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Message 1896057 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 0:48:33 UTC

Ugh... This land is a steal.

I'd like to buy some land for My 810sqft manufactured home, move My self & My home there, do setup, plus be less than 58 miles from My relatives who are now 100 miles away from Me, cost of the 7,458sqft of zoned land for this SSI disabled person, $7,500.00 + closing costs, the home is paid for already, moving is $0.10 a mile @ roughly 60 miles, there is teardown to do(prep for Moving the home, My cat, and Myself), and setup on site, setup involves getting a building permit with the city of Adelanto CA, installing a new septic system, fences, gates, concrete foundation, concrete walk and driveways, bringing in utilities from the paved street, setting up a pedestal for electric service, replacing 3 breakers, weather proofing the breaker box, painting the outside, installing a carport, I'd get a personal loan, but on $895.72 a month in 2017 from SSI, that's not happening... Some even say try the United Way, but they don't help individuals... The price dropped from $9,000.00 to $7,500.00, the owner owns 2 plots of land. Not to mention a bit of landscaping in the desert.

All on Muskrat Street...

Tract Map for this zoned land...

Street View for all you Halloweeners, HA, HA, HA...

Hugh Price Reduction! Vacant Lot located in a small neighborhood where you must place a Manufactured Home and you own the land! This is not a Manufactured Home Park. It is a neighborhood where you own the land and place your manufactured Home. The lot next to it is also available see MLS #487381. Many Manufactured homes already in the area. Approximately 10 miles from the Adelanto Market Place & Crossroads Shopping Center with many conveniences such as Shopping, pharmacies,restaurants, banking, service stations & so much more!

Building and Construction

House Style: Residential / Other

Exterior and Lot Features

Frontage: Paved/Asphalt
Views: Desert

Lot Dimensions: 66 X 113


Water: Public

Other Property Info

City: Adelanto
State: CA
County: San Bernardino
Area: California

Zoning: Residential 1
Directions: From Hwy395 West on Rancho Rd, Right on Koala Rd, go approx 2.40 mi. to Barcelona Ave & turn Right, Left on Arbor Ct, Right on Forest Ct, Left on Muskrat. .42 mi. PIQ is on the right before you reach Kay St.
Miscellaneous: Build To Suit

Land Info

Gas Near Site
Electric Near Site
Water Near Site
Telephone Near Site

Sewer Near Site
Underground Utility Near Site
Road Access: Paved
Maximum Units: 1
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1896061 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 1:31:45 UTC - in response to Message 1896057.  

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Message 1896062 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 1:48:55 UTC - in response to Message 1896061.  


Yeah, that's the question.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1896063 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 2:06:07 UTC

“The only thing limiting your aspiration is your imagination.”
― Stephen Richards

Check your PMs in a couple minutes. ;^) ;^)
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Message 1896065 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 2:18:51 UTC - in response to Message 1896063.  

4,750 total points so far, thanks J Mercer.

CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1896081 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 6:03:35 UTC - in response to Message 1896080.  

It's nice to have goals, and dream, Vic. :-)
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1896096 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 9:54:30 UTC

That land has fairly interesting recent price history - dropping from 13k to 7.5k in a matter of moths. What's wrong with it?
Apart from needing all services hooked up, foundation slab laid....

Can you explain your moving cost please as 0.1 per mile (6 total) sounds impossibly cheap to me for moving your home.
Bob Smith
Member of Seti PIPPS (Pluto is a Planet Protest Society)
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Message 1896099 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 11:48:32 UTC - in response to Message 1896096.  
Last modified: 19 Oct 2017, 12:22:31 UTC

That land has fairly interesting recent price history - dropping from 13k to 7.5k in a matter of moths. What's wrong with it?
Apart from needing all services hooked up, foundation slab laid....

Can you explain your moving cost please as 0.1 per mile (6 total) sounds impossibly cheap to me for moving your home.

Ok it seems costs have risen since 2006, it's now $5-$10 a mile, now of course the route is fixed, what is traversible by auto, is not always done by a manufactured home, why?
I said 60 miles, though the distance could be greater or lower than that, since the route will be dependent on what is moved, and how big it is, etc, etc, etc...
$10 a mile could be $600.00, still not a big amount, permits will be needed

Height, Weight, one has to worry about a foundation before the move(if one has a slab or a walled type, any other is not discussed, I have neither, so cost is minimal, part of teardown, which involves unhooking from electric, gas, water, sewer/septic, cable, landline, permits(travel permits to go from point A to point B are handled by the mover, since multiple jurisdictions can be involved, like which city are you traveling thru, and on whose streets/highways for that matter, size is important, single wide has the least cost, since a single wide can not be split into 2 or more parts, then it would be either a double or a triple wide and cost more to move, more is stated here, singles also have no marriage line, single wide can be 12' or more in width up to maybe as much as 18' wide, though that is dependent on the state, mine is 13.5' wide, sold as a 14' wide.

Prep would also entail My possessions inside being packed and moved, some companies would move stuff, others would rather one hire a different mover for household goods. Though the sofa, refridge, oven, and dishwasher could stay in place.

Repairs are done in setup, if any are needed, and that can happen, mine needed minor repairs to the skin.

Would the park here try and block Me in? No, they don't have the money to hire a truck, employ only tenants as managers, plus since I brought the place in and own the place free and clear, plus have a clear title, and am under no contract to keep My place in the park, the law is on My side, I also do not have any liens on My place, which would be the only way to keep My place here, so it would be illegal to keep My place here against My will or I'd need to call in law enforcement, private owners have been encouraged to take their places and go if they so wish, so I feel there is no threat there to Me.

The park only gets $265 out of Me for space rent, this was $215 at one time, then $320, then back to $215 after the state forced a previous park owners hand for not transferring a title as agreed to and fining said owner $300 a month, which is why I own the place again, eventually a park wide rent increase happened and My rent went to $265, and yet My name was never removed from the title even once, and I still had to pay for property taxes, which I've always made sure are paid up and on time, it's not like I'm charged $550 a month for renting My own place, that I pay taxes on every year, that's $80.30 now, I have the tax bill here, places like mine do not go up in value for taxes, only down, My place is now worth $14,500.00, below $7,000.00 My place would not owe property taxes, since that is the automatic exemption as per state law in California, would the land at the destination add to My tax bill, yes, but only at 1% of the cost of buying the land, land does not incur any other taxes outside of property taxes in this state,fees are another matter, like maybe $575 a year for schools, water, and such, none of which applies here where I live at now.

Also I contacted the SSA, on Me moving, I was told as long as I still remained living in this place, My benefits would not suffer from any move.

I also own My own axles, brakes, rims and tires(all stored underneath), will the tires that have been out of the sun/rain ever since 2006 need to be replaced? Maybe, I don't know, in any case I have 3 axles, for a 13.5'x60.0' place(more than a semi trailer in size), those are the actual width and length measurements, height was not mentioned, though will be determined before moving, since not all routes can be used, a semi trailer can go where My place can't but then even they have size restrictions for safety purposes, sorry I'm not a Class A licensed driver, just Class C and M driver, in any case a pro trucking company is required, one that is a specialist in moving places like Mine, I also had to find one that would come out here, it's not a popular destination, so there is a limit to who will come out here.

Have I covered everything? No. But then moving is not as simple a thing as moving from A to B, it can be complicated.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1896101 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 11:57:52 UTC - in response to Message 1896096.  
Last modified: 19 Oct 2017, 12:08:03 UTC

That land has fairly interesting recent price history - dropping from 13k to 7.5k in a matter of moths. What's wrong with it?
Apart from needing all services hooked up, foundation slab laid....

Can you explain your moving cost please as 0.1 per mile (6 total) sounds impossibly cheap to me for moving your home.

Oops, missed that, possibly nothing at all, the land has access to water, electricity, gas, landline, cable, a paved road, and it is a free market, the owner could have died for all that I know.

6 total miles? I never said that.

The land has been on for 112 days, so far.

And the address is Muskrat Street.

Hugh Price Reduction! Vacant Lot located in a small neighborhood where you must place a Manufactured Home and you own the land! This is not a Manufactured Home Park. It is a neighborhood where you own the land and place your manufactured Home. The lot next to it is also available see MLS #487381. Many Manufactured homes already in the area. Approximately 10 miles from the Adelanto Market Place & Crossroads Shopping Center with many conveniences such as Shopping, pharmacies,restaurants, banking, service stations & so much more!

School Information Not Available

CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1896103 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 12:02:39 UTC - in response to Message 1896081.  

It's nice to have goals, and dream, Vic. :-)

And this one is so close, would be so useful to Me, and a low priced lot is hard to find.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 1896103 · Report as offensive
rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1896106 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 12:14:08 UTC

600 sounds more realistic for a"single width" load. I had assumed your place would be split to move as they do here in the UK, due to additional cost incurred for over-width loads more than doubling the price per mile! (I live just off a route used by quite a number mobile home moves and see plenty is split doubles and even trebles sitting waiting for the end of the morning and evening peaks).
After sitting around for more than ten years, even in the shade, I wouldn't trust those tyres as heat is just as big an enemy of rubber as UV - just think about the state of your car spare. You should also considered the bearings which will require, at least, fresh grease if not a thorough overhaul. The last thing any of us want to read is that your home was damaged due to as tyre or bearing failure.
Bob Smith
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Message 1896107 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 12:27:33 UTC - in response to Message 1896106.  

600 sounds more realistic for a"single width" load. I had assumed your place would be split to move as they do here in the UK, due to additional cost incurred for over-width loads more than doubling the price per mile! (I live just off a route used by quite a number mobile home moves and see plenty is split doubles and even trebles sitting waiting for the end of the morning and evening peaks).
After sitting around for more than ten years, even in the shade, I wouldn't trust those tyres as heat is just as big an enemy of rubber as UV - just think about the state of your car spare. You should also considered the bearings which will require, at least, fresh grease if not a thorough overhaul. The last thing any of us want to read is that your home was damaged due to as tyre or bearing failure.

True, very true. Though at the moment My car does not have a spare tire, I have a spare rim, the tire I will order after Nov 1st.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1896111 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 12:39:12 UTC

Vic you've miss understood the figures I used in my earlier note) .1 and 6 were both USD not USD and miles respectively.

600USD is getting to being 10% of the cost of the land, and would probably not include the permit cost which normally additional because the exact route will affect the number and types required. I just hope no overhead lines would ne d to be moved as doing so is almost always "dollarsouch".
Bob Smith
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Message 1896113 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 12:46:13 UTC - in response to Message 1896111.  

Vic you've miss understood the figures I used in my earlier note) .1 and 6 were both USD not USD and miles respectively.

600USD is getting to being 10% of the cost of the land, and would probably not include the permit cost which normally additional because the exact route will affect the number and types required. I just hope no overhead lines would need to be moved as doing so is almost always "dollarsouch".

I don't know what the route would be, as to cost being 10%, I still don't see that as a problem, I'd been charged $1,500.00 to move this place in 2006, and the lot here is not mine to own, just to rent, this was what I was charged by the mover back then, as I had to employ 3 companies, one for teardown in N. Las Vegas NV, a 2nd for moving across a State Line, and a 3rd for setup here in Yermo CA.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

ID: 1896113 · Report as offensive
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Message 1896118 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 12:59:54 UTC

In your financial situation the extra 10% is important to consider. 1500 bucks back then probably represents 4.5 to 5 thousand bucks today. Get some REAL figures, based on you current and possible locations instead of using 11year old ones. And make sure companies are aware that the mobile they are moving is an old one not a nice shiny new one as they may not want to move it.....
Bob Smith
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Message 1896125 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 13:41:53 UTC - in response to Message 1896118.  

In your financial situation the extra 10% is important to consider. 1500 bucks back then probably represents 4.5 to 5 thousand bucks today. Get some REAL figures, based on you current and possible locations instead of using 11year old ones. And make sure companies are aware that the mobile they are moving is an old one not a nice shiny new one as they may not want to move it.....

I already did that.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1896126 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 13:43:44 UTC - in response to Message 1896119.  

5 days ago on he 14th October you said

I'd need a piece of land, I know of a lot(land) that costs $9,000.00 on a paved street that is suitably zoned, plus closing costs, which I think is 3% of the purchase price, everything is in the street(electric service, natural gas, water, cable tv/internet, and phone), except for sewer, so a septic system would need to be installed, as would fencing, a concrete foundation, a driveway and walkway, plus a 100A breaker pedestal, 200A does exist, that just costs a bit more, since I'd have to replace My 100A breaker box. And yes a construction permit would be needed that I'd go and secure, as would some minor details like generic plans(this is what was done here), supplied by the mover. I've omitted landscaping details, since that is not more than put a tree in the front yard, and some red gravel of a type that does tend to keep the weeds down, plus a small drip system for the tree.

I've done most of this before, at one time or another. Estimated total cost, possibly as much as $25,000.00. But I've given up on that, as I have already mentioned.
Ok, so the land has gone down $1500 but that doesn't make it any more affordable than it was 5 days ago. The problem that you have Vic is finding someone to loan you $25,000 on your income, and you being able to pay it back with maxed out credit cards and loans.

I'd get a personal loan, but on $895.72 a month in 2017 from SSI, that's not happening...
This is just a non starter Vic.

I was advised about the United Way, and a Grant from them, and that's all I'll say.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1896133 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 14:11:20 UTC - in response to Message 1896125.  

You haven't Vic otherwise you would be giving wrong assumptions that you are correcting in subsequent posts. To me it looks as if you have seen a few adverts of rates and guessed at a figure. A proper costing would take into account the route, permits and the like. The same goes for the dismantle and re-assmbly costs, service connection charges, legal fees building permits and any taxes liable on that lot.
And before getting any of these costs get some proper advise to find out how much you can really borrow for this move given your current income and expendature including cards, paypal, Amazon loans.
Bob Smith
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Message 1896137 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 14:55:58 UTC - in response to Message 1896133.  

You haven't Vic otherwise you would be giving wrong assumptions that you are correcting in subsequent posts. To me it looks as if you have seen a few adverts of rates and guessed at a figure. A proper costing would take into account the route, permits and the like. The same goes for the dismantle and re-assmbly costs, service connection charges, legal fees building permits and any taxes liable on that lot.
And before getting any of these costs get some proper advise to find out how much you can really borrow for this move given your current income and expendature including cards, paypal, Amazon loans.

So I have never, ever done this before? So I lied about where I bought this place at, and where I live at now??

I paid $1,500.00 for the present foundation system, which was county specified, prep was $1,500.00, the move cost $1,500.00, setup was $2,500.00, total $7,000.00, which did not include the $293.00 that I paid for a county building permit, and I had to use 3 different companies, one of which had to be able to cross a State Border(NV/CA), the other two were not able to do this. Do I have to produce an 11 year old checkbook? That I no longer have need of?
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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Message 1896138 - Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 14:57:59 UTC - in response to Message 1895825.  

The most popular TV screen size in the UK is 33" in the USA it seems about 48". Mainly because American houses are larger, and well, America is America, everything is bigger out there, including fridges, and walk in wardrobes! We have a 40" HD Smart TV which to be honest is a bit overpowering for the size of the room which is 10'-9" x 15'-6".

Vic's TV saga is still rather mystifying. Given his stated poverty level on a limited income, one would have thought that a board repair at around a nominal $100 or so would be a no-brainer, so it is a bit odd to say the least why he was looking at new TV's up to $600, which he couldn't afford anyway.

He says he needs a 55" because he has to watch it from 25 feet away. For starters that is twice the distance that it should be watched at Recommended viewing distance. Secondly he says it is because he only has one comfy chair by his desk. Surely the obvious thing is to move the chair and desk closer to the TV position, and get rid of the broken 23 year old recliner. If the chair is damaging the floor, put down a bit of old carpet to protect it.

In Vic's situation offering him even more credit is not a good thing at all because he will simply use it and get into even more debt with larger monthly outgoings. Have a look at this web page, fill in your own figures and see what results you get. Credit card calcuator. I have a Mastercard credit card, which I got for my Canadian trip last year solely for emergencies, as it was doubtful if my UK bank debit card would have been accepted out there. I've never used it and at their interest rates I never will. However for interests (sorry!) sake, I filled in

£750 debt
18.9% APR
Fixed payment of £37.50 over 2 years
Min payment each month of 3% or £5

The results were

Fixed payments - 2 years plus 1 payment, Total interest amount =£157.92
Min payments - 5 years plus 3 payments, Total interest amount = £240.24

First min payment month
£34.31 Payment
£11.81 Interest
£22.50 off principal
£715.69 amount left

That is 1/3 of every payment is interest or money down the drain. Add that up for 3 or 4 cards plus other loans and it becomes quite substantial. AND that all assumes that on day one the cards will be cut up and thrown away, and the issuers asked to freeze the accounts so that no further debit can be added to them. Paypal credit is just as bad at 17.9%.

I'm wondering if Vic has a virus or something similar because 2 recent posts 1895731 and 1895727 are rambling with each sentence changing the subject back & forth, and he says his head is fuzzy. I would suggest a call to the doctor might be in order. We all wish him well, but I'm not sure he is making sensible decisions at the moment.

Eff off on My TV Chris S, if I say I need it, screw you.
CA HSR built a foundation, is laying Track!
PRR T1 Class 4-4-4-4 #5550 Loco, US's 1st HST

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