Linux CUDA 'Special' App finally available, featuring Low CPU use

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Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1912865 - Posted: 13 Jan 2018, 20:37:30 UTC - in response to Message 1912834.  

I don't get upset about Petri trying out the latest zi3xs4 on Main. It is just one computer. Now if he made that app available to the public and dozens of computers were trying to run it, I would have an issue.

Considering Beta hasn't had consistent work available for weeks at a time, that would certainly slow down the development of the app with no work to try it on.
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Message 1913392 - Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 2:26:41 UTC

I am looking for a volunteer, helping mi to install the special CUDA 80 or CUDA 90 app at this computer AMD Ryzen 1700x with Lubuntu 17.10:
I have run BOINC on this computer without problems for several months, but I was not able to install the special app with CUDA 80 alongside.

However, it seems that I do have to reinstall everything as all WUs of all projects are erroring out with this error:
SETI: couldn't start app: Can't write init file: fopen() failed</message>
Drugdiscovery: couldn't start app: Can't write init file: fopen() failed</message>
Primegrid: couldn't start app: Can't write init file: fopen() failed</message>
So, I am looking for someone, which can guide my step by step installing BOINC on this computer anew and get the best out of it.
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Message 1913417 - Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 4:22:54 UTC - in response to Message 1913392.  
Last modified: 17 Jan 2018, 4:49:21 UTC

From this result it appears you installed BOINC 7.8.3 into the /var/lib/boinc-client folder,
OpenCL-kernels filename :
INFO: can't open binary kernel file: /var/lib/boinc-client/projects/, continue with recompile...
Info : Building Program (binary, clBuildProgram):main kernels: OK code 0
INFO: binary kernel file created
WARNING: can't open binary kernel file for oclFFT plan: /var/lib/boinc-client/projects/, continue with recompile...

This would imply you installed the Repository version of BOINC First, then moved the new BOINC 7.8.3 into the /var/lib/boinc-client folder instead of removing the repository version and installing BOINC 7.8.3 into your Home folder. I'm surprised it worked at all. How are you starting BOINC?
Once you Install the Repository version it installs numerous other files that generally doesn't work with the version in your Home folder. It is best to Never install the Repository version of BOINC in a Clean system and just install the version at CA into your Home folder. I'd copy your /var/lib/boinc-client folder to your home folder, then use the Package Manager to Remove Everything, Including the Config Files, that you installed relating to BOINC from the Repository. Then Install BOINC 7.8.3 into your HOME folder, place your old Projects folder into the New BOINC folder in your Home folder, and then move the other config files including client_state.xml into the New BOINC folder with the 7.8.3 executables. I'm not sure that will work, but you can try. It's best to install the versions of BOINC at CA into a New Clean install that has Never had the Repository version installed. The version of BOINC at CA is the same as the Berkeley "Install" meant to be run from your Home folder, The Berkeley Installer Once the BOINC folder is in your Home folder, to run the Manager just open the BOINC folder and double click on boincmgr.
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Message 1913596 - Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 21:15:30 UTC - in response to Message 1913417.  

It's best to install the versions of BOINC at CA into a New Clean install that has Never had the Repository version installed. The version of BOINC at CA is the same as the Berkeley "Install" meant to be run from your Home folder, The Berkeley Installer Once the BOINC folder is in your Home folder, to run the Manager just open the BOINC folder and double click on boincmgr.

Fortunately I use this LINUX computer only for BOINC, so I am able to install all from the beginning:

Just to make sure what you expect me to do:
1. Intsall Linux Lubuntu 17.10 with latest up-dates.
2. Install latest Nvidia Driver.
3. Downlaod this Zip File: Download CUDA 9.0 Special App Linux_zi3v-CUDA90_Special App
4. Copy the Zip File to the home folder and run it? By the way: Lubuntu did not recognize I think it might be libcudart8.0, as well as, might be libcufft8.0. I do have to edit this also in the app-config?
5. What shall I choose for the AMD 1700x and GTX1070? What runs fastest?
6. Once installed BOINC with SETI, attach all other BOINC Projects and install all necessary libraries to run the other Projects.
7. Copy all the app_config’s of the other projects to the corresponding folder.
Is this correct?
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Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1913607 - Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 21:39:13 UTC - in response to Message 1913596.  

The first step is to get the TBar version of BOINC installed. BOINC 7.8.3 for Linux

Make sure you follow the instructions about setting the execute bits for the apps and also to check for dependencies.

Don't know anything about Lubuntu. If it does not recognize the CUDA library names, you would have to make symbolic links I think.

Ryzen generally likes AVX codepaths but the recent tasks also respond well to the old SSE4.1 apps. There is also a newly compiled AVX2 app by TBar at Crunchers Anonymous.

All the older Linux apps are at the Lunatics website. Linux Seti@Home apps

It is up to you to determine which apps are fastest on your hardware.
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Message 1913624 - Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 22:43:42 UTC - in response to Message 1913596.  
Last modified: 17 Jan 2018, 22:46:34 UTC

It's best to install the versions of BOINC at CA into a New Clean install that has Never had the Repository version installed. The version of BOINC at CA is the same as the Berkeley "Install" meant to be run from your Home folder, The Berkeley Installer Once the BOINC folder is in your Home folder, to run the Manager just open the BOINC folder and double click on boincmgr.

Fortunately I use this LINUX computer only for BOINC, so I am able to install all from the beginning:

Just to make sure what you expect me to do:
1. Intsall Linux Lubuntu 17.10 with latest up-dates.
2. Install latest Nvidia Driver.
3. Downlaod this Zip File: Download CUDA 9.0 Special App Linux_zi3v-CUDA90_Special App
4. Copy the Zip File to the home folder and run it? By the way: Lubuntu did not recognize I think it might be libcudart8.0, as well as, might be libcufft8.0. I do have to edit this also in the app-config?
5. What shall I choose for the AMD 1700x and GTX1070? What runs fastest?
6. Once installed BOINC with SETI, attach all other BOINC Projects and install all necessary libraries to run the other Projects.
7. Copy all the app_config’s of the other projects to the corresponding folder.
Is this correct?

If you are going to do a new install, I'd suggest trying to save your existing Projects folder and client_state.xml. Once you get the new install running with your existing BOINC Projects then install the Special App. The Errors you are getting is what would happen if you tried to run boinc from the wrong folder, you shouldn't mix the Berkeley version of boinc with the files installed by the Repository. First, compress your existing boinc-client folder and place it in a safe location, maybe a USB stick. Then do the following;
1) Install the new OS
2) Run the Updates and then install the Repository GPU Driver.
I just happen to have an Updated version of Ubuntu 17.10 running and the installed Repository driver 384.111 is working well with the system and Special App.
3) Download the BOINC 7.8.3 package and expand it to your Home folder, BOINC 7.8.3 for Linux
4) Expand your old boinc-client folder to the Downloads folder, copy and paste the following files into the New BOINC folder in Home;
a) projects
b) cc_config.xml
c) client_state.xml - if you have active tasks in the client_state.xml it would be best to open it with gedit and remove all the <active_task> entries so you don't have any running tasks. The very bottom of the file would look as this when finished;

Then disable Ubuntu networking, and start BOINC Manager to see if everything is correct. It should replace the other files in the BOINC folder and list your existing projects. If everything looks correct, resume the networking and see if you are still getting errors. If everything Works, then try installing the Linux_zi3v-CUDA90_Special App package.
ID: 1913624 · Report as offensive
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Message 1913630 - Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 23:07:17 UTC - in response to Message 1912717.  

Well, I don't know what Petri's doing with that zi3xs4 version, but it sure doesn't look stable.

Workunit 2813410758 (blc05_2bit_guppi_57976_77315_HIP46417_0038.12216.818.21.44.188.vlar)
Task 6306343836 (S=0, A=0, P=30, T=0, G=0, BS=13.40984, BG=0, BP=23.54865) x41p_zi3xs4, Cuda 9.10 special
Task 6306343837 (S=2, A=2, P=5, T=2, G=0, BS=24.3649, BG=0, BP=12.14392) x41p_zi3v, Cuda 9.00 special

Workunit 2813410770 (blc05_2bit_guppi_57976_75329_HIP46343_0032.11400.818.21.44.192.vlar)
Task 6306343840 (S=0, A=0, P=30, T=0, G=0, BS=12.58375, BG=0, BP=2.555692) x41p_zi3xs4, Cuda 9.10 special
Task 6306343841 (S=21, A=0, P=5, T=0, G=0, BS=24.6841, BG=0, BP=9.582356) x41p_zi3v, Cuda 9.00 special

Workunit 2813438980 (blc05_2bit_guppi_57976_76984_HIP46432_0037.16675.409.21.44.90.vlar)
Task 6306402535 (S=0, A=0, P=30, T=0, G=0, BS=12.35322, BG=0, BP=3.181179) x41p_zi3xs4, Cuda 9.10 special
Task 6306402536 (S=0, A=0, P=8, T=1, G=0, BS=23.56962, BG=0, BP=0.9703487) x41p_zi3v, Cuda 8.00 special

He's coughing up 30-Pulse hairballs where my zi3v hosts are reporting normal-looking results. And, of the Pulses that are reported by my hosts, I don't see any correlation with his reported Pulses.

I hope someone has those wu's saved somewhere. They might reveal a bug in off line testing.
I tried the links and the wu is not available any more and the one in parentheses gives a ngnix error).
To overcome Heisenbergs:
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Profile Jeff Buck Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1913637 - Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 23:42:02 UTC - in response to Message 1913630.  

I hope someone has those wu's saved somewhere. They might reveal a bug in off line testing.
I tried the links and the wu is not available any more and the one in parentheses gives a ngnix error).
Here you go:

Always happy to help facilitate offline bug-hunting. :^)
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Message 1913640 - Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 23:47:12 UTC
Last modified: 17 Jan 2018, 23:51:18 UTC

@TBar: Just started to reinstall Lubuntu 17.10. I will also install latest Kernel before starting. Then I will follow your instructions. I will install BOINC 7.8.3 and attach to all my previous projects and run them over night to see if everythings works correct before I´ll try the CUDA90 app.
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Message 1913662 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 1:48:00 UTC - in response to Message 1913624.  

First, compress your existing boinc-client folder and place it in a safe location, maybe a USB stick.

I have not done this. I unzipped BOINC 7.8.3 for Linux to my home folder, but now when I press boincmgr nothing happens!
Do I have to install Repository BOINC first and attach again to all the projects? Just to get the a) projects, b) cc_config.xml, c) client_state.xml
to start with?
ID: 1913662 · Report as offensive
Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 1913676 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 3:20:32 UTC - in response to Message 1913662.  

Did you follow the instructions?

The Latest version of BOINC for Testing in Linux. You should check the Dependencies and Execute bits before running. This version should work in Ubuntu 12.04 and above by installing libwebkitgtk from the Package Manager, however, Mint users should probably use the repository version of BOINC .

This version has Fixed the BOINC Manager Tasks view problem that resulted in the view being focused on the bottom of the Tasks page, and Simple View works. If you have an existing BOINC folder in your Home folder expand the download to your Downloads folder, and Stop all boinc Apps. Open the download, Copy the files and Paste them into your existing BOINC folder in Home. Double click boincmgr to launch the Manager.

To expand the file in Linux you need to have 7zip installed, in the terminal;
To install 7zip run, sudo apt-get install p7zip
To install libwebkitgtk run, sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0

Check that the execute bits are set on boinc, boincmgr, boinccmd, boincscr and switcher on the Permissions tab. Did you check for dependencies?
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Message 1913682 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 5:48:51 UTC - in response to Message 1913662.  
Last modified: 18 Jan 2018, 6:08:03 UTC

First, compress your existing boinc-client folder and place it in a safe location, maybe a USB stick.

I have not done this. I unzipped BOINC 7.8.3 for Linux to my home folder, but now when I press boincmgr nothing happens!
Do I have to install Repository BOINC first and attach again to all the projects? Just to get the a) projects, b) cc_config.xml, c) client_state.xml
to start with?

The 2 main reasons an App will not launch is;
1) The Execute bit is not set on all the executables used
2) A Dependency is missing

The App will work if you set the execute bit and install the required dependency. If you install the Repository version of BOINC you will be back to square 1 and BOINC 7.8.3 will not work from the Home folder.
If you didn't save the existing boinc-client folder then all your existing configurations will be lost and you will have to start from scratch on all Projects. It's a great incentive to have a separate partition for just your Home folder so in the future you can install a new system on the system partition and keep your existing Home folder/partition with the BOINC folder and all your other files safe.
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Message 1913707 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 12:37:52 UTC

I just tried downloading and installing the image from here,
It worked without any trouble. Took about an hour to install it and have it up and running. The biggest trouble was figuring out how to get to the system folder, Go/Devices/File System will get you there. Apparently drag and drop to a Terminal window doesn't work, but that's not a biggie. I just installed the OS, the Updates, and the additional driver 384.111. Then went to CA and followed the instructions by running;
sudo apt-get install p7zip
sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0
After expanding the BOINC folder to Home, I Disconnected the networking and Double clicked boincmgr. It fired right up and asked to connect to a Project. No problems.
Since I didn't want yet another Host, I trashed the new BOINC folder and copied my old BOINC folder over from the Ubuntu 17.10 partition. I set Leafpad to open client_state.xml and deleted the active tasks so it would restart them from the beginning. Everything is working normally, it appears to be a "Lite" version of Mint with Ubuntu like windows. It's running on this Host and it was installed between 18 Jan 2018, 10:31:05 UTC and 18 Jan 2018, 11:37:06 UTC,
Just to make working in the System Folder easier I installed GKSU and Nautilus so I could install my xorg.conf from Ubuntu into etc/X11. It works fine and NVIDIA Settings now has the Fan control and OCing. Yet another Linux distro that works with BOINC 7.8.3 in the Home folder.
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Stephen "Heretic" Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1913711 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 12:51:53 UTC - in response to Message 1913662.  
Last modified: 18 Jan 2018, 12:56:34 UTC

First, compress your existing boinc-client folder and place it in a safe location, maybe a USB stick.

I have not done this. I unzipped BOINC 7.8.3 for Linux to my home folder, but now when I press boincmgr nothing happens!
Do I have to install Repository BOINC first and attach again to all the projects? Just to get the a) projects, b) cc_config.xml, c) client_state.xml
to start with?

. . Did you check the permissions on the file to make sure it is executable?

. . Too late again, it's all ben covered.


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Profile petri33
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Message 1913795 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 19:59:03 UTC - in response to Message 1913637.  
Last modified: 18 Jan 2018, 20:11:21 UTC

I hope someone has those wu's saved somewhere. They might reveal a bug in off line testing.
I tried the links and the wu is not available any more and the one in parentheses gives a ngnix error).
Here you go:

Always happy to help facilitate offline bug-hunting. :^)

Thank you "wery many" very much!
EDIT: Test Run started. I hope my machine can do the 'runs' without too much overspill :)

To overcome Heisenbergs:
"You can't always get what you want / but if you try sometimes you just might find / you get what you need." -- Rolling Stones
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Profile petri33
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Message 1913824 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 21:56:00 UTC - in response to Message 1913795.  
Last modified: 18 Jan 2018, 22:13:20 UTC

I hope someone has those wu's saved somewhere. They might reveal a bug in off line testing.
I tried the links and the wu is not available any more and the one in parentheses gives a ngnix error).
Here you go:

Always happy to help facilitate offline bug-hunting. :^)

Thank you "wery many" very much!
EDIT: Test Run started. I hope my machine can do the 'runs' without too much overspill :)


Hi Jeff (and others),

First wu done. My current development version spat out a good result. It was run simultaneously with other tasks so the run time (seconds) of both CPU and GPU versions does not reflect a real world run.

I'll go to sleep now and check the other two results tomorrow.

EDIT: one more ok.


Best scores written
Out file closed
Cuda free done
Cuda device reset done
Elapsed Time : ...................... 183 seconds
Speed compared to default : ......... 1743 %
Comparing results
Result      : Strongly similar,  Q= 99.76%

Done with 000_blc05_2bit_guppi_57976_75329_HIP46343_0032.11400.818.21.44.192.vlar.wu

Best scores written
Out file closed
Cuda free done
Cuda device reset done
Elapsed Time : ...................... 180 seconds
Speed compared to default : ......... 1739 %
Comparing results
Result      : Strongly similar,  Q= 99.62%

Done with 000_blc05_2bit_guppi_57976_76984_HIP46432_0037.16675.409.21.44.90.vlar.wu

To overcome Heisenbergs:
"You can't always get what you want / but if you try sometimes you just might find / you get what you need." -- Rolling Stones
ID: 1913824 · Report as offensive
Profile Jeff Buck Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1913829 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 22:27:10 UTC - in response to Message 1913824.  
Last modified: 18 Jan 2018, 22:32:48 UTC

That's very encouraging news. That particular bug was a new one that obviously didn't exist in zi3v, so it's good to hear that it's been squashed. I don't know if you looked at the individual reported signals for that WU but, in case it might be useful, here's what the zi3v Cuda 9.00 reported for that first one.

Pulse: peak=1.996181, time=45.9, period=3.165, d_freq=7367429608.67, score=1.039, chirp=39.863, fft_len=2k
Pulse: peak=2.723336, time=45.86, period=4.847, d_freq=7367428898.79, score=1.037, chirp=44.771, fft_len=1024 
Pulse: peak=5.816846, time=45.84, period=11.48, d_freq=7367435017.85, score=1.024, chirp=44.921, fft_len=512 
Spike: peak=24.17922, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.72, chirp=-47.133, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.39612, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.75, chirp=-47.338, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.55352, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.77, chirp=-47.542, fft_len=8k
Pulse: peak=9.582356, time=46.17, period=25.77, d_freq=7367433634.62, score=1.044, chirp=-47.542, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.10306, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.9, chirp=-47.673, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.64978, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.79, chirp=-47.746, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.06996, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.66, chirp=-47.821, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.6841, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.81, chirp=-47.951, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.30376, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.68, chirp=-48.026, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.65621, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.83, chirp=-48.155, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.47851, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.7, chirp=-48.23, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.68352, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.83, chirp=-48.361, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.59247, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.73, chirp=-48.434, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.57421, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.85, chirp=-48.565, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.6457, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.75, chirp=-48.639, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.40411, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.87, chirp=-48.77, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.63735, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.77, chirp=-48.843, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.17529, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.9, chirp=-48.974, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.53525, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.77, chirp=-49.049, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.44674, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.79, chirp=-49.253, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.29813, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.81, chirp=-49.457, fft_len=8k
Spike: peak=24.09077, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.83, chirp=-49.662, fft_len=8k
Pulse: peak=1.930647, time=45.9, period=3.232, d_freq=7367431788.23, score=1.003, chirp=-70.058, fft_len=2k

Best spike: peak=24.6841, time=20.4, d_freq=7367434859.81, chirp=-47.951, fft_len=8k
Best autocorr: peak=17.15316, time=40.09, delay=3.4191, d_freq=7367432119.01, chirp=11.946, fft_len=128k
Best gaussian: peak=0, mean=0, ChiSq=0, time=-2.124e+11, d_freq=0,
	score=-12, null_hyp=0, chirp=0, fft_len=0 
Best pulse: peak=9.582356, time=46.17, period=25.77, d_freq=7367433634.62, score=1.044, chirp=-47.542, fft_len=8k
Best triplet: peak=0, time=-2.124e+11, period=0, d_freq=0, chirp=0, fft_len=0 
Spike count:    21
Autocorr count: 0
Pulse count:    5
Triplet count:  0
Gaussian count: 0

That's the task that was awarded the canonical result when it validated against the v8.22 (opencl_ati5_nocal) windows_intelx86 tiebreaker.

If that detail is helpful, I should be able to supply it for the other two WUs, as well, though your "Strongly similar, Q= 99.76%" result probably indicates that you don't really need it.

EDIT: Okay, well here's the second one, anyway, this one from zi3v Cuda 8.00 which validated against v8.06 arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf and also was awarded the canonical result.
Pulse: peak=0.9703487, time=45.84, period=1.106, d_freq=7477586881.35, score=1.071, chirp=-8.7555, fft_len=512 
Triplet: peak=11.34332, time=57.8, period=24.85, d_freq=7477592726.71, chirp=-21.437, fft_len=512 
Pulse: peak=9.662902, time=45.99, period=27.38, d_freq=7477596337.82, score=1.023, chirp=-31.288, fft_len=4k
Pulse: peak=5.316748, time=45.99, period=12.17, d_freq=7477587075.59, score=1.004, chirp=-34.269, fft_len=4k
Pulse: peak=3.947454, time=45.84, period=8.663, d_freq=7477592545.33, score=1.031, chirp=54.348, fft_len=512 
Pulse: peak=7.959779, time=45.9, period=20.52, d_freq=7477590483.52, score=1.048, chirp=-66.124, fft_len=2k
Pulse: peak=5.490968, time=45.99, period=13.33, d_freq=7477597761.59, score=1.034, chirp=82.956, fft_len=4k
Pulse: peak=3.772126, time=45.86, period=8.198, d_freq=7477596805.94, score=1.009, chirp=-92.09, fft_len=1024 
Pulse: peak=4.049043, time=45.84, period=7.958, d_freq=7477596138.5, score=1.06, chirp=-94.505, fft_len=512 

Best spike: peak=23.56962, time=62.99, d_freq=7477590158.97, chirp=-6.9772, fft_len=128k
Best autocorr: peak=17.02896, time=51.54, delay=4.9579, d_freq=7477592869.41, chirp=7.7832, fft_len=128k
Best gaussian: peak=0, mean=0, ChiSq=0, time=-2.124e+11, d_freq=0,
	score=-12, null_hyp=0, chirp=0, fft_len=0 
Best pulse: peak=0.9703487, time=45.84, period=1.106, d_freq=7477586881.35, score=1.071, chirp=-8.7555, fft_len=512 
Best triplet: peak=11.34332, time=57.8, period=24.85, d_freq=7477592726.71, chirp=-21.437, fft_len=512 

Spike count:    0
Autocorr count: 0
Pulse count:    8
Triplet count:  1
Gaussian count: 0
ID: 1913829 · Report as offensive
Profile petri33
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Message 1913838 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 23:38:52 UTC

... and here is the third one. (also OK)

I'll look at the results you posted during the weekend.

Best scores written
Out file closed
Cuda free done
Cuda device reset done
Elapsed Time : ...................... 179 seconds
Speed compared to default : ......... 1728 %
Comparing results
Result      : Strongly similar,  Q= 99.95%

Done with 000_blc05_2bit_guppi_57976_77315_HIP46417_0038.12216.818.21.44.188.vlar.wu

To overcome Heisenbergs:
"You can't always get what you want / but if you try sometimes you just might find / you get what you need." -- Rolling Stones
ID: 1913838 · Report as offensive
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Message 1913955 - Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 7:51:53 UTC
Last modified: 19 Jan 2018, 8:11:51 UTC

Well, I'm still running the Lubuntu 17.10.1 system, it seems to be working well. I think I kinda like it better than Mint, but, that's not saying much ;-) The question came up about getting boinc to run at startup, something I really don't use. I started looking around and found where you manually add a startup app which resulted in an Error I remember seeing around here somewhere. For some reason if you add the boincmgr to the list, when it starts, it starts from your Home directory instead of your home/user/BOINC directory. This is bad, it ignores your BOINC files and creates new ones in your Home folder while saying it's not connected to a project and launching the add project window. It basically uses your Home folder as the data directory instead of the BOINC folder. Hmmmm... Fortunately it didn't cause any damage. After thinking about it, I decided to try the old run_manager script that comes with the older Berkeley installers. That actually works, and launches boincmgr from the BOINC folder on startup. So, anyone using this system that hasn't figured it out yet needs to make their own text file in home/user/BOINC and list that as the startup file. Just use Leafpad to create a new Empty file in your BOINC folder named run_manager and paste the following line in it;
cd "/home/user/BOINC" && exec ./boincmgr $@
Replace user with the name of your home folder, mine is cd "/home/tbar/BOINC" && exec ./boincmgr $@
Save the file and set the permissions to, Execute: Anyone
Then go to Preferences/Default applications for LXSession/Autostart and paste the path to the file in the box, mine is, /home/tbar/BOINC/run_manager and hit Add.
I haven't had any trouble with boinc starting before the driver is loaded, so, maybe it will work OK and find the GPUs every time. I did add another option to cc_config.xml just in case it might make a difference; <start_delay>5</start_delay>
It seems to be working...
ID: 1913955 · Report as offensive
rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 1913960 - Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 8:26:26 UTC

Setting a small (5-10) startup delay can be very useful as it allows the video drivers a chance to settle down before they get kicked by BOINC then SETI which can result in them throwing a wobbly.
Bob Smith
Member of Seti PIPPS (Pluto is a Planet Protest Society)
Somewhere in the (un)known Universe?
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