Merge computer?

Questions and Answers : Getting started : Merge computer?
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Profile Plan_B

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Message 1872277 - Posted: 10 Jun 2017, 18:04:35 UTC

How to merge 2 "old" computer to my current account which all 3 has NOT the same name?

Sorry if this topic already have been treated. I have not found anything concerning here.
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Profile Tom M
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Message 1872671 - Posted: 13 Jun 2017, 0:26:56 UTC - in response to Message 1872277.  
Last modified: 13 Jun 2017, 0:35:21 UTC

How to merge 2 "old" computer to my current account which all 3 has NOT the same name?

Sorry if this topic already have been treated. I have not found anything concerning here.

If they have the same hardware and the same operating system you MIGHT be able to merge them using the "merge" link on the computers page. Since your current system and 6715017 no longer have the same hardware (eg. video cards) you are not going to be able to merge them.

Sometimes, Boinc/Seti won't merge computers that I would swear were identical.

The only reason to merge them is to try to increase the credits assigned to a particular computer. At least my understanding is the total credits for your userid is the sum of all the credits you have had from validated work units.

Your RAC won't change (I think) and so if you process for say 2 weeks with your current hardware/software, the RAC will go up/down to however you have your (multiple) projects balanced.

It looks like your gpu is processing but not your cpus. You should probably dedicate 1 cpu to your gpu and then let the others process away. Might check out the Lunatix's upgrade (beta6) and see if you can get more cpu processing done as well as more gpu processing done.

A proud member of the OFA (Old Farts Association).
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Message 1872736 - Posted: 13 Jun 2017, 7:25:33 UTC

There are a couple of things that make the possibility for merging skyrocket:
1. both hosts have the same name. If one of them is differently named in the OS, it can throw the chances for a successful merger.
2. the same hardware, and with that we mean the same CPU. GPUs aren't really counted, as far as I know, but even if they are, it's the same deal: the same brand helps. Meaning you can easily merge a computer with two wildly differing Intel CPUs, but not if one has an Intel CPU and the other an AMD CPU.
3. Operating system: when both have a form of Windows, they should easily merge. They won't merge if one has Windows and the other Linux.
ID: 1872736 · Report as offensive
Profile Plan_B

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Message 1873157 - Posted: 15 Jun 2017, 15:39:38 UTC

Thx folks for your answers.

Yes, you are right they have not the same hardware. I´ve overseen fx the GC. So unfortunately no merging.

>>The only reason to merge them is to try to increase
>> the credits assigned to a particular computer.

Yes this is one reason. The other is sense of order. OCD ;)

>>It looks like your gpu is processing but not your
>>cpus. You should probably dedicate 1 cpu to your
>>gpu and then let the others process away.

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Where to set more CPUs?

>>Might check out the Lunatix's upgrade (beta6) ...

Where to find (link)? How to install under BOINC and Win10 64?
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Message 1873164 - Posted: 15 Jun 2017, 16:24:20 UTC

You either:
Allow computation on the CPU you have, and by default BOINC will use all the threads/cores available.
Do not allow computation on the CPU you have, and BOINC will not use any of the threads/cores available.

If you want to increase the number of CPU threads/cores you either - turn on "hyper-threading" in the BIOS, but this only works if the CPU is capable of it. Or you buy a CPU with more threads/cores.
Bob Smith
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Questions and Answers : Getting started : Merge computer?

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