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Message 1867294 - Posted: 14 May 2017, 18:36:36 UTC - in response to Message 1867292.  

The prison industrial complex is a cash cow for the oligarchs. Look for it to expand with the current AG. I wonder if he is a share holder.

Wouldn't surprise me at all given his orders to use the most serious charges and seek the longest possible sentences in cases...
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Message 1867308 - Posted: 14 May 2017, 19:55:38 UTC

Jeff Sessions Getting Rich Filling Private Prisons
It seems he is a share holder.
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Message 1867323 - Posted: 14 May 2017, 21:14:03 UTC - in response to Message 1867319.  

Clyde, who knows maybe Vanguard divested it's self from the prison industrial complex now that Sessons is AG ? Ya think?
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Profile Wiggo

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Message 1867343 - Posted: 14 May 2017, 22:22:50 UTC

Personally I reckon that it should've been legal for a very long time now.

Then there would've been a lot less need for those jails, there would've been a hell of a lot less violence, there would've been a lot less theft/robbery and a lot less pressure on emergency health services due to there would've been a lot less need for those cheaper hard drugs which wouldn't have gotten the foothold that they have now.

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Message 1867354 - Posted: 14 May 2017, 22:53:57 UTC - in response to Message 1867334.  

Did the AG actually Own Stocks in Vanguard.

Clyde, since you were too lazy to read the article or just simply can't remember what it said I quoted a paragraph
As Attorney General Sessions fills these private prisons, he is making money. According to his latest financial disclosures required by congress, dated December 23, 2016, he divested of other investments that were found to be in conflict. In these disclosures, he also lists numerous Vanguard funds. Vanguard owns more private prison stock than any other investment management company. None of the Vanguard funds listed below were included in the divestiture.

Did he divest after February 28th.

Clyde, that is unknown, surely you know about the appearance of impropriety, self serving is what he seems to be doing.
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Message 1867360 - Posted: 14 May 2017, 23:07:00 UTC - in response to Message 1867355.  

Since most Successful people. Hillary for one with the Putin/Clinton Uranium Deal. Would have the appearance of...

Clyde, OK I get it in your mind if others do something wrong you use that a reason to excuse the AG, your values are not questionable, you have clearly stated them. Sad, sad, sad
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Message 1867367 - Posted: 14 May 2017, 23:34:05 UTC - in response to Message 1867365.  
Last modified: 14 May 2017, 23:35:53 UTC

And if he did. Did he eventually divest.

Clyde, If the AG divested and has not disclosed then he is deliberately giving the appearance of self serving, otherwise he is self serving.
This is real binary. For the short period of time when I worked for the Federal government the code of conduct was quite clear on the appearance thing.
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Message 1867373 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 0:30:30 UTC - in response to Message 1867369.  

Clyde, If the AG divested and has not disclosed then he is deliberately giving the appearance of self serving, otherwise he is self serving.
This is real binary. For the short period of time when I worked for the Federal government the code of conduct was quite clear on the appearance thing.

Understand the above betreger (non diminutive)

Clyde, so you agree that the AG is not in compliance with the code of conduct?
ID: 1867373 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1867374 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 0:31:38 UTC - in response to Message 1867367.  

And if he did. Did he eventually divest.
Clyde, If the AG divested and has not disclosed then he is deliberately giving the appearance of self serving, otherwise he is self serving.
This is real binary. For the short period of time when I worked for the Federal government the code of conduct was quite clear on the appearance thing.
Going to be interesting to see if that Schedule D form 1040 is going to be used at his trial. Of course the same applies to tRump who desperately doesn't want his conflicts of interest investigated. Wonder there if he advised someone and did business with who he told them to use and didn't disclose it. Might be interesting to look at all those conflict check boxes on those corporate returns! Perhaps that is what the IRS is auditing?
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Message 1867380 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 1:21:38 UTC - in response to Message 1867343.  

Personally I reckon that it should've been legal for a very long time now.

Then there would've been a lot less need for those jails, there would've been a hell of a lot less violence, there would've been a lot less theft/robbery and a lot less pressure on emergency health services due to there would've been a lot less need for those cheaper hard drugs which wouldn't have gotten the foothold that they have now.


Yep, they've spent all this time worrying about a little green weed that makes people a little giggly or hungry, and now cheap heroin runs through our streets like water through a river.

My wifey and I now can't even count on all of our fingers the people in our lives that have either become addicted to heroin or have died from overdose. The problem is beyond an epidemic from what I can tell.
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Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1867382 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 1:35:21 UTC - in response to Message 1867380.  

Yep, they've spent all this time worrying about a little green weed that makes people a little giggly or hungry, and now cheap heroin runs through our streets like water through a river.

And alcohol flows like a river, too. It's really crazy to me. With a more conservative court, I don't know if there's any hope of seeing marijuana federally legalized anyway soon.
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
ID: 1867382 · Report as offensive
Profile Wiggo

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Message 1867383 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 1:42:53 UTC - in response to Message 1867380.  

Personally I reckon that it should've been legal for a very long time now.

Then there would've been a lot less need for those jails, there would've been a hell of a lot less violence, there would've been a lot less theft/robbery and a lot less pressure on emergency health services due to there would've been a lot less need for those cheaper hard drugs which wouldn't have gotten the foothold that they have now.


Yep, they've spent all this time worrying about a little green weed that makes people a little giggly or hungry, and now cheap heroin runs through our streets like water through a river.

My wifey and I now can't even count on all of our fingers the people in our lives that have either become addicted to heroin or have died from overdose. The problem is beyond an epidemic from what I can tell.

And add in the cheap Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid and Methamphetamine based drugs doing the rounds these days magnifying the problem.

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Message 1867385 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 1:49:16 UTC - in response to Message 1867382.  

With a more conservative court, I don't know if there's any hope of seeing marijuana federally legalized anyway soon.

If legislation is passed the courts have no say in the matter. Many of the states have spoken and will put pressure on on their federal legislators.
The day's of prohibition may very well be numbered.
ID: 1867385 · Report as offensive
Profile Gordon Lowe

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Message 1867387 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 1:55:20 UTC - in response to Message 1867385.  

With a more conservative court, I don't know if there's any hope of seeing marijuana federally legalized anyway soon.

If legislation is passed the courts have no say in the matter. Many of the states have spoken and will put pressure on on their federal legislators.
The day's of prohibition may very well be numbered.

I thought that the new favorable state decisions could still technically be usurped by current federal regulations against marijuana.
The mind is a weird and mysterious place
ID: 1867387 · Report as offensive
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Message 1867390 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 2:12:51 UTC - in response to Message 1867387.  

With a more conservative court, I don't know if there's any hope of seeing marijuana federally legalized anyway soon.

If legislation is passed the courts have no say in the matter. Many of the states have spoken and will put pressure on on their federal legislators.
The day's of prohibition may very well be numbered.

I thought that the new favorable state decisions could still technically be usurped by current federal regulations against marijuana.

That is true but that would require mucho cajones.
As I suggested the federal legislators will have much political pressure put upon them.
ID: 1867390 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1867393 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 3:43:40 UTC - in response to Message 1867390.  

With a more conservative court, I don't know if there's any hope of seeing marijuana federally legalized anyway soon.

If legislation is passed the courts have no say in the matter. Many of the states have spoken and will put pressure on on their federal legislators.
The day's of prohibition may very well be numbered.

I thought that the new favorable state decisions could still technically be usurped by current federal regulations against marijuana.

That is true but that would require mucho cajones.
As I suggested the federal legislators will have much political pressure put upon them.

Or one little states rights case where the conservatives want state control of a federal program and the entire prohibition scheme comes crashing down.
ID: 1867393 · Report as offensive
Profile Mr. Kevvy Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1867444 - Posted: 15 May 2017, 16:29:14 UTC - in response to Message 1867380.  
Last modified: 15 May 2017, 16:30:32 UTC

My wifey and I now can't even count on all of our fingers the people in our lives that have either become addicted to heroin or have died from overdose. The problem is beyond an epidemic from what I can tell.

I read this yesterday and all I could think was: fentanyl. Because it is being added to other narcotics especially heroin it is causing street heroin to become overdose-prone. I didn't have any recent corroboration but then just today in one of our local newspapers: 'Safe' injection site tests show approximately 80% of drugs contain deadly fentanyl

Fentanyl is safe enough to be used medically when diluted properly by someone trained, but it is so strong it is too easy to get the mixture wrong and it becomes deadly.

Yet another thing that would not happen if this ridiculous "War on Drugs" was ended and addicts could purchase narcotics with proper quality controls prepared by certified people.
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Message 1867571 - Posted: 16 May 2017, 4:14:08 UTC - in response to Message 1867444.  
Last modified: 16 May 2017, 4:19:27 UTC

My wifey and I now can't even count on all of our fingers the people in our lives that have either become addicted to heroin or have died from overdose. The problem is beyond an epidemic from what I can tell.

I read this yesterday and all I could think was: fentanyl. Because it is being added to other narcotics especially heroin it is causing street heroin to become overdose-prone. I didn't have any recent corroboration but then just today in one of our local newspapers: 'Safe' injection site tests show approximately 80% of drugs contain deadly fentanyl

Fentanyl is safe enough to be used medically when diluted properly by someone trained, but it is so strong it is too easy to get the mixture wrong and it becomes deadly.

Yet another thing that would not happen if this ridiculous "War on Drugs" was ended and addicts could purchase narcotics with proper quality controls prepared by certified people.

And there's variants of fentanyl out there too. stuff that's 10x or more stronger than typical pharm. grade fentanyl, stuff that's meant for animals and goes for such cheap prices people can buy pounds of it from overseas mfrs and increase their profits exponentially.
But yes, it seems the fentanyl is what is directly responsible for the epidemic of 'heroin' deaths.

In the last 6 months alone, two of my co-workers have passed away due to overdose from heroin (or whatever was mixed with it)

meanwhile, the feds want to keep locking up people for smoking pot?

ID: 1867571 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1867577 - Posted: 16 May 2017, 4:25:08 UTC - in response to Message 1867571.  

meanwhile, the feds want to keep locking up people for smoking pot?
They want to take away the right to vote, especially if they think the vote might be for a democrat!
ID: 1867577 · Report as offensive
Profile betreger Project Donor

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Message 1867617 - Posted: 17 May 2017, 2:56:23 UTC - in response to Message 1867397.  

Clyde, If the AG divested and has not disclosed then he is deliberately giving the appearance of self serving, otherwise he is self serving.
This is real binary. For the short period of time when I worked for the Federal government the code of conduct was quite clear on the appearance thing.

Understand the above betreger (non diminutive)

Clyde, so you agree that the AG is not in compliance with the code of conduct?


Doesn't matter in The Grand Scheme of Power. The Democrat Party, over the past years (even before Trump). Has suffered massive political loses in State and Federal Elections. And worse for them. Refuse to admit the American people have dismissed them.

All they and the media do. Is yell and scream Conspiracy! And that is the Real Difficulty to get anyone, outside of their deranged accusations. To take seriously a real issue.

Since it appears that the American People have no faith in the accuracy The Media. And the Foundation of all this yelling, screaming and accusations (a few true). Is an attempt to overturn a Legitimate Election. It will fail.

Thereby, eventually enabling Trump to proceed with what he campaigned upon.

And the one issue which caused me to vote against him.

Clyde, you continue to refuse to answer a simple yes or no question. I didn't ask whether it mattered or not. Instead you choose to deflect. Your critical thinking is lacking. You really should try to improve. How sad, very very sad.
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