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MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes Send message Joined: 16 Jun 02 Posts: 6895 Credit: 6,588,977 RAC: 0 |
"Quem Deus vult perdere prius dementat" [whom GOD Wishes to Destroy, HE First makes Mad] No 45ers Getting Mad. We Be ENJOYING dA SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! Likeee EveryOne Else. 'Cept WeezZZ Knows WeeeZZz beeeZzZ WINNING!!! and WINNING!!! and WINNING! Like mO fOs. And WHO CAN get MAD 'bout dAt? 'ceptin' MAD wif JOY Corpus Delicti Yap ah, fO shO fO eva BROHEIMs and BROHEIMettes May we All have a METAMORPHOSIS. REASON. GOoD JUDGEMENT and LOVE and ORDER!!!!! |
janneseti Send message Joined: 14 Oct 09 Posts: 14106 Credit: 655,366 RAC: 0 |
Maybe I should visit New York before it's too late. Start spreading the news, I am leaving today:) |
betreger Send message Joined: 29 Jun 99 Posts: 11427 Credit: 29,581,041 RAC: 66 |
Trump dictated son’s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer But it doesn't matter 45ers have known for years and integrity to them is inconsequential. Their "tribe" is what matters and bone spurs speaks to them. |
Sarge Send message Joined: 25 Aug 99 Posts: 12273 Credit: 8,569,109 RAC: 79 |
Maybe I should visit New York before it's too late. So, janne should not visit NYC until after Kim Jung Un's missles can and have reached it? Capitalize on this good fortune, one word can bring you round ... changes. |
Gary Charpentier Send message Joined: 25 Dec 00 Posts: 31081 Credit: 53,134,872 RAC: 32 |
45's policy? or 45's personality? The Trump administration is signaling that it will begin investigating universities over whether their admissions policies illegally discriminate against applicants, according to a published report. |
Gary Charpentier Send message Joined: 25 Dec 00 Posts: 31081 Credit: 53,134,872 RAC: 32 |
45's policy? or 45's personality? President Donald Trump threw his support Wednesday behind legislation that looks to curb the level of legal immigration into the United States |
janneseti Send message Joined: 14 Oct 09 Posts: 14106 Credit: 655,366 RAC: 0 |
Maybe I should visit New York before it's too late. Well, I want to go America before Trump spoil everything. So far I can't see anything that his doings would let America be great again. On the contrary. Former Swedish Prime and later Foreign Minister tweeted this recently. No reports of anyone quitting or being fired from the White House in the last two hours or so. That's something in these strange times. |
W-K 666 Send message Joined: 18 May 99 Posts: 19460 Credit: 40,757,560 RAC: 67 |
45's policy? or 45's personality? It's cannot be his policy - |
betreger Send message Joined: 29 Jun 99 Posts: 11427 Credit: 29,581,041 RAC: 66 |
It's cannot be his policy - 45ers don't care about hypocrisy, they only want to hear what they want to hear and bone spurs will say anything. |
janneseti Send message Joined: 14 Oct 09 Posts: 14106 Credit: 655,366 RAC: 0 |
45's policy? or 45's personality? It's A-OK to hire immigrant people to work in Trumps enterprises. |
W-K 666 Send message Joined: 18 May 99 Posts: 19460 Credit: 40,757,560 RAC: 67 |
45's policy? or 45's personality? So why are poor Americans denied a good education? And re: your thing about Republicans winning all the time. Have you read your NYT today?®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0 |
Gary Charpentier Send message Joined: 25 Dec 00 Posts: 31081 Credit: 53,134,872 RAC: 32 |
So why are poor Americans denied a good education? I know, I know. They are considered trash. You don't let trash into the same school as Junior, he might get contaminated. Besides you need to keep them dumb and stupid so you have lots of workers to abuse doing menial manual labor jobs to keep you supplied in riches. And who are you going to let in? Disadvantaged who writes an essay on how hard they had to work to get their 4.0 GPA in high school and their perfect SAT and AP scores, or Junior with a 3.0 GPA and marginal SAT scores who writes an essay saying Daddy will endow a building on campus? |
Gary Charpentier Send message Joined: 25 Dec 00 Posts: 31081 Credit: 53,134,872 RAC: 32 |
Looks like 45 is so pro-gun he has his employees blast away ... It was a scene that would make Carl Spackler proud: a groundskeeper at Trump National Golf Club, eye to the scope of a rifle, taking aim at a hardened golf course menace — a gopher. Does the buck stop with 45? Will he be charged? ;-) |
MOMMY: He is MAKING ME Read His Posts Thoughts and Prayers. GOoD Thoughts and GOoD Prayers. HATERWORLD Vs THOUGHTs and PRAYERs World. It Is a BATTLE ROYALE. Nobody LOVEs Me. Everybody HATEs Me. Why Don't I Go Eat Worms. Tasty Treats are Wormy Meat. Yes Send message Joined: 16 Jun 02 Posts: 6895 Credit: 6,588,977 RAC: 0 |
menial manual labor jobs dA POWER IN MY Scarred; Bleeding; Greasy; Dirty; Calloused; Muscular POWERFUL HANDS, from Countless Menial Labor Jobs. I Have HANDS dAT CRUSH. It is Called 45er POWER. dA POWER of ORANGE. ORANGE CRUSH Juiced Up Yap May we All have a METAMORPHOSIS. REASON. GOoD JUDGEMENT and LOVE and ORDER!!!!! |
W-K 666 Send message Joined: 18 May 99 Posts: 19460 Credit: 40,757,560 RAC: 67 |
menial manual labor jobs Which ORANGE CRUSH? or[url][/url] But I guess you don't get your hands "Scarred; Bleeding; Greasy; Dirty & Calloused" you use one of these; |
janneseti Send message Joined: 14 Oct 09 Posts: 14106 Credit: 655,366 RAC: 0 |
Orange? |
j mercer Send message Joined: 3 Jun 99 Posts: 2422 Credit: 12,323,733 RAC: 1 |
Can you imagine the out cry if that was Obama and spoofing his skin color/colour. You would be drummed off the boards as a racist/bigot. Hah! ha!! ... |
W-K 666 Send message Joined: 18 May 99 Posts: 19460 Credit: 40,757,560 RAC: 67 |
So why are poor Americans denied a good education? And see, It's not just the US that denies poor citizens a good education. BBC - Poorest pupils 'two years behind when they sit GCSEs' Explanation for non-UK people, GCSEs are the exams usually taken at age 16, end of year 11. |
W-K 666 Send message Joined: 18 May 99 Posts: 19460 Credit: 40,757,560 RAC: 67 |
It's cannot be his policy - Becoming more obvious, A reporter pressed the White House for data. That’s when things got tense. Ultimately, Miller* again asked Thrush** to set aside his request for data and to consider common sense. *Stephen Miller, President Trump’s senior policy adviser **Glenn Thrush, New York Times’ reporter |
janneseti Send message Joined: 14 Oct 09 Posts: 14106 Credit: 655,366 RAC: 0 |
Can you imagine the out cry if that was Obama and spoofing his skin color/colour. I can see your point and I'm stand corrected. Sorry if someone would get offended by my mentioning of skin color/colour. As for myself I'm very pale faced this summer. Rather spooky really... |
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