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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1884583 - Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 22:20:40 UTC

Even Putin understands how you must deal with Nazi's
Neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer has been booted from the Russian internet.

The country's media watchdog asked for it to be taken down because of extremist content.

"The Daily Stormer website promotes neo-Nazi ideology, incites racial, national and other types of social discord," Roskomnadzor said in a statement on Thursday.

American tech companies had canceled the site's registration earlier this week after it published a derogatory story about Heather Heyer, who was killed while protesting against a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

It surfaced briefly again on Wednesday when the Russian Network Information Center (RU-CENTER) registered the domain Dailystormer.ru.

"I should point out that registry is automatic, so RU-CENTER registers thousands of domains per day," spokesperson Egor Timofeev told CNNMoney on Wednesday.

RU-CENTER said Thursday it had canceled the registration following Roskomnadzor's official request.

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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1884587 - Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 22:32:17 UTC - in response to Message 1884573.  

We don't go to Wally World either, we refuse to spend money there. We don't go to Home Depot either. Target too, I believe is now on our do-not- go-there list.

It is truly sad that they will discriminate against long hair and yet hire green, blue, purple, pink colored hair and nose rings and studs and lip rings and studs and tattoos from head to toe. I see someone like that in a store, I don't deal with them. Long hair? Doesn't bother me, I used to have hair to the middle of my back. And, had no problem getting jobs because of it. But that was looooong ago.

I would have hoped that if you experience discrimination, you'd oppose it in all forms. I don't mind tatoos, different colored hair, piercings. In fact, I would trust those people before I trust a well-dressed shark.
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1884686 - Posted: 18 Aug 2017, 10:28:56 UTC - in response to Message 1884587.  

We don't go to Wally World either, we refuse to spend money there. We don't go to Home Depot either. Target too, I believe is now on our do-not- go-there list.

It is truly sad that they will discriminate against long hair and yet hire green, blue, purple, pink colored hair and nose rings and studs and lip rings and studs and tattoos from head to toe. I see someone like that in a store, I don't deal with them. Long hair? Doesn't bother me, I used to have hair to the middle of my back. And, had no problem getting jobs because of it. But that was looooong ago.

I would have hoped that if you experience discrimination, you'd oppose it in all forms. I don't mind tatoos, different colored hair, piercings. In fact, I would trust those people before I trust a well-dressed shark.

Hi Ozz,

Yeah, maybe so. What I probably should have said was that if I have a choice, I tend to gravitate toward the older ones no matter how the youngsters look. An example of that was back in '06 when I was shopping for a laptop. I forget what store I went to first, maybe Target, but it was most obvious that the young guy trying to sell me a laptop knew nothing of what he said. He said something about the laptop that was totally wrong; I don't remember what it was, but I did know it went against what I knew about computers at the time. The guy was well dressed, no tattoos, nose rings or anything, it was just his lack of knowledge about tech that sent me to Best Buy for my laptop.

I said somewhere here that everyone has some bigotry. I guess mine is that I don't see why young people (and even some older ones) need to make themselves look freaky with non-naturally colored hair, nose rings, lip rings, major tattooing, etc. . I understand that centuries ago (and perhaps even today) people did things like that for clan recognition and such...

Oh well, enough of that. ;)

Have a great day, Ozz! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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ID: 1884686 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1884803 - Posted: 18 Aug 2017, 21:09:40 UTC

Ozz, If I understand your question it might as well read why is there racism? How it is swallowed is easy. People who are born into the class that the culture deems privileged have some slight happen to them, or believe they did. If it happens that someone from a not-privileged class gets ahead of them by that slight, they can begin to believe that these non-privileged need to be put back in their place. Talk to do that then becomes very well lubricated to swallow as it fits a world view.

You see they now feel they are due something from society. They get fat and lazy and won't work as hard as others because they are due free things. If this sounds a bit like what you hear some people describe welfare as, yes, exactly the same. Perhaps the two are related. Toss in having been exposed to bullying and the brew spills over.
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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 1884824 - Posted: 18 Aug 2017, 22:48:53 UTC

I think an awful lot of it is to do with kinship and distance.

If they live in the next street or run the local store, they're folks like us.

If they live in the next town, we'll nod politely and pass by on the other side.

If they live in a city on the other side of the country, they're deeply suspicious.

If they live in a far, far country of which we know little, they're the devil's spawn.

Same people.
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OzzFan Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1884835 - Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 0:09:01 UTC - in response to Message 1884803.  

Ozz, If I understand your question it might as well read why is there racism? How it is swallowed is easy.

I've asked many questions trying to understand what's going on in our country. I didn't really mean for my question to be so obtuse. Rather, I want to understand how it came to be that we have people defending white supremacists. It's like I woke up the other morning and people are actually saying the white supremacists, while vile, somehow have more of a right than those who oppose them. I've seen people equate those who oppose them in a pejorative "alt-left" term. I've seen people saying the white supremacists had a right to be at the park while the anti-white supremacists did not have a right to be there, which is flat out false.

Said another way, it seems that the hate toward the left or liberals is so great right now, that people would rather defend white supremacists. That's what I don't get. I understand that by nature liberals and conservatives minds will clash until our sun goes nova, but I had always thought that even the decent conservatives out there, like some of my own conservative friends, would surely understand that there's no such thing as "blame on both sides" in the Charlottesville incident. White supremacists are the bad guys. Period.

Where is this hate coming from? I think it is going deeper than just racial hate, though there is certainly a lot of that too. And from where I'm standing, this hate has boiled over, and has been validated by our current sitting President. His supporters here on this forum would rather stand by his side, no matter how dumb his positions are, than take a rational, reasoned look at what's going on. They won't. They hate liberalism and liberals so much so that they are forced to defend neo-Nazis rather than join hands with people over what should be a no-brainer issue. Even now, as they read these words I type, they are forming defenses in their heads to rationalize their positions. To continue to rationalize their hatred for liberals and liberalism.

And I write this as someone who, while left of center, does not identify as a liberal. It bothers me greatly that we can't even come together on an issue like this. If we can't even find common ground here, then what chance is there to ever find common ground in the governance of our great people?
ID: 1884835 · Report as offensive
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Message 1884846 - Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 0:46:46 UTC - in response to Message 1884835.  

Ozz, If I understand your question it might as well read why is there racism? How it is swallowed is easy.

I've asked many questions trying to understand what's going on in our country. I didn't really mean for my question to be so obtuse. Rather, I want to understand how it came to be that we have people defending white supremacists. It's like I woke up the other morning and people are actually saying the white supremacists, while vile, somehow have more of a right than those who oppose them. I've seen people equate those who oppose them in a pejorative "alt-left" term. I've seen people saying the white supremacists had a right to be at the park while the anti-white supremacists did not have a right to be there, which is flat out false.

Said another way, it seems that the hate toward the left or liberals is so great right now, that people would rather defend white supremacists. That's what I don't get. I understand that by nature liberals and conservatives minds will clash until our sun goes nova, but I had always thought that even the decent conservatives out there, like some of my own conservative friends, would surely understand that there's no such thing as "blame on both sides" in the Charlottesville incident. White supremacists are the bad guys. Period.

Where is this hate coming from? I think it is going deeper than just racial hate, though there is certainly a lot of that too. And from where I'm standing, this hate has boiled over, and has been validated by our current sitting President. His supporters here on this forum would rather stand by his side, no matter how dumb his positions are, than take a rational, reasoned look at what's going on. They won't. They hate liberalism and liberals so much so that they are forced to defend neo-Nazis rather than join hands with people over what should be a no-brainer issue. Even now, as they read these words I type, they are forming defenses in their heads to rationalize their positions. To continue to rationalize their hatred for liberals and liberalism.

And I write this as someone who, while left of center, does not identify as a liberal. It bothers me greatly that we can't even come together on an issue like this. If we can't even find common ground here, then what chance is there to ever find common ground in the governance of our great people?

ID: 1884846 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1884851 - Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 1:15:28 UTC - in response to Message 1884846.  

Ozz, If I understand your question it might as well read why is there racism? How it is swallowed is easy.

I've asked many questions trying to understand what's going on in our country. I didn't really mean for my question to be so obtuse. Rather, I want to understand how it came to be that we have people defending white supremacists. It's like I woke up the other morning and people are actually saying the white supremacists, while vile, somehow have more of a right than those who oppose them. I've seen people equate those who oppose them in a pejorative "alt-left" term. I've seen people saying the white supremacists had a right to be at the park while the anti-white supremacists did not have a right to be there, which is flat out false.

Said another way, it seems that the hate toward the left or liberals is so great right now, that people would rather defend white supremacists. That's what I don't get. I understand that by nature liberals and conservatives minds will clash until our sun goes nova, but I had always thought that even the decent conservatives out there, like some of my own conservative friends, would surely understand that there's no such thing as "blame on both sides" in the Charlottesville incident. White supremacists are the bad guys. Period.

Where is this hate coming from? I think it is going deeper than just racial hate, though there is certainly a lot of that too. And from where I'm standing, this hate has boiled over, and has been validated by our current sitting President. His supporters here on this forum would rather stand by his side, no matter how dumb his positions are, than take a rational, reasoned look at what's going on. They won't. They hate liberalism and liberals so much so that they are forced to defend neo-Nazis rather than join hands with people over what should be a no-brainer issue. Even now, as they read these words I type, they are forming defenses in their heads to rationalize their positions. To continue to rationalize their hatred for liberals and liberalism.

And I write this as someone who, while left of center, does not identify as a liberal. It bothers me greatly that we can't even come together on an issue like this. If we can't even find common ground here, then what chance is there to ever find common ground in the governance of our great people?



I think racism has a large measure. I think many of these persons are racist enough that they blame all liberals because a Black Man was president and a huge successful government program they must subscribe to bears his name. Worse in their minds is he served two terms. Their hate is so strong it has boiled over and they no longer are capable of rational thought, they have regressed to a bully on the kindergarten playground as their view wasn't seen as universal so they are going to force everyone to believe it. That is where it ends, they are no longer rational, so all their actions are rationalizations and they shut down taking in any information that does not provide confirmation bias. They are now so invested in the position that they can't admit their premise was wrong. Unfortunately for most even a couple decades in the future they still will be unable to see that blame is on one side only.

It isn't universal, and those on the right who only argument with liberals is economic seem unaffected. It is for this reason I think the majority is racism.
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1884887 - Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 10:50:02 UTC - in response to Message 1884835.  

Ozz, If I understand your question it might as well read why is there racism? How it is swallowed is easy.

-[ snip ]-

Where is this hate coming from? I think it is going deeper than just racial hate, though there is certainly a lot of that too. And from where I'm standing, this hate has boiled over, and has been validated by our current sitting President. His supporters here on this forum would rather stand by his side, no matter how dumb his positions are, than take a rational, reasoned look at what's going on. They won't. They hate liberalism and liberals so much so that they are forced to defend neo-Nazis rather than join hands with people over what should be a no-brainer issue. Even now, as they read these words I type, they are forming defenses in their heads to rationalize their positions. To continue to rationalize their hatred for liberals and liberalism.

-[ snip ]-

Hi Ozz,

I'm conservative and not afraid to admit it (I know that makes me evil in Clyde's eyes). Yet, I did not vote for the current idiot who calls himself "president". I did not vote for killer Clinton either. Neither are worth what I flush down the toilet every morning.

I do NOT support Trump. I am 100% against neo-Nazis and any group like them. They may have the same rights and privileges as I do per the laws of this country, but that does not mean I have to accept them for what they are. nuf sed

Have a great day, Ozz! :)

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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Message 1884930 - Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 16:41:45 UTC - in response to Message 1884907.  

Well, it is an American company, what more can one expect.
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Message 1884939 - Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 18:37:58 UTC - in response to Message 1884887.  

Why not "Greetings", Siran ?
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1884945 - Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 19:49:12 UTC - in response to Message 1884907.  

PJ Media, an Andrew Britebart affiliate per Wiki.
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Message 1884957 - Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 21:28:46 UTC - in response to Message 1884360.  

Oh good grief.

I'm glad to see you posting! I'm pretty sure I know your views but can you expand on your comments here? Also, penny for your thoughts on why this movement seems to be growing (or maybe it isn't)? What is it that's so appealing to people that they join these socially unacceptable groups? Or am I completely off base here? Please add additional comments! I'd love to read them.

I haven't been around because I can't deal with some of the alt-reality posted on these boards.

How have we even got to the point where Nazi's aren't automatically the bad guys? I'm mystified.

Every day I watch the news and I see the media trying to guild the Trump turd, trying to piece together something rational with what is clearly irrational. Now this fiction about there being some sort of alt-left at this demonstration who are just as bad as the Nazi's. I knew for a fact that if I read here, Clyde would be proclaiming this insanity and no doubt crying foul at anyone who points out he's effectively a Nazi sympathizer now. (If this hasn't happened already...its about to).

Some truths are self evident. One of these is that Nazi's are bad and you really ought to supporting the people that oppose them.

The dangerous normalization of something clearly abnormal. I remember being warned against this in the weeks following inauguration. The mainstream media is just as much at fault here as you've pointed out so clearly.
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Message 1884980 - Posted: 19 Aug 2017, 23:46:28 UTC - in response to Message 1884978.  

How have we even got to the point where Nazi's aren't automatically the bad guys? I'm mystified.

Not specifically mentioning Mass Murdering Marxism, Nazism, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, KKK, et al. When attacking all evil beliefs. Doesn't mean that one supports Mass Murdering Marxism, Nazis, KKK, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, KKK.

Having lost the moral and ethical arguments. These attacks by the Radical Left, that is permeating our Country.

Will hopefully result is their Political Suicide.

Show us the evidence,
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Message 1884991 - Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 3:05:07 UTC - in response to Message 1884980.  

How have we even got to the point where Nazi's aren't automatically the bad guys? I'm mystified.

Not specifically mentioning Mass Murdering Marxism, Nazism, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, KKK, et al. When attacking all evil beliefs. Doesn't mean that one supports Mass Murdering Marxism, Nazis, KKK, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, KKK.

Having lost the moral and ethical arguments. These attacks by the Radical Left, that is permeating our Country.

Will hopefully result is their Political Suicide.

Show us the evidence,

Interestingly, Noam Chomsky is now addressing this.
Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes.
ID: 1884991 · Report as offensive
Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1885029 - Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 13:55:34 UTC - in response to Message 1885017.  

How have we even got to the point where Nazi's aren't automatically the bad guys? I'm mystified.

Not specifically mentioning Mass Murdering Marxism, Nazism, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, KKK, et al. When attacking all evil beliefs. Doesn't mean that one supports Mass Murdering Marxism, Nazis, KKK, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, KKK.

Having lost the moral and ethical arguments. These attacks by the Radical Left, that is permeating our Country.

Will hopefully result is their Political Suicide.

Show us the evidence,

Outside of the fantasy world that the name calling Never Trumpers live in. The Never Trumpers are held, quite correctly, in more contempt and less trust than Trump. As I have repeatedly attributed this truth in the Polls.

The La La Land they had lived in, with their Lying Putin/Trump Collusion. Has now degenerated into a Land of Darkness. Where, if you do not accept their belief of imposing their evil upon us, in order to destroy another evil. One is called a Nazi, White Supremacist Supporter, etc.

Mirroring the same type of evil accusations vomiting from the mouths of the Right Wing McCarthy supporters in the past.

Hopefully the response from the Voters. As Poll, after Poll, after Poll shows. Will consign both The Radical Right and Radical Left to the toilet. Where their beliefs belong.


I see no evidence here. All I see is your same old rhetoric. I believe Nick ask you to supply evidence to what you say. Please do so.

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
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Profile Siran d'Vel'nahr
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Message 1885047 - Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 14:58:23 UTC - in response to Message 1885040.  


I see no evidence here. All I see is your same old rhetoric. I believe Nick ask you to supply evidence to what you say. Please do so.


I do apologize for having to repeatedly post what the polls say to the Denying Never Trumpers. Let's just show a few of the polls, conducted by Left of Center organizations regarding Trump Vs. The Media. We can do the Washington Swamp another time..

-[ Rhetorical BS SNIPPED ]-

Please define what "Denying Never Trumpers" is.

If you have this much disdain for our great country, why don't you just leave then. Simple as that. Spewing rhetoric, name calling and creating undefinable terms ain't gonna change anything. Voting might, if we have someone worth voting for. The 2 major party candidates, last election, definitely were not. I did not vote for either one.

I snipped you "evidence" because I was not interested in it. Nick was.

CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr - L L & P _\\//
Winders 11 OS? "What a piece of junk!" - L. Skywalker
"Logic is the cement of our civilization with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide." - T'Plana-hath
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Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1885049 - Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 14:59:39 UTC - in response to Message 1885040.  

there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.
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Message 1885050 - Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 15:04:49 UTC - in response to Message 1885017.  
Last modified: 20 Aug 2017, 15:05:08 UTC

How have we even got to the point where Nazi's aren't automatically the bad guys? I'm mystified.

Not specifically mentioning Mass Murdering Marxism, Nazism, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, KKK, et al. When attacking all evil beliefs. Doesn't mean that one supports Mass Murdering Marxism, Nazis, KKK, Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, KKK.

Having lost the moral and ethical arguments. These attacks by the Radical Left, that is permeating our Country.

Will hopefully result is their Political Suicide.

Show us the evidence,

Outside of the fantasy world that the name calling Never Trumpers live in. The Never Trumpers are held, quite correctly, in more contempt and less trust than Trump. As I have repeatedly attributed this truth in the Polls.

The La La Land they had lived in, with their Lying Putin/Trump Collusion. Has now degenerated into a Land of Darkness. Where, if you do not accept their belief of imposing their evil upon us, in order to destroy another evil. One is called a Nazi, White Supremacist Supporter, etc.

Mirroring the same type of evil accusations vomiting from the mouths of the Right Wing McCarthy supporters in the past.

Hopefully the response from the Voters. As Poll, after Poll, after Poll shows. Will consign both The Radical Right and Radical Left to the toilet. Where their beliefs belong.

I asked for evidence.
If you haven't got any, I suggest you keep quiet.
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Message 1885051 - Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 15:07:49 UTC - in response to Message 1885050.  

I asked for evidence.
If you haven't got any, I suggest you keep quiet.

He can't control himself, I posit OCD
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