Ok, what the heck is going on with limiting availability of video cards?? At least at Micro Center?

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Message 1878890 - Posted: 18 Jul 2017, 3:51:07 UTC - in response to Message 1878861.  
Last modified: 18 Jul 2017, 3:58:58 UTC

Tom, are those prices you mentioned for new or used?

Used. Its off ebay so.... :) Most of the ebay sellers do "returns" so if the product is DOA you can get your money back. The sales listing includes if the seller will take a return. I figure if it wakes up and runs for at least 72 hours w/o quitting then its as good as I paid for.

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Message 1878892 - Posted: 18 Jul 2017, 3:56:09 UTC - in response to Message 1878805.  
Last modified: 18 Jul 2017, 4:08:42 UTC

Just checked with a local comp parts supplier and they have sold out despite limiting sales to TWO per customer of all the high end graphics cards.

I believe my local computer store (Unicomputers) has some gtx 1060's, a 1070 and a 1080 in stock. You can reach them at.... https://unicomputers.com/ ;)

I know they also have at least one Gtx 750 Ti left since I just bought the other one :)

Here is a "buy it now" on eBay: EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 SC GAMING, ACX 2.0 (Single Fan), 03G-P4-6162-KR, 3GB GDDR5 for $234.99 with free shipping. Just sent the seller a question about how long it had been in use :)

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Message 1878950 - Posted: 19 Jul 2017, 0:55:17 UTC - in response to Message 1878892.  

Here is a "buy it now" on eBay: EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 SC GAMING, ACX 2.0 (Single Fan), 03G-P4-6162-KR, 3GB GDDR5 for $234.99 with free shipping. Just sent the seller a question about how long it had been in use :)

He replied "about 3 months". I believe the "gpu buble" is cooling off.

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Al Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1878974 - Posted: 19 Jul 2017, 2:12:57 UTC

It's raining cards! Soon... lol

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1879070 - Posted: 19 Jul 2017, 17:09:21 UTC - in response to Message 1878974.  

It's raining cards! Soon... lol

LOL indeed. I hope all those who thought they saw free money sparkling before their eyes reap what they have sown.
I shall watch this thread for news on the pricing.

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Message 1879281 - Posted: 20 Jul 2017, 17:59:58 UTC - in response to Message 1878974.  

It's raining cards! Soon... lol

I just ordered a gtx 1060 3GB for $30 off ebay. It is CLEARLY raining (at least one card).

Assuming this thing isn't DOA and otherwise unhappy, it was a spectacular "deal". For that price, I would buy 2-3 more, maybe.

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Message 1879282 - Posted: 20 Jul 2017, 18:06:35 UTC - in response to Message 1879281.  

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Al Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1879291 - Posted: 20 Jul 2017, 18:37:44 UTC - in response to Message 1879282.  

Thanks Tom, but it looks like they were posted by scammers. Ebay can be pretty quick about nuking bad listings. This is what I got when I just opened the first 2 links you posted:

This listing (**********) has been removed, or this item is not available.

Please check that you've entered the correct item number
Listings that have ended 90 or more days ago will not be available for viewing.

Too good to be true it appears. :-/

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Message 1879297 - Posted: 20 Jul 2017, 18:56:04 UTC - in response to Message 1879291.  

I did get a "this account has been hacked" email from ebay.
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Message 1879365 - Posted: 21 Jul 2017, 4:18:15 UTC - in response to Message 1878974.  

It's raining cards! Soon... lol

How about a new one from Newegg? EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 GAMING, ACX 2.0 (Single Fan), 03G-P4-6160-KR, 3GB GDDR5, D for $219.99?

That is a few bucks cheaper from the cost ($225) of my recently damaged Zotack "compact" one fan. Darn I am tempted. Otherwise the next box I get (whenever;) will either have to live with a Gtx 750Ti or Gtx 1060 re-allocated from current boxes or suffer with a GT 710/720 for a while.

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Message 1879712 - Posted: 22 Jul 2017, 20:55:50 UTC

They are dumping their cards now on Ebay. There a lot of cards being sold off.

So if you are in the market for some used cards, some as little as 1 month usage, might be time to cruise over to Ebay and have a look at some of these.
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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1879732 - Posted: 22 Jul 2017, 22:28:42 UTC - in response to Message 1879712.  

They are dumping their cards now on Ebay. There a lot of cards being sold off.

So if you are in the market for some used cards, some as little as 1 month usage, might be time to cruise over to Ebay and have a look at some of these.

I don't think the bottom has dropped out yet. Let panic set in a bit more.
And there are still some gamers that don't know what is going on. They are bidding used 1080ti cards to within $50.00 of new. Newegg is showing stock on most models now, and they are also listing on ebay.

Wait for it................................wait for it...........................

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Al Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1879749 - Posted: 22 Jul 2017, 23:16:58 UTC - in response to Message 1879732.  

Wait for it................................wait for it...........................


Eggsactly! Patience I believe will be a virtue in this instance. I was at Microcenter a few days ago, their shelves were still wiped out, other than some $650-850 cards, and the channel certainly isn't anywhere close to being refilled again, so I think there is a bit more pain to be felt by the less savvy of the mining group. Which will be Great for us... Silly Rabbit, mining is for fools. ;-)

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Message 1879750 - Posted: 22 Jul 2017, 23:24:08 UTC - in response to Message 1879749.  

Wait for it................................wait for it...........................


Eggsactly! Patience I believe will be a virtue in this instance. I was at Microcenter a few days ago, their shelves were still wiped out, other than some $650-850 cards, and the channel certainly isn't anywhere close to being refilled again, so I think there is a bit more pain to be felt by the less savvy of the mining group. Which will be Great for us... Silly Rabbit, mining is for fools. ;-)

I did score a Gtx 1050 2GB for $30 on ebay earlier. Why on earth would I want that? It probably will run on my Dell OptiPlex 7010 which is running nicely with a gtx 750 ti. Claims are its 30% faster. Apparently draws no more power. And it was REALLY cheap.

Yes, they appear to have a lot of them if you have that need. Ships just the card, no packaging, no drivers, no wiring (?) I didn't think these needed wiring? Oh, well.

After getting semi-burned by a Gtx 1060 for $30 (the money is still out in no-mans land) I am pleased that this one seems to be "real" :)

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Message 1879781 - Posted: 23 Jul 2017, 0:13:47 UTC - in response to Message 1879749.  

Wait for it................................wait for it...........................


Eggsactly! Patience I believe will be a virtue in this instance. I was at Microcenter a few days ago, their shelves were still wiped out, other than some $650-850 cards, and the channel certainly isn't anywhere close to being refilled again, so I think there is a bit more pain to be felt by the less savvy of the mining group. Which will be Great for us... Silly Rabbit, mining is for fools. ;-)

I found that PSUs are also in a similar situation. At least all of the ones I've tried to order for the past month.
They either become out of stock or cancel my order and raise the price $30.
I just want to power more of my dual E5-2670's!
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Profile Tom M
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Message 1879820 - Posted: 23 Jul 2017, 2:10:59 UTC - in response to Message 1879781.  

I just want to power more of my dual E5-2670's!

More Power to you, Hal :)
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Profile Zalster Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1879938 - Posted: 23 Jul 2017, 18:57:24 UTC - in response to Message 1879820.  

Hey Al,

Sort of related to your topic...PSU

I have a failing PSU on a machine. It's a replacement RMA one from EVGA. Tried calling them today to get authorized to send this piece of XXX back. They wouldn't do it.

Said "give it a few more weeks" BS.....

Ordered a new one from another company that has them and hasn't jacked the price yet.

I'm going to call EVGA everyday and bug them until they authorize the RMA...

Never had this problem before with them until all these Miners got it. They rep even asked me if I was a Miner. I said NO, I'm a CRUNCHER! You know, sort of like you FOLDING team! Probably didn't believe me so probably why he wouldn't authorize the return. Going to keep bugging them until they do it...

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Al Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1880014 - Posted: 24 Jul 2017, 2:31:24 UTC - in response to Message 1879938.  
Last modified: 24 Jul 2017, 2:41:27 UTC

Zalster, Wow. I have Never been treated like that by their support dept, but it's been well over a year since I have needed to contact them for anything. I know that they are probably getting disabused by all the mining people out there, I'd think that they would be a class of customers cut from a different cloth than more 'normal' system builders and enthusiasts they are used to dealing with, and are getting sick of all the guff they're probably getting. That being said, there is no excuse for the treatment you've received.

Tell you what, I have an idea for you. I have been to Neweggs site a number of times over the last few months checking stuff out, and often times when you bring up one of their vid cards for example, there is a button that shows up in the middle of the page saying Speak/Chat to EVGA, or something like that. Every time I have talked with them, the people have been pretty nice, and they actually work for EVGA, not Newegg. I've gotten some not widely known information from them from time to time, which I appreciate, and when I am friendly with them, they are generally friendly, helpful and forthcoming with me.

You might want to try bringing one of them up, and explaining your situation, from the fact that you are on your 2nd PSU, and it has issues, to the less than nice way that you were treated by whatever dept recently. I'm hoping you find that you are able to talk with someone who might be able to either assist you further, or get you directly to someone who can. Because if they are starting to treat their customers like you said they did to you, that will change my opinion of them significantly, and will definitely make me reconsider purchasing anything from them again.

Over the years, I have usually purchased PCP&C PSU's, but have been giving EVGA a try on their larger units, and have been pretty happy with them overall. I still think that PCP&C makes some of the best out there, and have for years, but they aren't cheap, at least their top end ones. I'll be interested to see how this all plays out for you, please keep us all in the loop here so we can determine exactly what kind of company they are today. Things change, and just because they were great to their customers in the past, doesn't really mean they are today. Good luck!

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kittyman Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1880023 - Posted: 24 Jul 2017, 3:33:26 UTC

I would tend to give EVGA a pass on this one for the moment.
You have to KNOW that EVGA is probably getting hit with many times the normal RMA requests from the POS miners since they started losing their sorry butts.

EVGA is not stupid. They know what the normal rate of failure is on the goods that they sell. And I am sure they can track pretty closely the RMA rate on just about any given production batch of any model of any item that they sell.
So, when mining crashes and suddenly their RMA request rate doubles or triples or worse.............
They know damned well what is going on.

And I would not doubt that they are dealing with goods returned under RMA that either have no defect whatsoever, except that the miner is banking on getting a replacement that he can try to sell as 'new-other' on ebay because he can say it has never been used. Or, goods that have been purposely sabotaged or damaged to accomplish the same deal. And again, I am sure that EVGA can tell in many cases that there has been intentional abuse involved.

The very few times in the past that I have had to deal with EVGA regarding a warranty failure or technical problem, their response has been nothing short of excellent. I own no other brand of GPU. And if I ever need another PSU, it shall be from EVGA. The one I got from them has been excellent, and the warranty on them is excellent.

EVGA, and I am sure many other vendors, are under duress right now because dishonest and unscrupulous people are trying to cut their personal losses from the mining bubble burst by taking advantage of the sellers of the equipment.
Many of the vendors are also going to be in a over-inventoried situation because they ramped up production or placed orders for product to try to keep their customers supplied. So, they will probably be forced to sacrifice prices and profit margins to get that under control again as well.

So, honest folk with honest problems or defects are probably going to have to display some extra patience whilst the vendors try their best to separate them from the mining ilk.

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Al Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor

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Message 1880103 - Posted: 24 Jul 2017, 18:44:04 UTC - in response to Message 1880023.  

Mark, Agreed. Your experience with them mirrors my own, and once this rat clears thru the python, we can then judge them honestly. I just wonder how long a tail this rat has, that's going to continue to effect the honest customers. Hopefully with whatever they are doing to discourage the cheats, it will be effective, and they will quickly crawl back under the rock for whence they came.

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Message boards : Number crunching : Ok, what the heck is going on with limiting availability of video cards?? At least at Micro Center?

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