2 GTX 750ti- 24/7 why is credit falling

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Message 1851949 - Posted: 27 Feb 2017, 23:58:42 UTC

I have been looking at various threads and have not found an answer. My cruncher is a 8 core AMD with dual 750ti graphic cards. I am noticing people get 30 - 45K rac. Mine is down to 6K. What am I doing wrong?
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Message 1851956 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 0:16:01 UTC - in response to Message 1851949.  

I have been looking at various threads and have not found an answer. My cruncher is a 8 core AMD with dual 750ti graphic cards. I am noticing people get 30 - 45K rac. Mine is down to 6K. What am I doing wrong?

Given the amount of work your computer is doing at Collatz it isn't going to max out running SETI@home tasks.

A 750 TI seems to be good for about 7-10K RAC depending on the work going out.
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Message 1851957 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 0:16:18 UTC

You're using an outdated CUDA app while others are using 1 of the 2 latest SoG apps.

Mike's World has what you need to correct that.

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Message 1851960 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 0:26:25 UTC

Guess I have been here too long. I have the latest app from Lunatics. I will have to try to find Mike's World. Any leads on where that is?
As of Collatz it's set to run 10% of the time. So it really should not bee that big a drain. I will turn it off for a bit and see if that helps. If a 750TI should do 7-10K then I should be doing a lot better with 2 of them.
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Message 1851963 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 0:36:16 UTC
Last modified: 28 Feb 2017, 0:38:50 UTC


If you have used the Lunatics 0.45 Beta 6 then rerun it and choose the SoG app instead of Cuda.

And/or graft in the MB8_NV_r3584_SoG app

[edit] the installer runs a slightly older but acceptable SoG app and each SoG task requires 1 CPU core.

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Message 1851967 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 0:49:03 UTC

Thanks, I have installed the SoG app but still see Cuda 32 as the application running in Boinc manager. Is that normal?
Also stopped Collaz.

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Profile HAL9000
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Message 1851969 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 0:59:12 UTC - in response to Message 1851960.  
Last modified: 28 Feb 2017, 0:59:32 UTC

Guess I have been here too long. I have the latest app from Lunatics. I will have to try to find Mike's World. Any leads on where that is?
As of Collatz it's set to run 10% of the time. So it really should not bee that big a drain. I will turn it off for a bit and see if that helps. If a 750TI should do 7-10K then I should be doing a lot better with 2 of them.

BOINC does its best to try to run as requested. Short term it doesn't appears to work as expected, but if you look at it on the timescale of a year it does a pretty good job... mostly.

If you want some single GPUs for comparison.
I have a host with a 750 ti. Which runs 2 MB tasks at once with the SoG app 0 CPU tasks.
It is an EVGA FTW model running at 1345MHz.

I also have a notebook running the same configuration.
It has a GTX 950m, but that is really a rebadged and downclocked 750 ti running at 927MHz.
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Message 1851973 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 1:22:58 UTC - in response to Message 1851967.  

Thanks, I have installed the SoG app but still see Cuda 32 as the application running in Boinc manager. Is that normal?
Also stopped Collaz.

[img ]https://i.imgsafe.org/4c8cdbf1f0.jpg[/img]

It seems really odd to me to run the CUDA 3.2 app on a Maxwell GPU, but that irrelevant to the SoG app.

If you added the SoG app to your app_info.xml and left the CUDA app in. Then the tasks are likely still using the CUDA application. You can look in task manager and see which exe is actually running.
Probably the easiest way to switch apps is to run the GPU queue empty and then remove the CUDA app from your app_info.
If you are more adept at modifying xml files you can remove the CUDA app from your app_info and update your client_state.xml. However messing up in the client_state.xml can lead to the loss of all BOINC tasks/projects on the host.
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Message 1851974 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 1:24:09 UTC

I am making 27k on my Windows 10 PC with a GTX 1050 by Palit. But this may depend on credits given by Einstein@home in the search for binary gamma-ray pulsars in data from the Fermi gamma-ray orbital telescope.
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Message 1851981 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 1:54:42 UTC

Thanks for the thoughts. I just notice that I have downloaded some SoG work units. So I think I will let it run out of the Cuda and see if they all start comming in as SoG before I modify anything else. Baby steps.
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Message 1851991 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 3:35:50 UTC
Last modified: 28 Feb 2017, 3:41:24 UTC

Thanks, I have installed the SoG app but still see Cuda 32 as the application running in Boinc manager. Is that normal?
Also stopped Collaz.

Even though your current tasks will still be shown under the old app numbers I can tell you that your latest GPU work is being complete by the SoG app. ;-)

[edit] Someone should come around and give you cmdline to add to your mb_cmdline_win_x86_SSE3_OpenCL_NV_SoG folder to better tune that app for those GPU's of yours.

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Message 1851998 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 4:13:18 UTC - in response to Message 1851991.  

Thanks, I have installed the SoG app but still see Cuda 32 as the application running in Boinc manager. Is that normal?
Also stopped Collaz.

Even though your current tasks will still be shown under the old app numbers I can tell you that your latest GPU work is being complete by the SoG app. ;-)

[edit] Someone should come around and give you cmdline to add to your mb_cmdline_win_x86_SSE3_OpenCL_NV_SoG folder to better tune that app for those GPU's of yours.


Better yet, it would be grand if Richard finds the time to finally release another official installer.
Mind you, I am NOT berating him whatsoever.
It just would make things so much easier for so many when it finally does happen.
The kitties are waiting very patiently.
"Time is simply the mechanism that keeps everything from happening all at once."

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Message 1852000 - Posted: 28 Feb 2017, 4:22:55 UTC - in response to Message 1851991.  

As you'll see in my member block (at left) my GTX750Ti is able to get about 13,000 RAC so, in principle, your x2 GPU's should be close to double that. As others have already pointed out, sharing with Collatz cuts substantially into your Seti resources. My experience, and experiments to confirm it, show that Boinc doesn't manage resource sharing between projects very well at all, especially when GPU and CPU applications are mixed. Despite admonitions to the contrary, I resort to "micro managing" the flow of new tasks and manually suspending projects when they have had their "fair share" of run time.
You can examine my computer specs and will find it's an AMD FX4300 in a Linux OS environment (4-cores). I do keep the cores occupied with Seti CPU applications (in addition to the GPU) to get another 1000 +/- boost to RAC. And, yes, the SoG version is better than the CUDA on average. The CPU app is the Lunatics optimized one for MB.
Here's my version of the command line options:
<cmdline>-sbs 512 -period_iterations_num 7 -tune 1 64 1 4 -oclfft_tune_gr 256 -oclfft_tune_lr 16 \
-oclfft_tune_wg 256 -oclfft_tune_ls 512 -oclfft_tune_bn 64 -oclfft_tune_cw 64 -tt 100</cmdline>
[extracted from the app_config.xml file]
For your Windows system you'll need to edit it somewhat, eg. omit the <cmdline> xml tags if you put it in a cmdline file as Wiggo has suggested. And maybe there are Windows-specific options that others may point out.
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Message 1852098 - Posted: 1 Mar 2017, 8:27:45 UTC

At least your RAC here has at least doubled since you updated Carlos. ;-)

Happy crunching.

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Message 1852161 - Posted: 1 Mar 2017, 17:29:53 UTC - in response to Message 1852098.  

Glad I found this thread. I didn't know I needed to select the Sog option.
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Message 1852176 - Posted: 1 Mar 2017, 18:50:48 UTC - in response to Message 1852161.  

Glad I found this thread. I didn't know I needed to select the Sog option.

SOG = Signals On GPU
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Message 1852206 - Posted: 1 Mar 2017, 22:44:07 UTC

Yes, thank you for the help. Looks like my computer's RAC is climbing.

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Message 1852211 - Posted: 1 Mar 2017, 22:53:58 UTC

If you can keep it full of SETI work Carlos, I can't see why that rig of yours couldn't get into the 18-20K RAC range. ;-)

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Message 1852249 - Posted: 2 Mar 2017, 4:31:32 UTC - in response to Message 1852211.  

Take a look at my computers and you will see that I have very similar setups. My current scores may have recently been given a bit of a bump but they are close to what they normally do.
Are you sure you have not been doing SETI work recently? It takes a long time for the RAC to climb (seems to drop over night if the rig is shut off) but then takes weeks to climb back up.

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ID: 1852249 · Report as offensive
Profile Carlos
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Message 1852324 - Posted: 2 Mar 2017, 16:23:01 UTC - in response to Message 1852249.  
Last modified: 2 Mar 2017, 16:24:34 UTC

Take a look at my computers and you will see that I have very similar setups. My current scores may have recently been given a bit of a bump but they are close to what they normally do.
Are you sure you have not been doing SETI work recently? It takes a long time for the RAC to climb (seems to drop over night if the rig is shut off) but then takes weeks to climb back up.

I see you are in the 20K plus range with similar computers. That is what I would hope my will get back to.
Oh and yes I have been doing SETI work recently and for a little over 17 years. Except for power outages and a couple of moves, the Q8 computer I have running has been on Seti 24x7 for about 4 years. My comment related to my RAC falling. Seems the software update is working. But if you look at all my computers, you will see that at one time I had a farm of 8 quads all running 24/7. That got to be too expensive to run. I had power bills over $1,000 a month just for the Seti Farm. I have been cutting back since then. Plus since the advent of GPU's I get more credit now with my one computer than I did back then with 8.
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