim because people enjoy his greetings and 'smiley' personlity, despite frequently in pain. So don't assume you don't have the qualifications you may simply be lacking the internal drive to do such a job.
Bob Smith
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Message 1903052 - Posted: 26 Nov 2017, 21:27:45 UTC - in response to Message 1903024.  

Meeter &Greeter doesn't require any specific qualification. Only that one has a welcoming personality. One of the supermarkets near me has Meeter & Greeter who only works a handful of hours a week, he is chair bound (not wheelchair bound) greets everone with a smile and a few word, his knowledge of the store layout is very poor,but the store pays bim because people enjoy his greetings and 'smiley' personlity, despite frequently in pain. So don't assume you don't have the qualifications you may simply be lacking the internal drive to do such a job.

Walmart used to have those, no one else did, now Walmart does not have them, I have concentration problems, that's short term memory is bad, I can not always remember something, My older Niece has a New bf named Nick, I was told His last name, but I can't remember that... And I don't speak much Spanish either.
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Message 1903089 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 3:39:26 UTC - in response to Message 1903052.  
Last modified: 27 Nov 2017, 3:55:42 UTC

Meeter &Greeter doesn't require any specific qualification. Only that one has a welcoming personality. One of the supermarkets near me has Meeter & Greeter who only works a handful of hours a week, he is chair bound (not wheelchair bound) greets everone with a smile and a few word, his knowledge of the store layout is very poor,but the store pays bim because people enjoy his greetings and 'smiley' personlity, despite frequently in pain. So don't assume you don't have the qualifications you may simply be lacking the internal drive to do such a job.

Walmart used to have those, no one else did, now Walmart does not have them, I have concentration problems, that's short term memory is bad, I can not always remember something, My older Niece has a New bf named Nick, I was told His last name, but I can't remember that... And I don't speak much Spanish either.

Not all Walmarts got rid of the Meeters and Greeters. All 3 of the Walmarts I go to have them. I think its a stores choice to have them or not.
Edit. If Vic was born in 1960 he would have been 18 in 1978. Able to enlist in the Army. Four yeas is the normal enlistment period. ( but you can enlist for 6 years also.) So if he was in for 4 Years He would have gotten out in 1982 or 83 depending on the date he signed up.
So he would have been 22 or 23 when discharged.
He could apply for VA benefits. But the VA closed down so many centers its not feasible to travel hundreds of miles to go to one. That is one of the big complaints from Vets here in NY state.
But I will state. One makes ones own bed also. Don't cry if its not comfortable.

Old James
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Message 1903090 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 3:44:55 UTC - in response to Message 1903089.  

Ok, here the Super Walmart does not have them, I've never seen an employee in an electric wheelchair anywhere where I've been to, I don't doubt some do exist, but I've never seen it, it's a big country afterall.
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Message 1903093 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 4:03:04 UTC

I’m sure that if you wanted to find a job then you could find a job regardless of the disability
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Message 1903096 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 4:24:50 UTC - in response to Message 1903093.  

I was declared permanently disabled and unable to work in the national economy, now can We please let it die?

I have a friend who went and got an education, who now has college debt, this friend is older than I am, and now lives in Nebraska, why?

No one would hire this person, this person was told you're too old, employers wanted someone who'd be around longer than a year or two, and who isn't near or at retirement age, here that means a drawn out lawsuit, companies have money and time on their side, so the person is back on SSDI, living far away from Me in another state, instead of next door to Me.

The park owns the friends mobile home after evicting the person that it was given to(a hot head), dumb idea, it's a wreck inside now I'm told, since people broke in and water from rain got inside, but My friend thought there would be a well paying job with a degree, well that did not happen, Me I played it safe, I'll probably never hear from My friend ever again.
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Message 1903101 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 4:34:12 UTC

I thought you said they couldn’t discriminate in lending, what about employment
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Message 1903103 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 4:48:31 UTC - in response to Message 1903101.  

I thought you said they couldn’t discriminate in lending, what about employment

That was about employment, not about lending, the person has college debt I said, so lending was not a problem.
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Message 1903107 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 5:04:34 UTC

So my memory is bad, but if you’ve said that you can get a loan on no income, I would assume that a disabled person could get a job
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Message 1903108 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 5:21:44 UTC - in response to Message 1903107.  

So my memory is bad, but if you’ve said that you can get a loan on no income, I would assume that a disabled person could get a job

In theory, yes, in actual practice, not always.

There are laws, but the courts are the ones with jurisdiction, and that means a lawyer, My friend would have had to prove it in court, and any decision can be appealed, since no agencies are tasked for employment discrimination on a 1 to 1 scale.

There are efforts to shutdown the CFPB, cause it helps consumers, banks hate it, and credit reporting agencies probably aren't fond of it either, Dodd-Frank states the person in charge can designate their successor until the Senate confirms someone, but trump thinks He can just appoint someone, the law is clear, He doesn't care.
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Message 1903116 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 5:59:09 UTC

I was laid off in 2004. I was 52 then. It took me 2 weeks less than Two yeasr to find a job. The excuses I heard was we cant pay you what you used to make. Or your over qualified. I think it was because I was to old myself. But trying to prove it? The ACLU might have been a resource to try. But I'm not a quitter. I found a company that was willing to retrain me in a totally different skill set.
There are jobs out there. You might have to be retrained or move to get them. But you will never get one sitting on your ass hoping some one will offer you one.

Old James
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Message 1903118 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 6:25:06 UTC

Just drop it, the last job I had was as a Security Guard, with a state license, I'm also black-balled by Wells Fargo/CPP, I have a GED for education, that also goes into getting what I get, I do have problems, I am unable to work, you just don't like the idea of Me or anyone getting a check, would you like it better if I robbed a bank?

But then I guess I'm faking pain, and faking quite a bit, go away...

Or put a gun to My head and pulled the trigger???

My dad committed suicide in 1993...

That was what He did...
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Message 1903121 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 6:41:13 UTC

I don’t think anyone has a problem with you getting government cheese, but they think a job would fix a lot of your issues
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Message 1903122 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 6:52:13 UTC - in response to Message 1903096.  

Vic, the best reason to work I have found is to have something interesting to do.
Since retirement 9 years ago I still miss work.
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Message 1903123 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 6:57:15 UTC - in response to Message 1903121.  
Last modified: 27 Nov 2017, 7:22:16 UTC

I take 4-6 Tylenol 650mg caplets a day, in addition to blood pressure, cholesterol, Vitamin C, plus 1 that I need to renew and go get, after a delivery happens on Monday.

Dad had a .32 revolver in His hand, with a death grip, He'd been scheduled to go see a Doctor, My brother found Him, dead, in 1993. My brother also found our grandpa dead in 1969, grandpa had given up, He'd stopped eating and had nothing to drink, they could find nothing wrong with Him, healthy as a horse was the prognosis, grandpa had lost His wife a year prior, and cause He became an evangelical, no one in the family wanted to be around Him hardly, His wife exiled Him to a garden shed while She was alive, yes He was shunned, only My dad and brother visited Him, and sometimes I came with My dad. My brother passed away cause of cancer and emphysema in His ex-wifes house, in Her living room, 2 weeks after I last saw him in 2005. I won't go into My sister much, except She is buried somewhere in Orange County CA since 1999, I'm the youngest, and the last.
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Message 1903125 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 6:59:36 UTC - in response to Message 1903123.  

So you let those people ruin your life?
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Message 1903128 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 7:07:33 UTC - in response to Message 1903122.  

I get out, drive 2 friends where they need to go, when they need someone to drive them somewhere, so they pay for the gas, $5 local, $10 to Barstow, $20 to Victorville...

Since I drive a coupe, Uber and Lyft would want Me to drive a sedan, which I can't fit in.

I can't see Myself working like that, I can literally tear a seat from the seat rails if I get a charlie horse, that's why I have a black drivers seat, the other seats are a light tan.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 1903129 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 7:10:35 UTC - in response to Message 1903125.  

So you let those people ruin your life?

What people are you talking about?

My relatives?

I take those pills so that I can move, My Doctor prescribed the pills, and My relatives have nothing to do with My present life, that would be conflation.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
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Message 1903130 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 7:13:43 UTC - in response to Message 1903125.  

So you let those people ruin your life?

I have OA, since at least age 40, please see My profile for more info, no one is ruining My life, such as it is.
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Message 1903133 - Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 8:03:41 UTC - in response to Message 1903122.  

Interesting. Working to live vs. living to work.

I'm the opposite. Retired 8 years after 45+ and went early (lost 25% SS), the best thing I ever did. Never looked back, do not miss it a bit and I loved my job, paid good. Today I am busy with more interesting things, my wife for one, than ever. Everyday is Saturday. Wheeeee!!
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